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Thread: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

  1. #1

    Default Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    I am playign as port and fatamids are attacking me in Murrakas (the most southwest city in modern day Morocco) and after they bust open the gates I get no "enemy has broken gates warning" and then as they storm in 15-20 seconds later the game crashes. Not sure if it's related to the gate being busted open or not. It has crashed 4 times now every time. I can't auto resolve the battle because I lose.

    How do I fix this battle crash?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Can anyone help? I can't fight this battle because it constantly crashes.

    Is there a tool I can use to fix the battle? Should I just auto resolve and give up?

    What if it happens again in another battle?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Hello LeoMajor,

    I did answer you here.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Oh wow.. thank you... so there is no answer...... we just deal with the "medievel 2 has crashed with unspecified error" ....

    Back to vanilla or stainless steel it is.....

    Thank you for your information.

    Did you get the battles to work running windows on barebones?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    I have a 5600x.... wonder if its another AMD issue.....

  6. #6

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Apologies, it seems the link to my original post where I described my solution didn't work. I meant this post.

    Let me quote the important parts:
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Westen View Post
    So I redownloaded SSHIP and replaced the files - no luck.
    Then I moved the DLCs out of the mods folder to a different location and went into the AMD control center to switch off every function, that claimed to be optimizing the game (like Anti-Lag and Surface Format Optimization). In addition to that, I used the Windows XP compatibility setting for the medieval2.exe. With this, I had less crashes but it still wasn't perfect.

    During my struggle to get it to work and trying different compatibility settings, the game would sometimes hang itself up, with the only remaining option to sign out or log off from the current Windows account via Ctrl+Alt+Delete. So I signed out and cancelled it immediately. This left Windows still running, but only with the most essential processes.

    This seems to be ideal for running M2TW, at least on my system. When I do this (in addition to the other measures mentioned above) I can play without crashes. I've been playing for a few days now and hope it continues like that. And yes, it even works for battles with 3rd party reinforcements.

    I sign out of my Windows account and cancel the process immediately, which gives me a bare windows with no unnecessary processes and M2TW running flawlessly. For me, the option to cancel appears consistently when I have Steam open and at least one file explorer window. Depending on how fast your system is, it might otherwise go straight to the login window.
    Yes, it works for me. I've been testing this for almost two weeks now. With this I get absolutely no crashes.

    Try the sign off trick first. The other measures like compatibility settings, switching off Anti-Lag or moving the DLC folders may not be absolutely necessary.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Westen View Post
    Apologies, it seems the link to my original post where I described my solution didn't work. I meant this post.

    Let me quote the important parts:

    Yes, it works for me. I've been testing this for almost two weeks now. With this I get absolutely no crashes.

    Try the sign off trick first. The other measures like compatibility settings, switching off Anti-Lag or moving the DLC folders may not be absolutely necessary.

    WHen I sign out it just signs out immediately.... How exactly do you do it? I tried ctrl alt delete sign out....... then right away again cntrl alt delte and cancel... but it still signs me out

  8. #8

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Yea I can't stop the signout.... it either happens to quick or doesn't cancel. Maybe because I have windows on an SSD?

    There is no way to cancel it.

    but since you are getting the game to work in barebones windows... that means there is a process I can end that should allow me to play IMO

    Just don't know what it is.

    I wonder is safe mode will work?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    No dice. I can't cancel a signout/shut down. I tried safe mode with networking (because tw2 won't run without steam) but the game wouldn't load to "graphics error" which I assume cause no video drivers were enabled

    I'm at a complete loss, I wish I knew what process to end to "bare bones" windows to play it

  10. #10

    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Yes, this can be very tricky.

    Alright, let me clear it up. This is how it works for me. I have a very fast machine with an SSD as well, so that shouldn't be an issue, theoretically.

    1. Open Steam and wait until you see the Steam window.

    2. Open a Windows Explorer window (or just press Win+E).

    3. Maybe open other applications, that slow down the sign out process.

    4. Sign out. It doesn't matter how.

    5. This is what it will look like (apart from the red color, of course):

    6. Quickly click on "Cancel".

  11. #11
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Game crashes in murraks siege battle

    Quote Originally Posted by LeoMajor View Post
    I am playign as port and fatamids are attacking me in Murrakas (the most southwest city in modern day Morocco) and after they bust open the gates I get no "enemy has broken gates warning" and then as they storm in 15-20 seconds later the game crashes. Not sure if it's related to the gate being busted open or not. It has crashed 4 times now every time. I can't auto resolve the battle because I lose.

    How do I fix this battle crash?
    Check to see if you happen to have a unit with a very small number of units.
    In a similar case, the game crashed every time my armies entered the city of Utrecht. That's when I noticed that the unit that was crashing the game was a unit with only 2 soldiers. Instead of containing "norman serjeants" (this was the unit), there was only one officer on the field, accompanied by a flag bearer.
    To do the battle without crashing the game, I simply left these 2 soldiers out of the city and did the battle without them.

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