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  1. #1


    Hello everyone, this thread is aimed at both sship team and sship players, I am compiling historical descriptions for the buildings and also for the sship units, to create a better immersion, improve the anachronistic and old vanilla descriptions and at the same time everyone We can learn a little more about medieval history through the mod.

    -If anyone wants to collaborate, they are always welcome so we can help the team with our grain of sand for the following versions.

    -In the future I also have new more historical and real stats based on the units, as well as my idea is to also describe as much as possible in the unit descriptions so that the player understands it well, for example one idea is "block" morale to mythical units and add historical attributes such as to the Varangian Guard adding "they terrify the enemy" and that they cannot flee, they fight to the last man as they did in real life to protect their emperor. This of course requires time and I hope for the approval of the sship team (Macaras, Belovese, kostic...) and the sship master and commander @Jurand so that it can be included in the following versions.

    -Without further ado, I will make a list of the texts so that later it will be easy to copy and paste them into the modders' files without having to modify files, they will only have to look for what they want to change and paste my work.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    {alcazar1_walls}Walls of Alcazar
    {alcazar1_walls_desc}These walls are the base of an entire fortification and will prepare the foundations of a future Alcazar. The main difference between a castle and an Alcazar is that the Alcazar has a small city or "medina" inside. Due to this defensive construction, more people will come to work on it and your trade will increase. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE:An Alcazar can be built in Iberia and Maghreb provinces by the three Iberic Catholic factions and by all Muslim factions. The Almoravids can build it everywhere. In the Alcazar building one may also recruit diplomats, and sometimes the maximum number of diplomats a faction can support is also increased.
    {alcazar1_walls_desc_short}Walls and foundations of Alcazar
    {alcazar2_alcazar_desc}The Spanish word Alcázar, from the Arabic "al qaçr", serves to define a fortified royal residence, it also serves to name old Muslim palaces (from the Caliphate or Taifa period) rebuilt by later Christian kings. The Alcazar used to be the fortified residence of great nobles, sultans and kings and their respective families, they were normally located in the upper part of the settlements to protect themselves and keep separation from the common people. This great military building has been very present throughout Iberia and North Africa in the Middle Ages, built by both Christians and Muslims, it serves to control the area to be governed as well as to impose law and security on the populations under its control. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE:An Alcazar can be built in Iberia and Maghreb provinces by the three Iberic Catholic factions and by all Muslim factions. The Almoravids can build it everywhere. In the Alcazar building one may also recruit diplomats, and sometimes the maximum number of diplomats a faction can support is also increased.
    {alcazar2_alcazar_desc_short}A fortified royal residence called Alcazar
    {alcazar3_granada_alhambra_gardens}Gardens of Alhambra
    {alcazar3_granada_alhambra_gardens_desc} The gardens of the Alhambra or "Generalife" as they were called, were the summer residence of the sultans of the Alhambra. Created in the Nasrid period, they are the best known and most important, largely due to their age and the degree of mastery achieved in the treatment of vegetation, water and the integration of the building, thus responding to the translation of the word garden, capable of recreating the Koranic paradise longed for on earth. Generalife is a villa with gardens where the Nasrid kings would rest. For the Nasrid Kingdom, a home could not be conceived without gardens or orchards. Here, there is an orchard, and a series of courtyards designed following the guidelines of Nasrid art. A large ditch, known as the "Acequia Real", is responsible for carrying water to the plants in the garden and, later, to the Alhambra. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Gardens of Alhambra enable coronation of the Aragonese and also Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar3_granada_alhambra_gardens_desc_short}The famous and spectaculars gardens of Alhambra
    {alcazar4_granada_alhambra_castle}Alcazar of Alhambra
    {alcazar4_granada_alhambra_castle_desc}The Alcazaba of the Alhambra in Granada was, of the entire monument complex, the oldest enclosure and therefore the first to be built. This enclosure, in addition to protecting the sultan, contained an entire miniature city to house the service to royalty and the sultan's guard.The Alhambra was built on the Sabika hill, one of the highest points in the city of Granada. This location sought a defensive strategic situation and at the same time represent a clear symbol, since the peak of power is very perceptible to the rest of the city, a location chosen to be contemplated. Its construction dates from the reign of Mohamed I, who ordered the construction of the main walls and the three towers: the Tower of the Candle, the Quebrada Tower and the Homage Tower. The sultan placed his residence there until the works were finished, already during the reign of his son and his successor, Mohamed II. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Alhambra enables coronation of the Aragonese and also Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar4_granada_alhambra_castle_desc_short}The great Alcazar of Alhambra
    {alcazar5_toledo}Alcazar of Toledo
    {alcazar5_toledo_desc}The foundations of Alcazar of Toledo were founded as a Roman "praetorium" palace from the 3rd century, where the Visigoths later used it as their royal residence after proclaiming Toledo as their capital. Later, with the Muslim invasion, it was rebuilt with the aim of becoming a building for the defense of the Alcazaba. Its name originates from this time. Finally, the Castilian kings Fernando III the Saint and Alfonso X the Wise completed the eastern façade and ordered the construction of the four square towers that form the four corners of the building. The privileged situation in which it was found gave it great military strategic value. From it you can observe and control everything that happens on the horizon, which the different peoples and cultures that settled in this great construction knew and used for their own benefit. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Toledo enables coronation of the Castilian, Aragonese and also Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar5_toledo_desc_short}The strategical Alcazar of Toledo
    {alcazar6_zaragoza_aljaferia}Palacio de la Aljafería
    {alcazar6_zaragoza_aljaferia_desc}Palacio de la Aljafería is a fortified medieval palace built in 11th century. The construction of the palace was ordered by Al-Muqtadir, ruler of the Taifa Saraqusta from the Hudid dynasty. The complex received the name of Qasr al-Surur (Palace of the Joy). After the reconquest of Zaragoza in 1118 by Alfonso I of Aragón, it became the residence of the Christian kings of the Kingdom of Aragón. It was used as a royal residence by Peter IV of Aragón (1319–1387) and, in 1492, it was converted into the palace of the Catholic Monarchs.\n\nThe style of ornamentation of the Aljafería, such as the use of mixtilinear arches and springers, the extension of arabesques over a large area, and the schematisation and progressive abstraction of the yeserias of a vegetal nature, strongly influenced Almoravid and Almohad art in the Iberian Peninsula. The shift in decoration towards more geometric motifs is at the basis of Nasrid art.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: Palacio de la Aljafería enables coronation of the Aragonese and also Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar6_zaragoza_aljaferia_desc_short}Palacio de la Aljafería is a splending palace in Zaragoza.
    {alcazar7_lisbon}Alcazar of Lisbon
    {alcazar7_lisbon_desc}The first built fortifications date from the 1st century BC. C by the Romans, the Alcazar stands in a dominant position on the highest hill in Lisbon. Later, this Alcazar, reformed by the Muslims after the Berber invasion of Iberia, is known as the Castle of Saint George (in Portuguese: Castelo de São Jorge) by the Christian kingdoms, specifically by the Portuguese. Member of the domains of the taifa of Badajoz, at the dawn of the 12th century, before the threat represented by the forces of Yusuf ibn Tasufin, who originated from North Africa, had crossed over to the peninsula with the objective of the conquest and reunification of Almoravid domains, the ruler of Badajoz, Mutawaquil, handed it over, in the spring of 1093, to King Alfonso VI of León, aiming at a defensive alliance, which was not sustained. It continually changed hands until its final possession by Portuguese forces and European Crusaders led by Alfonso I of Portugal in the year 1147. As a token of gratitude, the castle, now Christian, was placed under the invocation of the martyr Saint George, whom many Crusaders professed devotion. Starting in the 13th century, when Lisbon became the capital of the kingdom (1255), the castle houses the Royal Palace. In its functions as the Royal Palace, it was the reception palace of Vasco de Gama, after discovering the sea route to India at the end of the 15th century. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Lisbon enables coronation of the Portuguese and also Almoravidian ruler.
    {alcazar7_lisbon_desc_short}Alcazar of Lisbon is a fortification called Castelo de São Jorge
    {alcazar8_fes}Alcazar of Fes
    {alcazar8_fes_desc} In 1069, the Almoravid emir Yusuf ibn Tashfin ordered the demolition of the old walls and the construction of a new wall around both cities (Fes el-Bali and Fes el-Jdid), thus unifying them for the first time. Although the Almoravids established their capital in Marrakech, Fez was one of their most important cities. They built a fortified kasbah (citadel) at the eastern end of the city. In 1145 the Almohad leader Abd al-Mu'min besieged and conquered the city during the Almohad overthrow of the Almoravids. Due to the fierce resistance they encountered from the local population, the Almohads demolished the city's fortifications. Finally, after the overthrow of the Almohads by the Merinids, the Merinid sultan Abu Yusuf Ya'qub decided, in 1276, to build an entirely new royal city to the west of the old city, on higher ground overlooking it. part of it became known as Fes el-Jdid ("New Fes") and included the royal palace of the sultans (Dar al-Makhzen), the state administrative quarters, and the army headquarters, all brought together in its Alcazar. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Fes enables coronation of the Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar8_fes_desc_short}Alcazar of Fes is it is a reconstructed walled area where the sultan and his family live.
    {alcazar9_tunis}Alcazar of Tunis
    {alcazar9_tunis_desc} After the break with the Fatimid government, the Zirids began their Berber emancipation and began to build numerous fortifications to defend themselves against the continuous foreign invasions that continually threatened them as Normans from Sicily, Pisans, Genoese and their former owners the Fatimids, for this reason and as All Muslim fortifications were built the Alcazar de Tunez, to control this unstable region as well as house a fortified palace for royalty. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Tunis enables coronation of the Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar9_tunis_desc_short}The walled Alcazar of Tunis

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    ------------------------------------------------------------- PALAZZO ----------------------------------------------------

    {palazzo_1}Palazzo Piano Terra
    {palazzo_1_desc}This is the first step for the construction of an imposing Italian palace, the construction of the pillars and ground floor of the building.\n\nPalazzo, in Italian, derives from the place name corresponding to the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus) and were originally monumental buildings built by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families.Throughout the Middle Ages, countless "palazzi" (plural of "palazzo") were raised in each of the Italian city-states as a result of emulation between them, and of the one that was reproduced inside each one between the different aristocratic families.When local Italian aristocracy got richer and more powerful, they started building their own palaces. Depending on the available financial resources, the construction could be slower or faster. Sometimes it was spread over decades.Until the 14th century, the defensive character of the buildings was predominant, giving the palace a castellated appearance, in which the towers stood out visually as an identifying element.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of 13th century), they will provide more benefits and the possibility of recruiting a diplomat from the fifth level of construction. It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). Cities of Venice and Milan have their own top levels, while the other cities use the generic pic of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_1_desc_short}This is the first stage of construction of a palace.
    {palazzo_2}Palazzo Primo Piano
    {palazzo_2_desc}This is the second step for the construction of an imposing Italian palace, the construction continues taking more altitude to finish on the first floor of the building.\n\nPalazzo, in Italian, derives from the place name corresponding to the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus) and were originally monumental buildings built by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families. Throughout the Middle Ages, countless "palazzi" (plural of "palazzo") were raised in each of the Italian city-states as a result of emulation between them, and of the one that was reproduced inside each one between the different aristocratic families. When local Italian aristocracy got richer and more powerful, they started building their own palaces. Depending on the available financial resources, the construction could be slower or faster. Sometimes it was spread over decades. Until the 14th century, the defensive character of the buildings was predominant, giving the palace a castellated appearance, in which the towers stood out visually as an identifying element.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century), they will provide more benefits and the possibility of recruiting a diplomat from the fifth level of construction. It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). Cities of Venice and Milan have their own top levels, while the other cities use the generic pic of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_2_desc_short}The second stage of construction of a palace with its first floor built.
    {palazzo_3}Palazzo Secondo Piano
    {palazzo_3_desc}This is the third step for the construction of an imposing Italian palace, more money has been invested and the second floor has been built expanding its greatness.\n\nPalazzo, in Italian, derives from the place name corresponding to the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus) and were originally monumental buildings built by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families. Throughout the Middle Ages, countless "palazzi" (plural of "palazzo") were raised in each of the Italian city-states as a result of emulation between them, and of the one that was reproduced inside each one between the different aristocratic families. When local Italian aristocracy got richer and more powerful, they started building their own palaces. Depending on the available financial resources, the construction could be slower or faster. Sometimes it was spread over decades. Until the 14th century, the defensive character of the buildings was predominant, giving the palace a castellated appearance, in which the towers stood out visually as an identifying element.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century), they will provide more benefits and the possibility of recruiting a diplomat from the fifth level of construction. It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). Cities of Venice and Milan have their own top levels, while the other cities use the generic pic of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_3_desc_short}The third stage of construction of a palace increasing its altitude.
    {palazzo_4_desc}This is the last step for the construction of an imposing Italian palace, along with the construction of the fortified roof and the battlements, in addition to the last extensions and touch-ups in the building an Italian Palazzo has been completed! But surely these ambitious aristocrats will want to expand their opulent fortified palaces even more....\n\nPalazzo, in Italian, derives from the place name corresponding to the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus) and were originally monumental buildings built by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families. Throughout the Middle Ages, countless "palazzi" (plural of "palazzo") were raised in each of the Italian city-states as a result of emulation between them, and of the one that was reproduced inside each one between the different aristocratic families. When local Italian aristocracy got richer and more powerful, they built their palaces inside the cities. At times, these were used also by the communal authorities. Until the 14th century, the defensive character of the buildings was predominant, giving the palace a castellated appearance, in which the towers stood out visually as an identifying element.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE : This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century), they will provide more benefits and the possibility of recruiting a diplomat from the fifth level of construction. It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). Cities of Venice and Milan have their own top levels, while the other cities use the generic pic of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_4_desc_short}A magnificent Italian Palazzo built by the richest aristocrats.

    {palazzo_5}Palazzo Ducale
    {palazzo_5_desc}When local Italian aristocracy got richer and more powerful, they constructed their palaces inside the cities. At times, these were used also by the communal authorities. \n\nFor instance, in Genoa the construction of the Doge's Palace began at the end of the 13th century, when Genoa was gradually consolidating its military and economic power in the Mediterranean. Until 1291 the highest officials and other representatives of the Municipality did not have their own headquarters but were housed in the Archbishop's Palace, or in nearby private homes belonging to the Doria and Fieschi families. In 1291 the "Capitani del popolo" Corrado Doria and Oberto Spinola bought the buildings owned by the Doria family. After a merger with nearby buildings, the palace had taken the name of "ducale" with the appointment in 1339 of the first Genoese doge Simone Boccanegra.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century). It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). With the Palazzo Ducale enable now ,and in the following levels, recruit a diplomat.
    {palazzo_5_desc_short}A splendid Palazzo Ducale

    {palazzo_6}Pałaso Dogal
    {palazzo_6_desc}In 810, Doge Agnello Participazio moved the seat of government from the island of Malamocco to the area of the present-day Rialto, when it was decided a palatium duci (Latin for "ducal palace") should be built. The palace was partially destroyed in the 10th century by a fire and the reconstruction works were undertaken at the behest of Doge Sebastiano Ziani (1172–1178). The new palace was built out of fortresses, one façade to the Piazzetta, the other overlooking the St. Mark's Basin.The palace was the residence of the Doge of Venice, the supreme authority of the ancient Republic of Venice. It was built in 1340 and enlarged and modified in the following centuries.In the 9th century a castle was built that quickly became too small to accommodate government magistrates. At the end of the 12th century it was almost completely transformed, from a castle to a palace. For more than a hundred years, from 1340 to 1463, it was expanded again. Later, the fires forced further renovations that ended with a late Renaissance style interior. Architecturally speaking, most of the palace is Gothic and Renaissance in style.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century). It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). This Palazzo Reale enable recruiting a diplomat in addition to providing more law for public order, population growth and increase tradeable goods in exchange for economically maintaining its structure and service.
    {palazzo_6_desc_short}The residence of the Doge of Venice

    {palazzo_7}Grande Pałaso Dogal
    {palazzo_7_desc}In 810, Doge Agnello Participazio moved the seat of government from the island of Malamocco to the area of the present-day Rialto, when it was decided a palatium duci (Latin for "ducal palace") should be built. The palace was partially destroyed in the 10th century by a fire and the reconstruction works were undertaken at the behest of Doge Sebastiano Ziani (1172–1178). The new palace was built out of fortresses, one façade to the Piazzetta, the other overlooking the St. Mark's Basin. Although only few traces remain of that palace, some Byzantine-Venetian architecture characteristics can still be seen at the ground floor, with the wall base in Istrian stone and some herring-bone pattern brick paving. Political changes in the mid-13th century led to the need to re-think the palace's structure due to the considerable increase in the number of the Great Council's members. The new Gothic palace's constructions started around 1340, focusing mostly on the side of the building facing the lagoon. Only in 1424 did Doge Francesco Foscari decide to extend the rebuilding works to the wing overlooking the Piazzetta, serving as law-courts, and with a ground floor arcade on the outside, open first-floor loggias running along the façade, and the internal courtyard side of the wing, completed with the construction of the Porta della Carta (1442).\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century). It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). This unique Palazzo enables recruiting a diplomat in addition to providing law for public order, population growth and increase tradeable goods in exchange for economically maintaining its structure and service.
    {palazzo_7_desc_short}The extended residence of the Doge of Venice

    {palazzo_8}Palazzo Reale
    {palazzo_8_desc}When local Italian aristocracy got richer and more powerful, they constructed their palaces inside the cities. At times, these were used also by the communal authorities.This "Palazzo Reale", the final work of the great wealthy families of Italian aristocrats in your settlement, imitates the quintessential Italian palazzo, the famous "Palazzo Vecchio" which means "old palace" in the wealthy city of Florence.\n\nAt the end of the 13th century, the city of Florence decided to build a building to provide magistrates or priors with effective protection in those turbulent times and at the same time celebrate the importance of their government. This first construction was entrusted to Arnolfo di Cambio, builder of the Duomo of Florence and the Basilica of Santa Croce, beginning to build it in 1299. The palace, at that time called the Palace of the Priors, was built on the structures of other palaces : the Palazzo dei Fanti and the Palazzo dell'essecuttore di Giustizia belonging to the Ghibelline family of the Uberti. Arnolfo incorporated the old Torre della Vaca, using it as the lower part of the current tower. This is the reason why, taking advantage of this previous structure, the rectangular tower is not the center of the building. After Arnolfo's death in 1302, the works were completed by other masters in 1314. In this first construction, the arcades of the ancient Roman theater were used as prisons.
    On March 26, 1302 (beginning of the year according to the Florentine calendar) the Palace will become the seat of the Signoria (lordship) and the seat of the city council presided over by the priors and by the confalonier of justice, a figure halfway between a mayor and a head of government but with a very short mandate. The first construction phase will be completed in 1315.
    The current palace is the result of other constructions and successive extensions completed between the 13th and 16th centuries. The Duke of Athens Walter VI of Brienne initiated the first modifications in the period (1342-1343), enlarging it on via della Ninna and giving it the appearance of a fortress. Other important modifications were made in the period 1440-1460 under the orders of Cosimo "the Elder" with the introduction of Renaissance decoration in the Hall of the Two Hundred and the Patio del Michelozzo. However, the first Hall of the Five Hundred was built in 1494 during the Republic of Savonarola. Between 1540 and 1565 it was the residence of Duke Cosimo I de' Medici.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century). It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). With the Palazzo Reale enable now recruit a diplomat and more law, population growth and tradeable goods due to its imposition and transmission of law and order in this settlement by the wealthiest aristocratic families.
    {palazzo_8_desc_short}An imposing and majestic Palazzo Reale

    {palazzo_9}Castello Sforzesco
    {palazzo_9_desc}The original construction of the palace was ordered by Galeazzo II Visconti, a local nobleman, in second part of 14th century (1358–1370). This castle was known as the Castello di Porta Giova (or Porta Zubia), from the name of a gate in walls located nearby. It was built in the same area of the ancient Roman fortification of Castrum Portae Jovis, which served as castra pretoria when the city was the capital of the Roman Empire. It was enlarged by Galeazzo's successors, Gian Galeazzo, Giovanni Maria and Filippo Maria Visconti, until it became a square-plan castle with 200 m-long sides, four towers at the corners and up to 7-metre-thick (23 ft) walls. The castle was the main residence in the city of its Visconti lords, and was destroyed by the short-lived Golden Ambrosian Republic which ousted them in 1447.\nIn 1450, Francesco Sforza, once he had shattered the republicans, began reconstruction of the castle to turn it into his princely residence. In 1452 he hired the sculptor and architect Filarete to design and decorate the central tower, which is still known as the Torre del Filarete. After Francesco's death, the construction was continued by his son Galeazzo Maria, under the architect Benedetto Ferrini. The decoration was executed by local painters. In 1476, during the regency of Bona of Savoy, the tower bearing her name was built.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is available only in Italy, buildable only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. The higher levels are unlocked after Dante is born (it is a historical event at the end of the 13th century). It is incompatible with the Norman Stronghold (ie only either can exist in one province). This unique Palazzo enables recruiting a diplomat in addition to providing law for public order, population growth and increase tradeable goods in exchange for economically maintaining its structure and service.
    {palazzo_9_desc_short}The fortified residence of the most famous and wealthy aristocratic families of Milan


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    {Varangian_Guard_descr_short}The famous and imperial Varangian guard, armed with their great "danish" heavy 2 handed axes
    {Varangian_Guard_descr}Type: Elite Guard. Morale 10.\n\n The Varangian Guard (Greek: Τάγμα τ?ν Βαραγγ?ν, Tagma ton Varangon) was an elite unit of the Byzantine Army from the tenth to the fourteenth century. They are known for their win over the pechenegs during the komnenian era, as well as their last stand during the fall of constantinople to the latins on 1204. The members served as personal bodyguards to the Byzantine Emperors. The Varangian Guard was known for being primarily composed of recruits from northern Europe, including Norsemen from Scandinavia and Anglo-Saxons from England. The recruitment of distant foreigners from outside Byzantium to serve as the emperor's personal guard was pursued as a deliberate policy, as they lacked local political loyalties and could be counted upon to suppress revolts by disloyal Byzantine factions./n/nThe Rus' provided the earliest members of the Varangian Guard. They were in Byzantine service from as early as 874. The Guard was first formally constituted under Emperor Basil II in 988, following the Christianization of Kievan Rus' by Vladimir I of Kiev. Vladimir, who had recently usurped power in Kiev with an army of Varangian warriors, sent 6,000 men to Basil as part of a military assistance agreement. Basil's distrust of the native Byzantine guardsmen, whose loyalties often shifted, with fatal consequences, as well as the proven loyalty of the Varangians, many of whom had previously served in Byzantium, led the Emperor to employ them as his personal guardsmen./nImmigrants from Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Sweden kept a predominantly Norse cast to the organization until the late 11th century. According to the late Swedish historian Alf Henrikson in his book Svensk Historia (History of Sweden), the Scandinavian Varangian guardsmen were recognized by long hair, a red ruby set in the left ear and ornamented dragons sewn on their chainmail shirts. In these years, Swedish men left to enlist in the Byzantine Varangian Guard in such numbers that a medieval Swedish law, Vastgotalagen, from Vastergotland declared no one could inherit while staying in "Greece"—the then Scandinavian term for the Byzantine Empire—to stop the emigration, especially as two other European courts simultaneously also recruited Scandinavians:Kievan Rus' c. 980–1060 and London 1018–1066 (the ?ingali?)./nComposed primarily of Norsemen and Rus for the first 100 years, the Guard began to see increased numbers of Anglo-Saxons after the Norman conquest of England. By the time of the Emperor Alexios Komnenos in the late 11th century, the Varangian Guard was largely recruited from Anglo-Saxons and "others who had suffered at the hands of the Vikings and their cousins the Normans".[This quote needs a citation] The Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic peoples shared with the Vikings a tradition of faithful (to death if necessary) oath-bound service, and the Norman invasion of England resulted in many fighting men who had lost their lands and former masters and were looking for positions elsewhere./nThe Varangian Guard not only provided security for the Byzantine emperors, but also participated in many wars, often playing a decisive role, since they were usually deployed at critical moments of a battle. By the late 13th century, Varangians were mostly ethnically assimilated by the Byzantine Greeks, though the Guard remained in existence until at least mid-14th century. In 1400, there were still some people identifying themselves as "Varangians" in Constantinople.
    {Varangian_Guard}Tagmata Anglovarangoi Guard

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    {English_Huscarls_descr_short}Formidable households warriors armed with two-handed axes and protected by mail armour.
    {English_Huscarls_descr}Type: Superior Mercenaries. Morale 9.\n\n These Axe-wielding mercenaries were an elite body of the formerly Anglosaxon armies who reigned before the Norman Conquest by William I the Conqueror.
    The surviving Huscarls at the Battle of Hasting saw with dismay how their way of life had come to a sad end after the death of their King Harold in battle; Following William I's subsequent conquest of all of England years later, he made them understand and understand that there would be no way they could get their jobs back as a Guard to a later Anglo-Saxon king.
    Therefore, many of them had no choice but to go into exile; Many went to the places where they left: ancient countries like Norway or Denmark to try their luck among their equals, or to be hired as mercenaries in the different royal or noble houses of Europe.
    There was a service that enjoyed some popularity among exiled Saxons for many years; the "Varangian Guard".
    It used to be nourished by Russians of Viking origin established in Russia for about 300 years.
    But not only Russians, but also other soldiers of Nordic or Scandinavian origin had found a place in their ranks, so the Saxons, many of them with a significant Nordic component, (especially in the north of England) decided to emigrate to the capital. of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, in search of a better future, and among them, many former Huscarls emigrated with the Saxon nobility. Moreover, over the years, the Norse component in the Byzantine Emperor's Varangian Guard began to descend, occupying instead the Anglo-Saxon component.
    \n\n Such was the emigration that the Varangian Guard came to be nicknamed "the English Guard". In the rest of the Scandinavian countries where the Huscarl Corps continued to be present, they continued to carry out their role with extreme rigor and honor among their ranks; but little else is known about them.
    \n\n These banished mercenaries armed with a two-handed axe, mail, kite shield and helmet present stiff opposition to all who would face the lords who host them and pay them for their services.
    {English_Huscarls}Anglosaxon Huscarls


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    {alan_druzhina_aldarov_descr_short}Rude and powerful cavalry of Alan horse archers.These steppe mounted archers are protected by heavy armor and are armed with bow, sabre and round shield.{alan_druzhina_aldarov_descr}Type: Steppe Mercenaries.\n\nThe Alans first appear in Roman writings in the 1st century and were later described as a warlike people specializing in horse breeding. In the 4th and 5th centuries the Alans were partly Christianized by Byzantine missionaries of the Arian church.
    The Alan kings frequently allied themselves with the Byzantines and with various Georgian rulers seeking protection against raids by steppe peoples such as the Pechenegs and Cumans (Polovtsians).
    In the 13th century, the newly arrived Mongols invaded the area and pushed the Eastern Alans much further south into the Caucasus, where they mixed with the natives and successively formed territorial entities with very different developments. In approximately 1395, Tamerlane's army invaded the North Caucasus and massacred the majority of the Alan population.\n\n They are tough riders, acclimatized to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region and some parts of Anatolia. Having fought against the Eastern Roman Empire and other steppe tribes previously numerous times, they are now ironically highly valued as mercenaries among their former enemies.\n These steppe warriors are hard men in harder armor, with their composite bow and saber, see a lot of action on the field of battle and are very used to shoot their arrows so that the enemies do not reach them.

    {alan_druzhina_aldarov}Alans Horse Archers

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    {alan_aldary_descr_short}Rude and powerful cavalry of Alan lancers{alan_aldary_descr}Type: Steppe Mercenaries.\n\nThe Alans first appear in Roman writings in the 1st century and were later described as a warlike people specializing in horse breeding. In the 4th and 5th centuries the Alans were partly Christianized by Byzantine missionaries of the Arian church.
    The Alan kings frequently allied themselves with the Byzantines and with various Georgian rulers seeking protection against raids by steppe peoples such as the Pechenegs and Cumans (Polovtsians).
    In the 13th century, the newly arrived Mongols invaded the area and pushed the Eastern Alans much further south into the Caucasus, where they mixed with the natives and successively formed territorial entities with very different developments. In approximately 1395, Tamerlane's army invaded the North Caucasus and massacred the majority of the Alan population.\n\n They are tough riders, acclimatized to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region and some parts of Anatolia. Having fought against the Eastern Roman Empire and other steppe tribes previously numerous times, they are now ironically highly valued as mercenaries among their former enemies. \nThese noble Alans (Alani) form an excellent cavalery unit that combines a spear charge with high manueverability. They are armored in light armor, shield and helmet. With deft handling of their spears, these horsemen make an unstopable chase unit.
    {alan_aldary}Alans Lancers


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    {Berdiche_Axemen_descr_short}These men are professional and heavy troops at the service of the Kniaz who have excellent armor and weapons which use the feared "Berdiche", a type of axe typical of the regions of Rus.{Berdiche_Axemen_descr}Type: Professional Axemen.\n\nThe "berdiche" is a weapon that is a mixture of an ax and a horned weapon, which is characterized by having a blade similar to that of a war ax or glaive that, instead of being horned at the end of the shaft, is held by two points to it, leaving enough space to grab it behind the blade as a guard. It was especially a very effective infantry combat weapon for attacking warriors' horses; and its point at the end of the ax blade allowed it to pierce the knights' armor. This peculiar horned "axe" was typical of Eastern Europe and, above all, of Russia.\n\nWielding the mighty 'berdiche' these heavy axemen strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, just before striking into the hearts of their enemies! Berdiche Axemen are professional troops who receive plenty of training to wield their fearsome two-handed axes and are appropriately armored with armor from mail up to heavy brigandine. The princes and noble boyars of Rus used these men as shock troops softening up enemy formations.
    {Berdiche_Axemen}Berdichniki Heavy Axemen


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    {Chude_Militia_descr_short}These men from Chuds tribes are armed with short spears, axes and small shields with light armour.{Chude_Militia_descr}Type: Tribesmen Militia.\n\nThe Chuds or Chude, according to the commentary of the monk Nestor in the First Russian Chronicle, were the Ests or Estonians. According to Nestor, in 1030 Yaroslav I the Wise invaded the county of Chuds, where he founded Yuriev, (the Russian historical name for Tartu, Estonia). According to the ancient East Slavic chronicles, the Chuds were one of the founders of Kievan Rus'. The Nestor Chronicle describes the Chuds as the co-founders of Kievan Rus', in addition to the Slavs and the Vikings. In other ancient East Slavic chronicles, the term "Chuds" refers to various Finnish tribes and in particular to proto-Estonian groups.\n\n These warriors from the different tribes called "Chuds" by the Rus go to war with Knyaz armed with short spears, axes and small shields. The wealthier ones can sometimes afford mail and even heavier armor, but this infantry is still considered light and would be hard-pressed to stand against real professional troops in the open.
    {Chude_Militia}Chude Warriors


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    {Dismounted_Junior_Druzhina_descr_short}These Dismounted Junior Druzhina fight as medium-quality archers with good armor and weapons to confront other enemies at a distance.{Dismounted_Junior_Druzhina_descr}Type: Early Professional.\n\nThese standing armies or druzhina (friends or companions in Russian) that followed every Rus prince. The men of a druzhina were bound by an oath to their prince and to each other, and these chains of loyalties had more in common with the patronage system of early medieval Islamic armies than with the vassalage system of Western Europe. In return, the druzhina constituted a highly mobile mounted force capable of covering enormous distances. Not all members of a druzhina were of noble origin. Some had humble origins, and rose thanks to their skill, loyalty and good luck. Others came from families that had served a particular princely clan for generations, either in its druzhina or as posadnik (governors of a city). Most spoke Slavic from the 11th century, although men of different ethnic origins (including Scandinavians, Turks, Kosogo-Circassians, and Ossetians from the Caucasus) probably served.\n\nThe Dismounted Junior Druzhina serve as lighter troops than their Druzhina infantry and cavalry comrades, armed with good armor and helmets they serve as good archers to confront their enemies from a distance and then face them with their small axes.
    {Dismounted_Junior_Druzhina}Dismounted Junior Druzhina


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    {Smolensk_Infantry_descr_short}The Eastern Spearmen are a solid infantry of spearmen formed by various Slavic and Eastern European people.{Smolensk_Infantry_descr}Type: Professional spearmen. Morale 8\n\nThese professional spearmen made up of Slavic people and other eastern ethnic groups provide standing army for princes and nobles in Eastern Europe. They are especially effective against mailed cavalry thanks to the four-edged spikes. They also have decent brigantine armor, so they are usually the line infantry of numerous Eastern armies.
    {Smolensk_Infantry}Eastern Spearmen


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    {Junior_Druzhina_descr_short}These Rus mounted horse archers are professional heavy archers in good armor prepared to face their steppe enemies.{Junior_Druzhina_descr}Type: Early Professional.\n\nThese standing armies or Druzhina (friends or companions in Russian) that followed every Rus prince. The men of a druzhina were bound by an oath to their prince and to each other, and these chains of loyalties had more in common with the patronage system of early medieval Islamic armies than with the vassalage system of Western Europe. In return, the druzhina constituted a highly mobile mounted force capable of covering enormous distances. Not all members of a druzhina were of noble origin. Some had humble origins, and rose thanks to their skill, loyalty and good luck. Others came from families that had served a particular princely clan for generations, either in its druzhina or as posadnik (governors of a city). Most spoke Slavic from the 11th century, although men of different ethnic origins (including Scandinavians, Turks, Kosogo-Circassians, and Ossetians from the Caucasus) probably served.\n\nThe Junior Druzhina serve as lighter troops than their Druzhina infantry and cavalry comrades, these fight in steppe style to face the tactics of their famous enemies such as Cumans, Pechenegs and other steppe tribes beyond.
    {Junior_Druzhina}Junior Druzhina


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    {Axemen_descr_short}Coming from Eastern and Northern Europe, these slavic mercenaries with two-handed axes are effective heavy troops for crushing other infantry and knocking down horses.{Axemen_descr}Type: Axemen Mercenaries\n\nThese slavic warriors drawn from wealthier households of merchants, artisans, and smiths fight imitating their Scandinavian neighbors in the use of the heavy two-handed axe, they offer their services as mercenaries in the inhospitable lands of Rus and they are able to afford the vastly improved protection of light mailed armor. They make good offensive infantry but should not be relied on to hold a line.
    {Axemen}Mercenary Slavic Axemen


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    {Berdiche_Militia_descr_short}These strong and tough Rus men carry two-handed axes to be used as shock troops against the enemies of the Rus people.{Berdiche_Militia_descr}Type: Medium Axemen.\n\nThe Rus were formed by the mixture of Slavic and Scandinavian people, due to their Viking past and their way of fighting since ancient times, these strong Slavic men of average wealth can afford to carry two-handed axes in the old Scandinavian style but they do not have good armor nor are they as experienced as the troops of the nobles boyars and their retinues.
    {Berdiche_Militia}Rus Axemen


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    {Junior_Militia_descr_short}The junior militia was made up of inexperienced Rus peasants armed with what they could acquire in weapons.{Junior_Militia_descr}Type: Urban peasant militia.\n\nUnlike the richer and more veteran citizens who formed the urban militias of the cities of the Rus regions called "tysiacha", these poor Rus peasants responded to his Kniaz armed with whatever they can afford; which normally consists of poorly crafted axes, arms and armor as well as small wooden shields, they will serve as light infantry so they will not be a good option to resist charges and face professional troops.
    {Junior_Militia}Junior Militia


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    {Senior_Mounted_Militia_descr_short}These are rich Rus citizens, ones who can afford a fully trained war-horse are form competent militia - a huge asset, and despite their lack of military experience.{Senior_Mounted_Militia_descr}Type: Urban Militia.\n\nThe cities of Kievan Rus and the Novgorod principality from the 12th century onwards were governed by municipal councils or "veches". The urban militia were mainly infantry, formed in units of 100 men called "tysiacha" that were commanded by a "tysiatchi". The first were recruited among the Slavs and other tribes. For example, in the Chernigov area of the 10th century, the defense of the area was in the hands of a local militia, while the elite of Russian warriors were engaged in raids elsewhere. The merchant class of Slavs, Finns and Scandinavians who dominated the Russian municipal councils could have been the same men who made up the ranks of this militia. Certainly, the militias were loyal to their cities, and no prince could take their support for granted, especially if a campaign was directed against other men of the Rus and not against a foreign invader.
    The militia was based in almost autonomous barracks, each of which was responsible for the defense of the part of the wall assigned to it. The local prince usually provided the militias with weapons, armor and horses, perhaps because his weaponry was very simple, although wealthier cities probably armed their own militias in the 13th century.\n\nThe richest cities can afford to be well equipped, no worse than any noble army, militia of merchants. Expensive horses, decent arms and armor, allow them to fight on equal terms with any enemy of their Rus cities. Their lack of battle-forged experience makes them less steady then professional troops, however.
    {Senior_Mounted_Militia}Rus Mounted Militia


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    {Rus_Senior_Militia_descr_short}Rus city dwellers who are called upon to protect their city, armed with spears and kite-shields along with leather armor and helmets, this Rus infantry is a solid foundation for their armies.{Rus_Senior_Militia_descr}Type: Urban Militia.\n\nThe cities of Kievan Rus and the Novgorod principality from the 12th century onwards were governed by municipal councils or "veches". The urban militia were mainly infantry, formed in units of 100 men called "tysiacha" that were commanded by a "tysiatchi". The first were recruited among the Slavs and other tribes. For example, in the Chernigov area of the 10th century, the defense of the area was in the hands of a local militia, while the elite of Russian warriors were engaged in raids elsewhere. The merchant class of Slavs, Finns and Scandinavians who dominated the Russian municipal councils could have been the same men who made up the ranks of this militia. Certainly, the militias were loyal to their cities, and no prince could take their support for granted, especially if a campaign was directed against other men of the Rus and not against a foreign invader.
    The militia was based in almost autonomous barracks, each of which was responsible for the defense of the part of the wall assigned to it. The local prince usually provided the militias with weapons, armor and horses, perhaps because his weaponry was very simple, although wealthier cities probably armed their own militias in the 13th century.\n\nThese Rus urban militia provide a solid base to the armies of the Rus, due to their training in the barracks and their equipment provided by the rich cities, they can face the cavalry and other infantries, the richer folk can afford to arm themselves with spear, shield and leather armor.
    {Rus_Senior_Militia}Rus Senior Militia



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    {cum_militia_cav_a_sw_descr_short}The backbone of the Cuman armies, horse archers useful for ranged attacks and harassing heavier units with their steppe tactics.{cum_militia_cav_a_sw_descr}Type: Tribal Warriors.\n\nThe Cumans were a Turkic nomadic people of Central Asia comprising the western branch of the Cuman-Kipchak confederacy who spoke the Cuman language. They are known as Polovtsians in Russia, Cumans in Western sources, and Kipchaks in Eastern sources.
    Related to the Pechenegs, they inhabited a shifting area north of the Black Sea and along the Volga River known as Cumania, from where the Cuman-Kipchaks meddled in the politics of the Caucasus and the Khwarazmian Empire. Many eventually settled west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', Byzantine Empire, and several Latin nations.\n\nThe Cumans were fierce and formidable nomadic warriors of the Eurasian steppe who exerted a lasting influence on the Eurasian steppe and the medieval Balkans.They were numerous, culturally sophisticated and militarily powerful where they fought primarily as light cavalry, and later developed heavy cavalry. The main weapons of the Cumans were the recurved bow and, later, the compound bow (carried on the hip using a quiver), a javelin, and a slightly curved saber (less curved than a scimitar), mace, and heavy spear for spearing. . They kept a large number of reserve horses (10-12 lifts) to replace the tired ones, so that a new horse was available at all times. Another important accessory was a small whip attached to the rider's wrist.Tactically the Cumans were a fairly typical army of steppe nomads where their most common tactics were repeated charges by horse archers to wear down and confuse the enemy, feigned retreats and ambushes.\n\nThese Cuman horse archers are the essence of any Cuman or Esteparian army. They only wear some light armor and are very agile in combat, so their tactic is to shoot the enemy with their arrows and then retreat so that they are not hit by the enemy.
    {cum_militia_cav_a_sw}Cuman Horse Warband


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    {cum_militia_a_sw_descr_short}The base of the Cuman armies, poor warriors armed with bows and little armor, accurate and eager with their arrows but weak in hand-to-hand combat.{cum_militia_a_sw_descr}Type: Tribal warriors \n\nThe Cumans were a Turkic nomadic people of Central Asia comprising the western branch of the Cuman-Kipchak confederacy who spoke the Cuman language. They are known as Polovtsians in Russia, Cumans in Western sources, and Kipchaks in Eastern sources.
    Related to the Pechenegs, they inhabited a shifting area north of the Black Sea and along the Volga River known as Cumania, from where the Cuman-Kipchaks meddled in the politics of the Caucasus and the Khwarazmian Empire. Many eventually settled west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', Byzantine Empire, and several Latin nations.\n\nThe Cumans were fierce and formidable nomadic warriors of the Eurasian steppe who exerted a lasting influence on the Eurasian steppe and the medieval Balkans.They were numerous, culturally sophisticated and militarily powerful where they fought primarily as light cavalry, and later developed heavy cavalry. The main weapons of the Cumans were the recurved bow and, later, the compound bow (carried on the hip using a quiver), a javelin, and a slightly curved saber (less curved than a scimitar), mace, and heavy spear for spearing .\n\nWhen they dismounted from their horses they used to fight as light infantry or archers on foot. These poor Cuman warriors will not be able to withstand heavier enemies in hand-to-hand combat, but they can shade the sky with their rain of arrows.

    {cum_militia_a_sw}Cuman Warriors


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    {Kievan_Palace_Guard_descr_short}The loyal guard of the Grand Prince and princes of Kievan Rus, is made up of the best troops and the best equipment they can have at their disposal to defend the great nobles both at home and in battle. These elite troops are armed with spears, heavy armour and a good shield.{Kievan_Palace_Guard_descr}Type: Elite Guard.\n\n\This loyal troop is composed entirely of noble natives and wealthy citizens of Kievan Rus, loyal to their Grand Prince and their homeland, they will serve the Grand Prince and his family as well as the great noble boyars. Due to their high purchasing power they are capable having a great equipment made up of the best Russian weapons and armor along with their magnificent military training makes these troops a great resource to attack the enemy's best troops and to ultimately defend a position. They can form a ring of spears and are specialized in fighting heavy cavalry so they are a great challenge against the mounted steppe enemies of Kievan Rus.
    {Kievan_Palace_Guard}Knyaz´s Guard


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    {cum_polovec_cav_a_sw_descr_short} Steppe tribal horse archers . They sell their services to the highest bidder, they fight in the steppe style so they are agile and have little armor and protection but powerful bows.{cum_polovec_cav_a_sw_descr}Type: Mercenary.\n\n The Polovtsy or Cumans, a nomadic Turkic-speaking tribal confederation (Polovtsy in Russian sources, Cumans in the West, Kipchaks in the East and Kangli for Asians) began migrating around 1017 or 1018 from eastern Mongolia and occupied the area stretching from Kazakhstan to the Danube in 1055. Politically disorganized and lacking organization. Following a unified policy in their relations with Kievan Rus, several Polovtsian tribes became involved in conflicts between princely Russians and sometimes fought as allies of the Rus against other Polovtsians. Dynastic intermarriages often solidified Polovtsy-Rus political unions. Russian sources point to two distinct Polovtsians: "savages" (enemies of Kievan Rus) and "non-savages" (allies of Kievan Rus). Most of the clashes between the Rus and the Polovtsy were a result of their different economies. As farmers, the Rus wanted to convert the steppe into cultivated land, while the Polovtsian nomads needed the steppe for grazing animals. Consequently, conflict was inevitable: Russian sources often speak of Polovtsian raids on lands colonized by the Rus and subsequent counterattacks by Kievan Rus. However, due to political disunity on both sides, a permanent peace was never achieved, and by the 1230s and 1240s, both were conquered and absorbed into the Mongol Empire.\n\n These steppe mercenaries serve the highest bidder and will not hesitate to fight alongside the Horde and their steppe compatriots as well as along with the Rus or other surrounding settled peoples, they are useful for raids and harassing the enemy from a distance but they do not have good protection and armor so it is advisable that they do not directly confront enemies better protected than them.

    {cum_polovec_cav_a_sw}Mercenary Steppe Polovtsy


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    {Scandinavian_Guard_descr_short}These well trained norse warriors are protected by heavy armour and they fight in the Nordic style brandishing a large two-handed axe.{Scandinavian_Guard_descr}Type: Elite Guard.\n\nThe Norse guard dates back to the times of Grand Prince Vladimir the Great, who after a treaty of alliance with the Eastern Roman Empire gave more than 6,000 Nordic warriors to Emperor Basil II as a personal guard, these warriors would serve the Roman Emperor as the famous Varangian guard. Now these troops have ceased to be merely a military levy and have become an elite troop and bodyguard of the Kniaz, performing a similar role to the troops originating from Nordic huscarls.
    \nThey are mainly composed of Rus and Nordics proffesional warriors from the Scandinavian regions.Their large Nordic-style axes along with their good equipment and heavy armor make them fearsome shock troops for the enemies of Rus.

    {Scandinavian_Guard}Norse Guard


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    {Ruthenian_Archers}Ruthenian Archers{Ruthenian_Archers_descr}Type: Early Professional.\n\nThe name Ruthenia initially has a connection with that of Rus. This is due to the name that the first Slavs and Finns gave to the Varangians, whom they called rus, a name that derives from the ancient Norse root "roðs" or "roths". Initially Rus was referred to as "Rugi" and "Rutuli. Beginning in the 12th century, ''Ruthenia'' was used in Latin alternatively with Ruscia and Russia. Papal documents thus denote the territories dominated by Kievan Rus and baltic lands. In the 13th century, the term Rus became predominant in Latin documents, especially those of Hungary, Bohemia and Poland.
    \n\nThese brave Ruthenian archers bolster numerous armies from Eastern Europe, mainly to the peoples of Rus and their Baltic neighbors. They are professional troops that make them good quality archers to inflict severe injuries to lightly armored opponents even after they have run out of arrows. Equipped with a good bow and light protection they can cope as light infantry with their small axes and their wooden shields.

    {Ruthenian_Archers_descr_short}A good quality archer unit from Rus and Baltic lands armed with a good bow and little axes.For their defense they wears leather or chain armour and carries a wooden shield.


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    {kosog_senior_militia_ug0_descr_short}Decent steppe lancers capable of withstanding the clash of other infantry and fighting against cavalry, they have lamellar armor, helmets, good shields and powerful lances.{kosog_senior_militia_ug0_descr}Type: Urban Militia \n\nAs the steppe settlements grow demographically and advance in their structures, urban troops can be sustained to defend them. Like its Roman, Georgian and Rus neighbors, the growth of its cities allows it to have good militias that are better equipped and trained and can face more powerful enemies.\n\nAdvanced steppe settlements are able to arm and field a decent infantry armored in lamellar armor. On the field of battle they will easily crush anyone light infantry used against them. With their shields and spears, even a light cavalry charge is not insurmountable.
    {kosog_senior_militia_ug0}Steppe Urban Spearmen


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    {cum_kosog_axe_descr_short}Light infantry formed by the lowest classes of the different steppe tribes such as Alans, Kazakhs, Cumans... This poor infantry formed a militia who went to war armed with naught but ax and shield.{cum_kosog_axe_descr}\nType: Tribal Militia\n\nIn the Eurasian steppes numerous steppe tribes coexist such as Alans, Cumans, Kazakhs, Pechenegs... The majority fight on horseback but others cannot afford it and fight on foot, this steppe infantry serves as support and go to war armed with naught but ax and shield. They are poor militiamen who defend their settlements and they are not very experienced, but their bravery and fierceness in defending their homeland make them serious foes regardless.

    {cum_kosog_axe}Steppe Infantry


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    type Varangian Guard
    dictionary Varangian_Guard ; Varangian Guard : mercenary unit (false-EDB), factional
    category infantry
    class heavy
    voice_type Heavy
    accent East_European
    banner faction main_spear
    banner holy crusade
    soldier Varangian_guard, 48, 0, 1.3125
    officer varagianoi_captain
    officer varangian_standard
    officer Varangian_Guard_ug1
    mount_effect horse +1, camel +1
    attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, hardy, can_withdraw
    formation 1.2, 0, 2.4, 2.4, 4, square
    stat_health 1, 1
    stat_pri 9, 5, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, slashing, axe, 45, 1
    stat_pri_attr ap
    stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 0, 1
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 11, 9, 0, metal ; mail, slung shield +1 ; GUARD
    stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
    stat_heat 10
    stat_ground 0, -2, 1, 0
    stat_mental 10, normal, trained
    stat_charge_dist 6
    stat_fire_delay 0
    stat_food 60, 300
    stat_cost 1, 2842, 1066, 100, 1066, 1066, 1, 300
    armour_ug_levels 11, 14, 23
    armour_ug_models Varangian_Guard, Varangian_Guard, Varangian_Guard
    ownership byzantium
    era 1 byzantium
    era 2 byzantium
    recruit_priority_offset 0; before was: 45


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    type Varangian Guard
    dictionary Varangian_Guard ; Varangian Guard : mercenary unit (false-EDB), factional
    category infantry
    class heavy
    voice_type Heavy
    accent East_European
    banner faction main_spear
    banner holy crusade
    soldier Varangian_guard, 48, 0, 1.3125
    officer varagianoi_captain
    officer varangian_standard
    officer Varangian_Guard_ug1
    mount_effect horse +1, camel +1
    attributes sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, can_withdraw, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted, command
    formation 1.2, 0, 2.4, 2.4, 4, square
    stat_health 1, 1
    stat_pri 9, 5, no, 0, 0, melee, melee_blade, slashing, axe, 45, 1
    stat_pri_attr ap
    stat_sec 0, 0, no, 0, 0, no, melee_simple, blunt, none, 0, 1
    stat_sec_attr no
    stat_pri_armour 11, 9, 0, metal ; mail, slung shield +1 ; GUARD
    stat_sec_armour 0, 0, flesh
    stat_heat 10
    stat_ground 0, -2, 1, 0
    stat_mental 14, disciplined, highly_trained, lock_morale ; GUARD
    stat_charge_dist 6
    stat_fire_delay 0
    stat_food 60, 300
    stat_cost 1, 786, 1066, 100, 1066, 1066, 1, 300
    armour_ug_levels 11, 14, 23
    armour_ug_models Varangian_Guard, Varangian_Guard, Varangian_Guard
    ownership byzantium
    era 1 byzantium
    era 2 byzantium
    recruit_priority_offset 45

    - I MAINLY CHANGE THE MORALE (stat_mental and stat_ground in some cases)(FROM 10 POINTS TO 14), NORMALLY THE HIGHEST MORALES WERE 16 POINTS, MAINLY FOR UNITS OF THE MILITARY ORDERS SUCH AS TEMPLARS, HOSPITALS, RITTERBRUDERS... But I think such an elite unit deserves to be raised.
    -I also added the following mental stat "disciplined, highly_trained, lock_morale ; GUARD", to represent their great training and discipline since they were the Byzantine imperial guard and also block their morale to fight to the last man.
    -also added the following attributes: "sea_faring, hide_forest, very_hardy, can_withdraw, frighten_foot, frighten_mounted, command"
    where they terrify both infantry and mounts, in addition to having great resistance to fatigue and raising the morale of adjacent troops. An authentic elite unit as it really was. Perhaps its value could be raised due to this.

    -I have not touched on attack, defense and charging, only what relates to morale and attributes, which I think is what the mod lacks the most.

    Last edited by j.a.luna; January 06, 2024 at 07:42 PM.

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  2. #2
    Khevsur's Avatar Senator
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Kingdom of Georgia


    Description of Georgian units

    Chukhchi -
    King's guard. They were physically strong and well-trained chosen warriors who always accompanied the king and protected him both on the battlefield and in peace time - in the royal palace. They were commanded by the commander of the guard - Chukhcherakhi (Achukhchi)

    • Tadzreuli –
    from the Persian word Tacara – Palace. Paladins of the king or the noble bodyguard of the feudal lords. They were an elite heavy cavalry unit, few in numbers but high in competitive morale and skill. They were professional soldiers who were in constant military training. Tadzreuli included members of the royal family, young nobles from big feudal families, and even landless knights. Tadzreuli horsemen were heavily armed and their horses were also well-defended with horse armor.

    • Aznauri–
    lower nobility, professional, well-trained warriors who held a small piece of land and were obliged to serve in the feudal army. Aznauri were the most numerous social class who made the bulk of Georgian heavy cavalry. Georgian heavy horsemen used the couched lance and mounted shock combat to break the enemy formation, inflict devastating damage, and cause their retreat. After the Mongolian conquest of Georgia and the influence of nomad warfare, Georgian cavalry also started to use mounted archery, but the charge of the heavy cavalry was still their main advantage even in the late medieval era.

    • Mokme (Msakhureuli) –
    mostly promoted from lower classes, these heavy cavalrymen were chosen warriors whose main purpose was to always be ready for military action. They could be promoted and endued for their good service by their suzerain. “Kargi (a good) Mokme” was a synonym for the best warrior. Mokme was similar to the Western European knight in many ways, but the development of their ideology and knightly culture declined after the Mongol conquest of Georgia in the 13th century and they were called Msakhureuli (servants) which equals the ministerials in Western European feudalism.

    • Monaspa –
    mercenary regular Elite unit of the Georgian king. They were highly disciplined, professional soldiers, armed with the best armament available. Monaspa was made by King David IV the builder in the 12th century. Their ranks were filled with landless Georgian lower nobility and north Caucasians, but mostly with Kypchaks. Kypchaks were settled in Georgia when David IV married the daughter of the Kypchak warlord Otrok and settled OtrokÂ’s horde in Georgia to use their capable cavalry against the Seljuks. After the reign of David IV, Monaspa slowly decreased in numbers and disappeared after the big part of OtrokÂ’s horde with their commander went back to the steppes and Georgian-Kypchak relations declined.

    • Metsikhovne –
    Town (castle) watch. Units that guarded castles and town walls. Coming mostly from humble origin. There were spearmen and archer Metsikhovne units. On the battlefield, Metsikhovne infantry fought in close order formation and used their shields and spears to repel enemy attacks. They also were used to fire arrows in a volley.

    • Pkhoveli(Mtieli) –
    Fierce warriors from the mountainous region of eastern Georgia. They were first mentioned in ancient sources, in I century BC. These highlanders were free people who acknowledged the authority of the Georgian kings but weren’t part of Georgian feudal society. Pkhovians were masters of guerilla warfare especially in the mountainous areas. Since they wore black clothes and their shields were covered in soot and were black, enemies called them “Black Shield bearers”. In eastern Georgian highlanders, there was a tradition to cut off and collect the right hands of their dead enemies. Also, they had a bloody habit of blood feuding.

    • Svani–
    Georgian sub-ethnic group, who lives in a mountainous region in western Georgia since ancient times. Svanians were strong and agile warriors, famous for their skilled archery and poisoned arrows. Svanians had the tradition of blood feuding like the eastern Georgian highlanders.

    • Glekhi –
    Georgian peasants. They were peaceful farmers, poor smallholders of low social status who worked on the lands of Georgian nobles and paid taxes. Glekhi weren’t obliged to serve in the feudal army, but they were able to fight and were useful in defending the villages, and castles and sometimes even participated in battles, especially in the late medieval era, when the Georgian kingdom was divided into several small states with low military power.


    My vision of what the skills of these units should be

    Chukhchi- Foot Chukhchi is similar to the Varangians,with High morale,strong armor and a big Charge .with two handed maces and two handed axes. Cavalry Chukhchi with Spear, Sword, maces , axes and with horse armor.

    Tadzreuli - with high morale , with Great attack,charge and defense.with horse armor.

    Aznauri -with high morale, with great charge. with good Defence

    Mokme (Msakhureuli) - with high morale, with great charge.

    Monaspa - with high morale. Faster than other Georgian cavalry. less Charge than other Georgian cavalry

    Metsikhovne- With high morale and good defense. They should not run away from the battlefield early. They should hold the line well. They should kill the enemy cavalry well with their spears.These warriors should be a headache for the enemy cavalry and during the capture of the georgian Castle- Because of their tight and impenetrable line

    Pkhoveli(Mtieli) - These warriors must have gone crazy on the battlefield,Because they are very love of killing the enemy and have been training for it since childhood. They never ran away from the battlefield,They must have the greatest morale in the Georgian units, they must fight to the last man. Must have a great attack.They should hide well in the forest and grasses. They should run fast in mountainous and snowy areas. They should fight well into the night. They must quickly climb the walls of the castle

    Svani- They must have good morals. they must shoot arrows very powerfully.They should have guerilla skills like pkhoveli .They should run fast in mountainous and snowy areas.

    Glekhi - This warrior should not be a coward(Because he often has to protect his home and family from the enemy. That's why he knows hand-to-hand combat well), but neither should he be of the highest morals. Must be able to move well on mountainous terrain. The main feature - should not get tired soon

    Historically, the Georgian cavalry was known for its great charge , rarely could the enemy withstand the first charge of the Georgian cavalry.The Georgian warrior was known for his high morale and good knowledge of hand-to-hand combat.They had high quality weapons and armor. Disadvantages were internal feudal wars, The army often could not be assembled quickly enough, small number of people and Georgian self-confidence,That's why they sometimes failed to appreciate the danger.They also often drank wine and got drunk before the battle
    Last edited by Khevsur; September 07, 2023 at 11:58 PM.
    Georgian Medieval Shields By Khevsur

  3. #3


    Hello sship team and players, taking advantage of the fact that I am with my Kievan Rus campaign, I have updated 12 units with historical and more immersive descriptions for the next version, take a look at the first post to see what you think, let's hope Jurand can add it for the next one version, the next thing will be more units and buildings to complete this textual part that is outdated and incorrect in the game.

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  4. #4


    Hey guys, due to my real life for work, my descriptions of buildings and historical units will be delayed until the beginning of December... just to let the sship developers and Jurand know that I'm still working on it and I will try to leave the maximum historical descriptions ready for that can be included in the next version

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  5. #5
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Near Lyon in France


    Nice work friend, I hope these descriptions will be added to the next version. Have you seen the new thread started by @Michael Westen? His desire to correct the texts could be done in association with your work?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    Nice work friend, I hope these descriptions will be added to the next version. Have you seen the new thread started by @Michael Westen? His desire to correct the texts could be done in association with your work?
    thanks friend! For my part there is no problem with associating with someone and even more so if it is to help SSHIP team and improve the quality of the game... @Michael could you correct the spelling since I am not a native English speaker either, in a few weeks I will continue with the job!

    Sign the petition to remove hardcoded limits for M2TW

  7. #7


    Hi j.a.luna!

    It would be my pleasure. :-) At first glance I would say you've done a fantastic job already. But let me see if there's maybe one or things I could correct.

    I will use this post right here and edit in any corrections.


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    {alcazar1_walls}Walls of Alcazar
    {alcazar1_walls_desc}These walls are the base of an entire fortification and will prepare the foundations of a future Alcazar. The main difference between a castle and an Alcazar is that the Alcazar has a small city or "medina" inside. Due to this defensive construction, more people will come to work on it and your trade will increase. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE:An Alcazar can be built in Iberia and Maghreb provinces by the three Iberic Catholic factions and by all Muslim factions. The Almoravids can build it everywhere. In the Alcazar building one may also recruit diplomats, and sometimes the maximum number of diplomats a faction can support is also increased.
    {alcazar1_walls_desc_short}Walls and foundations of Alcazar
    {alcazar2_alcazar_desc}The Spanish word Alcázar, from the Arabic 'al qaçr', serves to define a fortified royal residence. It also serves to name old Muslim palaces (from the Caliphate or Taifa period) rebuilt by later Christian kings. The Alcazar used to be the fortified residence of great nobles, sultans and kings and their respective families. Typically, they were located in the upper part of the settlements, not only for protection but also to remain distinctly separated from the common people. This great military building has been very present throughout Iberia and North Africa in the Middle Ages. Built by both Christians and Muslims, it serves to control the area it governs and maintain law and order among the populations under its control. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE:An Alcazar can be built in Iberia and Maghreb provinces by the three Iberic Catholic factions and by all Muslim factions. The Almoravids can build it anywhere. With the Alcazar building, diplomats are available for recruitment, and sometimes the maximum number of diplomats a faction can support is also increased.
    {alcazar2_alcazar_desc_short}A fortified royal residence called Alcazar
    {alcazar3_granada_alhambra_gardens}Gardens of Alhambra
    {alcazar3_granada_alhambra_gardens_desc}The Gardens of the Alhambra, or 'Generalife' as they were called, were the summer residence of the sultans of the Alhambra. Created in the Nasrid period, they are the best known and most important construction, largely due to their age and the degree of mastery achieved in the treatment of vegetation, water and the integration of the building, thus doing justice to the translation of the word garden, capable of recreating the Koranic paradise longed for on earth. Generalife is a villa with gardens where the Nasrid kings would rest. For the Nasrid Kingdom, a home without gardens or orchards was inconceivable. Here, there is an orchard, and a series of courtyards designed according to the guidelines of Nasrid art. A large ditch, known as the 'Acequia Real', is carries water to the plants in the garden and, later, to the Alhambra. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Gardens of Alhambra enable coronation of the Aragonese and also Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar3_granada_alhambra_gardens_desc_short}The famous and spectaculars gardens of Alhambra
    {alcazar4_granada_alhambra_castle}Alcazar of Alhambra
    {alcazar4_granada_alhambra_castle_desc}The Alcazaba of the Alhambra in Granada was the oldest enclosure of the entire monument complex and therefore the first to be built. This enclosure, in addition to protecting the sultan, contained an entire miniature city to house the service to royalty and the sultan's guard.The Alhambra was built on the Sabika hill, one of the highest points in the city of Granada. This location sought a defensive strategic situation and at the same time represented a clear symbol, since the peak of power is highly visible to the rest of the city, creating a site chosen for contemplation. Its construction dates from the reign of Mohamed I, who ordered the construction of the main walls and the three towers: the Tower of the Candle, the Quebrada Tower and the Homage Tower. The sultan placed his residence there until the works were finished, already during the reign of his son and his successor, Mohamed II. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Alhambra enables coronation of the Aragonese and also Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar4_granada_alhambra_castle_desc_short}The great Alcazar of Alhambra
    {alcazar5_toledo}Alcazar of Toledo
    {alcazar5_toledo_desc}The foundations of Alcazar of Toledo were once used as a Roman 'praetorium' palace from the 3rd century. The Visigoths later used it as their royal residence after proclaiming Toledo as their capital. Later, with the Muslim invasion, it was rebuilt with the aim of becoming a building for the defense of the Alcazaba. Its name originates from this era. Finally, the Castilian kings Fernando III the Saint and Alfonso X the Wise completed the eastern façade and ordered the construction of the four square towers that form the four corners of the building. The privileged location of its foundation bestowed upon the Alcazar of Toledo immense military strategic value. From its walls, the rulers could see and control everything that happens up until the horizon, which the different peoples and cultures that settled in this great construction knew and used for their own benefit. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Toledo enables coronation of the Castilian, Aragonese and also Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar5_toledo_desc_short}The strategical Alcazar of Toledo
    {alcazar6_zaragoza_aljaferia}Palacio de la Aljafería
    {alcazar6_zaragoza_aljaferia_desc}Palacio de la Aljafería is a fortified medieval palace built in 11th century. The construction of the palace was ordered by Al-Muqtadir, ruler of the Taifa Saraqusta from the Hudid dynasty. The complex was named Qasr al-Surur (Palace of the Joy). After the reconquest of Zaragoza in 1118 by Alfonso I of Aragón, it became the residence of the Christian kings of the Kingdom of Aragón. It was used as a royal residence by Peter IV of Aragón (1319–1387) and, in 1492, it was converted into the palace of the Catholic Monarchs. \n\nThe style of ornamentation of the Aljafería—such as the use of mixtilinear arches and springers, the extension of arabesques over a large area, and the schematisation and progressive abstraction of the yeserias of a vegetal nature—strongly influenced Almoravid and Almohad art on the Iberian Peninsula. The shift in decoration towards more geometric motifs forms the foundation of Nasrid art. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: Palacio de la Aljafería enables coronation of the Aragonese and Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar6_zaragoza_aljaferia_desc_short}Palacio de la Aljafería is a splendid palace in Zaragoza.
    {alcazar7_lisbon}Alcazar of Lisbon
    {alcazar7_lisbon_desc}The first fortifications were built in the 1st century BC by the Romans. The Alcazar stands in a dominant position on the highest hill in Lisbon. Later, this Alcazar—reformed by the Muslims after the Berber invasion of Iberia—was known as the Castle of Saint George (in Portuguese: Castelo de São Jorge) by the Christian kingdoms, specifically by the Portuguese. At the dawn of the 12th century, before the threat presented by the forces of Yusuf ibn Tasufin from North Africa, members of the domains of the taifa of Badajoz crossed over to the peninsula, aiming to conquer and reunite the Almoravid domains. In the spring of 1093, the ruler of Badajoz—Mutawaquil—handed the Alcazar over to King Alfonso VI of León in hopes of forming a defensive alliance, which was not sustained. It continually changed hands until its final possession by Portuguese forces and European Crusaders led by Alfonso I of Portugal in the year 1147. As a token of gratitude, the castle, now Christian, was placed under the invocation of the martyr Saint George, whom many Crusaders professed devotion to. Starting from the 13th century, when Lisbon became the capital of the kingdom (1255), the castle housed the Royal Palace. In its functions as the Royal Palace, it was the reception palace of Vasco de Gama, after discovering the sea route to India at the end of the 15th century. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Lisbon enables coronation of the Portuguese and Almoravidian ruler.
    {alcazar7_lisbon_desc_short}Alcazar of Lisbon is a fortification called Castelo de São Jorge
    {alcazar8_fes}Alcazar of Fes
    {alcazar8_fes_desc} In 1069, the Almoravid emir Yusuf ibn Tashfin ordered the demolition of the old walls and the construction of a new wall around both cities (Fes el-Bali and Fes el-Jdid), thus unifying them for the first time. Although the Almoravids established their capital in Marrakech, Fez was one of their most important cities. They built a fortified kasbah (citadel) at the eastern end of the city. In 1145 the Almohad leader Abd al-Mu'min besieged and conquered the city during the Almohad overthrow of the Almoravids. Due to the fierce resistance they encountered from the local population, the Almohads demolished the city's fortifications. Finally, after the overthrow of the Almohads by the Merinids, in 1276, the Merinid sultan Abu Yusuf Ya'qub decided to build an entirely new royal city to the west of the old city on higher ground, affording it a commanding view. Part of it became known as Fes el-Jdid ('New Fes') and included the royal palace of the sultans (Dar al-Makhzen), the state administrative quarters, and the army headquarters, all brought together in its Alcazar. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Fes enables coronation of the Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar8_fes_desc_short}Alcazar of Fes is a reconstructed walled area, where the sultan and his family live.
    {alcazar9_tunis}Alcazar of Tunis
    {alcazar9_tunis_desc}After severing ties with the Fatimid government, the Zirids began their Berber emancipation initiated the construction of numerous fortifications to defend themselves against persistent foreign invasions—including threats from Normans in Sicily, Pisans, Genoese, and their former overlords, the Fatimids. The Alcazar de Tunez and all other Muslim fortifications were built to control this unstable region as well as house a fortified palace for royalty. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: The Alcazar of Tunis enables coronation of the Almoravid ruler.
    {alcazar9_tunis_desc_short}The walled Alcazar of Tunis

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    ------------------------------------------------------------- PALAZZO ----------------------------------------------------

    {palazzo_1}Palazzo Piano Terra
    {palazzo_1_desc}This marks the first stage in the construction of a grand Italian palace, focusing on the construction of the pillars and ground floor of the building. \n\nThe term 'Palazzo,' originating from the place name associated with the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus), refers to monumental buildings initially constructed by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families. Throughout the Middle Ages, numerous 'palazzi' (the plural of 'palazzo') were constructed in each Italian city-state, driven by emulation both among the city-states themselves and within each city, among the various aristocratic families. As local Italian aristocracy became wealthier and more influential, they started to build their own palaces. The pace of construction varied depending on available financial resources, with some projects extending over decades. Until the 14th century, the defensive nature of these structures prevailed, resulting in a castellated appearance where towers visually distinguished the palace as a distinctive element. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. These advanced levels offer increased benefits, including the option to recruit a diplomat starting from the fifth level of construction. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. Venice and Milan have unique top levels, while other cities use the generic image of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_1_desc_short}This is the first stage in the construction of a palace.

    {palazzo_2}Palazzo Primo Piano
    {palazzo_2_desc}This marks the second stage in the construction of a grand Italian palace, with the construction progressing to higher levels, ultimately culminating in the completion of the first floor of the building. \n\nThe term 'Palazzo,' originating from the place name associated with the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus), refers to monumental buildings initially constructed by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families. Throughout the Middle Ages, numerous 'palazzi' (the plural of 'palazzo') were constructed in each Italian city-state, driven by emulation both among the city-states themselves and within each city, among the various aristocratic families. As local Italian aristocracy became wealthier and more influential, they started to build their own palaces. The pace of construction varied depending on available financial resources, with some projects extending over decades. Until the 14th century, the defensive nature of these structures prevailed, resulting in a castellated appearance where towers visually distinguished the palace as a distinctive element. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. These advanced levels offer increased benefits, including the option to recruit a diplomat starting from the fifth level of construction. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. Venice and Milan have unique top levels, while other cities use the generic image of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_2_desc_short}The second stage in the construction of a palace with its first floor.

    {palazzo_3}Palazzo Secondo Piano
    {palazzo_3_desc}This is the third stage in the construction of an imposing Italian palace, with additional funds invested to build the second floor, further enhancing its grandeur. \n\nThe term 'Palazzo,' originating from the place name associated with the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus), refers to monumental buildings initially constructed by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families. Throughout the Middle Ages, numerous 'palazzi' (the plural of 'palazzo') were constructed in each Italian city-state, driven by emulation both among the city-states themselves and within each city, among the various aristocratic families. As local Italian aristocracy became wealthier and more influential, they started to build their own palaces. The pace of construction varied depending on available financial resources, with some projects extending over decades. Until the 14th century, the defensive nature of these structures prevailed, resulting in a castellated appearance where towers visually distinguished the palace as a distinctive element. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. These advanced levels offer increased benefits, including the option to recruit a diplomat starting from the fifth level of construction. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. Venice and Milan have unique top levels, while other cities use the generic image of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_3_desc_short}The third stage of construction of a palace increasing its altitude.

    {palazzo_4_desc}This is the final stage in the construction of an imposing Italian palace, concluding with the addition of the fortified roof, battlements, final extensions, and touch-ups. With these finishing touches, an Italian Palazzo is complete! Yet, knowing ambitious aristocrats, they'll likely seek to expand their opulent fortified palaces even more. \n\nThe term 'Palazzo,' originating from the place name associated with the Palatine Hill in Rome (Collis Palatium or Mons Palatinus), refers to monumental buildings initially constructed by Italian aristocrats as residences for their families. Throughout the Middle Ages, numerous 'palazzi' (the plural of 'palazzo') were constructed in each Italian city-state, driven by emulation both among the city-states themselves and within each city, among the various aristocratic families. As local Italian aristocracy became wealthier and more influential, they started to build their own palaces. The pace of construction varied depending on available financial resources, with some projects extending over decades. Until the 14th century, the defensive nature of these structures prevailed, resulting in a castellated appearance where towers visually distinguished the palace as a distinctive element. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. These advanced levels offer increased benefits, including the option to recruit a diplomat starting from the fifth level of construction. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. Venice and Milan have unique top levels, while other cities use the generic image of Palazzo Vecchio from Florence.
    {palazzo_4_desc_short}A magnificent Italian Palazzo built only by the wealthiest aristocrats.

    {palazzo_5}Palazzo Ducale
    {palazzo_5_desc}As local Italian aristocracy became wealthier and more influential, they started to build their own palaces, which were occasionally also used by the governing authorities. \n\nFor instance, in Genoa the construction of the Doge's Palace began at the end of the 13th century as the city gradually consolidated its military and economic power in the Mediterranean. Until 1291 the highest officials and other representatives of the Municipality did not have their own headquarters; instead, they were accommodated in the Archbishop's Palace or nearby private homes belonging to the Doria and Fieschi families. In 1291, the 'Capitani del popolo,' Corrado Doria, and Oberto Spinola purchased the buildings owned by the Doria family. Following a merger with adjacent structures, the palace acquired the name 'ducale' with the appointment in 1339 of the first Genoese Doge, Simone Boccanegra. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. The Palazzo Ducale as well as all other subsequent upgrades of the building allow the recruitment of a diplomat.
    {palazzo_5_desc_short}A splendid Palazzo Ducale

    {palazzo_6}Pałaso Dogal
    {palazzo_6_desc}In 810, Doge Agnello Participazio moved the seat of government from the island of Malamocco to the area of present-day Rialto, deciding to construct a palatium duci, a Latin term that means 'ducal palace.' The palace suffered partial destruction in the 10th century due to a fire, prompting reconstruction efforts at the behest of Doge Sebastiano Ziani, who ruled from 1172 to 1178. The new palace was constructed from fortresses, with one façade facing the Piazzetta and the other overlooking the St. Mark's Basin. The palace served as the residence of the Doge of Venice, the supreme authority of the ancient Republic of Venice. Originally constructed in 1340, it underwent several enlargements and modifications in the following centuries. In the 9th century, a castle was built, but it quickly proved inadequate to accommodate government magistrates. By the end of the 12th century, extensive transformations had turned it from a castle into a palace. Over a span of more than a hundred years, from 1340 to 1463, it underwent further expansions. Subsequent fires necessitated additional renovations, culminating in a late Renaissance-style interior. Architecturally, the palace predominantly exhibits Gothic and Renaissance influences. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. The Palazzo Reale allows for the recruitment of a diplomat while also contributing to public order, population growth, and an increase of tradeable goods. This comes at the economic cost of maintaining its structure and services.
    {palazzo_6_desc_short}The residence of the Doge of Venice

    {palazzo_7}Grande Pałaso Dogal
    {palazzo_7_desc}In 810, Doge Agnello Participazio moved the seat of government from the island of Malamocco to the area of present-day Rialto, deciding to construct a palatium duci, a Latin term that means 'ducal palace.' The palace suffered partial destruction in the 10th century due to a fire, prompting reconstruction efforts at the behest of Doge Sebastiano Ziani, who ruled from 1172 to 1178. The new palace was constructed from fortresses, with one façade facing the Piazzetta and the other overlooking the St. Mark's Basin. While only a few traces of that palace remain, some Byzantine-Venetian architectural characteristics can still be observed on the ground floor, with the base walls made of Istrian stone and featuring herring-bone pattern brick paving. Political changes in the mid-13th century necessitated a reevaluation of the palace's structure due to a significant increase in the number of Great Council members. The construction of the new Gothic palace began around 1340, primarily focusing on the side facing the lagoon. It wasn't until 1424 that Doge Francesco Foscari decided to extend the rebuilding efforts to the wing overlooking the Piazzetta, which would serve as law courts. This extension included a ground floor arcade on the outside, open first-floor loggias along the facade, and completion of the internal courtyard side of the wing, finalized with the construction of the Porta della Carta in 1442. \n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. This unique Palazzo allows for the recruitment of a diplomat while also contributing to public order, population growth, and an increase of tradeable goods. This comes at the economic cost of maintaining its structure and services.
    {palazzo_7_desc_short}The extended residence of the Doge of Venice

    {palazzo_8}Palazzo Reale
    {palazzo_8_desc}As the local Italian aristocracy gained wealth and influence, they began constructing their palaces within the cities. At times, they were also utilized by communal authorities. This 'Palazzo Reale,' the crowning achievement of the affluent Italian aristocratic families in your settlement, emulates the quintessential Italian palazzo, specifically the renowned 'Palazzo Vecchio,' meaning 'old palace,' located in the prosperous city of Florence. \n\nAt the end of the 13th century, the city of Florence decided to construct a building to offer magistrates or priors effective protection during turbulent times while also celebrating the significance of their government. The initial construction was entrusted to Arnolfo di Cambio, renowned for building the Duomo of Florence and the Basilica of Santa Croce, and construction commenced in 1299. The palace, then known as the Palace of the Priors, was constructed on the foundations of other palaces: the Palazzo dei Fanti and the Palazzo dell'essecuttore di Giustizia, both belonging to the Ghibelline family of the Uberti. Arnolfo incorporated the old Torre della Vaca, utilizing it as the lower section of the current tower. This is why, leveraging the existing structure, the rectangular tower is not positioned at the center of the building. After Arnolfo's death in 1302, other master builders completed the works in 1314. In this initial construction, the arcades of the ancient Roman theater were repurposed as prisons. \nOn March 26, 1302, according to the Florentine calendar, marking the beginning of the year, the Palace became the seat of the Signoria and the city council. It was presided over by the priors and the confalonier of justice—an office that resembled a mayor or head of government but with a short mandate. The first construction phase was completed in 1315. \nThe current palace is the result of other constructions and successive extensions completed between the 13th and 16th centuries. The Duke of Athens, Walter VI of Brienne, initiated the first modifications in the years 1342 and 1343, enlarging it along Via della Ninna and giving it the appearance of a fortress. Other important modifications were made between 1440 and 1460 under the orders of Cosimo 'the Elder' with the introduction of Renaissance decoration in the Hall of the Two Hundred and the Patio del Michelozzo. However, the first Hall of the Five Hundred was built in 1494 during the Republic of Savonarola. Between 1540 and 1565 it was the residence of Duke Cosimo I de' Medici.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. The Palazzo Reale allows for the recruitment of a diplomat while also contributing to public order, population growth, and an increase of tradeable goods due to its imposition and transmission of law and order in this settlement by the wealthiest aristocratic families.
    {palazzo_8_desc_short}An imposing and majestic Palazzo Reale

    {palazzo_9}Castello Sforzesco
    {palazzo_9_desc}The palace's initial construction, ordered by Galeazzo II Visconti, a local nobleman, took place in between 1358 and 1370. Known as Castello di Porta Giova or Porta Zubia, the palace derived its name from a gate in the nearby walls. It was built in the same area as the ancient Roman fortification of Castrum Portae Jovis, serving as castra pretoria during the city's time as the capital of the Roman Empire. Enlarged by Galeazzo's successors—Gian Galeazzo, Giovanni Maria, and Filippo Maria Visconti—the castle evolved into a square-plan fortress with sides measuring 200 meters in length. It featured four towers at the corners and walls reaching a thickness of up to 7 meters (23 ft). Serving as the primary residence for the Visconti lords in the city, the castle met its demise at the hands of the short-lived Golden Ambrosian Republic, which ousted them in 1447.\nIn 1450, after quelling the republicans, Francesco Sforza initiated the reconstruction of the castle to transform it into his princely residence. Two years later, he engaged the services of the sculptor and architect Filarete to conceptualize and embellish the central tower, now renowned as the Torre del Filarete. Following Francesco's death, the construction was carried on by his son, Galeazzo Maria, with the guidance of the architect Benedetto Ferrini. The embellishments were undertaken by local painters. In 1476, during the regency of Bona of Savoy, a tower was erected and named in her honor.\n\nGAMEPLAY NOTE: This building is exclusive to Italy and can be constructed only by Venice, Pisa, and the Papal States. Higher levels become available after the birth of Dante, a historical event occurring at the end of the 13th century. It cannot coexist with the Norman Stronghold, meaning only one can be present in a province. This unique Palazzo allows for the recruitment of a diplomat while also contributing to public order, population growth, and an increase of tradeable goods. This comes at the economic cost of maintaining its structure and services.
    {palazzo_9_desc_short}The fortified residence of the most famous and wealthy aristocratic families of Milan


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    {Varangian_Guard_descr_short}The famous and imperial Varangian guard, armed with their great 'Danish' heavy two-handed axes
    {Varangian_Guard_descr}Type: Elite Guard. Morale: 10. \n\nThe Varangian Guard (Greek: Τάγμα τῶν Βαραγγῶν, Tagma ton Varangon) was an elite unit of the Byzantine Army from the 10th to the 14th century. Renowned for their triumph against the Pechenegs during the Komnenian era and remembered for their valiant last stand during the fall of Constantinople to the Latins in 1204, the members of the Varangian Guard served as personal bodyguards to the Byzantine Emperors. This distinguished unit was predominantly composed of recruits from Northern Europe, including Norsemen from Scandinavia and Anglo-Saxons from England. The deliberate policy of recruiting distant foreigners from outside Byzantium to serve as the emperor's personal guard was pursued because they lacked local political loyalties, making them reliable in suppressing revolts by disloyal Byzantine factions. \n\nThe Rus' provided the earliest members of the Varangian Guard, serving in Byzantine ranks as early as 874. In 988, Emperor Basil II formally established the Guard following the Christianization of Kievan Rus' by Vladimir I of Kiev. Vladimir, who had recently seized power in Kiev with a Varangian army, sent 6,000 men to Basil as part of a military assistance agreement. Emperor Basil II, wary of the native Byzantine guardsmen whose loyalties often shifted with fatal consequences, opted to enlist the Varangians as his personal guardsmen. The Varangians, demonstrating unwavering loyalty—many with prior service in Byzantium—contrasted sharply with the unpredictable allegiances of their Byzantine counterparts. \nImmigrants from Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Sweden maintained a predominantly Norse presence in the organization until the late 11th century. According to the late Swedish historian Alf Henrikson in his book 'Svensk Historia' (History of Sweden), Scandinavian Varangian guardsmen were distinguished by their long hair, a red ruby set in the left ear, and ornamental dragons sewn onto their chainmail shirts. During this period, Swedish men left in such numbers to enlist in the Byzantine Varangian Guard that a medieval Swedish law, Västgötalagen, declared that no one could inherit while staying in 'Greece'—the Scandinavian term for the Byzantine Empire. This measure aimed to curb emigration, especially as two other European courts simultaneously recruited Scandinavians: Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1060 and London from 1013 to 1051 (the Þingalið).\nComprising primarily Norsemen and Rus during its first 100 years, the Varangian Guard witnessed an influx of Anglo-Saxons following the Norman conquest of England. By the era of Emperor Alexios Komnenos in the late 11th century, the Varangian Guard was largely recruited from Anglo-Saxons and others who had suffered at the hands of the Vikings and their Norman relatives. The Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic peoples shared with the Vikings a tradition of faithful, oath-bound service even unto death, and the Norman invasion of England resulted in many fighting men who had lost their lands and former masters, seeking positions elsewhere. \nThe Varangian Guard not only served as security for the Byzantine emperors but also actively participated in numerous wars, frequently playing a decisive role by being strategically deployed at critical moments of battle. By the late 13th century, the Varangians underwent significant ethnic assimilation by the Byzantine Greeks, yet the Guard persisted and remained in existence until at least the mid-14th century. As late as 1400, there were individuals in Constantinople still identifying as 'Varangians.'
    {Varangian_Guard}Tagmata Anglovarangoi Guard

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    {English_Huscarls_descr_short}Formidable households warriors armed with two-handed axes and protected by mail armour.
    {English_Huscarls_descr}Type: Superior Mercenaries. Morale 9. \n\nThese Axe-wielding mercenaries were an elite body of the formerly Anglosaxon armies who reigned before the Norman Conquest by William I the Conqueror. \n\nThe surviving Huscarls at the Battle of Hastings witnessed with dismay the demise of their way of life after the death of their King Harold in battle. Following William I's subsequent conquest of all of England years later, he made it clear that there was no possibility for them to regain their positions as guards to a later Anglo-Saxon king. \nTherefore, many of them had no choice but to go into exile. Some returned to the places they had left, seeking opportunities among their equals in ancient countries like Norway or Denmark. Others opted to be hired as mercenaries in various royal or noble houses across Europe. \n\nThere was a service that enjoyed some popularity among exiled Saxons for many years: the 'Varangian Guard.' Originally comprised of Russians of Viking origin who had settled in Russia for about 300 years, it evolved to include not only Russians but also soldiers of Nordic or Scandinavian origin. Many Saxons, particularly those with a significant Nordic component, especially in the north of England, decided to emigrate to the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, in search of a better future. Among them were numerous former Huscarls who emigrated alongside the Saxon nobility. Over the years, the Nordic component in the Byzantine Emperor's Varangian Guard began to decline, making way for the increasing prominence of the Anglo-Saxon contingent. \n\nSuch was the emigration that the Varangian Guard came to be nicknamed 'the English Guard.' In the remaining Scandinavian countries where the Huscarl Corps persisted, they continued to fulfill their role with extreme rigor and honor within their ranks, but little else is known about them. \n\nThese banished mercenaries armed with a two-handed axe, mail, kite shield and helmet present stiff opposition to all who would face the lords who host them and pay them for their services.
    {English_Huscarls}Anglosaxon Huscarls


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    alan_druzhina_aldarov_descr_short}Rude and powerful cavalry of Alan horse archers. These steppe mounted archers are protected by heavy armor and armed with bow, sabre and round shield.
    {alan_druzhina_aldarov_descr}Type: Steppe Mercenaries. \n\nThe Alans make their initial appearance in Roman writings in the 1st century and are later described as a warlike people specializing in horse breeding. In the 4th and 5th centuries, the Alans underwent partial Christianization through the efforts of Byzantine missionaries affiliated with the Arian church. \nThe Alan kings frequently allied themselves with the Byzantines and with various Georgian rulers seeking protection against raids by steppe peoples such as the Pechenegs and Cumans (Polovtsians). \n\nIn the 13th century, the recently arrived Mongols invaded the region, forcibly pushing the Eastern Alans much further south into the Caucasus. There, they integrated with the native population and eventually established territorial entities with distinct developments. Around 1395, Tamerlane's army invaded the North Caucasus and massacred the majority of the Alan population. \n\nThey are tough riders, acclimatized to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region, and some parts of Anatolia. Having fought against the Eastern Roman Empire and other steppe tribes numerous times in the past, ironically, they are now highly valued as mercenaries among their former enemies. These steppe warriors are hard men in harder armor, with their composite bow and saber, accustomed to seeing a lot of action on the field of battle and adept at shooting their arrows to keep enemies at a distance.
    {alan_druzhina_aldarov}Alans Horse Archers

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    {alan_aldary_descr_short}Rude and powerful cavalry of Alan lancers
    {alan_aldary_descr}Type: Steppe Mercenaries. \n\nThe Alans make their initial appearance in Roman writings in the 1st century and are later described as a warlike people specializing in horse breeding. In the 4th and 5th centuries, the Alans underwent partial Christianization through the efforts of Byzantine missionaries affiliated with the Arian church. \nThe Alan kings frequently allied themselves with the Byzantines and with various Georgian rulers seeking protection against raids by steppe peoples such as the Pechenegs and Cumans (Polovtsians). \n\nIn the 13th century, the recently arrived Mongols invaded the region, forcibly pushing the Eastern Alans much further south into the Caucasus. There, they integrated with the native population and eventually established territorial entities with distinct developments. Around 1395, Tamerlane's army invaded the North Caucasus and massacred the majority of the Alan population. \n\nThey are tough riders, acclimatized to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region, and some parts of Anatolia. Having fought against the Eastern Roman Empire and other steppe tribes numerous times in the past, ironically, they are now highly valued as mercenaries among their former enemies. \nThese noble Alans (Alani) constitute an exceptional cavalry unit that adeptly combines a spear charge with high maneuverability. Clad in light armor, shield, and helmet, they expertly wield their spears, making them an unstoppable chase unit on the battlefield.
    {alan_aldary}Alans Lancers

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    {Berdiche_Axemen_descr_short}These men serve as professional heavy troops in the Kniaz's service, equipped with excellent armor and weapons. They wield the feared 'berdiche,' a type of axe distinctive to the regions of Rus.
    {Berdiche_Axemen_descr}Type: Professional Axemen. \n\nThe 'berdiche' is a unique weapon that melds elements of an axe and a horned weapon. Characterized by a blade reminiscent of a war axe or glaive, it distinguishes itself by featuring two points attached to the shaft rather than a traditional horned end. This design allows for a grip behind the blade, forming a guard. Particularly effective in infantry combat, it excels at targeting warriors' horses, and its pointed axe blade is adept at penetrating knights' armor. This distinctive horned 'axe' was notably prevalent in Eastern Europe, especially in Russia. \n\nWielding the formidable 'berdiche,' these heavy axemen instill fear in the hearts of their enemies, just before delivering powerful strikes. The Berdiche Axemen, seasoned professionals, undergo rigorous training to master their fearsome two-handed axes. They are appropriately armored, donning mail or heavy brigandine for protection. Princes and noble boyars of Rus strategically deploy these men as shock troops to disrupt and weaken enemy formations.
    {Berdiche_Axemen}Berdichniki Heavy Axemen

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    {Chude_Militia_descr_short}The men from the Chuds tribes are equipped with short spears, axes, and small shields, all complemented by light armor.
    {Chude_Militia_descr}Type: Tribesmen Militia. \n\nThe Chuds or Chude, as per the commentary of the monk Nestor in the First Russian Chronicle, were identified as the Ests or Estonians. In 1030, Yaroslav I the Wise invaded the county of Chuds, where he founded Yuriev, the Russian historical name for Tartu, Estonia. According to the ancient East Slavic chronicles, the Chuds played a significant role as one of the founders of Kievan Rus'. The Nestor Chronicle specifically describes the Chuds as co-founders of Kievan Rus', alongside the Slavs and the Vikings. In other ancient East Slavic chronicles, the term 'Chuds' refers to various Finnish tribes, particularly proto-Estonian groups. \n\nThe warriors from the various tribes referred to as 'Chuds' by the Rus engage in warfare alongside the Knyaz, armed with short spears, axes, and small shields. While the more affluent among them may occasionally afford mail or even heavier armor, this infantry is still categorized as light and would face challenges standing against genuine professional troops in open combat.
    {Chude_Militia}Chude Warriors

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    {Dismounted_Junior_Druzhina_descr_short}These Dismounted Junior Druzhina fight as medium-quality archers, equipped with good armor and weapons to effectively confront adversaries from a distance.
    {Dismounted_Junior_Druzhina_descr}Type: Early Professional. \n\nThese standing armies or druzhina, meaning 'friends' or 'companions' in Russian, faithfully accompanied every Rus prince. The men of a druzhina were bound by an oath to their prince and to each other, forming chains of loyalties reminiscent of the patronage system in early medieval Islamic armies rather than the vassalage system of Western Europe. In return, the druzhina constituted a highly mobile mounted force capable of covering enormous distances. Not all members of a druzhina were of noble origin; some had humble beginnings but rose through the ranks due to their skill, loyalty, and good fortune. Others hailed from families that had served a particular princely clan for generations, either in its druzhina or as posadnik (governors of a city). From the 11th century onwards, most spoke Slavic, although individuals of various ethnic origins, including Scandinavians, Turks, Kosogo-Circassians, and Ossetians from the Caucasus, likely served. \n\nThe Dismounted Junior Druzhina serve as lighter troops compared to their Druzhina infantry and cavalry comrades. Armed with good armor and helmets, they serve as good archers, confronting enemies from a distance before engaging them with their small axes in close combat.
    {Dismounted_Junior_Druzhina}Dismounted Junior Druzhina

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    {Smolensk_Infantry_descr_short}The Eastern Spearmen constitute a solid infantry of spearmen composed of diverse Slavic and Eastern European warriors.
    {Smolensk_Infantry_descr}Type: Professional spearmen. Morale 8. \n\nThese professional spearmen, composed of Slavic people and other Eastern ethnic groups, form a standing army for princes and nobles in Eastern Europe. Their notable effectiveness against mailed cavalry is attributed to the four-edged spikes they wield. Furthermore, they wear sturdy brigantine armor, establishing them as the standard line infantry for numerous Eastern armies.
    {Smolensk_Infantry}Eastern Spearmen

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    {Junior_Druzhina_descr_short}These Rus mounted horse archers are skilled heavy archers clad in sturdy armor, ready to confront their steppe adversaries.
    {Junior_Druzhina_descr}Type: Early Professional. \n\nThese standing armies or druzhina, meaning 'friends' or 'companions' in Russian, faithfully accompanied every Rus prince. The men of a druzhina were bound by an oath to their prince and to each other, forming chains of loyalties reminiscent of the patronage system in early medieval Islamic armies rather than the vassalage system of Western Europe. In return, the druzhina constituted a highly mobile mounted force capable of covering enormous distances. Not all members of a druzhina were of noble origin; some had humble beginnings but rose through the ranks due to their skill, loyalty, and good fortune. Others hailed from families that had served a particular princely clan for generations, either in its druzhina or as posadnik (governors of a city). From the 11th century onwards, most spoke Slavic, although individuals of various ethnic origins, including Scandinavians, Turks, Kosogo-Circassians, and Ossetians from the Caucasus, likely served. \n\nThe Junior Druzhina functions as a lighter force compared to their Druzhina infantry and cavalry counterparts. These warriors employ steppe-style tactics to counter the strategies of renowned adversaries, including the Cumans, Pechenegs, and other steppe tribes.
    {Junior_Druzhina}Junior Druzhina

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    {Axemen_descr_short}Originating from Eastern and Northern Europe, these Slavic mercenaries wield two-handed axes, serving as powerful heavy troops adept at crushing infantry and toppling horses.
    {Axemen_descr}Type: Axemen Mercenaries \n\nThese Slavic warriors, recruited from prosperous households of merchants, artisans, and smiths, emulate their Scandinavian neighbors by wielding heavy two-handed axes. Serving as mercenaries in the harsh lands of Rus, they can afford enhanced protection with light mailed armor. While effective as offensive infantry, relying on them to hold a line may be less advisable.
    {Axemen}Mercenary Slavic Axemen

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    {Berdiche_Militia_descr_short}These strong and tough Rus men wield two-handed axes, serving as shock troops against the enemies of the Rus people.
    {Berdiche_Militia_descr}Type: Medium Axemen. \n\nThe Rus, a fusion of Slavic and Scandinavian heritage shaped by a Viking past, employ a fighting style rooted in ancient traditions. Despite being sturdy Slavic men of moderate means, they can afford two-handed axes in the traditional Scandinavian fashion. However, lacking quality armor and experience compared to the troops of noble boyars and their retinues, they stand at a disadvantage.
    {Berdiche_Militia}Rus Axemen

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    {Junior_Militia_descr_short}The junior militia consisted of inexperienced Rus peasants armed with whatever weapons they could acquire.
    {Junior_Militia_descr}Type: Urban peasant militia. \n\nIn contrast to the wealthier and more seasoned citizens comprising the urban militias known as 'tysiacha' in Rus cities, these impoverished Rus peasants, responding to their Kniaz, equip themselves with whatever they can afford. Typically armed with poorly crafted axes, rudimentary arms and armor, and small wooden shields, they serve as light infantry and may not be well-suited for resisting charges or facing professional troops.
    {Junior_Militia}Rus Junior Militia

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    {Rus_Senior_Militia_descr_short}Rus city dwellers, tasked with defending their cities, are armed with spears, kite-shields, leather armor, and helmets. This Rus infantry forms a sturdy cornerstone for their armies.
    {Rus_Senior_Militia_descr}Type: Urban Militia. \n\nThe cities of Kievan Rus' and the Novgorod principality, starting from the 12th century, were governed by municipal councils known as "veches." The urban militia, primarily infantry, was organized into units of 100 men called 'tysiacha,' commanded by a 'tysiatchi.' The initial recruitment was among the Slavs and other tribes. In the 10th century Chernigov area, for instance, the local militia defended the region while the elite Russian warriors conducted raids elsewhere. The merchant class, consisting of Slavs, Finns, and Scandinavians, who dominated Russian municipal councils, likely formed the ranks of this militia. These militias were fiercely loyal to their cities, and no prince could take their support for granted, especially if a campaign targeted other Rus individuals rather than foreign invaders. \n\nThe militia operated from nearly autonomous barracks, with each responsible for defending an assigned section of the wall. The local prince typically supplied the militias with weapons, armor, and horses, possibly due to the simplicity of their own weaponry. However, by the 13th century, wealthier cities likely began arming their own militias. \n\nThe Rus urban militia serves as a robust foundation for the Rus armies, benefiting from training in dedicated barracks and equipped by affluent cities. This enables them to effectively confront cavalry and other infantry units. The wealthier members of the militia can afford to outfit themselves with spears, shields, and leather armor.
    {Rus_Senior_Militia}Rus Senior Militia


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    {cum_militia_cav_a_sw_descr_short}The backbone of the Cuman armies, horse archers useful for ranged attacks and harassing heavier units with their steppe tactics.
    {cum_militia_cav_a_sw_descr}Type: Tribal Warriors.\n\nThe Cumans were a Turkic nomadic people of Central Asia, constituting the western branch of the Cuman-Kipchak confederacy and speaking the Cuman language. In Russia, they are known as Polovtsians, while Western sources refer to them as Cumans, and Eastern sources as Kipchaks.\n\nRelated to the Pechenegs, the Cumans inhabited a shifting area north of the Black Sea and along the Volga River known as Cumania. From there, the Cuman-Kipchaks interfered in the politics of the Caucasus and the Khwarazmian Empire. Many Cumans eventually settled west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', the Byzantine Empire, and several Latin nations.\n\nThe Cumans were formidable nomadic warriors of the Eurasian steppe, leaving a lasting impact on the region and the medieval Balkans. Known for their cultural sophistication and military prowess, they initially fought as light cavalry and later developed into heavy cavalry.Equipped with weapons like the recurved bow and later the compound bow (carried on the hip using a quiver), a javelin, a slightly curved saber, mace, and a heavy spear for spearing, the Cumans employed tactical versatility. They maintained a large number of reserve horses (10-12 mounts) to ensure a fresh horse was always available. An essential accessory was a small whip attached to the rider's wrist. Tactically, the Cumans followed typical steppe nomad strategies, utilizing repeated charges by horse archers to wear down and confuse the enemy, employing feigned retreats, and setting up ambushes.\n\nThese Cuman horse archers are the core of any Cuman or Esteparian army. Clad in light armor, they are highly agile in combat, employing hit-and-run tactics—shooting arrows at the enemy and then swiftly retreating to avoid retaliation.
    {cum_militia_cav_a_sw}Cuman Horse Warband

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    {cum_militia_a_sw_descr_short}The foundation of the Cuman armies, these troops are equipped with bows and minimal armor. They are excellent archers but relatively weak in hand-to-hand combat.
    {cum_militia_a_sw_descr}Type: Tribal warriors.\n\nThe Cumans were a Turkic nomadic people of Central Asia comprising the western branch of the Cuman-Kipchak confederacy who spoke the Cuman language. They are known as Polovtsians in Russia, Cumans in Western sources, and Kipchaks in Eastern sources.\n\nRelated to the Pechenegs, the Cumans inhabited a shifting area north of the Black Sea and along the Volga River known as Cumania. From there, the Cuman-Kipchaks interfered in the politics of the Caucasus and the Khwarazmian Empire. Many Cumans eventually settled west of the Black Sea, influencing the politics of Kievan Rus', the Byzantine Empire, and several Latin nations.\n\nThe Cumans were formidable nomadic warriors of the Eurasian steppe, leaving a lasting impact on the region and the medieval Balkans. Known for their cultural sophistication and military prowess, they initially fought as light cavalry and later developed into heavy cavalry.Equipped with weapons like the recurved bow and later the compound bow (carried on the hip using a quiver), a javelin, a slightly curved saber, mace, and a heavy spear for spearing, the Cumans employed tactical versatility.\n\nWhen dismounted, these Cuman warriors transition into light infantry or foot archers. While they struggle against heavier foes in close combat, their strength lies in unleashing a relentless rain of arrows upon the enemy.
    {cum_militia_a_sw}Cuman Warriors

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    {Kievan_Palace_Guard_descr_short}The loyal guard of the Grand Prince and princes of Kievan Rus' consists of top-tier troops equipped with the finest gear available. Their role is to defend the great nobles both at home and on the battlefield. These elite troops are armed with spears, heavy armor, and sturdy shields.
    {Kievan_Palace_Guard_descr}Type: Elite Guard.\n\n\Comprising noble natives and affluent citizens devoted to Kievan Rus', this loyal troop serves the Grand Prince, his family, and the noble boyars. Their considerable wealth allows them to possess top-notch Russian weapons and armor, complemented by superb military training. Specialized in fighting heavy cavalry, they excel in attacking the enemy's elite troops and forming a ring of spears to defend strategic positions. This elite force stands as a formidable challenge against the mounted steppe enemies of Kievan Rus'.
    {Kievan_Palace_Guard}Knyaz's Guard

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    {cum_polovec_cav_a_sw_descr_short} Steppe tribal horse archers. They sell their services to the highest bidder, adopting a steppe-style approach with agility and powerful bows.
    {cum_polovec_cav_a_sw_descr}Type: Mercenary.\n\nThe Polovtsy or Cumans–known as Cumans in the West, Kipchaks in the East, and Kangli in Asia–were a nomadic Turkic-speaking tribal confederation. They originated from eastern Mongolia around 1017 or 1018 and eventually occupied a vast region from Kazakhstan to the Danube by 1055. Politically disorganized, they lacked a unified policy in their relations with Kievan Rus'. Various Polovtsian tribes engaged in conflicts between princely Russians, sometimes as allies and occasionally as enemies. Dynastic intermarriages played a role in forming Polovtsy-Rus political unions. Russian sources distinguish between 'savages' (enemies of Kievan Rus') and 'non-savages' (allies of Kievan Rus') among the Polovtsians. The clashes between the Rus and the Polovtsy stemmed primarily from their differing economies. The Rus, being farmers, sought to convert the steppe into cultivated land, while the Polovtsian nomads relied on the steppe for grazing animals. This economic disparity led to inevitable conflicts, with Polovtsian raids on Rus-colonized lands and subsequent counterattacks by Kievan Rus'. Despite these conflicts, political disunity on both sides prevented the establishment of permanent peace. Ultimately, by the 1230s and 1240s, both the Rus and the Polovtsy were conquered and absorbed into the Mongol Empire.These steppe mercenaries are available to the highest bidder and are willing to fight alongside the Horde, their steppe compatriots, or even the Rus and other settled peoples. They excel in raids and harassing the enemy from a distance, but their lack of protection and armor makes it advisable for them to avoid direct confrontation with better-protected adversaries.
    {cum_polovec_cav_a_sw}Mercenary Steppe Polovtsy

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    {Scandinavian_Guard_descr_short}These well-trained Norse warriors are clad in heavy armor and wield large two-handed axes as they engage in combat, following the Nordic fighting style.
    {Scandinavian_Guard_descr}Type: Elite Guard.\n\nThe Norse Guard traces its origins to the alliance forged by Grand Prince Vladimir the Great. In a treaty with the Eastern Roman Empire, over 6,000 Nordic warriors were contributed to serve as the personal guard of Emperor Basil II, known as the famous Varangian Guard. Over time, these troops evolved from a mere military levy to become the elite force and bodyguard of the Kniaz, serving a role akin to troops originating from Nordic huscarls.\nComposed of professional warriors from the Rus and Nordic regions, wielding large Nordic-style axes and clad in heavy armor, they serve as formidable shock troops against the enemies of Rus.
    {Scandinavian_Guard}Norse Guard

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    {Ruthenian_Archers_descr_short}This high-quality archer unit hails from Rus and Baltic lands, equipped with a superior bow, small axes, and clad in leather or chain armor. They bolster their defense with a wooden shield.
    {Ruthenian_Archers_descr}Type: Early Professional.\n\nRuthenia, initially connected with Rus, stems from the name given to the Varangians by the first Slavs and Finns. Referred to as 'rus,' this name originated from the ancient Norse root 'roðs' or 'roths.' In the 12th century, 'Ruthenia' alternated with Ruscia and Russia in Latin. Papal documents denoted territories dominated by Kievan Rus' and Baltic lands. By the 13th century, the term Rus prevailed in Latin documents of Hungary, Bohemia, and Poland.\n\nThese brave Ruthenian archers, essential in Eastern European armies, particularly among the peoples of Rus and their Baltic neighbors, are professional troops renowned for their high-quality archery. Even after depleting their arrows, they remain effective in inflicting severe injuries on lightly armored opponents. Equipped with a good bow and light protection, they can also function as light infantry, wielding small axes and wooden shields.
    {Ruthenian_Archers}Ruthenian Archers
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    {kosog_senior_militia_ug0_descr_short}Decent steppe lancers capable of withstanding the clash of other infantry and fighting against cavalry. They're equipped with lamellar armor, helmets, good shields and powerful lances.
    {kosog_senior_militia_ug0_descr}Type: Urban Militia.\n\nAs the steppe settlements grow demographically and advance in their structures, urban troops can be sustained to defend them. Similar to its Roman, Georgian, and Rus neighbors, the growth of its cities allows it to have well-equipped and trained militias capable of facing more powerful enemies.\n\nAdvanced steppe settlements can arm and field a decent infantry force armored in lamellar armor. On the battlefield, they easily overpower any light infantry used against them. With shields and spears, even a light cavalry charge is not insurmountable.
    {kosog_senior_militia_ug0}Steppe Urban Spearmen

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    {cum_kosog_axe_descr_short}Light infantry comprised of the lowest classes of various steppe tribes such as Alans, Kazakhs, Cumans. This poor infantry formed a militia that went to war armed with nothing but ax and shield.
    {cum_kosog_axe_descr}\nType: Tribal Militia.\n\nIn the Eurasian steppes, numerous steppe tribes coexist, including Alans, Cumans, Kazakhs, and Pechenegs. While the majority fight on horseback, others cannot afford it and fight on foot. This steppe infantry serves as support and goes to war armed with nothing but ax and shield. They are poor militiamen defending their settlements, and although lacking experience, their courage and fierce dedication to protecting their homeland make them formidable foes nonetheless.
    {cum_kosog_axe}Steppe Infantry
    Last edited by Michael Westen; January 19, 2024 at 12:47 PM. Reason: added descriptions from 7-1-24

  8. #8


    I'm now finished with the Alcazar descriptions. I've tried to add fluency and clarity. I hope I succeeded. Since I'm not an English native, it's entirely possible that there are still things to improve. Btw, I used ChatGPT sometimes for suggesting improvements. It's quite useful, but of course not perfect.

    Luna, could you please have a look at the text I've marked red. These are passages I would like your opinion on, mostly to confirm that the original meaning of the text is still intact.
    Please let me know if you have any objections.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Westen View Post
    I'm now finished with the Alcazar descriptions. I've tried to add fluency and clarity. I hope I succeeded. Since I'm not an English native, it's entirely possible that there are still things to improve. Btw, I used ChatGPT sometimes for suggesting improvements. It's quite useful, but of course not perfect.

    Luna, could you please have a look at the text I've marked red. These are passages I would like your opinion on, mostly to confirm that the original meaning of the text is still intact.
    Please let me know if you have any objections.
    Perfect Michael! With your spelling corrections we can make a good team to design the sship mod texts!Soon I will be able to continue with my work on historical descriptions and will add more!

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  10. #10


    I'm glad to hear that you like my changes.
    I'll continue to put my corrections in the post above over time.

  11. #11


    I'm done with proofreading and editing the provided descriptions.

    J.a.luna, please have a look at the descriptions, especially for Palazzo, Tagmata Anglovarangoi Guard and Rus Junior Militia. I've tagged some issues there for clarification.

    And let me know if you have any objections.

    I hope you'll soon be able to add the rest of them.
    Last edited by Michael Westen; December 16, 2023 at 11:54 AM.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Westen View Post
    I'm done with proofreading and editing the provided descriptions.

    J.a.luna, please have a look at the descriptions, especially for Palazzo, Tagmata Anglovarangoi Guard and Rus Junior Militia. I've tagged some issues there for clarification.

    And let me know if you have any objections.

    I hope you'll soon be able to add the rest of them.

    Hi friend! All your suggestions in the texts seem fine to me, the only thing regarding the "Palazzo" building that I wanted to refer to with the Duccale Palace is that from that level of building onwards you can recruit a Diplomat, in the levels before to the Duccale Palace was not possible.

    On the other hand, my laptop suffered a small mishap regarding its screen and is being repaired, but I will shortly provide more historical descriptions for the next version. For now, along with the descriptions of the units, I follow the instructions that Jurand provided regarding what he needed help... (see spoiler),
    are you working on other aspects such as adding more Provincial Tittles or more descriptions for the traits? It's to know what you're working with and not duplicate work...
    Together we can give sship team a hand and improve the game!

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    . How to help us in developing the mod:
    - write descriptions for the Piazza del Duomo - see here - some historical orientation in the Medieval Italy required.
    - re-write description for the Agriculture (Farms) - there's 7 levels, and they should differe between cultures. - some historical orientation in the Medieval economy would be welcome.
    - make a proof-reading of many buildings (in the export_buildings.txt) - no need for coding skills, just native-speaking.
    - re-code and re-draft the Provicial Titles' ancillaries (only 1/3 is done as for now) - laborious, good command of English needed, but comparatively easy in coding, as the Ancillaries are easy.
    - replace the all-factions ancillaries for the ME culture with the Muslim ones. They may be re-used from the Broken Crescent, or just copied with another pic-face (eg. Medic, Musician, ...) - easy in coding, as the Ancillaries are easy.
    - review and analyse triggers for the "great people ancillaries" (list if these is in the campaign_scipt.txt) - easy in coding, as the Ancillaries are easy.
    - draft the texts and the code for the Conqueror mechanism for other cities - easy in coding, but good orienation in Medieval history needed.
    Last edited by j.a.luna; December 17, 2023 at 09:41 AM.

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  13. #13



    Re the Palazzo Ducale: I've written the following: "The Palazzo Ducale as well as all other subsequent upgrades of the building allow the recruitment of a diplomat."
    Let me know if you're okay with this version.

    There's still an open issue in the text for the Tagmata Anglovarangoi Guard.
    Here's your version:
    "This measure aimed to curb emigration, especially as two other European courts simultaneously recruited Scandinavians: Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1060 and London from 1018 to 1066 (the Þingalið)."
    Here is the sentence from the Wikipedia article:
    [...] emigration, especially as two other European courts simultaneously also recruited Scandinavians: Kievan Rus' c. 980–1060 and London 1013–1051 (the Þingalið).
    Which one is correct? Do you know? Do you have access to the source (Studies in medieval Eurasian history London: Variorum Reprints, 1981)?
    If you don't, I would insert the year dates from Wikipedia.

    At the moment, I'm proofreading and editing the file historic_events.txt. It's quite a lot, so for now I'm not involved in any other tasks.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Westen View Post

    Re the Palazzo Ducale: I've written the following: "The Palazzo Ducale as well as all other subsequent upgrades of the building allow the recruitment of a diplomat."
    Let me know if you're okay with this version.

    There's still an open issue in the text for the Tagmata Anglovarangoi Guard.
    Here's your version:

    Here is the sentence from the Wikipedia article:

    Which one is correct? Do you know? Do you have access to the source (Studies in medieval Eurasian history London: Variorum Reprints, 1981)?
    If you don't, I would insert the year dates from Wikipedia.

    At the moment, I'm proofreading and editing the file historic_events.txt. It's quite a lot, so for now I'm not involved in any other tasks.
    Dont problem Michael ,The dates are approximate so you can put whatever you want, the one from the Wiki is also correct in my opinion, it was especially before the Norman conquest of England (before 1066).

    -Your proposal for the Doge's Palace seems perfect to me!

    - Yes, the file of historical events is very extensive, so I understand that you have work... but I'm sure it will look great!
    I would like to continue editing texts to give more "flavor and immersion" to the mod.

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  15. #15


    Hi sship team and @Michael Westen I have updated the home page with 8 new historical and immersive descriptions for 8 steppe and Kievan Rus' units! Little by little I will continue updating my work until I finish all the units in Eastern Europe, in order to continue with other units from other areas geographical. I have to say that there are already some units with good historical descriptions like @Nikkosaiz's Byzantine units that I may have tweaked but hardly changed.

    Also, if I can, I will do the descriptions for buildings, only that it is even more laborious due to having several levels of descriptions.

    With our grain of sand we can all contribute to the mod and improve it together so that it is as real and historical as possible!

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  16. #16


    Great! I have corrected the new descriptions. :-)

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Westen View Post
    Great! I have corrected the new descriptions. :-)
    Thanks @Michael! I will try to complete the descriptions of all eastern European units for next week! And after continue with other units and buildings for the next version.
    I will upload a .zip folder for new descriptions

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  18. #18


    hi sship fans and developers, I am preparing historical modifications for the expanded.txt and export_units.txt files. For example:-Miles---Norman Milites
    - Miles Pedites--- Norman Milites Pedites
    -Sergeant Swordsmen---Mercenary Swordsmen
    - Light men at arms--- Sergeant swordsmen

    Factions Titles ( expanded.txt in campaign map).

    HRE king--- Imperator Romanorum
    HRE heir--- Rex Romanorum
    HRE family member--- Imperial Reichfurst
    Byzantine family member--- Roman Sebastos

    And much more!!! I will upload more information little by little so that Michael can also correct it correctly for the next version.

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