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Thread: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

  1. #781

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Quote Originally Posted by Kye View Post
    1.8_ext i had a good time, but i think with darths mod its messed up the battlefield AI. its common that in a seige a sallying army will keep 1 unit within its walls and never comes out, and they attack me in strange formations.

    Also, i never had a ladder problem before 1.9, ever. Its strange how even with vanillia peoples experiences differ.

    I'm not giving up on this ladder issue. I'm gonna keep an eye on Darthy's work and see if progress can be made.

    GV's campaign AI 1.0 is supposed to be a nice upgrade. Once that's stable we'll roll it in to DLV.



  2. #782

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    GV? UAI? 1.1 is a worth while upgrade, it fits the middle between 1.0 and 0.9, how one made it all out war and the other made it very passive. There are wars but not so many, and good alliances hold out.

    I backed up the descr_campaign_ai_db.xml, descr_diplomacy.xml , descr_faction_standing.txt, then used those ones from UAI to overwrite them in the dlv data folder, and works fine with me.


  3. #783

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    how is the trait/ancillary system working ?
    any Crashes with tweaks 4.0a ?


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 6.2 for MTW II Kingdoms
    Norway+Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+Teutonic_Order+Armenia+Crusader+Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6, big map, military career, economic system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, religion dependent recruiting, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  4. #784

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    They are working great so far. No bugs at the moment, and i dont think two ancillaries overlap at all if i have two generals in one town. The effects are brilliant and i have to think more about where i place my generals.

  5. #785

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Hey man, this mod looks killer. I wondered where the picture and link for this sucker went. God wills it!!!

  6. #786
    Byg's Avatar Read The Manual

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Quote Originally Posted by repman View Post
    I have changed the following settings in the standard darth export_descr_unit.txt:
    - shield_ wall added to certain infantry units: thanks to Yogi Bear
    - attack cycle: changed all: , 0, 0.7 to ,10, 0.7

    Re the attack cycle, So 25 is vanilla standard and version 1.8 of this mod has a lot of units set at 0 by mistake, though now changed to 10?

    Am I right in thinking that changing this value to 50 for all units would lengthen battles significantly (which I would love), or does this work in some other way?

    edit: to answer my own question, after testing, I found it apparently makes no difference.
    Last edited by Byg; January 21, 2007 at 04:18 PM. Reason: answer found

  7. #787

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Any fixes, or is it already fixed in the mod, for the shield bug?

  8. #788

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    it's a time and real life killer

    the 0 settings are not of mistake, this are the original settings from darth
    The difference in the attack cyclus time makes no difference on the battlefield ?
    interesting...maybe 50 is too high ?

    @norse archer
    no... it would mess up the balancing.... have you seen it actually ?


    BareBonesWars 8.1 for RTW 1.5
    Integration Mod which combines unique strategic challenges due to a 4 Season scripted campaign from 280 BC - 180 AD on several big/small maps and with an ruthless AI on the battlefield.
    Deus lo Vult DLV 6.2 for MTW II Kingdoms
    Norway+Ireland+Flanders+Kiev+Lithuania+Teutonic_Order+Armenia+Crusader+Georgia,1y2t script, army field costs, Ultimate AI 1.6, big map, military career, economic system, age simulation, heraldic system, new factions, garrison script, Crowns + Swords, Trait bugfixer, religion dependent recruiting, ancillary enhancements, darth battle mechanics

  9. #789

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Nah, haven't seen it nor have I seen an explanation of exactly what the shield bug is.... other than units that should have a shield, the shield armor value gets reduced to zero when that unit enters melee combat....

    ... is that it?

  10. #790

    Default Re: Mod "Deus lo Vult" (DLV)

    Reply the shield bug is confirmed but I can't remember where I read it but basically it has a negative effect on damage done by melee weapons. Don't quote me though

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