The End of the Galactic War (2593-2596)

Not far time ago I have finished the "Sol Invictus" story of my universe. Its plot described the end of cruel galactic war between the Galactic Coalition and neo-fascist League. This plot is well-known for you.

But how was the end of war? The man who finished it was the 1st rank admiral of Arthandir republic, mister Cadmus Florin. He used the forbidden (and to say fair, mysterious) Ollusi race weapon (Elfurr prefer to call it as their development) - Ollus'Fiar'Solus'Griar. Its Arthandir name - the "Harrier" rocket system.
Florins fleet bombarded the homeworld of Unn-Chorr race. Almost all League government was destroyed in this battle. "Harriers" did very dirty job. But it was the victory for the Coalition.

Ex-president Asinius Fernand called it as the glorious victory of the whole Coalition. Other warlords and admirals agreed with her.
But for journalists it was a big secret. Many press companies tried to know the truth. Nobody opened a secret about "Harrier" attack in the last battle. Arthandir fleet command preferred to be silent about Ollusian dangerous weapon. Elfurr fully supported them.
"Harriers" killed millions of Unn-chorr representatives, and it was a real war crime. So the war was finished by the really heavy price.

As for other League parts, all was more... easy. Rummaldin empire with help of Arthandir fully captured Heran sultanate. St'fing empire was crushed by combined forces of Coalition and Meingard. Other states which supported League regime surrendered to Coalition command. Nargon terrorists and pirate allies surrendered too because of low power. Kosatti empire left the League and started to be more friendly with Dragonid state.
Also need to say that Khazaar race which earlier supported league government chose the side of Coalition. Khazir'khagan Zindropa declared a thousand-year peace with Coalition states.
Unfortunately weapon traders and unfair companies earned a lot of money because of this war. But Coalition command promised to decide this problem very soon.

So this was an end of war. And all what I wrote - is a results. But it doesn't mean that all is over at 100%.
The most important word must say the High Tribunal of the Coalition. The Court is going to work with war criminals... except the admiral Florin, because of his support of many "VIP-characters".