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Thread: New Historical total war era - Total War: Three Kingdoms!

  1. #41

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    I think the most important question is who is composing the music?

    I want Jeff Van Dyck. He nailed it in Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom.

    And hopefully the voice acting will be in Chinese and not accented English. Even if it has errors like in Shogun 2's Japanese.

  2. #42


    I do agree with others that I hope the actual game will not feel like a Warhammer reskin and that the hero's abilites will be toned down and not take center stage over the historical battles.

    Quote Originally Posted by IGdood View Post
    I think the most important question is who is composing the music?

    I want Jeff Van Dyck. He nailed it in Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom.

    And hopefully the voice acting will be in Chinese and not accented English. Even if it has errors like in Shogun 2's Japanese.
    This too. I liked what I heard in the trailer but I really hope they are not again using beddow because that guy only ever makes one or two memorable battle themes. I especially would not have any faith in him making a soundtrack with an Asian theme and with TOB already on the way I see no reason why they would overwork him.

    Hopefully they get Dyck back or at least someone new to finally start giving soundtracks more memorable then the past titles made after Shogun 2.
    Last edited by Frunk; January 12, 2018 at 07:02 AM. Reason: Double posts merged.

  3. #43

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    It looks like the predictions I've been posting several times on this forum are coming true. The Warhammer era of Total War has and is going to irreparably change the artistic and design philosophy of the development studio. The trailer is throwing up all sorts of redflags, one being the clear indications that it will be hero-oriented combat, moving away from the more 'battle simulator' gameplay. It also appears as if they've let their artistic license meander away quite a bit, it feels like there will be a lot of fantastical depictions and art-styles in this one. I imagine the special abilities buttons will be implemented galore too, to the expense of the maneuvering gameplay focus that older titles did so uniquely well. This is a regrettable change of path for the studio for those of us who dream of a battle simulator game that at least tries to be historical and realistic. I'll still give them the chance to prove me wrong, but at this point I'd wager I'm correct.
    You speak my language. I'm trying to be positive about this, it does look incredible graphically. The setting isn't Europe for a change. However, I'm disappointed that it seems to be little more than warhammer reskinned.

  4. #44

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    I'm excited about this. As someone who has read the novel many times over and then read the historical biographies, I cannot wait to find out more.

    Right now my biggest question though is it more accurate to say this is a game based on historical events or is it based moreso on the novel? The end fight looks to be the 3 brothers vs LuBu, which would indicate the novel is the primary source. This is a big deal for those wondering about the influence of heroes, because if it is drawing from the novel hero abilities will probably be the biggest factor in battles.

    For those who aren't up to speed on the events in question but don't care to read up on it, KOEI makes some decent strategy games based on this era. Google "Romance of the Three Kingdoms KOEI." Same source material as Dynasty Warriors, but complete opposite in terms of gameplay. They alternate releases between a light grand strategy type game and strategy RPGs. Some games you are only able to control forces (a la Civilization or Paradox games), others you may control any officer in the game.

    I myself cannot wait to bring about a long lasting Wei dynasty.

  5. #45
    LuBu's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Well I tried to make a mod for this era back in the day. This will be very hero based in my opinion, with the fact there are so many characters as the real focus of both the story and history as well. I am fairly well read on this era, my forum name
    probably gives that away.

    One thing i will point out is that the game starts in 190 and will probably last for roughly 100 years with the fall of Wu and establishment of the Jin empire. Although it's titled as 3 kingdoms, the first 30 years from 190 contain way more than 3 factions, wether those are playable, or some of the surrounding tribes like the Xiongnu will have to wait and see.

    If you like historical battles there are plenty as well.

  6. #46

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    For those of you/us concerned about arcade-style battles, I suggest the new Field of Glory II game. It's based on tabletop wargaming but feels very historically accurate and puts a lot of emphasis on maneuvering.

    I'm looking forward to this title, as it'll probably not be covered in a poop and plague-colored filter like Attila and the Warhammer games.

  7. #47
    Diocle's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    China doesn't interest me even remotely, I'll skip this title, this is sad, I had some hope in a XIX century title, or myabe even a Pike and Shot game, sadly the gigantic Chinese market has decided the direction taken by the company, SEGA is the Big Boss and CA obeys, so, I understand their choice even though I deeply disagree.

    The only good news is that there is a new graphic engine, finally! I'm asking for a new engine for years and years now that it comes .. I'll loose it!
    The worst news is that in my opinion they will stay in China for at least 3 years, with other boring Oriental expansions and tons of DLCs, so I fear that for what's concerning me, Total War Saga is over once for all.

  8. #48

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    I'd rather buy Warhammer than this. The only reason for me to purchase TK would be if CA decides to include some sort of in-game martial arts fighting simulator or anything like that, considering there is much discussion regarding the increased importance of hero units. /sarcasm

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  9. #49
    EmperorBatman999's Avatar I say, what, what?
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    I feel rather mixed about this. I don't know much about ancient China, but I am glad they are returning back to some extent.

    At the same time, I question that faith with history. I can certainly tell that the trailer was highly stylized. I can't help but feel that this was aimed at the Chinese market, going by what I have seen with Chinese movies. I recall that Shogun 2 was also quite stylized, but it was still rooted in a sense of reality, and that stylizatino was only enough to immerse you in the Japanese setting. I find the Chinese kung-fu movie style to be excessive and rather tacky.

    In addition to that, I am concerned by gameplay considerations. I get the impression that we are only getting to play the three kingdoms and possibly the "evil" tyrant. Of course, once one of the "good" kingdoms wins, it seems likely they will have to fight the rest, which all sounds rather formulaic to me. I question the gameplay diversity since all the kingdoms will be of Chinese culture, and I wonder about the presence of bordering cultures like Tibetans and what part they might play (if any). I suppose this will not be too different from Shogun, but those games presented many different clans to play. I can't imagine only being allowed to play 3+1 factions only will provide much replayability.

  10. #50
    Darios's Avatar Ex Oriente Lux
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    This does look interesting. I have no particular interest in Chinese history, but I would much rather have this than another campaign with somewhat civilized/settled Germanic barbarians taking on slightly more barbaric/migratory Germanic barbarians. I will follow this game's development and if it looks promising enough - I'll end up getting it. I do hope that there will be some kind of nomadic/steppe-like factions in the north and/or west. I'd definitely get it then

    My only worry...that trailer, especially that three-way fight, looked very (need I say it?)....BADASS! Cmon CA, please stop doing this....and just make a history game.

    I guess there will be quite a few of us who will be disappointed by a major TW title being devoted to China. That's legit, but I suppose this is why CA started the Sagas project - to every once in a while give us more familiar settings for campaigns while they play their BADASS fantasies with Warhammer and now 3KTW
    Under the Patronage of PikeStance

  11. #51

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by EmperorBatman999 View Post
    I feel rather mixed about this. I don't know much about ancient China, but I am glad they are returning back to some extent.

    At the same time, I question that faith with history. I can certainly tell that the trailer was highly stylized. I can't help but feel that this was aimed at the Chinese market, going by what I have seen with Chinese movies. I recall that Shogun 2 was also quite stylized, but it was still rooted in a sense of reality, and that stylizatino was only enough to immerse you in the Japanese setting. I find the Chinese kung-fu movie style to be excessive and rather tacky.

    In addition to that, I am concerned by gameplay considerations. I get the impression that we are only getting to play the three kingdoms and possibly the "evil" tyrant. Of course, once one of the "good" kingdoms wins, it seems likely they will have to fight the rest, which all sounds rather formulaic to me. I question the gameplay diversity since all the kingdoms will be of Chinese culture, and I wonder about the presence of bordering cultures like Tibetans and what part they might play (if any). I suppose this will not be too different from Shogun, but those games presented many different clans to play. I can't imagine only being allowed to play 3+1 factions only will provide much replayability.
    If this game starts in 190CE, then faction count isn't going to be a problem. The three kingdoms aren't even close to being formed at this point. The land was heavily fractured between warlords who stood at the head of family networks, some big, some small. While the three families that would eventually form Wei, Wu, and Shu are the most famous, in 190, it was anybody's game. All CA has to do is pick from the many runner ups who could've formed a state if history had gone a different direction before the three kingdom split became finalized.

  12. #52

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Evan MF View Post
    It looks like the predictions I've been posting several times on this forum are coming true. The Warhammer era of Total War has and is going to irreparably change the artistic and design philosophy of the development studio. The trailer is throwing up all sorts of redflags, one being the clear indications that it will be hero-oriented combat, moving away from the more 'battle simulator' gameplay. It also appears as if they've let their artistic license meander away quite a bit, it feels like there will be a lot of fantastical depictions and art-styles in this one. I imagine the special abilities buttons will be implemented galore too, to the expense of the maneuvering gameplay focus that older titles did so uniquely well. This is a regrettable change of path for the studio for those of us who dream of a battle simulator game that at least tries to be historical and realistic. I'll still give them the chance to prove me wrong, but at this point I'd wager I'm correct.
    It was SHOGUN 2 where they started dabbling with Legendary lords and heroes, so it's not like that hasn't been done before in a historical title. SHOGUN 2 also relies heavily on what you are "predicting" to come true, in every way. I'm sure it will be most like SHOGUN 2, with more in depth RPG focuses, especially with how they showed each hero in the trailer. On top of that since the game will probably not be too culturally diverse, faction traits (and the lords themselves) will be the major way(s) they differentiate each faction. I would wager your "prediction" is spot on.

    I am glad it isn't going to be another near reskin of ROME 2/Attila. I'll admit after watching the thrones of Brittania Alfred trailer I was fairly disappointed because of how samey the game shown in the trailer is going to feel and look to Attila - which got VERY boing very fast aesthetically. I don't think I was necessarily wanting a Chinese Total War though. I know literally nothing about Chinese lore or history in anyway and can't say I have a huge interest in learning other than a few wikipedia articles. I would have probably preferred something that had to do with the New World, or I agree with someone else here an Empire 2. I'm sure it'll still be good for those of us who enjoyed SHOGUN 2/Warhammer, but I am betting a lot of the real historical/simulator fans will be disappointed.

  13. #53

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Epic28 View Post
    It's really not CA's fault that Europe/Eurasia was the epicenter for nearly every major historical conflict over the last 2,500 years..
    There is a reason why CA conveniently skips the Rise of the Caliphate era... Despite being one of the most significant periods in history (The fall of the Sasanians and the massive Byzantine decline) with a multitude of epic, history changing battles and legendary commanders (Khalid ibn Al Waleed)

    Can you guess why?

    Hint: It's the same reason why not even a single mod in here covers that era.
    Last edited by katsusand; January 11, 2018 at 02:54 AM.

  14. #54

    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darios View Post
    I guess there will be quite a few of us who will be disappointed by a major TW title being devoted to China. That's legit, but I suppose this is why CA started the Sagas project - to every once in a while give us more familiar settings for campaigns while they play their BADASS fantasies with Warhammer and now 3KTW
    Well I lost my trust in CA/Sega with Rome II, so'll probbaly not buy it anyway, but..

    I am among the ones who appreciates a non-European TW. That being said, the Romance of The Three Kingdoms is not what I would prefer. I'd rather see a big campaign that includes more cultures (like the All Under Heaven mod). But I guess with 3 simultaneous TW projects, it's foolish to expect another large scale setting without CA being totally lost (like Rome)

    This could be somewhat interesting if they heavily focus on RP/narrative on the campaign side of things. But like others I expect it to be cheesy hero stuff with fluffy magic abilities.

  15. #55
    Darios's Avatar Ex Oriente Lux
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by katsusand View Post
    There is a reason why CA conveniently skips the Rise of the Caliphate era... Despite being one of the most significant periods in history (The fall of the Sasanians and the massive Byzantine decline) with a multitude of epic, history changing battles and legendary commanders (Khalid ibn Al Waleed)

    Can you guess why?

    Hint: It's the same reason why not even a single mod in here covers that era.
    Actually I am a bit curious regarding this. The biggest thing that irked me about Attila is that CA imagines that history fans are more interested in minor Anglo-Saxon/Germanic conflicts on the edge of the known world as opposed to the massive and world-defining conflict taking place between three superpowers in the East. I love Attila, but I felt as if I was playing the same game over and over again with each new campaign DLC.
    Last edited by Darios; January 11, 2018 at 03:22 AM.
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  16. #56
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Finlander View Post
    I have anticipated for a good Three Kingdoms based game for a long time.
    You ever tried my mod? Might have helped to bridge the time...

  17. #57
    Sir Adrian's Avatar the Imperishable
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Can't wait to conquer China with Cao Cao
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  18. #58
    fightermedic's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Quote Originally Posted by Darios View Post
    Actually I am a bit curious regarding this. The biggest thing that irked me about Attila is that CA imagines that history fans are more interested in minor Anglo-Saxon/Germanic conflicts on the edge of the known world as opposed to the massive and world-defining conflict taking place between three superpowers in the East. I love Attila, but I felt as if I was playing the same game over and over again with each new campaign DLC.
    well, people tend to be more interested in the history of their own people, than the other end of the world, and the largest video game marked used to be a extremely anglo-saxon one
    that said, Anglo Saxon Britain IS a damn interesting scenario!

    I am glad however, we get to see a new Era for a change
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  19. #59
    Aanker's Avatar Concordant
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    Will probably wait this one out. Going by the trailer it looks like a stereotypical Fantasy of the Three Kingdoms game. I would've been curious if it was more grounded in realism, as perhaps that could've been an interesting way to learn Chinese history. But I'm no fan of the RPG-centred aspects of TW games (even though I like Warhammer). I feel like they're diminishing the importance of real tactics and instead inflating choice of equipment andnon-player factors such as XP, character skills etc.

    Also, I can't help but feel that we have played this game before. CA has not pushed their franchise into a new, challenging historical setting for a very long time. Instead, we have been stuck with bows, spears, swords and axes for I don't know how long. Sure, they goofed up on E:TW, but at least they tried, and Fall of the Samurai was an excellent gunpowder game built on the experience from E:TW and N:TW. It's time CA, push the timeframe. Accept the challenge and give us new mechanics.

    Precisely for those reasons I would have much preferred a Total War: Victoria. They could have stopped just shy of World War I if they were afraid of that challenge, meaning that the line infantry and skirmish mechanics of past gunpowder games could have been preserved. What is there not to love about the industrial era? Guns, explosions and pre-dreadnoughts on the high seas would also have sold well.

    Oh well, maybe next time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adar View Post
    Russia have managed to weaponize the loneliest and saddest people on the internet by providing them with (sometimes barechested) father figures whom they can adhere to in order to justify their hatred for the current establishment and the society that rejects them.

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  20. #60
    Diocle's Avatar Comes Limitis
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    Default Re: New Historical total war era announcement coming on Thursday!

    One of my dreams was Medieval Total War 3, sadly SEGA has taken another direction ..

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