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Thread: Few questions...

  1. #1

    Default Few questions...

    Hi all Im playing DLV 6.2 with BB 4.24 I got few questions. I would be gratefull if you help me )

    1. Why my generals are loosing loyalty? For example i have new general, who is 12 - 13 years old who just grow up and he has got trait "Rebel" or "Disobeys his Liege" its bug or something? When im trying to enter the city this general the people rebel! And i see the red face near town name. How to have generals with good loyalty? Maybe I am doing something wrong. I playing Kingdom of Jerusalem and I bribed some muslim general and he has got full loyalty! How its possible that my native generals has got few loyalty points while the bribed generals has got full of it?

    2 Why the King has got trait "Inspires Civil War"? How it works, and how to avoid this?

    3. How to have good generals with good traits? How to train them? At what parts of the game, they can get the best traits? In fight? In crusade? I read in instruction that I need to enter the City with good, old general with good retinue and trait, and command points, and stand young general very close to town, then the young general should gain points or traits but nothing happend ( Please help

    4. When one of my nobles reaches the 60 years I want to retire him. I go the capital, the king is present and the dungeon and town hall is already built but nothing happend? How to repair that ?

    5. What are the differences between Dread and Chilvary? Can I have some influence on this? Could I chose between?

    6. How the King can gain more points of authority, and what it gives to him?

    7. What is the " Able to marry" ?????

    Thank you all guys for help! :-)

  2. #2
    LaMuerte's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Few questions...

    3. Have your general fight a lot of fights , it will gain him experience and better stats. A successful crusades also gives you a lot of traits/ancillaries. The stuff you mention about standing next to an experienced general : that 's vanilla DLV and not BB4.24. (the 4.24 XP system is completely different from vanilla DLV). Fighting and winning heavily outnumbered gives the most experience.
    4. Retirement is not available in BB4.24. It always was buggy.
    5. Dread makes you feared (enemy armies have lower morale) , chivalrous governors obtain more loyalty , gives cities a growth/law bonus.
    6. Combat , crusades , the amount of years on the throne , certain ancillaries , ...

    You seem to mix a lot of the options of Vanilla DLV with BB4.24. Never forget that BB has a completely different set of rules compared to DLV. There are just too many differences , too many to explain. Closest thing I came to an explanation is that mini manual which I linked in my sig.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Few questions...

    Thanks for answer! It was really helpfull. I have more questions )) 1. I builded the scholarium in my capital, and I sent my two nobles there who should gain more traits there or points, however nothing's happening. How to repair this? 2. How to avoid the "inspires civil war" king trait? 3. How to have more princesses, and how to pair them with generals to get a good son? Thank you for help and sory for my effrontery

  4. #4
    Stath's's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Few questions...

    Which version do most people play?

    For example, i am thinking DLV 6.2 with BB 4.25.

    Should i play DLV 6.3 with BB 4.26 or...?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Few questions...

    BB is for DLV 6.2 only
    most are playing with BB.v4.26, is more complex and more evolved then vanila dlv ,but still lacks some features of dlv6.3

  6. #6
    LaMuerte's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Few questions...

    1.Scholarium : This is also a DLV vanilla option . It is not included in BB if I remember correctly. To gain traits you need to do stuff , like build , govern cities , fight battles , successfully ambush armies , plunder towns , ...

    2.'Inspires civil war' : My king never seems to get this trait. Did you crown your new king? If not : Once you have a new king , get him to your capital and leave him there for a turn. He will earn the crown of his kingdom , increasing his authority , plus some other bonus. By the way , once you concquered other kingdoms , and your king has a free ancillarry slot , you can have your king tour the former capitals . If you leave him in a previous capital for a turn , he will earn the crown of that conquered kingdom. Currently my English king wears the English , Scottish and Irish crown.

    3.As far as I know you cannot increase the chance of having princesses. The gender comes down to pure luck. Birth rate is affected by the number of territories you hold , and the number of generals you have. Simply put : if you have more generals than territories , no children get born . If you have more provinces than generals , kids get born. To pair a general with a good princess , you (of course) have to make sure that general remains unmarried.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Few questions...

    Also be sure your king has a free ancillary spot to even be able to be furnished with the crown, otherwise it will not happen! To get rid of an ancillary, place him with another general and simply drag & drop. Some ancillaries cannot be removed, such as bodyguard, ect.

    Also does anyone know what one can do to remedy generals that has low loyalty? Can anything at all be done to try and get them loyal again? I've tried pairing them up with highly chivalrous/loyal generals for many turns which made no difference. I've also had these disloyal generals fight and win heroic victories in battle, which also did nothing to solve it. Anyone got any tips?

  8. #8
    LaMuerte's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Few questions...

    Robin_Hood , I always make sure my king has plenty of authority ; that way my generals seem to remain loyal. I do that by using my crown prince almost exclusively for combat. That way , once your king dies , you'll have a very authorative , loyalty inspiring new king. Some ancillaries also help of course. (swords come to mind). Once crowned, I usually park my king in the capital , and have the new heir take over most active stuff. The crown prince gets some command ancillaries (archer , spymaster , perhaps a sword) , and off he goes , taking over an army wherever there's a battle to be fought. All this , however , doesn't make your nobles immune , and there's always the off chance of a weakling getting a hold on the throne , and ruining your careful thought out plans. Try to increase your commanders loyalty with ancillaries , or in case of a dangerous disloyal generals , the ones you'd consider lost causes , my advice would be : remember Uriah the Hittite.
    Last edited by LaMuerte; December 18, 2013 at 04:18 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Few questions...

    1 & 2: Either that's a bug in BB or BB isn't properly installed, and nothing mentioned in the thread so far indicates clearly that BB actually is installed.

    e.g. "How do I recruit troops faster?" would indicate clearly that BB is installed.

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