Having multiple vampire armies in a region/city no longer seems to affect Vampire Corruption?!
I tried this with and without mods so its not a mod issue.


In one of my cities i have 100% Untained (0% vamp corruption) even though it has a garrisoned vampire army and 6 more vampire armies in that very province.

Same thing when invading someone elses territory - no matter how many vampire armies i place in someones territory it will not inflict any vampiric corruption upon the region.

I thought it might have to do with the "climate" system but it does not, even perfect climate has this corruption issue (also how would climate affect corruption but w/e).

I know there is a skill for vampire lords that increases/improves their vampiric corruption effect.

But in TWW1 i am pretty sure the vampire lords inflicted some vampiric corruption even without that particular skill, and especially if there was multiple vampiric lords in the same region.

Was this a change that came with TWW 2?