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Thread: SSHIP - General Discussion

  1. #101
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
    Patrician took an arrow to the knee

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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Be sure we will take your remark into account. I agree personally but decisions are taken by all the team
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  2. #102

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    First of all, I think that this is the best submod for SS out there. Got a couple of questions though.

    - Any reason why Kievian archers (dismounted boyars fx) dont have the ability to put up sharpend stakes?

    - I find the Absent-leader trait really annoying. Even with a King with good traits it seems you can get. Same goes for passive-leader trait. It seems as if there is no real logic behind it. The king can get it if he sits in his capital or he can get it if hes on the march.

    - Skjoldborgsmen have a error in the unit description. Some place in the description it says ´ofr´ when it should say ´for´ (and not the royal hirdsmen as i previously said, that was an error on my part).

    - Had my first crash with this submod a few days ago. It happend when I destroyed the Norwegian faction, by taking its last settlement. I found a weird way around the problem though, by killing all the Norwegian family members in combat first and the taking Bergen = No crash.

    Kind Regards

  3. #103

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I understand thx for taking notice!

  4. #104

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by mortenstef View Post
    - I find the Absent-leader trait really annoying. Even with a King with good traits it seems you can get. Same goes for passive-leader trait. It seems as if there is no real logic behind it. The king can get it if he sits in his capital or he can get it if hes on the march.
    I have a question on this actually, what determines the leader traits? It seems 9 times out of 10 my leader gets absent minded. At first I thought it was because I was guilty of leaving him home (some leaders start as old hoots, don't want to waste valuable combat xp their young sons could be getting). Later, I tried using my FL to fight and he would still get it.

    Also, on a previous post of historical accuracy after taking rebel towns... it actually is historically accurate they would gang up on you for it. Think of it as if you were the HRE or Sicily and you had Italian ambitions...but now Venice has taken the area you wanted and is now threatening the Pope. Well, the Pope doesn't like this and allies with nearby powers ( a la HRE and Siciliy) in order to curb the growing Venetian power. BAM. War of the League of Cambrai. Luckily however, coalition like over expansion wars aren't such diplomatic messes as Cambrai was. At least in this game.

  5. #105

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Is there any bug fix for new steam crap? They made Kingdoms as a "DLC" to M2TW so now there is no Kingdoms game and there is no kingdoms.exe...

  6. #106

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion



    I agree, I also get this all the time and it is really annoying. The system behind this is a bit flawed. Basically, if your faction leader matches some attributes, he becomes wise admin, thinksofhispeople, etc.. If he doesnt have an attribute like this, and you end your turn in a settlement, he becomes a passive ruler or absent minded.

    About the crash: That's the same thing I noticed aswell! Not sure what's causing this, but I have some guesses.

  7. #107

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I've got another question now. Every time I run the game my options are reset(ie, sound goes back to maximum levels, all graphics options reset, keybinds, etc). Is this normal? If not, how would I be able to fix? I did a clean install just yesterday.

  8. #108
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanze View Post
    I have a question on this actually, what determines the leader traits? It seems 9 times out of 10 my leader gets absent minded. At first I thought it was because I was guilty of leaving him home (some leaders start as old hoots, don't want to waste valuable combat xp their young sons could be getting). Later, I tried using my FL to fight and he would still get it.

    Also, on a previous post of historical accuracy after taking rebel towns... it actually is historically accurate they would gang up on you for it. Think of it as if you were the HRE or Sicily and you had Italian ambitions...but now Venice has taken the area you wanted and is now threatening the Pope. Well, the Pope doesn't like this and allies with nearby powers ( a la HRE and Siciliy) in order to curb the growing Venetian power. BAM. War of the League of Cambrai. Luckily however, coalition like over expansion wars aren't such diplomatic messes as Cambrai was. At least in this game.
    The problem being that wars in Medieval II put you into a vicious circle.

    It is a rare, rare chance that a faction will accept a ceasefire. So most wars will be seen out to the bitter end. And with Catholic factions, your reputation will suffer, meaning that war with one will soon lead to war with them all, excommunication, etc.

  9. #109

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Camera in battles pointing down. Not sure if anyone else has noted this in SSHIP more than any other M2TW mod. I find the camera always angled down ~ 20o more than I'd like. I'm constantly adjusting it up a bit to see the enemy and the horizon. Is there a way of changing the default angle of the camera ?

  10. #110

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanze View Post
    I've got another question now. Every time I run the game my options are reset(ie, sound goes back to maximum levels, all graphics options reset, keybinds, etc). Is this normal? If not, how would I be able to fix? I did a clean install just yesterday.

    In the medieval2 config file you can change preferences and they stay changed.

  11. #111

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanze View Post
    I've got another question now. Every time I run the game my options are reset(ie, sound goes back to maximum levels, all graphics options reset, keybinds, etc). Is this normal? If not, how would I be able to fix? I did a clean install just yesterday.
    Actually the correct name of that file is


    it's located in C:program Files (x86)/SEGA/Medieval II Total War

    while you're there try adjusting texture file to read: texture_filtering = 2000

    If your computer is up to it it realy sharpens up the graphics in battles.

  12. #112

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Got it all working now, thank you sgz.

    Digging into a Rum campaign now and it is going a lot differently than I wanted... Byzantines did not want peace for anything. Ended up having to go West instead of my pre-planned East. Feeling the pressure from the Serbians taking most of Greece and from me taking Adrianople / Constantinople they finally accepted peace. Hate fighting their Athanatoi and I really wanted the siege of Constantinople to be a tad more epic than a semi early(~turn 30) rush. But Zengids were eating all of Turkey/Armenia and I needed to pick up some spoils over there.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Zengids, Great Seljuks, and Abbassids have been in a constant state of ally - murder - ally - murder since the game start. It is actually pretty cool rather than having a single faction just eat everything. I've been trying to skirt along the edges and focus on what really matters, Crusader States and Georgia because the other muslims walk around with -huge- stacks and I only have 1-2 actual field battle stacks(ie, none or low amounts of militia).

    Great Seljuks annihilated the Georgians and the Abbasids early on. Then both revolted. Georgia retook all the settlements around their starting zone, but then the Cumans came down and wiped them before they got any further. I'll deal with them later... The Abbasids however were a tad more lucky. With the Great Seljuk's armies fighting and dying in the Georgian rebellion, Abbasids managed to grab the southern half of Persia from Seljuks. My last save had a popup saying there was a rebellion in Anatolia by the Seljuks, there was nothing on my screen so I am assuming that it meant the Great Seljuks were revolting in Persia now against Abbasid occupation instead, which will be interesting.

    C-states and Fatimids went very differently. C-states blitz'd Fatimids down to the two southern provinces in Egypt. Egypt then revolted and retook the northern province(can't remember names) and is in the process of taking Ascalon with a full stack. They ignored Alexandria for some reason... I'm already pit stopping at rebel held Cyprus on my way to fix that issue. With my spies out of Europe due to the Byzantine / Serbian stalemate, I sent them to C-states and I can see how they kicked Fatimid ass so quickly. Their roster is very powerful; lots of heavy armor and high attack value accompanied by hordes of fodder- I mean Syrians.

    Zengids however had less distance to cover. After the initial assistance for the Great Seljuks vs Abbassids and Georgia, they ate some rebels in E. Anatolia (bastards) and stacked their borders to attack me. This is when the Egyptian rebellion hit. The Levant would be a lot more of a prize than the hodgepodge settlements I owned in Cappadocia. They moved off and attacked Sis in Cilicia first, got wiped by a rebel ambush. C-states then did the same and repeated the same mistakes. Then they figured out they should be fighting each other. Zengids recovered quicker and seized Antioch. C-states can't fight back due to the aforementioned siege of Ascalon in the south, and their northern army feeling somewhat dead in Cilicia. It's fine though, I made sure to bury them when I routed the Cilician rebel army. (I might have just thrown them in the sea, lit them on fire, fired them across the river into Antioch while Zengids were sieging it, whatever it is Turks do to the corpses of their fallen enemies.)

    After I take Alexandria, I'm most likely going to try and cut off the Zengids at Acre. If they haven't gotten that far I'll go as north as I can to cut them off. I need them helping the Great Seljuks to restore balance east. Though one unified faction would do better against the Mongols, it would probably do better against me too. With Georgians permanently out of the picture, I'll be able to grab their Cuman-held territories but I want to make sure that Abbasids don't turn into a mega giant because I never allied them. (They died too when my diplomat was around)

    Goals right now include cutting off the Zengid invasion of the C-states, backstabbing the Fatimids and taking their weakened territories in Egypt(their sole army can maybe hold off the C-states while I walk down to Luxor... I'll play that one by ear), and then rearing back up and taking the Caucasus from the Cumans and leaving a permanent garrison.

    Depending on how the Eastern powers react to my plotting, and each other, my next moves might be to off the Byzantines in Thrace, move up and seize Crimea and the area around it(Byzantine & Cuman held), start a long war against my former allies the Zengids(if they are severely weakened by Abbasids. Our border extends from the black sea to Antioch, too long for my tastes.), or simply invade Greece and take out the Serbians.

    Whoever reads this can feel free to throw out advice on where to go and what to do next, I wish I could post a scrn shot but for some reason the game hides from it. I press prnt sc and it screenshots my desktop(or another program in the background) despite the game being open.

    Other Factions:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Spain: Rebellions are awesome. Every single Spanish faction has rebelled at least once versus the Moors who otherwise bordered France at one point. However, they only managed to stall the Moorish juggernaut. Spain's family died out a turn or two before I posted this and it all rebelled. I doubt Aragon and Portugal will be able to defend themselves and grab the rebel settlements. France has moved in to Barcelona.

    Italy: HRE took Milan early and has not done much else. Venice and Pisa fighting is brutal. I check in every few turns and Bologna is constantly shifting hands. The Papal States is yelling at everyone I'm sure but since Italy is completely closed off by the HRE, who probably doesn't give a damn about the Pope, no one is doing anything about the wars.

    Africa: Sicily is doing stuff.

    Germany: Status Quo. One does not simply mess with the HRE early on.

    England: England murdered everything. Scots rebelled and murdered everything. England has now rebelled and just retook London. They currently own Cornwall, Wales, and London. Scots have the rest.

    France: France looks like France. Except the Western half. English still own it despite their troubles at home.

    Scandistan: Norway-Denmark blood fued. Norway is coming out on top by securing Sweden, Gotland, and Finland. They are at peace now I think, its been status quo after Norway took Finland from the Russians.

    Baltic: Bloody mess of Polish, Lithuanians, and Novgorod. The Russians opted out early to deal with a civil war which only recently ended. Lithuanians are just now pushing against the Poles. The Teutonic Order has been founded message popped up about them in the Middle East as a nice reminder of whats coming from the Pagans up north.

    Ukraine/Steppe: Cuman - Kiev - Hungary conflict. Kiev is really doing well here by maintaining a somewhat status quo. They've actually taken some territory against the Hungarians while defending against the Cumans. Who have had their eastern most provinces(the huge ones) revolt. I'd like to think is that they are fighting so hard against Kiev that they could no longer afford to garrison those cities... yurt-towns technically I think.

    Balkans: Byzantines gave up Adrianople/Constantinople against me early on and had to focus on the Serbians. They are at a stalemate in Thrace, however Greece is almost fully Serbian. Byzantines still hold Epirus and Crete. Somehow. Thessaloniki changed hands a few times, but is now fully Serbian. Nis has changed hands a few times, but is now fully Byzantine. I think the Greeks lost that deal...

    All in all, this mod has been providing a better sense of TOTAL WAR.

  13. #113

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    I got into the newest version and have played good deal into it. I like how it seems harder to roll everyone after a while, what with harder occupation and the chance for destroyed factions to come back in a rebellion or getting into a civil war.

    I wanted to ask why SSHIP sticks with Stainless Steel vanilla's (and Vanilla Kingdoms') recruitment system being based on separate buildings like barracks, militia garrisons, archery ranges, stables, and siege workshops instead of something like HURB's recruitment system which is apparently more historically accurate.
    Judgement Time

  14. #114

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Been playing it for a while now, got one thing to say - I like it.

    EDIT: one question I've got though, what's the deal with diplomacy in this? Is the AI as haphazard and random as it was back in vanilla or does SSHIP make it more unreasonable and less likely to declare war? I've only had Pisa declare war on me (Venice) so far and have forged an alliance with HRE. Sicily haven't attacked me yet and Hungary has left Zara untouched so I'm guessing that there's been a diplomacy AI improvement, or perhaps I've just got lucky?
    Last edited by Aenima; July 30, 2014 at 12:43 PM.

  15. #115
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Aenima View Post
    Been playing it for a while now, got one thing to say - I like it.

    EDIT: one question I've got though, what's the deal with diplomacy in this? Is the AI as haphazard and random as it was back in vanilla or does SSHIP make it more unreasonable and less likely to declare war? I've only had Pisa declare war on me (Venice) so far and have forged an alliance with HRE. Sicily haven't attacked me yet and Hungary has left Zara untouched so I'm guessing that there's been a diplomacy AI improvement, or perhaps I've just got lucky?
    You're lucky. Or it hasn't been long enough yet. As soon as you start being aggressive to Pisa you will find Sicily at war with you. And if the alliance with HRE doesn't hold (mine didn't, and I was their vassal) you will find yourself at war with them too.

  16. #116

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Holding the Mongol Horde, is not so bad

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  17. #117
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Just passed 100 turns, figured I would report on a few things:

    -Every faction is still alive, except for Pisa, whom I just defeated. They only had Sardinia left (it makes me sad there's no settlement on Corsica but oh well). Had I not defeated them, I think they would have existed forever - but they were bankrupt with no ships, so there would never be a means for them to leave the island.
    -Georgia and Novgorod are basically impotent. Novgorod has been crushed by Lithuania and the Rus. Georgia never did anything of note.
    -Practically every faction is still very poor, many are bankrupt (at least in the sense that when I approach them with a diplomat, their wealth status is bankrupt). A RS2 style treasury system might be a really good tool for balance.
    -There are some extremely odd AI troop/fleet movements. Zengid fleets in the black sea, all tucked into a corner. The Moorish Emir spending his whole life near Arles (there are worse places to live, I guess). The Crusader Prince - with a small army, no less - in Ireland, most ridiculously. The king of Portugal in Algeria (Portugal not being at war with the Moors makes this more strange). Other varying Catholics dotted around make more sense as they are obviously leftovers from Crusades - but it is odd nonetheless that the AI doesn't try to bring them home.
    -The image on the info screen for mailed foot knights is incorrect, showing some axemen instead.
    -Moors have had pretty much all of Morocco rebel and have never taken it back.
    -Palermo rebelled from Sicily. I took it, it rebelled from me and went back to Sicillian. It then rebelled from them. Their army ran away rather than try to take it back! Must be the fear of the Mafia...
    -The weird bug where rebel ships spawn in lakes happened, with a rebel fleet appearing in the lake near Jerusalem.

    In general though, I'm loving it. It's a real challenge - there is no spamming of stacks in this, that's to be sure! This does mean that wars are far less grand in scale, however. And the AI is rarely very aggressive with each other when fighting wars - often maybe one settlement will change hands and then ceasefire, often no territory will be taken at all. This is likely because they are too poor to afford to fight.

    The RS2 treasury system gives a 'treasury' building to each faction's capital that offers a significant tax increase to the faction - when captured by the player the increase no longer applies. It helps the AI not get bankrupt, and it adds an interesting strategic dimension in aiming to cripple the economy of an enemy, etc. I would advocate something similar. This AI is much better with its money than Rome's one is, of course. But it would be nice for factions to have more than 1000 in the bank.

    The Crusader States are beginning to struggle, being made a client of both the Fatimids and Zengids. The "Crusader Island" event happened, but I have no idea what the effect was - I'd love to know since it sounded awesome! Scotland has been reduced to just Inverness and seems to have no army at all - England is dominant. France and the HRE are constantly going to war and making peace and generally squabbling for power. Similarly, Poland and the HRE keep going to war with little consequence (apart from the HRE getting excommunicated). The HRE AI seems to want to take Prague and Lubeck, but despite going to war and laying siege, something compels it to stop and sue for peace. Not sure why. The HRE is still dominant in Europe, though France are a strong competitor.

    The Seljuks have begun to expand into Georgia and seem unstoppable. The Zengids are a major military power (though they have two stacks on Jihad attacking Tunis). This means that when their held city of Antioch was the target for a Crusade, they were constantly making peace with every faction that went on Crusade, kinda bugging it out. I eventually took Antioch myself and exchanged it for Arles with the HRE, thank you very much.

    The ERE is less dominant, they're unable to beat Rum who have one city, two full stacks, and do nothing with them. They're at war with Hungary, the Cumans and me now. They sue for peace constantly, but refuse any demands for territory. Bless. I'd love to see a city on Rhodes. The Cumans expanded as far as Bulgaria, and seem a real powerhouse. There are still rebel cities near their territory they make no effort to claim, however. Hungary is a strong but passive kingdom. I'd have thought they'd have made some effort to take Serbia, for instance, which has been reduced to its two original provinces and is at war with the ERE but couldn't take a town with only 2 units in it.

    Leon/Castille have been damaged by the Moors who seem to be establishing themselves on Iberia. They had Aragon at one point, though it rebelled back to Aragonian control. There are lots of large armies on Iberia that don't seem to do anything. Portugal expanded to its modern day borders, which is cool to see.

    Most of rebel North Africa remains untouched.

    The Fatimids haven't done much except fight to get Jerusalem over and over. They had Mecca temporarily (it was taken by Rum on Jihad, no idea how it got into Fatimid hands) but rebelled. They are making no effort to take it back.

    The Abbasids have expanded as far as they could without going to war with anyone. They also seem very passive.

    Norway and Denmark haven't done anything after their initial conflict.

    Lithuania and the Rus look strong, and are allied.

    All in all, most factions are set up very nicely, if a little passive - I suppose this is actually fairly accurate! It'll be interesting to see how the balance of power shifts by the time the Mongols arrive. Hope this has been of some help

  18. #118
    Nizam's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    btw last patch (1.2gb), it made me sad. guys be careful mod totaly crashed!
    Last edited by Nizam; August 01, 2014 at 03:24 PM.

    Ottoman Total Overhaul received the 2nd favorite Overhaul/Compilation Mod - 2016 award!

  19. #119
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    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Nizam View Post
    btw last patch (1.2gb), it made me sad. guys be careful mod totaly crashed!
    Really? Mine works fine. The patch shouldn't have affected anything - it was just to fix sound problems. Make sure you delete the .idx files from data/sounds before playing.

    A few other notes:

    -I'm not sure how the usurper system works, but it seems to happen in every faction way too much. It's pretty damaging since it reduces tax income and population growth. I think this may explain why a lot of AI factions have been so weak. It also doesn't make sense that everyone gets the "weak usurper" trait when my Doge, who was regent for several years before inexplicably becoming a usurper, has max authority...
    -There are vicious cycles of plagues, where a plague happens, a character is infected, and he causes the city to get the plague again a turn after recovering. Rinse and repeat. Very damaging.
    -The usurper killed message has a typo - "raightful ruler" instead of "rightful ruler".
    -Pretty sure the recruitment for Order knights is bugged. Even with 8 papal favour points (and my FL being Grandmaster of the Hospitallers) I can't recruit or retrain any.
    Last edited by Larkin; August 01, 2014 at 07:19 PM.

  20. #120

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    So things have gone not as I expected in my Rum game... most importantly my troops have been disappearing. No message, no anything. So far it has only been non-faction troops. By that I mean I've lost tons of mercenaries and AoR troops. Is it something I'm missing? I'll hire a merc or AoR, and next turn its simply not there. No desertion or anything, not on crusade/jihad. The two cases I specifically looked for it were: Recruit Turkish Archers in Kayseri, move into Sis, jump on boat next turn. Gone. Second case was embarking from said boat at Ascalon and recruiting two mercenary swordsmen. I siege the city. The next turn before I attack, they are gone.

    Edit: Another issue I am having is unrest across my settlements. It shoots up both gradually and slowly. I almost lost my capital at Istanbul for the second time due to it shooting up to 90%. Over at Trebizond it shot up to 75% as well. I am in the middle of an invasion of Egypt and it is slowly creeping up in Damietta, enough so that it has paralyzed the attack(its going up 5%/turn)
    Last edited by Zanze; August 01, 2014 at 10:03 PM.

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