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Thread: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

  1. #61
    ♔Charles the Bold♔'s Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Thanks for the advice. My main concern at the moment is paying for the hotel and plane ticket.

    Also, just found out that I'm going to a jazz club. Its either that or fork out another 100 quid for the ballet.

    On the subject of racism have any of you seen this:

  2. #62

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Quote Originally Posted by eran View Post
    off topic but... are there any forum members from russia?
    Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there are surprisingly few around here. Especially since Russians love to travel so much.

  3. #63
    tco's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Hey Guys, I am in Moscow for the year, does anybody know of any things of the beaten path that I need to see?

  4. #64

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    is it true you need to boil the water and take your own food to live on?

  5. #65
    tco's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Quote Originally Posted by Ojf View Post
    is it true you need to boil the water and take your own food to live on?

    Yea, you need to boil the water, but you can by food in the major cites at least.

  6. #66
    ♔Charles the Bold♔'s Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Quote Originally Posted by tco View Post
    Yea, you need to boil the water, but you can by food in the major cites at least.
    Do you really? Jeez it true what they say then...

  7. #67
    tco's Avatar Ducenarius
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Not really, Moscow is really nice, but I don't know about the rest of the country.

  8. #68
    Beregond's Avatar TWC boomer
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    so much exaggeration here, lol

    Russia is not that awful and dangerous. Sure you shouldn't wander some factory districts in the middle of the night, but that could be said of almost every city in the world

  9. #69

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Yea, you need to boil the water
    Quote Originally Posted by A.J.P. Taylor
    Peaceful agreement and government by consent are possible only on the basis of ideas common to all parties; and these ideas must spring from habit and from history. Once reason is introduced, every man, every class, every nation becomes a law unto itself; and the only right which reason understands is the right of the stronger. Reason formulates universal principles and is therefore intolerant: there can be only one rational society, one rational nation, ultimately one rational man. Decisions between rival reasons can be made only by force.

    Quote Originally Posted by H.L Spieghel
    Is het niet hogelijk te verwonderen, en een recht beklaaglijke zaak, Heren, dat alhoewel onze algemene Dietse taal een onvermengde, sierlijke en verstandelijke spraak is, die zich ook zo wijd als enige talen des werelds verspreidt, en die in haar bevang veel rijken, vorstendommen en landen bevat, welke dagelijks zeer veel kloeke en hooggeleerde verstanden uitleveren, dat ze nochtans zo zwakkelijk opgeholpen en zo weinig met geleerdheid verrijkt en versiert wordt, tot een jammerlijk hinder en nadeel des volks?
    Quote Originally Posted by Miel Cools
    Als ik oud ben wil ik zingen,
    Oud ben maar nog niet verrot.
    Zoals oude bomen zingen,
    Voor Jan Lul of voor hun god.
    Ook een oude boom wil reizen,
    Bij een bries of bij een storm.
    Zelfs al zit zijn kruin vol luizen,
    Zelfs al zit zijn voet vol worm.
    Als ik oud ben wil ik zingen.

    Cò am Fear am measg ant-sluaigh,
    A mhaireas buan gu bràth?
    Chan eil sinn uileadh ach air chuart,
    Mar dhìthein buaile fàs,
    Bheir siantannan na bliadhna sìos,
    'S nach tog a' ghrian an àird.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jörg Friedrich
    When do I stop being a justified warrior? When I've killed a million bad civilians? When I've killed three million bad civilians? According to a warsimulation by the Pentagon in 1953 the entire area of Russia would've been reduced to ruins with 60 million casualties. All bad Russians. 60 million bad guys. By how many million ''bad'' casualties do I stop being a knight of justice? Isn't that the question those knights must ask themselves? If there's no-one left, and I remain as the only just one,

    Then I'm God.
    Quote Originally Posted by Louis Napoleon III, Des Idees Napoleoniennes
    Governments have been established to aid society to overcome the obstacles which impede its march. Their forms have been varied according to the problems they have been called to cure, and according to character of the people they have ruled over. Their task never has been, and never will be easy, because the two contrary elements, of which our existence and the nature of society is composed, demand the employment of different means. In view of our divine essence, we need only liberty and work; in view of our mortal nature, we need for our direction a guide and a support. A government is not then, as a distinguished economist has said, a necessary ulcer; it is rather the beneficent motive power of all social organisation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfgang Held
    I walked into those baracks [of Buchenwald concentrationcamp], in which there were people on the three-layered bunkbeds. But only their eyes were alive. Emaciated, skinny figures, nothing more but skin and bones. One thinks that they are dead, because they did not move. Only the eyes. I started to cry. And then one of the prisoners came, stood by me for a while, put a hand on my shoulder and said to me, something that I will never forget: ''Tränen sind denn nicht genug, mein Junge,
    Tränen sind denn nicht genug.''

    Jajem ssoref is m'n korew
    E goochem mit e wenk, e nar mit e shtomp
    Wer niks is, hot kawsones

  10. #70

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Also, make sure to check the "Best before" before buying food. There were many cases of supermarkets trying to sell food which has already started rotting.
    Under the patronage of the honourable La♔De♔Da♔Brigadier Graham

  11. #71

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Quote Originally Posted by ♔Charles the Bold♔ View Post
    Thanks for the advice. My main concern at the moment is paying for the hotel and plane ticket.

    Also, just found out that I'm going to a jazz club. Its either that or fork out another 100 quid for the ballet.

    On the subject of racism have any of you seen this:
    That is just sickening, especially with that mention of the viral video at the end.

    I was almost sucked into that whole skinhead crap by a few guys around here. Then I pulled my head out of my ass and realized they are just a bunch of racist biggots that promote violence.

  12. #72
    Robertclive's Avatar Primicerius
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Why are these russians trying to be nazis when they fought a huge war with them that resulted in devastating casualties for the Russian.

  13. #73

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander of Jordan View Post
    Why are these russians trying to be nazis when they fought a huge war with them that resulted in devastating casualties for the Russian.
    It's not the neo-nazis that bewilder me, it's the justice system and government that tolerates them and works against their opponents.

  14. #74

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Quote Originally Posted by tco View Post
    Hey Guys, I am in Moscow for the year, does anybody know of any things of the beaten path that I need to see?
    If you're interested in history, I recommend visiting the old towns of the Golden Ring. THere are some beautiful churches, monasteries, fortresses etc.

    Also consider visiting Kazan, though it's further away.

  15. #75

    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    Alot of Russian is old towns and forest, but in the populated area's, well its fantastic for the most part, their is alot of history in Novgorod and Moscow.. with the Tsar's period and all. Its very interesting, it should be on wiki or something.

  16. #76
    MathiasOfAthens's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
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    Default Re: I'm going to Russia, what do I need to watch out for

    You have a greater chance of being pickpocketed in Paris or Rome, or Barcelona than running into a corrupt russian officer.

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