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Thread: Major differences between SS and SSHIP?

  1. #1

    Default Major differences between SS and SSHIP?

    I Want to come back to SS after playing Europa Barbarorum for Rome: Total War and enjoying it. So much so, I remembered how SS had some crazy realistic mechanics which I felt were an awesome way of balancing against an A.I that could never be as great as a Human. Never forget starting as ERE and riding forth against the Rum stack between Nikaea and Iconium, saving every single hair of my Greek flamethrowers and Kataphractoi.

    Could someone here help me clarify exactly what makes SSHIP the choice to use for SS? Does it have all the Realism Logistics System mod thing, and the Real Recruitment AOR mod too present? Does it also contain the complete "Byzantium unit roster" modification I keep seeing for some reason around SS? I am assuming SSHIP is entirely an upgrade above SS, am I correct? Very curious.

    I enjoyed Stainless Steel so much, I teared when my 70's Emperor passed away when I was a teenager. Yep, kinda bad, I know.
    My Shogun 2 Mod has been defunct for years, its over with. Hex editing is horrible.

  2. #2
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Major differences between SS and SSHIP?

    For now and to be short, we have a complete new AI, new economic system, new settlement growth, etc... AOR are not done yet but it should be done later. Same for logistic system.
    Check this post for more details.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  3. #3

    Default Re: Major differences between SS and SSHIP?

    Can someone tell me what the '40' represents.

    FactionStanding global normalise 0.6 40

  4. #4
    Henry X's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Major differences between SS and SSHIP?

    I could be wrong, but I think it means your global standing makes more drastic swings from actions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Carl Jung was right View Post
    We just don't get films which accurately portray military decision making like Dr. Strangelove anymore these days.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Major differences between SS and SSHIP?

    Quote Originally Posted by rltmd317 View Post
    Can someone tell me what the '40' represents.

    FactionStanding global normalise 0.6 40
    Something like this:
    The other kind use what the game calls "normalization". This "normalization" operation has two parameters - target value, and "divisor". It takes your current standing or reputation, and moves it by 1/divisor towards the target.

    For example if your current standing is 0.6, then "normalizing towards +1 with divisor 10" will result in standing of 0.6 + (+1 - 0.6)/10, that is 0.64. If your initial standing was -0.8 instead, the result would be -0.8 + (+1 + 0.8)/10, or -0.62. In other words - if your reputation/standing is bad, good deeds improve it a lot, while bad deeds damage it little. And if your reputation/standing is good, good deeds improve it little, but bad deeds damage it a lot. In our example, the good deed had value of +0.04 for the well-reputed faction, but +0.18 for the ill-reputed one.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Major differences between SS and SSHIP?

    Thank you for the response. It is very helpful...

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