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Thread: Crusaders not attacking mongols

  1. #1

    Default Crusaders not attacking mongols

    Playing a test game with Norway. The mongols arrived in the holy lands, conquer jerusalem and after some turns a crusade is called by the pope. A lot of western factions adhere and march to the crusade objective.
    Problem: there are 5 stacks of crusading armies (hre, france, england, poland, hungary) outside jerusalem not doing anything. All of these factions are at war with the mongols, and jerusalem is held only by 4-5 mongol units. But nothing happens, now it will be like 10 turns without any action by christian countries. Probably the next thing that will happen will be waiting for some mighty mongolian stack to obliterate them without capturing the city.

    Has this happened to you? Are the christians sort of scared of fighting the mongols even if they are in huge numerical advantage? Will the crusade go on forever?

  2. #2
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Crusaders not attacking mongols

    Yes , it happened to me many times. Possible outcomes are :

    1. One of the stacks might actually besiege the settlement eventually.

    2. Mongol Doomstacks will fight them.

    3. They afk and the Crusade expires (yes the crusade has a timer , it wont go forever)

    4. The crusading generals die of old age leading to loss of armies.

    What you could do is using the move_character command to move the armies in another positon , maybe they will reset their pathing and besiege.

  3. #3
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Crusaders not attacking mongols

    That's a known issue but I honestly don't know how to fix it. It happens with jihad as well. It seems that when there are several stacks around a settlement, none of them is able to find a way to besiege the settlement. That's probably related to the path finding as mentionned by Nemesis2345
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

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