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Thread: TWW 2 Mortal Empires: A couple of potential bugs.

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    Icon1 TWW 2 Mortal Empires: A couple of potential bugs.

    Before i start discussing what potential bugs i have seen i will first state that the mods i use are not related to gameplay or AI, so i do not think any of these bugs are caused by my mods.
    Some of these potential bugs cause quite a few issues, mainly by making the AI do stuff that really weakens it and makes playing against it much easier than it should be.

    1. Mortal Empires AI will constantly recolonize ruined cities when there are no literal at war armies even if it means his certain death.
    For example, when i played Chaos i razed Eilhart (empire minor city near Marienburg).
    Next turn Marienburg came with his main army and colonized the city while my chaos army was still on top of Eilhart - so in my next turn i declared war and killed both his weakened colonizing army and again razed Eilhart.
    Next turn the dwarves from Karak Ziflin came and colonized Eilhart with their main army - so again i declared war and killed their army and razed their Eilhart.
    Next turn a Bretonnian army approached Eilhart but could not reach it in time to colonize it - so i just moved a few steps closer to them and declared war to kill their army.

    Obviously the AI should not weaken and suicide its main army by colonizing a city that was razed by a neutral army the turn before, especially when that potentially aggressive army is still on top of the ruins of the city they are colonizing!

    2. When playing as Chaos in Mortal Empires i had full military alliance with the various Norsca factions but i still suffered "trespassing" diplomacy penalty when i moved through their terrain (around coastal cities in conquered bretonnia).
    Upon inspection i realized that Chaos seems incapable of asking for "military access" and even though i got Defensive and Military Alliance it seems it does not include Military Access by default when playing as Chaos.

    3. AI seems utterly unwilling to defend its capital regardless of its massive walls and garrison.
    When i played as Chaos or Beastmen i noticed multiple times that big 20 unit armies like Karl Franz and the dwarven Legendary lords will actually run away from its massive capital and its walls/garrison and flee to a small nearby minor village when facing a big enemy army.
    Both from a gameplay and lore point of view it makes much more sense to stand in your huge defensible capital and make a "last stand" instead of running to a tiny nearby village just to hopelessly die there next turn.

    4. AI SPAMS "scout ruins" with all of its heroes, even when he has already successfully scouted a ruin multiple times on the same turn!
    I honestly do not know what to say about this bug, but it is pretty damn obvious.
    AI will spam "scout ruins" so much it does it successfully multiple times on a single turn, and repeats that action on those same ruins for many turns.

    5. AI factions that are literally across the entire world constantly ask for peace treaties or declare war against the player or his defensive/military alliance allies.
    This is a really senseless and annoying bug, not only because of the diplomatic offer spam but also because it can completely ruin a game by starting an illogical and pointless war with massive diplomatic penalties if alliances are broken.
    Sometimes the player's allied AI factions will also do the same stupid thing, like challenging High Elves to war as Dwarves when they have never even met them or had contact with them or had any negative diplomacy penalties versus them (aside from "great power").

    The above mentioned bugs (or oversights) are something i see in literally every Mortal Empires campaign i do (both COOP and single player), even when i disable all my mods (i primarily use camera mods so it does not matter anyway).
    Hopefully the developers investigate and if needed fix these problems.
    Last edited by Bogdanov89; January 08, 2018 at 01:53 AM.

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