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Thread: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

  1. #1
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Icon6 Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Here is the dedicated thread where people can post screenshots of their epic battles or their empire's map.

    I look forward to see your pics!!!
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  2. #2
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    I'll begin with a nice little pic from my ERE campaign:

    1164 AD, (futile) Norman counter-attack against recently captured Bari. The Normans bravely (or should I say foolishly) charged the main gate, only to find a little surprise waiting for them:

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  3. #3

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Il wait for new version to create some empires

  4. #4

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by achilles-91 View Post
    Il wait for new version to create some empires
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA me too!!! and i guess that many guys think the same hehehehe

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  5. #5
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Thanks for sharing, Lifthrasir! I am glad to see a thread like this.

    I'm at work right now so can't share any screenies until I get home, but I did post some SSHIP screens in the Stainless Steel thread, so I hope you won't mind me re-posting it here to get things rolling.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy1204 View Post
    Hi everyone!

    A few screens from my Egyptian campaign here. This screenie is from turn 117, and I've turned west in a brave attempt to liberate Sicily from the Normans and restore it to Arab control. Sicily was an Arab emirate from c.800AD to 1072AD, and so I was determined to recreate that. I had quite a few battles against Sicilians and Venetians and rebels to get control of Tunisia, but once I'd cleared them out the invasion of Sicily was not too difficult. However, after my first conquest I went on a rampage, sacking Naples and Regio di Calabria before sending my men elsewhere. Big mistake. The Sicilians regrouped and managed to take the island again. Unfortunately due to an attack by the Abbasids and Zengids in Syria, combined with a rebellion in Mecca, I was distracted for quite a few turns before I could raise a new army, set sail for the west and invade Sicily for the second time. This screenie was taken shortly after I recaptured it, this time for good.

    I was just deciding what to do next, when it occurred to me that instead of heading east to liberate Iraq, I could use my army in Palermo to strike at Rome, which is not far away. The thought of attacking the Crusader dogs in their home land appealed to me, so I set out for Italy, with a mighty fleet and army assembled. The cry "Allahu akbar" shall be heard in the streets of Rome, replacing the bells of the church! To battle, men...!!

  6. #6
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy1204 View Post
    Part two:

    My fearless Arab army has marched up through southern Italy, capturing all the cities, and has now arrived at the walls of Rome. The soldiers of Islam stand ready to claim Rome, and tear down the false Pope and his heretical teachings. Forward men, in the name of Islam!

    Once inside the city, the terrified defenders, hopelessly outnumbered, decide to fall back and abandon the walls. The cowards flee towards the town centre, where the Pope stands together with the last of his bodyguards. There, they will make their final stand - the last act in the demise of the Catholic church and the Papal authority. Soon the Islamic shahada will be recited from the cathedral in Rome, the church towers will be converted into minarets, and the muezzin will cry 'la ilaha illa-lah,' - there is no god but god... 'Muhammadur rasullah lah' - and Muhammad is his prophet. The Pope awaits his fate with calm dignity. He knows there is no escape, but he decides to go down fighting!

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    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy1204 View Post
    Part three - the Islamic host advances!

    The banners of the Muslim army flutter in the wind, as a vast horde of holy soldiers march up the hill onto the high ground in the centre of Rome, the Palatine hill. General Nasir surveys his brave warriors, and urges them forward with the banner of the holy jihad. For honour, for truth, for mercy and courage - forward men!

    Once through to the town square, the soldiers quickly fan out, with archers moving round to the sides on the left and the right. They have a clear shot at the Pope and his bodyguard, as the melee soldiers hack their way through the enemy front line in the centre of the square. Soon, the Pope's unit takes heavy casualties from the arrows fired by the Berber and African archers in the Muslim army.

    Like king Leonidas of Sparta many centuries before him, Pope Hadrianus XII dies in a hail of arrows, bravely fighting until the end. He may have been a representative of the corrupted church, but he fought to the last. But victory goes to the just warriors of Islam. God wills it! Now that he is gone, the Islamic culture will spread in this city and the people will find freedom from the constraints of the church. Instead, the mosque will educate the people in the ways of goodness and virtue, while the schemes of the Papal throne will be a footnote to history.

    On the capture of Rome, the Muslim army must decide what to do with the captured city. The Papacy has been defeated! Never again will a crusade threaten the holy lands. Instead, Islamic civilisation brings enlightenment to dark age Europe, bringing in a new golden age of science and learning.

    Now part of the mighty Arab empire, Rome is a Muslim city. The citizens can now enjoy the benefits of being part of the greatest empire the medieval world has ever seen, stretching from Arabia and Syria right through Egypt to the Maghreb and into central Italy.

    That's all for now, hope you enjoyed!

  8. #8
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Just a question: what have you decided about the fate of the inhabitants? Occupy? Sack? Or exterminate?
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  9. #9
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Just a question: what have you decided about the fate of the inhabitants? Occupy? Sack? Or exterminate?
    Well this question really has two answers. My preferred choice would be "occupy" the city, because the army is fighting for a chivalrous and honourable cause. However, unfortunately in the current version of SSHIP it's impossible to occupy cities because the public order penalties are so bad. The only viable option is to click "exterminate". This is one of the areas of the game I would like to see changed in the next version.

  10. #10
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    MWY has adjusted it in the next version. It should be a bit easier.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  11. #11
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    That would be great!

    There is also a related issue, that the human player always has "Despicable" reputation. I read online that there is a bug in medieval 2 total war (vanilla) that makes your reputation worse if you occupy cities. It is caused by a mistake in the code that CA used, they added the wrong value -1 instead of +1 (or something like that). Possibly worth getting MWY to have a look at that, too.
    Last edited by bigdaddy1204; November 10, 2015 at 09:46 AM.

  12. #12

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    I think I already fixed that.^^

  13. #13
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    World's most dangerous bridge

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  14. #14
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    World's most dangerous bridge

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    Hahahaha, brilliant.

    Jurcek1987, can you give us a bit of background to these screenies? What's the story? Where was it fought? How did the war begin? And what was the result of the battle?

  15. #15
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    A quick screenie from me in my Moors campaign on very hard/very hard - note the turn number on the lower right side!

  16. #16
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy1204 View Post
    Hahahaha, brilliant.

    Jurcek1987, can you give us a bit of background to these screenies? What's the story? Where was it fought? How did the war begin? And what was the result of the battle?
    That's the bridge one square north of Heskif. I have to admit that I started the war by besieging the castle. It is in a such great position, it's usually one of my key bulwarks against the Mongols and I try to capture it as early as I can so I have enough time to upgrade it's defences and infrastructure. I was besieging the castle and then 2 large armies attacked, one of them led by the Emir himself. You can see the result in the third picture. Defending river crossings is so easy, that's where artillery really shines as do archers and javelins.

    Here is a pic of my Emperor, Manouēl I Komnēnos the Great. Conqueror of Anatolia, Kurdistan, Upper Mesopotamia and Greater Syria. If only he was half as competent in real-life

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    I've pretty much restored the Empire of Basil II, apart fromAntioch, Napoli (which I'm besieging) and western Balkans. Antioch will be my next target.

  17. #17
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    Holy mackerel! You have so much money. And your emperor is perfect in every way! How did you get that? Nice empire. I see you've modded the portrait picture to an actual historical image of Manuel - that's great! I see have renamed some of the settlements - did you do that in game or by modding? Also, quick question - do basic roads do anything in SSHIP? I see they cost 3000 florins which is a lot of money, and I'm not convinced they offer any economic benefit (just trying to figure out if it's worth me building them or not...).

    Yes, Antioch was a priority of the Komnenian emperors. If they'd spent half the time and effort on central Anatolia as they did on Antioch, their empire might've looked like yours
    Last edited by bigdaddy1204; November 10, 2015 at 05:57 PM.

  18. #18
    jurcek1987's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy1204 View Post
    Holy mackerel! You have so much money. And your emperor is perfect in every way! How did you get that? Nice empire. I see you've modded the portrait picture to an actual historical image of Manuel - that's great! I see have renamed some of the settlements - did you do that in game or by modding? Also, quick question - do basic roads do anything in SSHIP? I see they cost 3000 florins which is a lot of money, and I'm not convinced they offer any economic benefit (just trying to figure out if it's worth me building them or not...).

    Yes, Antioch was a priority of the Komnenian emperors. If they'd spent half the time and effort on central Anatolia as they did on Antioch, their empire might've looked like yours
    Well I rarely have monetary problems as ERE. The only time I'm struggling is when I'm at war with many factions. I'm also careful not to train to much units when I don't urgently need them. When that picture was taken my only enemies were Sicily and Zengids. Georgia and Rus are my allies so my northern flank is secured and HRE aswell.

    It's not that hard to get a perfect emperor. Mine led just about every expedition in the east, his command and also authority rose after winning battles. But you need to get lucky with some of the traits, alcoholic or deranged are probably the worst and they're quite common. Also I released every prisoner, occupied every settlement and when he was governing a city I set taxes to low and voilą - max chivalry. It took a lot of time though. Piety was the easiest, just train priests or build churches in the settlement he is governing. And spending some time in the capital gives you visited Hagia Sofia trait which gives +2 piety.

    As you noticed I did some modifications to my game. Manuel's portrait is from Bellum Crucis. Settlement names I changed manually. Roads are definitely worth it, the next level (paved roads) gives a noticeable trade boost, sometimes as high as 50%. Basic roads also increase movement range which is always a plus.

    I made some progress since the last post. Here is a picture of another crushing victory, outside Aleppo.

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    I just love the ERE roster, their units are so powerful especially their infantry is so much better than anything their neighbours can muster (apart from CS). And so another unfortunate Zengid Emir kicked the bucket, I believe that was my third. in the meantime Napoli and Palermo were taken and Ancona is under siege. Zengids died when they still held 2 regions. I guess their family tree died out, which isn't surprising because I must have killed about 15 of their family members.
    Then I captured the now rebel held Damascus and in response to the Crusader attack on Cyprus (which actually happened about 45 years ago ) I besieged Antioch and Tripoli. Better late then never as they say. But then in 1180 Manuel died, an interesting coincidence actually, and unrest sky-rocketed in some of the captured regions (a very nice and realistic script, well done MWY). I managed to stabilise Ikonion and Palermo by sending in some of my better governors and reinforcing the garrisons but I couldn't hold Ras so the Serbs reappeared and immediately captured the poorly protected Naissus. My current Emperor Leon Komnenos never fought a battle in his life so he has low authority. I've only been using him as a governor because he gives a 5.5% growth bonus and I've been sending him from region to region, until it reached the next upgrade threshold.

    I've hastily assembled an army to counter the Serbs, but since all my professional armies are in the east or tied up garrisoning troublesome cities, it's mostly made of militia and mercenaries. I also mustn't forget about the Bulgarian uprising in 1185. Interesting times lie ahead...

  19. #19
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Quote Originally Posted by jurcek1987 View Post
    I've hastily assembled an army to counter the Serbs, but since all my professional armies are in the east or tied up garrisoning troublesome cities, it's mostly made of militia and mercenaries. I also mustn't forget about the Bulgarian uprising in 1185. Interesting times lie ahead...
    Cool! That sounds like a great campaign. I’d love to see a few more screens showing the campaign map and the Italian provinces.

    In my Moors campaign, I have had some spectacular success using assassins, merchants, spies and imams. I decided early on to make a strong focus on agents. It started when I realised that merchants would be key to my economy, but I could NOT allow enemy merchants to move in and steal my trade. Therefore I hired assassins and started killing enemy merchants ruthlessly.

    From there it progressed to enemy agents and ultimately generals. I have assassinated every single merchant, priest, assassin and spy that has dared to enter my territory – and many more who were in neighbouring lands. My lands are completely clear of enemy priests and merchants. This has enabled me to maximise my income from merchant trade, as well as increase public order across my cities by ensuring that high percentages follow Islam.

    The pinnacle of this drive of assassination was when I managed to assassinate several family members of the Kingdom of Leon, leading to an extremely skilled assassin called Mustafa the Killer. I successfully assassinated the heir to the kingdom of Aragon! I also fatally weakened several enemy armies by assassinating the commanding general. Eventually, even the Kingdom of Leon was forced to surrender, and they begged for peace in exchange for being allowed to keep their capital city Leon and the small town of Santiago (their only remaining 2 provinces).

    After smashing the Aragonese in three consecutive battles of Valencia one after the other, I was able to conquer Zaragoza and Barcelona. Pamplona is now the last enemy settlement in the whole of Spain and Portugal (the town is held by Aragon). I decided to offer Aragon peace as I noticed the French are now close to my lands and I would rather border a weak enemy with one settlement than a strong one. However, they refused my offer. It seems they are determined to fight on, even though they are utterly beaten. Therefore I will have no choice but to exterminate their last settlement and extinguish them for good. Then perhaps I will turn on Leon and finish them off, before turning east and advancing into France. Septimania (south France coast) was a Muslim province in about 730AD; it shall be so again!
    Last edited by bigdaddy1204; November 11, 2015 at 05:50 AM.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddy1204 View Post
    Holy mackerel! You have so much money.
    Oh no he doesn't

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    My treasury is boosted by the fact I've just recaptured and exterminated Cairo after a usurper rebellion, but I'm still bringing in around 80-100,000 per turn despite supporting plenty of full stacks. The Byzantines are really boosted by the Hetairoi posts - Alamanoi are the ideal garrison troops for rebellious cities thanks to their great stats and low cost. Most of the huge cities I hold are full of them, but still making profits due to the income.

    Roads are definitely worth building imo - standard roads don't give that big a boost, but once you get paved roads the income really shoots up, both for the settlement itself and surrounding settlements and that is the key to a good economy.

    Unfortunately my game has been hit by the usurper bug with only six more regions needed for victory. It's so bad my faction heir can't move at all for some reason - that's him in the second screenie. I can't decide whether to push on to 80 before finishing, or to start again with the next update when it's out. Just need to take Mecca, Rome, Palermo, Vienna, Genoa and one more. Probably Regensburg just to get the whole of the Danube in my greedy, purple clutches

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