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Thread: How do I move an army "above" a settlement?

  1. #1

    Default How do I move an army "above" a settlement?

    You probably know what I mean from experience. You have an enemy besieging your city/castle and you want to position reinforcements around it for a subsequent attack.
    The problem is: the game won't let you, because sometimes – especially when a settlement is besieged – there is no way to select positions "above" a settlement.

    Is there any solution to this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: How do I move an army "above" a settlement?

    i pull the camera all the way up, and try to approach from different angles. you can try holding right click, to preset a path, and try to jiggle it around a bit where they walk where you want

  3. #3

    Default Re: How do I move an army "above" a settlement?

    Ha! I never knew that you could hold right click and drag the path. Thank you, Silhouette! That's a good workaround.

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