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Thread: Ι sent this to Square enix

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Ι sent this to Square enix

    Hi sorry to bother you and spend your time
    but i didn't knew where else to address my frustration .
    When SC appeared out was a rather unique game in his style for all those bored of Command and Conquer games or Age of Empire style games was an oasis.
    My brother who doesn't usually play Pc games got greatly interest in the game cause it had complexity and you had to put a lot of thinking on it. Only the dogfights in the game were a Complex thing.
    In S Commander 2 you gone more towards classic game like Command and Conquer Series or Dawn of War. I understand that is marketing reasons for that .

    But really between us this game is nt the classic Supreme Commander i played and play all these years......................

    Good sales i hope

  2. #2
    Soviet's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Ι sent this to Square enix

    Ummm... congrats?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Ι sent this to Square enix

    Well done I suppose

  4. #4
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Default Re: Ι sent this to Square enix

    Bravo sir.

    Check out the TWC D&D game!
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  5. #5
    cupoftea's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Ι sent this to Square enix

    Have a cookie..

  6. #6
    ♔Goodguy1066♔'s Avatar Praeses
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    A member of the Most Ancient, Puissant and Honourable Society of Silly Old Duffers
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    Both male and female walruses have tusks and have been observed using these overgrown teeth to help pull themselves out of the water.

    The mustached and long-tusked walrus is most often found near the Arctic Circle, lying on the ice with hundreds of companions. These marine mammals are extremely sociable, prone to loudly bellowing and snorting at one another, but are aggressive during mating season. With wrinkled brown and pink hides, walruses are distinguished by their long white tusks, grizzly whiskers, flat flipper, and bodies full of blubber.
    Walruses use their iconic long tusks for a variety of reasons, each of which makes their lives in the Arctic a bit easier. They use them to haul their enormous bodies out of frigid waters, thus their "tooth-walking" label, and to break breathing holes into ice from below. Their tusks, which are found on both males and females, can extend to about three feet (one meter), and are, in fact, large canine teeth, which grow throughout their lives. Male walruses, or bulls, also employ their tusks aggressively to maintain territory and, during mating season, to protect their harems of females, or cows.
    The walrus' other characteristic features are equally useful. As their favorite meals, particularly shellfish, are found near the dark ocean floor, walruses use their extremely sensitive whiskers, called mustacial vibrissae, as detection devices. Their blubbery bodies allow them to live comfortably in the Arctic region—walruses are capable of slowing their heartbeats in order to withstand the polar temperatures of the surrounding waters.
    The two subspecies of walrus are divided geographically. Atlantic walruses inhabit coastal areas from northeastern Canada to Greenland, while Pacific walruses inhabit the northern seas off Russia and Alaska, migrating seasonally from their southern range in the Bering Sea—where they are found on the pack ice in winter—to the Chukchi Sea. Female Pacific walruses give birth to calves during the spring migration north.
    Only Native Americans are currently allowed to hunt walruses, as the species' survival was threatened by past overhunting. Their tusks, oil, skin, and meat were so sought after in the 18th and 19th centuries that the walrus was hunted to extinction in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and around Sable Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia.

  7. #7
    Koelkastmagneet's Avatar Vicarius
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    Default Re: Ι sent this to Square enix

    You're doing it wrong.
    ☻ This is a random collection of symbols. He's tired of you abusing him.
    /▌\  Don't copy-paste this if you know what's good for you.
    / \

  8. #8
    YD23's Avatar Cторожевая Cобака.
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    Default Re: Ι sent this to Square enix

    Thanks for sharing.

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