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Thread: Warhammer III Roadmap

  1. #1
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Warhammer III Roadmap

    The Warhammer III roadmap was revealed today.

    Are the proposed fixes in 1.2 and 1.3 the ones you'd like to see? I like the sound of a fix for the tendency of AI factions to target the player even if they have more urgent enemies to defend against. While making rebuilding towers take longer is a step in the right direction, I don't think it should be possible to re-build a tower during a battle. I can imagine troops assembly a hasty barricade as the enemy advance through the streets, but building a tower not so much). The plan for more field battles, less frequent sieges, in 1.3 sounds good too.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing the Immortal Empires campaign - is it a good idea that they're releasing this in beta first? I'm wondering what the end-game challenge will be (will there still be a Chaos invasion and if so will it work differently when there are Chaos factions on the map?).

    Any thoughts on what kind of Lords you'd like to see in the first Lords Pack?

  2. #2
    Steph's Avatar Maréchal de France
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    Default Re: Warhammer III Roadmap

    The changes are going in the right direction. But are painfully slow...

    I'm not sure what they mean about increasing time, or the chance to get a land battle. I've had that for weeks in my siege mod. I hope it's more than just tweaking a bit some parameters as I did, but are more fundamental changes. For exemple adding a new parameter like a time before you can START building a tower after it has been destroyed (which could be increased to 3600 secondes if you don't that to happen at all), instead of allowing to start it immediately, and just never finishing it.

    Same for land battles : there's a simple parameter to increase the chances to have it. But that's purely random. I hope they will refine it a bit, and tie it to some game action, or the level of the settlement.

    About IE : given the negative feedback at game 3 release, I think CA realized that the game design they did and seemed to be proud of may not be as well received as they thought... So it is prudent for them to release a beta, and switch to a communication where they say "we did a tremendous job you WILL like it! Oh, you didn't?" to "Here is a proposal, tell us what you think so we can improve". Beside, porting game 2 to game 3 is a huge undertaking. They need for exemple to have minor settlement and major settlement maps redone for all the old factions. And enough of them to avoid having always the same map. It's not sure they can do all these changes quickly enough, and instead of waiting many more months, I'd rather get IE sooner, with only one map for each race, and get new maps regularly to improve it.

    And I need IE out to have all races playable, so I can test my mod and start doing meaningfull regional recruitment again!

    About the lord pack, they said 4 champions... I think it means one "human" LL for each Chaos God, like Valkia (Will they keep Sigvald or add a new one?) And each will come with a bunch of units, I imagine Chaos warriors for each God with proper remodel, and not simple reskin.

    I think it would be smarter to flesh out Chaos faster, especially if they also tie that to Warrior of Chaos rework, do all at once (with possible additional units later with other DLC), so we can have then more Kislev, Cathay, Ogre.... hopefully each paired with an Old World race rework.

    If they did one chaos god only for each DLC, it would take much longer to get there, and the God included in the DLC would be quite unbalanced compared to the other 3. Better to do them together
    Last edited by Steph; April 29, 2022 at 11:50 PM.

  3. #3
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Warhammer III Roadmap

    I agree, they're heading in the right direction and I'd like it if they went faster.

    Good idea about not making the choice between siege battles and field battles random, in a minor settlement. It would be great of the AI was capable of assessing the relative qualities of their forces and the player's - for example if the defenders of a minor settlement have an advantage in cavalry, it would make sense for them to prefer an open field battle, while if the defender has the right kind of units for defending choke points, it would be better to stay in the settlement.

    Good point about the need to re-do minor and major settlement maps for the old factions - I imagine that it is a lot of work. A beta for Immortal Empires sounds like a sensible move.

  4. #4
    Morticia Iunia Bruti's Avatar Praeses
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    Default Re: Warhammer III Roadmap

    There will a Open Beta for Warhammer III Immortal Empires in Q 3:
    Cause tomorrow is a brand-new day
    And tomorrow you'll be on your way
    Don't give a damn about what other people say
    Because tomorrow is a brand-new day

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