Hey there,
First of all, I want to thank the team for their amazing dedication and perseverance with this mod! Across two games and two decades of RL time, Europa Barbarorum has truly set a high bar for Total War mods and provided thousands of hours of entertainment and volumes' worth of historical information to its players.
That being said, I was wondering what the plans are for the two unused faction slots, as filling them was declared a priority for the 2.5 release. Can any team member shed some light on that? Also, what does the community want? Is there any people from history you would like to see in EBII or any spot on the map that, in your opinion, could use some more action?
Personally, my favorite would be another Celtic faction. The Galatians - currently represented as an Eleutheroi army - could mix things up a bit in Asia Minor (as a playable horde?), or the Caledonians bring some color to northern Britain. Africa is currently only populated by three factions - perhaps Meroë or the Garamantes could be made into a full-fledged faction? Other than that, Balochistan/Sindh, Oman and the Baltic feel kind of empty, but I'm not aware of any sufficiently well-documented polity in those regions during the Classical period to make it into EBII.