Your favorite hotseat?

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  1. Desley
    Hello guys,

    Tell me, what is your favorite hotseat? This can be a hotseat your currently playing in, or one you ever have played in.

    Mine was the Americas Hotseat campaign.

    It was the first one I played here on TWcenter, and it was really great. I didnt got to conquer much regions because I was under constant attack.. But it really was fun.

    So tell me.. what is your favorite hotseat?
  2. Playeraka
    Age of creed, cause i killed Core
  3. goro
    early era 2 just because of the diplomacy stuff.too bad it was ruined
  4. Makrell
    rougemans britania hotseat
    to bad rougeman vanished
  5. Jiub
    Mini Italia, Hundread Years War, Mini Iberia and Retrofit. Because I finished them. I liked that a lot.

    Catholic 4 for and Izobs RKH from what I'm currently in.
  6. Vasilefs
    Retrofit hotseat,campaign lasted 94 turns over period of 10 months (and that is great result considering it was 10 players hotseat at the start).

    And I have to add from my own experience that all human campaigns are most interested due to level of diplomatic talks between players,it sucks but so huge campaigns have very small chance to be finished .
  7. Makrell
    i prefer 4-10 player campaings, anything more is to much. But i also prefer all human campaings so i generally only play mods
    retrofit was good to yes. Some of the most fun planning and constant winning ive ever done.
  8. tavix
    I loved Vasilefs SS 6.2 hotseat . I guess because it was my first one .
  9. IZob
    My hotseats but also C4, past teutonic, retrofit, britionnia and CCM hotseats.
  10. Tonno
    My favorite HS now....would be...probably Kings and Crowns...hope it will go till the end...

    And best HS ever: Britania skip a few, and SS6.4 skip a few...
  11. Oddsworm
    My first hotseat TheReichs Crusade, didnt finish, but great group of blokes to play with.

    Its the experience which really got me playing hotseats for the past 1-2 years. Although most of, what i personally refer to the 'old guard', are now gone.
  12. Mihajlo
    age of creed , tho I get my ass served on plate
  13. Stylix
    I would have to say 'Proving Grounds' because it is the only one I have played in so far.
  14. David93
    Crusades or new bloods
  15. Timur_the_Lame
    Po6 (too bad it ended when E_N left). The one with France/England/Norway/Portugal/Spain, not the ME one.

    Also, Retrofit, New Dawn (the current version ) currently.
  16. Archraze
    Stainless Steel 6.3 skip a few and Izobs Crusade, it has good players in them and I'm doing very well.
  17. Loose Cannon
    Loose Cannon
    Age of Creed has been the most fun-despite the movement bug trapping all my generals in whatever city they're in.
  18. Grislok
    Epic....because I won.
  19. Panic
    Favourites hotseat cuz I was doing damned well! Too bad that it has stopped
  20. goro
    favourites will continue.i send the message to see who is active.many of the players have gone usual
Results 1 to 20 of 26
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