The version 1.1 bug fix release is here:

(1) For the converter fixed the u texture coordinate bug for attachments.

(2) Fixed the back conversion bug for siege engines.

(3) Some mesh files had -1 for their secondary bone assignments and that
would crash the script. It now changes them to 0 (root bone assignment)
and gives them 0 weighting. Also, some troublesome meshes had names
over 32 characters long. These are now checked for and truncated so the
Milkshape format is satisfied.

(4) RTW to M2TW battle model converter is updated to deal with slightly
more units. Now instead of dying on a bad unit, it outputs as much valid
model data as it can. For those types of units this means you usually get a
body and a weapon, but maybe some missing shoulder pieces.

(5) Fixed a bug in the convertcastotxt function where horse animations
should have had a 0 byte and a float like 0 0.123 but instead got 00.123.
This prevented them from back converting to .cas.

(6) Forgot to account for the scaling of the horse skeletons in the game.
There is now a fourth dialog for the exportskeleton function where the
user can put in a scaling factor. For all units except horses, just accept
the default value of 1.0. For horse animations enter 1.12 which will scale
the skeleton down so the game can scale them back up.