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Thread: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

  1. #1

    Default Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Pike and Shot II: Total War - a global modification to Total War: Shogun 2 with playable campaign that changes every aspect of the game to create a historical and realistic representation of the XVII and early XVIII centuries in Europe.

    Mod is under development, we will be happy to receive any help.

    MOD HAS BEEN UPDATED 08.26.2023!



    Join us on Discord - there will be more early updates, screenshots and more information about mod.

    1. Exctract data folder to your Shogun 2 folder.
    2. Optionally extract performance mod and follow instruction (recommended).
    2. Enable mods in ModManager.

    If you like what we do, you can support us on Patreon and receive more exclusive content, such as work in progress screenshots (including campaign map), pre-alpha and pre-beta access to the mod, and possibility to request your own exclusive units, generals, scripts and buildings.

    Pike and Shot II: Total War covers majors conflicts of the XVII and early XVIII century, including:

    • Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)
    • With Fire and Sword/ Time of Revolutions (1648-1667)
    • Wars of the Sun King (1667-1714)
    • War of the Grand Alliance (1688-1697)
    • War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714)
    • Great Northern War (1700-1721)

    Mod goals.

    • Playable multiplayer,
    • Global campaign with European map,
    • New effects from buildings, technologies and events,
    • New music,
    • Unique historical missions for each major faction,
    • Historically accurate diplomatic relations,
    • Historically accurate units,
    • Completely reworked units statistics, projectiles, morale system,
    • Historically accurate formations in battles.

    Before you start battles, it's better to set your graphic settings. There is huge variety of unit parts and clothes for every unit, units themselves are high-detailed, so it's highly recommended to install optimization mod. If you don't have powerful PC or laptop, it's better to disable or lower some graphic settings, such as SSAO/HDR, vignette, distortion effect, depth of field, water quality, vertical synchronization, lower Anti-Analising. Texture quality, shaders model, unit details and texture filtering is better to set on ultra.
    If your game crahes when you click on multiplayer, delete all mod files, run vanilla and change your avatar to shogun instead of FoTS. Then install mod again.

    Units in mod are mostly divided on 3 decades of Thirty Years' War: 1620s, 1630s and 1640s, with their own features. Year next to unit name means which period is it from (ex.: Maradas Kürassier-Regiment, 1640 means that unit is from late (1640s) period. Units from different periods usually have different armour, size and other things, so it's recommended to agree on one period before starting a match. Units without years in names may fit for every period.
    It's important to remember, that this is PIKE and SHOT mod, so you need to combine different types of units and use them together in a way, how it was in 17th century. Charges are pretty dangerous for attackers, so you need to first exhaust enemy by your musketeers, and then use melee units if needed. Same is about cavalry, their main weapon is carbine/pistol, not sword.
    DO NOT STRETCH UNITS! It's not only unhistorical and adds too many firepower to ranged units, but your units will become extremely vulnerable to charges in comparison to tight 6-10 ranks formation. Cavalry may even destroy pikemen, if they are stretched in 2-3 lines.
    Use charges very carefully and ONLY with "charge" button! Firearms is your main weapon, charges are very costly and risky - once you charge, try to fall back and regroup as quickly as possible, otherwise your units will start to lose morale and may rout.
    Don't use your infantry (pikemen and/or musketeers) without officers as independent units - they will rout quickly!

    The best formation to build is one pikemen unit, officer staff and 2 musketeers units.
    There are custom formations, but they are for small brigades, don't use them to build whole army!
    Select several units (1 pikemen, 2 musketeers, 1 officer staff), click on group formation and on the left you will see different variations of formations.
    Only "Spear Point" is currently implemented. Click on the "Spear Point" icon, which will form the selected units as a tercio-like brigade.
    You can repeat the process to create multiple brigades.

    Many factions have own unique features and required tactics. So far there are four factions.
    1. Habsburg Monarchy. Austria has big size of units and rely on heavy pikemen, which are one of the best in mod, especially on early stage. It also has and will have different light infantry units, while ranged infantry is nothing special.
    2. United Provinces. Netherlands have smaller size of units, but they are in better quality to compete with Austrians. Dutch ranged infantry is better, while pikemen are pretty weak, so playing as Netherlands you need use different tactics than for Austria.
    3. Kingdom of Spain. It has a lot of very good early units in big sizes, the best pikemen in mod, strong arquebusiers and heavy cavalry, but it lacks of musketeers and light infantry. Spanish units are also pretty weak on later period in comparison to other factions.
    4. Duchy of Bavaria. Bavaria has access to some of Austrian units, own units are also decent. However, this faction os minor and have less units than major factions.
    5. Electorate of Saxony. Sizes of Saxonian units are big in size, but relatively weak. Same as Bavaria, this faction is minor and has limited access to units.
    6. Kingdom of Sweden. It has one of the best ranged units, good elite units and very strong middle-era cavalry. However, it lacks of heavy cavalry and infantry, early units are rather weak and late-era units have lack of experience.

    There is obvious division on pike and shot units, swordsmen, light infantry, carbine cavalry, pistol cavalry and lancers. Most of them are understandable, so we will stop on few.
    1. Officer staff. This is very important unit, it inspires units nearby and gives small bonuses to them. choose one officer staff unit on one pikemen and 2 musketeers units, and attach officers to them (see above in FORMATIONS). Always keep units in brigade close to officers.
    2. Dragoons. They are mounted musketeers, main purpose - to quickly ride, dismount, use firepower where needed and ride back. In melee dragoons will lose both to cavalry and infantry, use dragoons only as skirmishers!
    3. Cuirassers. They are pistol cavalry, but also heavily armoured, so you can use them both to harass enemy and charge detached units. However, remember, that charge is not the main tactic of the mod!
    4. Reiters. They are similar to cuirassier, but without armour and with worse melee quality.
    5. Harquebusiers/Carabiniers. This cavalry uses carbines and also good for harassing enemy. Melee quality is worse than cuirassier and reiters, but in some circumstances may work.
    6. Calivermen. This is light infantry, use it as skirmishers. Same is with jaegers and Vuuroer (for Dutch).
    7. Sappers. Special unit, main purpose is build fortifications and throw grenades. Use them as support on difficult places, to storm positions or to defend fortifications, not as infantry.
    8. Dragoon Pikemen. They are mounted pikemen, main purpose - to support dragoons or quickly ride, dismount and strike in the weak place. On horses dragoon pikemen are very weak, use them only as infantry!
    To better distinguish between units, we made different background colours for their unit cards: yellow is for light infantry, light brown is ranged infantry, dark brown is melee infantry, red is missile cavalry, dark red is melee cavalry, orange is dragoons.

    Unit abilities are important part of mod, some of them are experimental.
    1. Caracole. This is vanilla cantabrian circle, it's mostly useful against enemy melee units.
    2. Fire and advance. Self explanatory for infantry, but it's also available for carbine cavalry. Use it to harass enemy and return back without going into melee, but disable fire at will before enabling ability. It has huge reloading bonus and usually more effective for infantry than without it. To prevent infantry from going into melee after last rank fires, don't click target.
    3. Pike wall. This is very useful ability, use it before engaging in melee.
    4. Loose formation. For infantry (ranged and melee) it's useful to reduce casualties from cannon fire. Use it carefully.
    5. Range effect. It allows musketeers to fire on longer ranges, but in cost of less accuracy and damage.
    6. Charge. It adds huge bonus to charge and bonus to speed for a short period of time. Use this button EVERY TIME when you're going to charge the enemy by cavalry and DON'T charge without this button, otherwise your charge will fail. After you charged, try to leave battle and wait until button is active again.
    7. Encourage. Available for officer staff, ENABLE IT AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF BATTLE and it will be active all the time.

    Last edited by Danylo; August 26, 2023 at 11:43 AM.

  2. #2
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
    took an arrow to the knee

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    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    I honestly wish you the best of luck.
    If I may ask, Morocco and Safavids don't fit in the map you have shown.
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
    Beta-tester for Darthmod Empire, the default modification for Empire Total War that does not ask for your money behind patreon.
    Developer of Causa Belli submod for Darthmod, headed by Hammeredalways and a ton of other people.
    Developer of LtC: Random maps submod for Lands to Conquer (that brings a multitude of random maps and other features).

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Map is just to show a political situation. For example, here are two sneak peaks of campaign map test, that was made by Total FoTS team and they will share it with us. At the release map may be different, but it will be huge with North Africa and Middle East at least. More screenshots with mini-map are on Patreon page.

  4. #4
    alhoon's Avatar Comes Rei Militaris
    took an arrow to the knee

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    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Oh, you got the map from the FotS!? Yes that is a huge map!
    alhoon is not a member of the infamous Hoons: a (fictional) nazi-sympathizer KKK clan. Of course, no Hoon would openly admit affiliation to the uninitiated.
    "Angry Uncle Gordon" describes me well.
    Beta-tester for Darthmod Empire, the default modification for Empire Total War that does not ask for your money behind patreon.
    Developer of Causa Belli submod for Darthmod, headed by Hammeredalways and a ton of other people.
    Developer of LtC: Random maps submod for Lands to Conquer (that brings a multitude of random maps and other features).

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    Oh, you got the map from the FotS!? Yes that is a huge map!
    These are screenshots that main developer of Total FoTS sent me. He also sent actual file with campaign map, so soon here will exclusive screenshots from me.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Some new screenshots.
    Imperial Pikemen

    And early Dutch Musketeers

    Both will be much more diverse after alpha release.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Early Dutch Carabiniers.

    On the battlefield, carabineers acted as skirmishers, cuirassiers as the shock force, but if circumstances allowed then carabineers too would not hesitate to charge.
    Carabineers had to have an open helmet, gorget, breast-and-back plates and a carbine; a pistol was added in 1602 (both types of firearms were wheellocks).

    This trooper has an open burgonet helmet with hinged cheek-pieces, a gorget and a cuirass. Over his left shoulder he wears the typical crossbelt with a hook to hang his wheellock carbine, by means of a ring sliding along a metal rod on one side.

    More screenshots and other units are on Patreon.

  8. #8
    isa0005's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    This is the stuff total war dreams are made of!
    Best of luck!!!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Great preview, I wish you all the best!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    I've been waiting for a TW: Pike & Shot for so loooooong, it's my favourite historical period, so it would be really great if you could pull that off. I think Shogun 2 is a good choice and the screenshots look great already. I wish you much success and I am already looking forward!
    Last edited by Nikator; December 22, 2022 at 10:32 AM.
    La Garde meurt mais ne se rend pas!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Wow, huge scale planned, i hope you guys make it

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Late (1640s) Dutch Musketeers. According to contemporary pictures, musketeers massively started to wear cassocks, cravats and long coats, trousers became more tight. Finished version with more variety is on Patreon.

  13. #13
    The_Lord_Snow's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Great work so far. The units look excellent. Best of luck to you!
    Lead (and only) Developer of the Succession Mod for Total War EMPIRE

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by Danylo View Post
    Some new screenshots.
    Imperial Pikemen

    And early Dutch Musketeers

    Both will be much more diverse after alpha release.
    I love these pikemen and musketeers.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Imperial dragoons, they will e improved in the future.

  16. #16
    Herr Doctor's Avatar Biarchus
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    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Looking beautiful. Personally I would shorten the period (to late 17th - early 18th century) and geography, but other than that looks very promising.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Some screenshots from tests.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    I always pick Habsburgs in all European Total War games and mods where they are featured. There's something appealing in being almost landlocked (with an insignificant navy), surrounded with a load of enemies and forced to fight endless land battles. That and sentimental reasons of feeling a sort of historical collective memory connection to the Kingdom, later Empire, which was, on the other hand, corrupt, extremely conservative and backward looking, one of the staunchest opponents of progress. It was called "The Dungeon of the nations", also constrained in its usage of multinational manpower.

    Pike and shot (16th & 17th century) era is my definitive favorite and mods with it give me the most pleasure.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    Sorry for a big pause, here are some new units
    Late Dutch Pikemen and Late Imperial Pikemen

    New unit cards

    More content is on Patreon. There is also a poll about next faction to make.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Pike&Shot 2 Total War

    The unit cards look fantastic too

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