Favourite Real Ales

  1. Stívarđr Reynitré
    Stívarđr Reynitré
    List them here...

    Catalogue of Real Ales Name:




  2. Stívarđr Reynitré
    Stívarđr Reynitré

    Described as...

    Superior dark, rich and warming strong ale with a cherry brandy like colour and character.
    Booming balance of ripe malt, and peppery hops combined with roasted nut and chocolate flavours with a smoky richness.

    I highly recommend this. Knocks your socks off at around 8% per bottle and it has VERY strong, rich taste that kicks you in the throat almost immediately - but by God it is sublime.

    Described as...

    Created in the mid-nineties, Riggwelter is our flagship Strong ale. We wanted a beer with real strength and depth so we developed a unique recipe built around rich espresso aromas, dark fruit and roasted malt flavours which lends itself perfectly to putting in a bottle.

    A real winner for me...can be a little bitter at times with those espresso tones in the background. But a very good tipple.

    I discovered this on a week long holiday with the family...suffice to say I only had one of these a night along with a swift whisky for a nightcap.

    Does what it says on the tin, but by God is it a beautiful tasting beer too.

    Caramel and toffee tones with an espresso-style bitter kick.

    But there is a silky, dark smokiness to this that just...oh God...I want one now.

    Some of the more expensive numbers...

    Ola Dubh Special Reserve 18 - Harviestoun

    1488 Whisky Ale

    Windswept Wolf

    Nothing more glorious than a steak, a peat fire and a dark ale...
  3. Stívarđr Reynitré
    Stívarđr Reynitré

    Hi. I am a big fan of American ales, which are pioneering right now, but I'm also familiar with the British "scene". It's cheaper for people in my country to import from the UK, after all, so there is a plethora of British ales in select pubs. My favorite brewery is a Scottish one, called "BrewDog", with their Imerial IPA, called "Hardcore IPA". Hobgoblin, by Wychwood Brewery, is also a favorite. I am also a big fan of traditional Scottish ales, such as Ebulum (elderberry ale from the 16th century) and Fraoch (heather ale). There's also the infamous "Skull Splitter" which is essentially caramel that gets me drunk.

    Here's a picture of a Hobgoblin in all its glory:
  4. m_1512
    Never tasted Ale. But heard tastes better than pisswater lager.
  5. Treize
    "Real" Ale is a British thing. If we want to include non-British beers, what would classify as "real"?
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