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Thread: Warhammer III announced.

  1. #21
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Total War: Warhammer II announced

    Might want to split the Warhammer 3 discussion off into its own "Re: Total War: Warhammer III announced" thread, for ease of use and to give new players somewhere clear to discuss it.

    Also Kislev looks cool.

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  2. #22
    Lord Baal's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    PROUD TO BE A PESANT. And for the dimwitted, I know how to spell peasant. <== This blue things are links, you click them and magical things (like not ending up like a fool) happens.
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  3. #23
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Beside, it's in Warhammer I & II forum section... We'll need it renammed at some point.

  4. #24
    King Athelstan's Avatar The Wheel Weaves
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    The crowd has spoken, and renamed, split and removed it appears to have been. By hex, not me, I hold no power here

    So what do you think the pre-order race will be? I've got the impression it'll be Chaos Dwarfs.
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  5. #25
    Lord Baal's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Well, do you think they will dare to put one or two chaos demons factions, as preorder? Greed is a potent poison. They did left chaos warriors as preorder for the first game which was very offensive.

    Chaos dwarves migth be a low hanging fruit since a lot of models are already in and require just some changes or even reskins.

    Now, I think they could leave Cathay as the preorder faction.
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  6. #26
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    We already know the 4 chaos gods + Kislev + Cathay are core factions.

    - DoW + Southern Realms. With new units for TEB, mostly based on Empire, but some different helmet/textures, or pikes, could even be playable in ME, and some in Vortex. We could have one LL for Tilea, one for Estalia, one for Border Prince, and one for New World Colonies. But I think they would be better later, after Ogres have been added for exemple, so they can more easily integrate some exotic units in the DoW roster

    - Nagash: hinted in the steam page?

    And there is one who schemes to achieve just that, an ancient figure who desires nothing less than to wield supreme power. But to succeed, he will need a champion…
    I'm not really sure what new units he would bring... Maybe better as a FLC LL at some points, with a mix of vampire / TK units and a few specific. I'm not sure there's enough for a full race in a pre order DLC. And I think his area is too far to the South to connect with Warhammer III

    - Chaos Dwarves or Ogres, may fill the gaps between Old World and Far East. Chaos Dwarves may even be playable in ME, we sill have some room for them in the Darklands for current map.

    - Empire expanded: with new knights orders, new playable faction (Middenheim + Ulric). I think there could be enough material for a full DLC, and it would work well will Kislev

    But there is also the last DLC for WH2. It's likely we have BM since an overhaul is long overdue for them. But what could be the second race? HE or Skaven are not likely, they got their turns. LM or DE: possibly... but I think they almost have not unit left, and few interesting LL.

    So I'm thinking why not Empire + BM? We could get Boris as playable (FLC) + a new generic lord (Master) + Some Knights Orders. It can be relatively cheap, lots of reskin, and a good way to upgrade a bit the Empire for Game 3. Even if they are not playable at first with a LL, they can have some interaction with Kislev (apparently Kislev would have a way to get help via diplomacy, and knights orders would be nice for it).

    So if this is the case, it can't be the pre order.

    So I think they more likely is Chaos Dwarves, then Ogres, then Nagash, and last Empire expanded. CA surprised us with Cathay, and I'm really happy with that. But there's a "lot" of people complaining about Chaos Dwarves or Ogres not being there. So CA needs to put them relatively quickly, especially if there is a big chunck of land between Kislev and Cathay inhabited with Place holder, same as Southlands for Game 2 before TK. Having Chaos as pre order, and Ogres as first DLC a few months after release seems logical.

  7. #27
    Lord Baal's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    What if is Nippon then? Or Ind?
    PROUD TO BE A PESANT. And for the dimwitted, I know how to spell peasant. <== This blue things are links, you click them and magical things (like not ending up like a fool) happens.
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  8. #28
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Then I'll be very surprised... They can't be used to fit a gap in the map, they have no reusable assets or lore so they need to be built from scratch, and so costly for a pre order bonus (i.e. mostly free)

  9. #29
    King Athelstan's Avatar The Wheel Weaves
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Nagash could potentially be it, but I reckon he'll be a Free-LC down the line as Steph says.
    Empire expanded would be very cool to see, but seems a bit odd considering how all the focus is on new stuff? But I do yearn for the day we get to see Boris Todbringer in full splendour, hopefully it comes as part of a last DLC/BM rework.

    Nippon and Ind would be cool to see, but that seems more realistic as race packs in a year or three, seeing as how GW themselves really need to develop it first
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  10. #30
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Last Wh2 LP....well either Wh2-Wh2 then we can easily rule out Skaven, they got 3 LPs already, two options already happened - Skaven-LM, Skaven-DE, so we can discard even possible Skaven-HE. Then HE-DE already happened too, HE-LM not but that would be weird combo. So the last possible option is DE-LM which is only option i can imagine here. DE have just 5 LL and LM have 6 but the last DLC was way way way back. This option would be great as DE-Skaven took just 4 months, so with this we can see LP around April? And team would be free to work on something else....pre-order available for Wh2 too (yeah I know FAQ sounds more likely this won´t happen, i merely state it as option)


    So Wh2-Wh1 cross LP. CA not so long ago stated that 1) it is important to have at least one Wh2 core race and 2) one rework at time else it would take double time...Skaven-WE took 7 months. So DE have just 5 LL plus DE can easily put LL on Ulthuan which is the last almost empty space where is no opposition to HE.., LM have 6 but the last was pretty long I would state chance as 85% DE, 10% LM, 5% HE, Skaven 0%. That is Wh2 part, Wh1. Natural first option is BM - that is hard copy of WE LP, as horde they can start wherever plus there are loreful option to put them even on Naggaroth for example. Then Dwarfs, VC. Both got (more of less crappy) update just missing DLC. Dwarfs have some presence on Vortex but hardly can build tall as WE. VC have almost 0 presence (actually 1 faction ) That is leaving WoC and Norsca. Both could work but firstly if WoC is getting major update in Wh3, why making content for them here? Plus seems CA is not willing to do paid content for "free" faction like Bretonnia. And both WoC and Norsca were "free" for many people despite being paid content. So I bet CA will udate both those in Wh2 closing path as was Wh1 closing Foundation path.


    Pre-order. Ogres and Chaos Dwarfs are in my eyes easily 4 LL factions with lot unique assests. So no way here. TEB/DoW as well sounds like pretty large chunk of stuff. Plus they are utilizing a lot assets even like from Ogres
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    More logical way is to do Ogres first and then use assets for strictly speaking DoW can easily feature Albion,Halflings,Amazons as RoRs. Well one possible way would be to split TEB and DoW.

    Nagash - that could work as over faction touching TK, VC, VCoast. Adding a few stuff here and there, Mortartchs but at the same time he has potential to be Chaos Invasion 2.0 coming from different point. Plus he is mostly about mechanics and people would pay a lot for him so why do him as pre-order?

    That is leaving Norse Dwarfs, Hobgoblins and Hung/Kurgans.
    -Norse Dwarfs - different Dwarfs but as we are heading into Kislev, Chaos Wastes, basically North is our playground. They could be viable.
    -Hobgoblins are part of Chaos Dwarfs, Greenskins, mongolian GS from steppes. They are supposed to have big empire there so why not. This is similar situation to Norse Dwarfs but unlike them, CA will be making some Hobgoblins for Chaos Dwarfs anyway. And unlike Ogres, those would be low resource requiring HGS reskinnes.
    -Kurgans/Hung are just Mongolian Norsca. Population North Eastern steppes.

    Ind, Nippon, Kurdesh....those would probably require some unique assets too.

    Overall my pick is Nagash if CA wants to invest or Hobgoblins to populate world.
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  11. #31
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    As Steph said we know of 6 races in Warhammer 3 base game (4 Chaos races, Kislev and Cathay,) so none of them are going to be the preorder. However there are 9 playable Legendary Lords according to the blog (assumed to be 1 for each Chaos God and 2 each for Kislev and Cathay.) Which makes me wonder whether the 9th Legendary Lord is going to be "the one who schemes" and will work along the same lines as Dong Zhuo in Three Kingdoms, where he's the "big bad" who becomes playable once he's defeated or you finish a campaign. I'm not exactly a fan of unlocks like this, but it seems to me a possibility.

    As for pre-order, my best guess would be a Chaos related faction (following the pattern of Chaos Warriors and Norsca,) or Dogs of War (simply because a mercenary force would allow the reusing of existing assets which keeps costs down, and could justifiably be almost anywhere on the Warhammer 3 map, before some or all of them having their start locations changed to the Southern Kingdoms in Mortal Empires 2: Electric Boogaloo (or whatever that is called.) Plus Dogs of War could allow them to test out some things like Ogres before going all in for the Ogre race.

    Anyway, just my thoughts.

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  12. #32
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Adding some Ogre for DoW, and then a full Ogre race is IMO not very smart. People will scream the "new" race is not new but a shameful reskin.

    Making the Ogres first, and then reuse some for DoW seems less risky.

  13. #33

    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Maybe the 9th lord will be Be'lakor, leading a united army.
    He is quite the schemer.

  14. #34
    Welsh Dragon's Avatar Content Staff
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steph View Post
    Adding some Ogre for DoW, and then a full Ogre race is IMO not very smart. People will scream the "new" race is not new but a shameful reskin.

    Making the Ogres first, and then reuse some for DoW seems less risky.
    But the same can be said if Ogres are first, and then DoW are called the "shameful reskins" by some. Some people just have an unreasonable belief that everything has to be made from scratch and won't be happy with any recycling of existing assets.

    All the Best,

    Welsh Dragon.

  15. #35
    lolIsuck's Avatar WE HAVE NO CAKE!
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    They could very well launch Dogs of War without Ogres at first and add them in as FLC once the Ogre Kingdoms themselves arrive. Sure, they are part of the DoW line-up but that should be varied and interesting enough even without the ogres (just look at Cataph's Southern Realms mod).

  16. #36
    Lord Baal's Avatar Praefectus
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Indeed ogres are but a sliver of the dogs of war.
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  17. #37
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    Epic showing release date to be November 3rd.
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  18. #38
    lolIsuck's Avatar WE HAVE NO CAKE!
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    I wouldn't put too much faith in these early release dates.

  19. #39
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    enough time to finish my mod

  20. #40
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: Warhammer III announced.

    The release date is really way early to judge but we can get overall idea. Late 2021 .September-November basically Q3/Q4. :-) We know there will be two 3K DLC, Troy is having steam launch around August and Wh2 is probably getting DLC between May-June.

    About assets. It is hard to judge. For example Hobgoblins can be their own thing but surely they will be part of Chaos Dwarf roster besides Black Orcs and similar way some Ogres might find way into DoW. It is just question of who was first, chicken or egg. But I would say the easier path is to create multiple Ogre skeletons, animations and then re-use them in DoW as you will have already wide selection of them as doing DoW first, you iwll make some Ogres and later return to do similar stuff for Ogre DLC? We will see. But my bet is we will first see Chaos Dwarfs then Ogres and then after longer time DoW. :-)
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

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