The Noble House of Covarrubias

  1. Cyrene

    Sultan Abdulrahman The Red

    Sultan of Egypt
    Sultan of Syria
    Savior of Jerusalem
    Hates Cretans


    Spoiler for Previous Rulers

    Sultan Ibrahim the Just

    The Spaniard
    Lord of Egypt
    Lord of Abyssinia
    Migrant King
    King of the Oppressed
    Founder of Hikmat Daniya
    Nation Builder
    Mosque Builder

    Church Builder
    Synagogue Builder
    Cat Lover

    " The Sultan Ibrahim may Allah have mercy upon him, Born in Granada, Al-Andalus , to the Native Spaniard house of Covarrubias, he was appointed as Grand Vizier by the Nasrid Sultan of his time, Ibrahim and his family fled Iberia after the Unsuccessful siege of Granada by the Aragonese, landing in tunis and from there to Egypt where the House of Covarrubias was welcomed by the Mamluks due to their Economical Experience, as the power of Ibrahim grew, he established many castles in his name, most notably the Castle of Belibies, where he resided, after Emir Ibrahim gained many supporters, he marched to neighbouring settlements and declared his independence from the Mamluks, which resulted in the long Mamluk-Covarrubian war, the latter triumphantly entered Cairo 10 years later, where Ibrahim was crowned as Sultan of Egypt by the Grand Mufti, Ibrahim is known for his important reforms as Sultan, The minorities favored him, he made peace treaties with the Powerful Cretans to save his realm, which was enough for him to start his own campaigns, he marched with his troops to expel the Nubian Kingdoms harassing his borders from the south, and went as far as Somalia, Ibrahim then turned his attention to his Navy, where he built 20 ships, and sent them to far away expeditions, conquering the island of Socotra and seizing the mercantile city of Muscat in Oman, he bacame more dependant on his Son, Abdulrahman "the Red" as he grew in age, sending him east where he conquered as far as Damascus, Ibrahim built 45 mosques, 30 churches and 10 synagogues, he died shortly after hearing that his troops under the command of his son managed to capture Jerusalem after a long siege of the Frankish troops there, he died proud and happy " {
    Ibn Abbas, History of the Covarrubian Sultans, Vol. 2, page no. 20, }


    سَلْطَنَةُ مِصْرَ الْغَرْنَاطِيَّه لِ آلْ كُفَارُّوْبِيَاسْ
    The Granadine Sultanate of Egypt of House Covarrubias

    Government Type: Despotic Monarchy
    Official Language(s): Arabic , Spanish, Coptic, Ge'ez ( Minority )
    Official Religion(s): Islam , Coptic Christianity, Ethiopian Christianity, Judaism ( Minority )
    Official Currency: Dinar
    Name of Capital: Dania
    National Anthem: Our Enemies Fart
    Faction Leader: Ibrahim Covarrubias
    Faction Color: (red: 206, blue: 0, green: 172)


    Spoiler for Faction Background

    as Muslim cities fall to the Reconquista, Many Andalusians flee to the North African Shores, Notably the Spainard House of Covarrubias from Granada, which settled in Tunis, but eventually immigrated to the Mamluk Dynasty in Egypt due to Portuguese Raids, the Covarrubias are known for their experience in Wealth and Trading, which easily led them to seize control of high positions in the Mamluk Government, with their Capital in Bilbeys, steadily but surely, the Covarrubias are determined to march towards Cairo to claim Egypt and exile the Mamluks once they are Powerful enough.


    Spoiler for Diplomacy

    Kingdom of Castile
    Protectorate of Decinyros
    Medium Khaganate of Turkestan
    Democratic Peoples Republic of Zolland
    Duchy of Yorkshire ( Kingdom of England )

    Trade Partners:

    Kingdom of Castile
    United States of Japan

    Eastern Roman Empire
    Protectorate of Decinyros
    Medium Khaganate of Turkestan
    Democratic Peoples Republic of Zolland
    Duchy of Yorkshire ( Kingdom of England )


    Spoiler for Edicts
    1-Economic Justice (Issued by Ibrahim Covarrubias) :

    "All are Equal in the Eyes of Allah, and Tax Collectors.."

    Equlization of the Taxes payed by Recognized Minority Religous Groups with the Taxes Payed by Muslims.

    in effect since Turn 16.


    2- Mamluks Granted Safety (Issued by Ibrahim Covarrubias) :

    "Kiss my Royal Ass and i'll let you live"

    Every Mamluk is granted full rights, in return, they pledge Allegiance to House Covarrubias.

    in effect since turn 24

    3- Ethiopian Edicts (Issued by Ibrahim Covarrubias) :

    "The Sultan Decrees"

    1- Ethiopian Miaphysite Christianity is Acknowledged by the Grand Sultanate, from this day, all Ethiopian Christians are granted full civil rights, in exchange for the Tax payed to the Sultanate, all Archbishops are invited to Dania to pledge Allegiance.

    2- Ge'ez is acknowledged as an Official Language, and will be taught as an optional subject in the University of Al-Azhar.

    in effect since turn 35


    4- Jerusalemite Edict ( Issued by Abdulrahman Covarrubias ) :

    " The Sultan's Words to Jerusalem "

    " Now that i conquered Jerusalem, I, Abdulrahman of Granada, the Servant of God, hereby decree that Peace shall be restored to the holy city, no man will be forcefully converted to any religion, every inhabitant is free to believe or disbelieve, Muslims, Chirstians, andJews shall practice their Religion freely, in exchange for their loyalty and a sum of Money taken every year, which is a proof of their loyalty, Builders from every corner of the sultanate have been sent to repair the City "

    in effect since turn 52


    Spoiler for Our Ambition

    Claims and Interests

    Important Figures

    Sultana Daniya

    Queen of Egypt
    Mother of the Believers
    Greek Speaker

    Muhyeddin Ibn Kathir

    Grand Mufti of Egypt

    Abune Entonis

    Head of all Archbishops

    Ibn Abbas

    Historian of the Sultan


  2. Spartan999
    We the Spanish would like to ask the mighty Sultan for trade ( though I get the feeling

    I am going to get rejected as I am Spanish )
  3. Cyrene
    i believe that won't harm anyone, we accept.
  4. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    Brushing the dust their robes, a Decinrian entourage winds their way through the knobbly streets of Dania to arrive at the Palace.

    'We request an audience with Sultan Ibrahim Covarrubius. I am Mesticles, representative for his Grace Therocus I of Decinryos.'
  5. Cyrene
    The Decinrians are escorted to a waiting room, they are offered Apricot Juice and Honey, and are told that the Grand Sultan is meeting with Turkestani Nobles at the moment, they are eventually escorted to the Grand Orthodox Church in the Palace.

    when the Sultan's meeting was over, the Decinrians were taken to a huge room with three Domes on the Top, "Welcome" the Sultan says, he goes back to his Throne then says : " How can we help you? "
  6. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    'We believe a trade and alliance agreement would be beneficial to both countries - we have access to south-east European natural resources, plus goods from our trade partners, while you, Sultan, has access to the ancient splendour of Egypt. I personally know of the desire my people have for the riches and unique products Egypt has to offer, and besides, tourism along the Nile will undoubtedly increase with such an agreement.'
  7. Cyrene
    as soon as the Decinrians finished what they had to say, The Grand Vizier, the Imams, Monks, Rabbis and Bishops present at the Meeting Hall were startled, they looked at the Ambassadors scoffingly and began murmuring, the Grand Sultan was no less surprised, after a short while of silence, he says: " well, this proposal cannot be answered with a yes or no" he orders the guards to open a door and says " follow me ", he looks at the Grand Vizier and says "come with us".
  8. Ciloron
    And Apsytun sent his favored messenger Ummanat to Egypt, and Ummanat went there and he came to the gates of the city of the Grand Sultan.

    And Ummanat spoke: "I bring word from Apsytun, my master, to the Grand Sultan, to request trade with the prospect of a friendship in the future."
  9. Cyrene
    Ummanat is escorted to the Palace, he is offered Apricot Juice and Honey, the Sultan hears what the messenger has to say, and he agrees to have trade with Apystun, the messenger is given many gifts along with our agreement.
  10. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    The ambassadors hastily return to the Sultan, and after the necessary procedures to gain an audience are granted, they present him with gifts, praise his and his people's good name and apologises for their Council's ignorance of the Egyptian ambassadors in the homeland.

    'We only desire a small portion of Arabia, to take advantage of the fleet we acquired in the area and gain control of the local trade and economy. We only wish to expand directly to the Persian Gulf and (OOC: the UAE).
  11. Cyrene
    You are welcome then, We propose that this formes the borders between our realms.

  12. ✠Ikaroqx✠
    'That is satisfactory, your Grace.'
  13. Everto
    A Delegation from the Polish Commonwealth Arrives with an Invitation to the Royal Court at Wilanów
  14. Everto
    The Commonwealth Accepts your offer of Trade
Results 1 to 14 of 14