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Thread: Watching two released Warhammer videos want your input guys.

  1. #1

    Default Watching two released Warhammer videos want your input guys.

    Why does it seem Orcs, Cav, Dwarves, all seem to do this little leap or jump right before the opposing lines come together. Am I seeing this correctly, I can understand a group or 2 doin it but everyone with this little leap even dwarves.

    Why no shieldwall for the dwarves I would think that would be a no brainer since they are a defensive faction? Can CA still not get this right, or maybe they dont really need it.

    In the video of the Dwarves with Angry Joe they said there will be no phalanx or any type of formations, that bothered me because this is TW after all. Did anyone else get that?

    One other thing that I want to ask about is it seems to me that Chaos is going to be like Attilla in terms of horde mechanic razing and such is that how any of you guys are reading the info out there?

    Thanks ahead of time appreciate it. Just some of the fighting mechanics have me a bit concerned.
    Last edited by RogueLeader; October 24, 2015 at 03:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Watching two released Warhammer videos want your input guys.

    Maybe because leaping into battle is "cool" and shows off the hardcore action following? Remember this scene?
    I sat in the cinema and asked myself "Why arent the pricks not shooting arrows OVER the shieldwall and let the damn orcs run into the dwarfs? Seriously outnumbered and not having tactical sense? Stupid pointy ears deserve to lose."

    I can totally get it when greenskins "jump" into battle. They are orcs. They live for that. Hell, they even shoot themselves with catapults around to get into action. Remember or the doom diver? I do raise an eyebrow if more "serious" races like humans/dwarfs/High elves do the same. But if I remember correctly, dwarfs were only charging not leaping.

    One other thing that I want to ask about is it seems to me that Chaos is going to be like Attilla in terms of horde mechanic razing and such is that how any of you guys are reading the info out there?
    Yes, at least it sounds like that in description
    Since the greenskins would have the same mechanic and there was mentioning a similar style for Attilla DLC
    with having the choice of a ravenous horde or switching to settlement mode. It would fit snce greenksins either WAAAGH! as long as it lasts or entrench in captured cities/dwarf fortresses. Chaos could do the same, who knows? It is still a long road to april and we will get a video for that later on. But for the next month would some Vampire news be better

    -----Red Dox

  3. #3

    Default Re: Watching two released Warhammer videos want your input guys.

    I liked the Orcs jumping in but the horses jumping just looked off to me.

    Dwarfs have the shield wall ability but CA is trying to limit the micromanagement by removing ability buttons for some things. So some abilities will automatically be triggered.

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