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Thread: Usurping - how can I get out of this situation? (solved - sort of)

  1. #1
    bigdaddy1204's Avatar Campidoctor
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    Dar al-Islam

    Default Usurping - how can I get out of this situation? (solved - sort of)

    In my Egypt campaign, I noticed that when my faction leader died, a 'usurper' took over, with disastrous effects on loyalty and effectively starting a civil war. Obviously, I didn't want this to happen. So I went back and loaded a saved game. I noticed that the usurper already has the trait 'usurping - this man is plotting to take over the realm' trait even before the faction leader died. I decided that I would kill the general, preventing him taking over. But his movement points were virtually zero, so he could hardly be moved. With great cleverness, I called a Jihad and then got him to join it, so that he could move. I then loaded him onto a boat, sailed to Cyprus for the sole purpose of getting him killed. I unloaded him on the Island, laid siege, and the Byzantines duly obliged by sallying out and killing him.

    Hurrah! I thought. My problem is solved. But sadly, no!

    On checking to see who the faction heir is (now that the usurper is dead), to my horror I discovered that the new faction heir also has the usurper trait! Now I think it's extremely unlikely they both just happened to get that trait by accident. I suspect it appears to be hard coded into the game - no matter who I kill, the game wants the next leader to be a usurper. There is no way I can get out of it. And that's disastrous, because I don't want my next leader to have that trait (but there appears to be nothing I can do to prevent it).

    Please help. Is there anything that can be done?


    Update - since this post was written, I gave up and allowed it to happen. Then I put my new king on a boat with two full stack armies, and sent him across the Mediterranean, sacking Palermo, Naples, Reggio de Calabria, Thessalonica, Constantinople, Nicaea, Corinth. My treasury is now over 300,000 from sacking and destroying buildings, his authority is nearly full, and the problem seems to be solved. Eventually, even his name changed from 'the usurper' to 'the conqueror' and any effect seems to have disappeared. What a campaign! Capturing Constantinople really boosted his authority - he got +2 just for that alone. Plus a string of victories - he is now the most powerful king ever.
    Last edited by bigdaddy1204; October 03, 2015 at 07:27 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Usurping - how can I get out of this situation? (solved - sort of)

    Heh. I had the opposite effect. I had a random pud become the Usurper halfway through a conquest of Anatolia. He was in the clear before, as soon as he conquered Konya... game. Rebellions everywhere, plague in Syria again... I managed to get him killed when a crusading pack of Venetians bumped into him. I had cleared my heirs beforehand to make sure they were not usurpers either.

    Of course, halfway to Konya (I heard that FL in trouble cities helps) he usurps. Somehow. This second time though was disastrous. My entire empire essentially collapsed from this fellow. Very annoying setup...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Usurping - how can I get out of this situation? (solved - sort of)

    i got the same problem in my venetia campaign.
    When my faction leader died to trone was taken by an usurper. It didn't cause any rebellions or such, but it caused general unrest in all my settlements and all my generals lost all their loyalty. Due that that i had to put more troops in almost all cities and castles, my economy is feeling this act of usurping (im still the richest, but my income has lower considarabely)

    So I decided to get the usurper killed. I sent him alone to face a rebel army and... He managed to escape alive. All his bodyguards died and a surprisingly high number of rebels.
    On the second attempt i got the bastard killed but, surprise! the new leader becomes an usurper to. I got this one killed the same way only to find out his heir would become an usurper too. Unfornately this guy doesen't know how to walk or how to ride a horse so it is going to take me 7 turns to reach the next rebel army (which any other unit would reach in one turn, inclusive mangonel)
    I have tought of somehow getting him killed by the plague, but all my cities are healthy so it does not seem to be possible.

    At this point I got really annoyed by this that I'm asking how to modify the game-files to deactivate this usurping-. I noticed that I'm not the only one. When my leader died a 'civil war has end in venetia' popped up when going to the next turn and does this is happeing for almost all factions I suppose that the usurping-script is bugged up and all factions are going eternaly usurped at one moment.

    I really wish to continue this campaign but this is really bothering me. I dont ming backstabbing or rebellions. but eternal usurping with invesible (and paralatic) generals is just stupid.

    Can someone please help me on this? how do I modifiy the files to get rid of this? This crusade solution or conquering solution will not be possible as my stupid faction leader can go more than 1 field per turn.

    thank you!

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