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Thread: New DLC - 8 Princes

  1. #41

    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    Future chapter packs seem to be future start dates for 3K rather than new periods, it seems 8P was supposed to be an exception not a rule.

  2. #42
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    Current mess is probably unlucky combination of more factors. Intel collaboration -> Dynasty mode, 8 princes -> smaller content low DLC with on rehash map, China company dealings -> probably after 3K success it took some time...

    But if we look at older TWs, CA is offereing wide variety of content size DLCs. 8/9 bucks is for cheaper one, I think we will see more 15-17 bucks DLCs as well.

    Honestly I think only chapter DLC policy is not good. I was also expecting and quite curious for possible other nationalities like Korea, Vietnam, Tibet...Definitely Mortal Empire and Warhammer overall strategy of adding new Legendary Lords looked very good.
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  3. #43
    Lionheart11's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    personally I dont give a flying about unit sizes when the community can do that anyway, how about 40 unit armies or making proper naval battles like Red Cliff. CA have lost the plot and are the next EA, trickle feed there crap and people gobble it up like kaviar. Peace out.
    "illegitimi non carborundum"

    TW RIP

  4. #44

    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdülmecid I View Post
    So, any thoughts about the new DLC? Generally speaking, the reviews so far have been mixed, as many had been disappointed by the lack of content. Also, the 8 Princes is not a particularly popular period, either in the West or in the East. These complaints remind me of the potential issues concerning the chapter packs I had mentioned, although admittedly, the price is not very high, in comparison to Empire Divided, for example. However, negativity has increased, fuelled by the problems present in the original game, so, in my opinion, Creative Assembly needs to reconsider its priorities. "Race" packs have much more potential, I suspect. After all, although I didn't doubt that the 8 Princes will have been forgotten quickly, I also didn't expect that the DLC will include only 8 unique characters (the princes themselves) without any extra addition. Together with the Dynasty mode and Netease debacles, it's not difficult to imagine why CA's reputation has been unnecessarily damaged, following the critically acclaimed release of Three Kingdoms (despite the empty south).
    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    Current mess is probably unlucky combination of more factors. Intel collaboration -> Dynasty mode, 8 princes -> smaller content low DLC with on rehash map, China company dealings -> probably after 3K success it took some time...

    But if we look at older TWs, CA is offereing wide variety of content size DLCs. 8/9 bucks is for cheaper one, I think we will see more 15-17 bucks DLCs as well.

    Honestly I think only chapter DLC policy is not good. I was also expecting and quite curious for possible other nationalities like Korea, Vietnam, Tibet...Definitely Mortal Empire and Warhammer overall strategy of adding new Legendary Lords looked very good.
    Given the...mixed feedback on this one, I think they'll probably back away from the chapter packs for a while. While the community hasn't been quite so negative on this one as the mini-campaigns from Warhammer 1, the clamoring for new factions in the main campaign is obvious.

    The DLC itself has been alright. Some of the princes have really fun and fresh campaigns (Sima Liang's in particular is a challenging and interesting run), the interactions with the empress and the Jin Empire itself are much more interesting than the Han, and the battles themselves are actually stronger as well, with better composed AI armies and a more challenging roster. However, the lack of unique characters really highlights how much this game needs something to make randoms stand out more, the unit/faction variety still needs work, and the administration portion of the game is still very weak.

    Quite frankly, I'm not sure why they opened with Eight Princes. It'd be a logical point to end at, it basically being the distant finale of the 3K era in more ways than one. While I can't say I'm displeased with it, it just feels like it was meant to come at another time, with higher production values, after people's hunger for the main timeframe had worn out.
    Last edited by zoner16; August 10, 2019 at 09:24 PM.
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  5. #45
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    Quote Originally Posted by Daruwind View Post
    Current mess is probably unlucky combination of more factors. Intel collaboration -> Dynasty mode, 8 princes -> smaller content low DLC with on rehash map, China company dealings -> probably after 3K success it took some time...

    But if we look at older TWs, CA is offereing wide variety of content size DLCs. 8/9 bucks is for cheaper one, I think we will see more 15-17 bucks DLCs as well.

    Honestly I think only chapter DLC policy is not good. I was also expecting and quite curious for possible other nationalities like Korea, Vietnam, Tibet...Definitely Mortal Empire and Warhammer overall strategy of adding new Legendary Lords looked very good.
    I agree that several factors are at play with the current "mess" as you put it. I also think timing is another one (Dynasty mode and 8 Princes this early in Three Kingdoms life.) Though the Netease (or someone similar) deal was inevitable, as you have to have a Chinese partner to sell in China, and there's basically no "good" option by the sounds of it.

    Though I think 8 Princes was intentionally chosen to avoid a couple of issues. Firstly, it's late enough to not directly effect the main campaign (giving them more time to gather more information on how people are finding the Grand Campaign, instead of adding new stuff this early and having to rebalance again.) And secondly, to try and avoid the "oh why would I buy this when I can just play this in Grand Campaign" comments we've seen for things like Caesar in Gaul and Hannibal at the Gates. How well that worked, well is perhaps not quite what CA were hoping for.

    But CA's never had an only Chapter DLC policy. They've said multiple times there will be a variety of DLC for Three Kingdoms, most recently:

    If this doesn't appeal to you - we do still have a wide range of content planned. We’re planning more expansion-type content, as well as more DLCs like the Yellow Turbans, which add new playable factions to the main campaign.
    We’ve also seen a lot of you asking for more characters in the main campaign (or turning some of our generic characters into unique characters), and this is something we absolutely would like to do moving forwards. This is just the beginning, not the end.
    I actually think the Chapter DLC concept is pretty interesting, and also arguably what some have been asking CA to add for years (alternate start dates, like in I think it was Medieval 1.) The problem with them, as I see it, is people expecting a Campaign DLC, when the price (and so intended content) is closer to a Culture Pack. It's part of a trend I've noticed with 3K of community expectations being built on, well very shaky or non-existent foundations. Another would be the people who seem to expect Warhammer level faction and unit variety when that was never on the cards. And don't even get me started on the guy that is adamant Three Kingdoms is a Saga game because it's "just" set in China!

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  6. #46

    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    Quote Originally Posted by Welsh Dragon View Post
    And don't even get me started on the guy that is adamant Three Kingdoms is a Saga game because it's "just" set in China!
    Lol. I saw that dude. Your attempts to reason with him were commendable, but tragically doomed. If someone can put out a completely incorrect definition of what a Saga is, have a couple dozen people tell him he's wrong, and then declare that, because he didn't agree with them that none of them had disproven him and was therefore declaring victory, then that person is quite frankly a delusional idiot. He didn't seem like the kind of person who could ever have a good faith argument about anything.
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  7. #47
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    Quote Originally Posted by Welsh Dragon View Post
    But CA's never had an only Chapter DLC policy. They've said multiple times there will be a variety of DLC for Three Kingdoms, most recently:

    I actually think the Chapter DLC concept is pretty interesting, and also arguably what some have been asking CA to add for years (alternate start dates, like in I think it was Medieval 1.) The problem with them, as I see it, is people expecting a Campaign DLC, when the price (and so intended content) is closer to a Culture Pack. It's part of a trend I've noticed with 3K of community expectations being built on, well very shaky or non-existent foundations. Another would be the people who seem to expect Warhammer level faction and unit variety when that was never on the cards. And don't even get me started on the guy that is adamant Three Kingdoms is a Saga game because it's "just" set in China!

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.
    Good spot, I admit I kept in mind one comment that "CA is planning chapter packs for 3K as something different" Honestly lately I was busy with theorycrafting Wh content and now with Troy. But yeah, it makes sense that there will be again wider variety of DLCs. We saw Yellow Turban faction pack, now chapter pack 8 princes...

    Found the quote which was causing my misunderstanding:
    We’re taking a slightly different approach to DLC for TW3K; based both on the exciting opportunities the Romance of the Three Kingdoms source material offers us and the preference we know players have for larger DLCs which adds considerable new replay.

    What you’ll see initially for TW3K DLC are what we are calling ‘Chapter Packs’.
    That word "initially" is probably what i missed..
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  8. #48

    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    I bought it and played a campaign as Sima Ai and I thought it was pretty good for the price. I went with supporting the Jin Empire in the event dilemmas and eventually was offered the position of regent:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    After doing that, the other princes formed an alliance and declared war on me but I was able to fend them off (the Jin empire actually seems really strong so while I was bogged down, it started putting pressure on Lun) and eventually allowed me to press out on my own:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Eventually, I got a further dilemma on whether to stay as the regent or just to take over but I stuck with the regency to see what would happen (but it just replays again several turns later):
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    I finished the campaign up without getting the ultimate victory, only taking out 3 of the other princes.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    The alignment system is another series of dilemmas that you can pursue as you see fit. Although, I didn't really have a plan and sort of ended up being at level 3 in 3 of them which has some benefits but also some drawbacks until you can get to the final tier. The AI now actively uses spies against you as I actually captured someone who was spying, so that is something new as far as I can tell as well.

    Sima Ai's faction mechanic was also something new, I went with his unique character assignments to mostly deal with buildings that inhibited your reforms and once I was in the final band, I switch to the other reform to push to the final tier of the wealth alignment as well as boosting commerce income which was helpful.

  9. #49

    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    How would you compare it to other Total War DLC's?

  10. #50

    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    I think it is better than some of the other DLC I've picked up, mostly older faction packs for instance, but I wouldn't say it is a must have. I had no prior knowledge of the 3K story and so that it doesn't change the base campaign isn't a huge negative to me for instance. My opinion is that it is mostly a game play based campaign with the dilapidated Han Empire being replaced with a more aggressive counterpart which perhaps leads to a more meaningful decision as to whether or not you choose to become the Emperor or Regent.

  11. #51

    Default Re: New DLC - 8 Princes

    i bought it, not a bad DLC but i wish they made some DLCs that expands on the base campaign, not other new campaigns

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