Hopefully CA will not be as lazy as with Shogun 2. Since Three Kingdom is the best era for unit variety for China. Song Dynasty is nice but it will be the same with Shogun 2 where copy paste for each faction. But Three Kingdoms is not.

There are just so many ways to do it since the factions especially the main 3 are so different.

Shu -
Repeating Crossbow and war machinery invented by Zhuge Liang, repeating crossbow are so famous and is the mainstream of the faction. Troops are not as heavily armoured compared to Wei. Ranged horse units

Wei -
Heavily focused on armoured troops and large amount of armies, pikes and spears focused faction. Cataphract Cavalry with one moust famously known for
Tiger Cavalry (虎豹骑) the strongest and most elite units for Wei Cavalry

WU - More of a Archer faction. Very experienced in Naval combat, fire ships, experienced sailors and sea bandits/ shock infantry

Nanman -

Armoured Axeman, Poison units and Elephants.

Some very good ideas and examples that can be used can be found on games like Tiger Knights Empire War (Pretty accurate and nice units as well as variety)

DLCs -

Xiong Nu (like Mongols/ Huns) they do invade China. a good scenerio. After the fall of kingdom China got conquered and lost.

Yamatai (Japanese ronin-like bandits that invades China from time to time)

Goguryeo (The Koreans, they would play a very small role in China's capaign though)

Timeline scenarios for Campaign

Yellow Turbans Rebellion
Rise of Heroes (Pretty much the game is set on this timeline already)
Rise of Three Kingdoms
Fall of Three Kingdoms

Hopefully CA will do a good job on unit variety for Three Kingdom as it is extremely important. An Avatar Conquest like Shogun 2 multiplayer would be amazing as well and adds massive replay value.