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Thread: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

  1. #1

    Default themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    As most here might ( or might not ) know, the green skins are neither one race nor a unified nations. Green skins simply summarizes a multitude of clans, tribes and subspecies; some more dominant in the lore, or fleshed out in the Tabletop than others.

    As someone who collects a green skin TT-army himself, one of the biggest strengths of the Orcs and Goblins army book is the great selection of thematic armies it allows you to build.

    You see, while the Empire army book allows you to chose between like six very different Lord and Hero options ( Captains, Witch Hunters, Warrior Priests, Wizards etc ) the Orcs & Goblins one only offeres you two: Bosses and Shamans.


    It allows you to pick from a good range of different green skin subspecies and clans.

    So can the Warboss leading your army for example be an Orc, Black Orc, Savage Orc, Night Goblin, Goblin ( or Forest Goblin ).

    My tabletop army for example is all Orcs, with the exception a single unit of Black Orcs; while a friend of mine has an army thats almost nothing but Night Goblins but with some Spider Riders mixed in there.

    Thats ofcourse completely optional, and there is nothing stopping you from throwing all sorts of green skins into a unified army. Afterall, Orc tribes often enslave weaker Goblin tribes, and a powerful enough Warboss can unite dozens of tribes under his banner.

    But as someone who is a fan of "fluff" armies ( army lists build around a certain theme or a specific part of the lore ) as they are often called in TT-circles, I really hope the game is not only going to give us the option to play with themed armies ourselves ( looking positively on that front ) but also allows us to encounter them in form of minor, non playable factions.

    To get to my point: I hope not all of the npc-tribes we have to deal with in the game will have access to the full roster of green skin units; and there are at least some that are themed to represent "pure", non mixed societies and are lead by members of their breed or culture.

    I think it could be much more interessting when discovering a new tribe means dealing with new army compositions and fighting styles. Like running into your first Savage Orc tribe after having dealt mostly with Goblin tribes so far for example.


    Savage Orcs



    Black Orcs

    Forest Goblins

  2. #2

    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    People are getting mixed up. There will be 4 initial playable races. But each race will be represented by multiple factions. Guess this is where we are going to see our beloved day 1 DLC's.

  3. #3
    IrishBlood's Avatar GIVE THEM BLIZZARDS!
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    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    Yup ^^


  4. #4

    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    Quote Originally Posted by Roboute Guilliman View Post
    People are getting mixed up. There will be 4 initial playable races. But each race will be represented by multiple factions.
    +1 I'm surprised this isn't discussed more on the boards.

    I can't wait to see how CA designed subfactions. I mean, Human and Dwarfen subfactions would be pretty easy to implement, we know a lot about each of the empire's individual provinces and that each Dwarven hold is ruled by individual kings.
    Sadly, that's not the case for everyone, we don't know much about Grimgor Ironhide and how he came to power, or much about Greenskin history really, just that he came from the east with a contingent of particularly ruthless and battle hardened Black Orcs and that he had no relations to any of the other tribes that dwelled South of the empire. The way I'd do it would be to have the game start after Grimgor and his Boyz already introduced themselves and bashed a few skulls in, letting the player choose between a handful of recently subjugated tribes.
    I don't know much about the Vampire Counts, but unlike what their name suggests, there doesn't seem to be that many leaders among them besides Mannfred Von Carstein. Ah well, not every race needs to have subfactions I guess.

    Now here's the catch, for each race there's one unique leader, each of them bringing in unique abilities, so obviously players are gonna want to play as them whichever subfaction they choose. A possible solution could be to have the leader and his personal retinue of elite troops join your armies some time in midgame, or after fulfilling a certain amount of quest battles or something.

  5. #5

    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    Well, I think that we will see different types of tribes. I don't think that's really hard to do, and it would definitely be cool to see. Concerning the day one DLC, I think it will not be the case. At least not with the races. We might get unit DLCs, but I doubt we will see factions, because they are all the same esentialy. So there will be no subfactions imo, as that is not the goal of the devs. Their idea is for you to lead a race with one leader that can't die, so having multiple factions to chose from is already out of the question here, also the idea that they will somehow emerge after a quest.

    As far as Grimgor goes, we know that 'he staggered out of the Blasted Wastes with a grizzled, bloody and much-scarred bodyguard.' He then 'took over the first tribe, conquered the second and annihilated the third.', like you said.

    I don't think that we will get to choose the tribe, it's highly unlikely. We will just start the game like any other race. The Vampire counts do have other families, but they are not as detailed as the von Carsteins on the tabletop at least, there is some lore on them however. So we might see other families, but again, they will not be playable I think.

    The main clue is the devs' decision to do the leaders, which imo implies we will not see any other playable subfactions. Although the idea of DLC factions is not hard to imagine, I just don't think that's what they are going for, but who really knows.

  6. #6

    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    Concerning the day one DLC, I think it will not be the case. At least not with the races. We might get unit DLCs, but I doubt we will see factions, because they are all the same esentialy.
    I'm sure they gonna lock a Lord away as Day1DLC. Propably some Warboss.

  7. #7

    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    Quote Originally Posted by Orkfaeller View Post
    I'm sure they gonna lock a Lord away as Day1DLC. Propably some Warboss.
    Perhaps some units yes, but not entire factions.

  8. #8

    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    They locked away all the greeks in freaking RomeII. What would stop them from keeping a Lord pre-order "exclusive"?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: themed Green Skin tribes // on behalf of minor green skin factions

    Well, I would gladly pay a reasonable DLC if it includes (as new Warboss instead of Grimgor)
    and the option to build a pure goblin tribe Goblins are the best!

    -----Red Dox

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