Hi folks,

I'm currently trying, and failing, to replace the campaign map in SSHIP with the one from EB2 (just for the sake of extended area covered in the east, not different graphics or models). Is it generally possible? Never done something similar so obviously might miss a lot of things... Did *some* research ofc but most tutorials seem about making maps from scratch, and my other findings were slim :/

My approach so far is copying what seems relevant from the EB2 'world/base' folder into its SSHIP counterpart (so all but descr_sounds_music_types; tried with and without map_fe), then opening it with geomod and putting all missing settlements/regions into the map, as well as relocating characters from now invalid positions. All EB2 tiles of original settlements & harbours are shown, but most are "blanks" like you can't click on them, neither their regions. After matching those with SSHIP ones I can save succesfully, and the mod menu also runs. Only when starting a new campaign it CTD while loading.

Any idea what I'm missing? I've also trialed with copypasting descr_aerial_map_ground_types and the corresponding terrain folder from EB2, ditto descr_climates - always results in same CTD.

I'd made all but 2 factions emergent and and deleted all resources to ease the geomod workload. Tested SSHIP with this slimmed down descr_strat and it worked. So the problem isn't there. Even added EB2's specific custom tiles folder and .db file which SSHIP doesn't seem to mind.

I can't even say if it's a EB2 issue like wonders or whatnot, or if something more principal's lacking... Feeling lost ^^ Anyone with some insight or experience with either is greatly welcomed!