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Thread: Tweaks v0.4 for Deus Lo Vult 1.8-ext

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    Default Tweaks v0.4 for Deus Lo Vult 1.8-ext

    Tweaks v0.4 for Deus Lo Vult's the tastiest tweaks ever!

    File is here, m'lord:

    And there's a little patch available here which cleans up some errors in the building file:

    Installation: unzip the Tweaks v0_4 zip.file into you DLV_ext folder and say "yes to all" when asked if you want to overwrite files.

    You can install this over v0.3 if you like.

    Compatibility: Save game compatible with Tweaks v0.3. You may want to start a new campaign however to benefit from changes in rebel aggressiveness, etc. that are set at campaign start.
    NOT save game compatible with DLV 1.8ext or earlier versions of Tweaks (v0.2a and previous) because of the map change.

    New in Tweaks v0.4

    1. Added 32 new Heraldic Coats-of-Arms by Tokus*Maximus for expanded regions [which had used placeholder ancillaries for Coat-of-Arms]

    2. Merged Repman's and Darth Vader's Unit (EDU) files and building (EDB) files
    a. Made Longbows and Highland Archers recruitable before the Mongol invasion with the proper archery range
    b. Made only level 1 cavalry units (hobilars, scouts, etc.) recruitable at a castle without a stables. Higher level cavalry need the appropriate stables building.

    3. Reduced speeds of battles...swing time increased from 0 to 10...vanilla M2TW is a slow 25

    1. Restored double build times for buildings

    2. Restored Repman's diplomacy settings in descr_strat.txt -- the English hate the French again, hooray!

    3. Restored Repman's Win Conditions from Big Map default

    4. Minor fixes in starting character stats. King William (england) was missing ancillaries and needed his stats lowered to Repman's settings.

    5. Restored Repman's slave settings in descr_strat.txt...rebel faction should be more aggressive again

    6. Put shield wall special ability back in for those units which had it in DLV 1.8ext

    7. Made Mongols & Timurids playable again (I thought they were in v0.3...but I was wrong)

    Known issues:
    1. Getting some errors from Darthy's projectile file on projectile delays...can't see anything wrong with the file however. Still working to sort it out.
    2. Dearmad added parallel titles for each set for christians, one set for muslims. I haven't done the same with Renown's titles for the additional regions, so muslim factions may end up with a few earls and counts.
    3. Aztecs made non-playable. If you want to edit them back to playable, there's a million little things that probably won't look right.

    From Tweaks of yesteryear (change log)

    Tweaks v0.3

    1. Heraldic Ranks: 54 unique new banners (ancillaries) by Tokus Maximus (Yay!) for Knight Bannerets (40), Knight Commanders (10) and Knights Grand Cross (4). They're beautiful!
    2. Campaign experience now for all christian & muslim factions. Campaigning in friendly lands gives half experience, in enemy lands full experience.
    3. New Field Army script which makes a fortified frontier strategy viable. But sieges are now even more expensive affairs (only affects human player)
    a. Besieging Army 2000fl + 500fl each additional Named General beyond the first
    b. Army in Enemy Territory 500fl + 500fl each additional Named General beyond the first (I've decreased it to 500 so it is break-even whether you build a fort or not while marching through enemy lands)
    c. Army in Friendly Territory (outside a settlement) 200fl +200fl each additional Named General beyond the first
    d. Army in Fort (captain-led) zero
    e. Army in Fort led by Named General 500fl (enemy lands) 200fl (friendly lands) +500/200 for each additional Named General beyond the first
    4. Merged Rawghi's Heraldry 2.0, Dearmad's titles and Renown's additional titles for ext map (big thanks to Oda Nobunaga for his work merging files)! All regions have titles & Heraldic ancillaries
    5. Incorporated Dearmad's Titles, princesses, archbishops, simulated REBELLION, councilors mod v1.5a
    6. Incorporated GrandViz's Ultimate AI v0.9 (There are still some bugs that GV is ironing out in v1.0 so we'll go with v0.9 for this release of Tweaks)
    7. Made Pagan Magicians less frequent (damn their eyes!)
    8. Incorporated Darth's Opensource v9.0 Battle AI + Units + Buildings (just not the campaign AI stuff...that's from GrandViz. In the future looks like Darth is going to include GrandViz's AI so should make updating a snap!)
    9. Incorporate BigMap v1.06 (new region Kerkyra, lots of new resources and lots of fixes)
    10. Added a new portrait for the passed away wifie for Northern and Southern European factions (no more goofy looking lass staring out from the great beyond)

    Tweaks v0.2a
    1. New Heraldic Rank system is available for all Christian factions (except Byzantines). Epithets for Knight Commander and Knight Grand Cross now work (sorry about the head fake in v0.2)...
    2. Preview of heraldic banners for Knight Bannerets, KCmdrs, KGCs (I've got the first two banners done...fifty to go).
    3. Added the family portraits to Southern European faction
    4. Cleaned up a lot of text in trait descriptions

    Tweaks v0.2
    1. Implemented new Heraldic Rank system for northern European factions (Squire-Knight-Knight Banneret-Knight Commander-Knight Grand Cross). Advancing in ranks requires campaigning in the field (ending turns outside settlements). But campaigning costs florins in DLV 1.8 so you now have some more decisions to make. Knight Bannerets and above can qualify for er, uh Banners (improve troop morale). Knight Commanders and above get title appended to name (epithet). All above inspired by and built upon the work of Repman & Marcus Camillus
    2. Implemented campaign experience bonuses (which works with above)
    3. Implemented "be respectful of your elders" movement rates for generals and agents: 20/15/5/-5 (or 100/75/25/-25 percent) old peeps can actually move around the map...

    From Tweaks v0.1

    1. Game doesn't seem to like long vowels (vowels with the line over them) which hoses up the way some Faction names are displayed during the AI's turns so, I made the following changes to the factions in "expanded.txt"
    TIMURIDS: Timuriyan
    EGYPT: al-Fatimiyyun
    BYZANTIUM: Basileia ton Romaion

    These three factions changed as well:
    VENICE: Serenģsima Repłblica Včneta
    SICILY: Royaume de Sicile
    POLAND: Królestwo Polskie

    2. I added new portraits for Northern European family members that looked more consistent with the general and princess portraits

    Here's that linkage again:

    Cheers! dd
    Last edited by derdrakken; January 15, 2007 at 11:16 PM.

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