what do we do with gadaffi

  1. The excited one
    The excited one
    if the rebels took tripoli and take him out alive what should we do with him?
  2. Okmin
    Send him to the ICC, assuming the rebels don't detain him themselves.
  3. Hunyadi Mátyás
    Hunyadi Mátyás
    Bring him to the Hague
  4. Okmin
    'course we could always accidentally kill him due to a glitch in missile guidance systems
  5. Tia
    I agree with Mátyás. Bring him to The Hague and charge him with crimes against humanity.
  6. Babur
    When I saw this group, I knew I had to join .I run the "Supporters of the Arab Spring" group here on TWC
  7. RO Citizen
    RO Citizen
    What about burying him in the sea, like Bin Laden?
Results 1 to 7 of 7