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Thread: UNITS ROSTERS discussion

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    Icon4 UNITS ROSTERS discussion

    For advance work and help the sship team in the next release I would like that we discussed about that roster features you would improve or you would change, what units you think lack in the game and talk about the stats of units,the famous EDU ... in my case, for example, I would like the roster of the Spanish factions were improved, I see them too simple and without any unit that it attrack attention, in addition, the models units are very similar to each other (jinetes, caballeros hidalgos, caballeros villanos ...) I think they should differentiate more about other European factions, as they had their own crusade against the Moors...also they should be included again the knights of Santiago and Calatrava, and put a new model for importants spanish units as almogávares, alforrats, Iberian infantry,tercios, knigths ....
    I hope your views,opinions,tips on this issue for all players sship and their members and creators .... Together we can improve much this awesome and amazing submod.

    Ok sship lovers and players, i will be brief and concise, i propose make some lists about what units should be removed or renovated and then other list about what units should be add.
    If someone want support me and say his opinion and new units proposition is welcome, only must write what unit/s and why should be remove in this thread and i will change/modify the list, with
    reasoned arguments and approval of sship team.


    -SPEARMEN---(There are spearmen sergeants,spear militia and urban spear militia, much "same" spear units, i guess than with 3 types and differents stats is well)
    -LATE PIKEMAN--- (Very late unit)
    -MILITIA SERGEANTS--- (English unit and exist much militias units yet)
    -ARCHER MILITIA--- (Same as spearmen, with archers and levy archers i guess that it is enough,
    It is about having more free slots)
    -MUSKETERS---(Very late unit)
    -TRANSILVANIAN PEASANTS---(Vainilla unit and it can renovate the model or make new unit more historical)
    -SLAVS LEVIES---(Vainilla units, exist slavs mercenaries yet, they are similar and can be renovated with new models more historicals)
    -PRUSSIAN SPEARMEN---(Vainilla units with some teutonic models, can be renovated)
    -PRUSSIAN AUXILIARIE---(Vainilla units with some teutonic models, can be renovated)
    -PRUSSIAN AXEMEN---(Vainilla units with some teutonic models, can be renovated)
    -SWISS ARMORED PIKEMEN---(Very late unit and exist swiss pikemen and halberdies yet that can be upgrade armour)
    -HEAVY SWORDMEN SERGEANT---(exist light swordsmen, swordsmen mercenary and sworsmen sergeant, same with spearmen subject)
    -ARBALESTERS---(Exist crossbowmen and mercenary crossbowmen, same unit)
    -BASQUE ARCHERS---(Vainilla unit and can be replace for other more historical spanish unit)
    -HUSSITES---(Vainilla unit and similar to crossbowmen)
    -LUSITANIAN JAVELINMENT---(Vainilla unit and can be replace for other more historical spanish unit,exist javelinment yet)
    CATALANS---(Vainilla unit, exist almoghavars yet but they need be renovated model for toher more historical and specific, not only sandy´s model)
    -BALKANS ARCHERS---(Vainilla unit and it can renovate the model or make new unit more historical for this region)
    -BULGAR BRIGANDS---(Vainilla unit and it can renovate the model or make new unit more historical, maybe bulgar cavalry or infantry, they were famous for their cavalry, also will include more bulgar units because they are a faction not include)
    -LONGBOWMEN---(Exist mercenary longbowmen and welsh longbowmen yet)
    -HOBILARS/SCOUTS/BORDER HORSES/BRETON LIGHT CAVALRY---(These units can be consolidated in one unit as "light cavalry" with variants in different cultures and different armours)
    -SUDANESE GUNNERS---(Very late unit)
    -CAMEL GUNNERS---(Very late unit, can be replaced by camel with spears and curves swords)
    -ELEPHANTS---(This unit have cannons,should be replace by elephants with archers and be a expensive mercenary and regional)
    -MERCENARY GERMAN KNIGHTS/MERCENARY FRANKISH KNIGHTS---(Can be consolidated in the current unit of mercenary knights with variants and mixed of diverses europeans knights)
    -ALBANIAN CAVALRY---(Vainilla unit and can be replace for other more historical)
    -SERBIAN HUSSARS---(Vainilla unit and can be replace for other more historical)
    -AKINJIS---(Exists turkopoles,turkomanes,turkish horse archers...much similar horse archers units, can be useful have more free slots)
    -ARMORED SPEARMEN---(Exist heavy spearmen for muslims yet, i guess that he can useful for persian upgrade armour)
    -ARBALEST MILITIA---(Same that arbalesters)
    -HALBERDS MEN AT ARMS---(Exist halberds professionals and militias yet)
    -DAYLAMI INFANTRY/AL HAKA INFANTRY---(Can be remodelated with more historical units or make news units)
    -CALYVERMEN/MOUNTED CALYVERMEN---(Vainilla units and very late units, free slots for make new irish units)
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; October 02, 2021 at 03:00 AM. Reason: IMPROVE UNITS ROSTERS

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