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Thread: Newfoundland: Great Place

  1. #1

    Default Newfoundland: Great Place

    I'm guessing at least few of you have heard of this oft-forgotten Canadian province. The purpose of this post is to try to convince a few of you to visit at least part of it. I think it will be worth your time.

    Before I begin let me state this is a travel diary of sorts and I am calling Newfoundland awesome based on my limited travel in the province. I have to use the internet to supplement the images because I don't have a scanner, and the images are all prints.

    Here we have Newfoundland:

    Some fun facts, thanks to the interwebs:
    • Newfoundland was once an independent country.
    • Some Vikings took a little trip there back in 1000.
    • Other things I'm too lazy to google.

    My visit occured in late July, 2000. My family and I had spent the better part of the previous week driving around New Brunswick and Nova Scotia (both incredible places in their own right) and then made the drive up to Cape Breton, in northern Nova Scotia. The national park there is incredibly beautiful. (Called Cape Breton Highlands National Park.)

    Map of Nova Scotia for reference

    We were only able to spend half a day in the park, as we had a ferry to catch in Sydney that night. We lost track of time as we watched the sunset and I recall my father flooring it on the highway as we raced to make the ferry--and we did, though we were the last car on there. Needless to say, it was a very tense car ride-- my mom was yelling, my grandmother was muttering nervously to herself (she always thinks my family is late), but I was just staring out the window, hoping to see a moose. The ferry itself, once we got settled, was suprisingly luxurious. I remember thinking it was like an airplane inside, as we watched Men In Black on the TVs. You can visit their website here.

    A few hours later, we docked at a town called Channel-Port aux Basques. My mother, who spent a few years in Paris, was constantly correcting us on the pronounciation of the name, as well as the pronounciation of our desitination--L'anse aux Meadows.

    The first night was spent in a small motel somewhere near the coast. We were tired and needed a break. I recall a conversation between the motel owner and my father as my dad mentioned our plans. The owner cautioned us on driving into dusk and night, for "Only the drunk and crazy drive at night." He explained that this was due to the high number of moose that cross the roads every night. Needless to say, I was pumped.

    We drove a short ways up the eastern coast of the island and decided to camp at Barachois Provincial Park. Our campsite was right next to a lake and I remember going on long hikes with my father as he pointed out plants to me. The weather was cool, and I had to wear jeans and a windbreaker. But I was stunned by the beauty. Of course, it couldn't compare to our next destination: Gros Morne National Park.

    You know a place is awesome when it's a World Heritage Site on top of being a national park. Here, have a 56k killer image.

    I really can't do this place justice with any amount of writing. It is breathtaking. There is a freshwater fjord, there's bogs, there's mountains, there's tons of ecological and geographical wonder--all this this park in the most inauspicious of locations. Here's a site I found that gives part of the park some justice.

    We spent two wonderful days here. I only saw two moose (I say only because of the experience on the next day), but the scenery was breathtaking. The weather warmed up a bit and the skies were mostly clear for these two days.

    My favorite place was here.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    My father met a crazy plant freak, and the two of them chatted for over an hour as I wandered around on the trail. I remember being so happy at the one moment--this place is a wonder of the world. Go there. Go now.

    With some reluctance we left, as we were going to L'anse aux Meadows tomorrow--site of the Viking settlement. We left early and put the pedal to the metal, as we had a lot of driving to do and more to see. We wanted to make it back to some town on the southeast side of the island by nightfall...or later. BUM BUM BUM

    As we drove north we were incredibly annoyed by traffic jams. The number of people was very puzzling--we hadn't seen many people earlier on the island, and then to be in a traffic jam on essentially a one-way highway was doubly puzzling. But then, the riddle was answered.

    It was the 1000 year anniversary of the Vikings founding their settlement, and the Canadian government was putting on some events.

    The environment changed as we drove north. The landscape was marked by short grass and stunted trees. It felt like were in the tundra. I couldn't any good pictures, but this will have to do. It was incredibly rugged there.

    We arrive at L'anse aux Meadows, finally, and were treated to a tour of the reconstructed settlement as well going on a reconstructed longboat.

    I was given a bunch of stickers and t-shirts from enthusastic presenters and my favorite--a flag the size of a large postcard. I still have it up in my room, wherever that might be.

    Despite the constant drizzles, cool wind, and grey skies, this place still left a wonderful impression on me. But the time to leave was nigh, and we had a long drive to do.

    Of course, we didn't make it far before dusk. We soon realized why the motel owner warned us... moose... everywhere. There was a car in front of us that kept on flashing its lights at us as we drove. For 15 minutes we couldn't figure out why on earth this guy kept on doing it, until we looked around... MOOSE! The long drive was made longer by the reduced speed and the moose-counting. I gave up somewhere after 50. These animals were everywhere and it made me realise the need for a sign we saw in Gros Morne.

    I acutally bought a magnet with that sign on it at the Gros Morne gift shop, but apparently moose accidents are a real conern. There was a sign that listed the number of accidents from hitting elk and moose on the highway... it was high, as I recall.

    I fell asleep sometime after this and we left Newfoundland early the next morning... I haven't had a chance to go back since.

    I hope you've enjoyed reading this little bit, even with my shoddy memory and lack of supporting photographs. If you're ever even near the area, it's worth the time and money to take a trip there. You won't regret it.

  2. #2
    Indefinitely Banned
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Calgary, Canada

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place

    Great tour Fuzz! +rep

    Never been to Newfie land, definitely should visit sometime.

  3. #3
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Jul 2007
    Philadephia, PA

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place

    Looks beautiful.

    I cannot wait until I get some money to travel.

    The northeast coast of North America is beautiful.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place

    It's really amazing, isn't it? It's funny--I always want to go overseas to travel but there's places that are just as beautiful as anywhere in the world in North America.

  5. #5
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Philadephia, PA

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place

    Ever been to central PA Fuzz?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place


    I went to Gettysburg, and we drove north.. didn't visit Phillie... so I'm assuming so.

    I'm looking at a map atm and I can't recall for the life of me where I went.

    Edit; we might have taken 81?

  7. #7
    Dayman's Avatar Romesick
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    Philadephia, PA

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place

    Philly (phillie? please!) is southeast philly and isn't know for its natural beauty.

    Central PA is where I go to school and it is absolutely gorgeous. Streams running underground, caves, Karst topography.

    The Pine Barrens in New Jersey are pretty nice too.

  8. #8
    Necrobrit's Avatar Urbanis Legio
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    Aug 2004
    United States

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place

    There used to be a cheap ferry going from boston to Newfoundland, rather wish I had taken advantage of it.

    The Imperial House Of The Wolf
    Son of WBK/Anagennese.
    The second generation of The Imperial Household: Sulla, Scrappy Jenks, eldaran, Oldgamer, Ecthelion, Kagemusha, Muizer, Battle Knight and Asterix
    Father of Zuwxiv, Borsook, PyrrhusIV, and Aristocrat formerly bestowing patronage upon Omnipotent-Q

  9. #9

    Default Re: Newfoundland: Great Place

    that's where i live. go me.

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