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Thread: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

  1. #1
    axicup's Avatar Civis
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    Nov 2012

    Default Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    I mean, they are cheaper than Reiksguard, but not by much. Also, they are worse in every way.

    I've included a couple of Empire Knight units alongside a Reiksguard unit in one of my armies, just to let Reiksguard boss around.
    What I did not expect was Empire Knights sucking so much in comparison. They die to dogs, they die to marauders, they die to chaos chariots. Yeah, they can flank charge some poor sods, but who the hell can't? Seriously, why did they even bother with the inclusion of Empire Knights, when you can have Reiksguard who will win all of the engagements listed above?

    And aren't Reiksguard supposed to be the Reikland's Knightly Order anyway?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    Something tells me that you were only supposed to be able to field one or two units of each knightly order, then flesh out your cav with Empire Knights, then they determined that they weren't going to be releasing all the orders with launch. TBH, in my empire play through I never ended up building their shock cav. At first I thought I would just be using steam tanks and demis for it. then I fell in love with their pistoleers and outriders, so everywhere I would have put knights, I put them instead. Who needs a rear charge when firearms from the back are just as devastating to morale and health of a unit? course, steam tank fills the role of shock cav quite well, except I don't have to use subtlety, or pesky maneuvering. a charge from the front and a shout of "yolo" from the boiler room is so much easier than having to (I dunno) use skill.
    But you are right, Reiksguard is the order of Reiksland, also, the personal bodyguards of the Elector Count of Reiksland, who just so happens to be the emps.

  3. #3
    Sebidee's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    Cavalry seem pretty weak to me in general, they die very quickly (which seems pretty weird since they are armoured like a tank).
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  4. #4
    axicup's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    Quote Originally Posted by gary0044187 View Post
    Something tells me that you were only supposed to be able to field one or two units of each knightly order, then flesh out your cav with Empire Knights, then they determined that they weren't going to be releasing all the orders with launch.
    Yup. Here hoping they're just a placeholder unit. Every unit on the Empire's side has its role and purpose (well, maybe basic spearmen aside), but the Knights are redundant.

    By the way, I've been thinking. How do you differentiate between the Orders? I mean, they are all men on horses in plate armor. I guess White Wolves could be AP with their hammers, Knights of the Blazing Sun could have some special ability, and Knights of Morr could cause fear. Don't know about the rest, but the potential differences seem superficial to me anyway.

  5. #5
    ryukishin's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    I think you guys are looking at it wrong. Ive been using Empire Knights to fill in the shock cavalry role in my armies to save a few gold in cost and upkeep. Mostly in garrison forces or holding armies. This they are excellent for, as Pistoliers and outriders dont always pack the punch needed to break a unit fast enough when your holding a line on a budget.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    Empire knights are recruited in 1 turn, in contrast of Reiksguards who take 2 turns. In foreign territory, the recruiting time doubles. Imaging you are in dire need of recruiting some cavalry units. Choosing Reiksguards means you have to stay stationary in 4 consecutive turns; in the meantime the enemy might have time to reinforce its defense or concentrate its force against you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    Quote Originally Posted by axicup View Post
    By the way, I've been thinking. How do you differentiate between the Orders? I mean, they are all men on horses in plate armor. I guess White Wolves could be AP with their hammers, Knights of the Blazing Sun could have some special ability, and Knights of Morr could cause fear. Don't know about the rest, but the potential differences seem superficial to me anyway.
    Knights Panther would be slightly faster than the others, because their horses are partially descended from Arabyan etc. stock. The Black Guard of Morr could be more effective against undead.

    What would the Knights Encarmine get, assuming they make it in?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    Empire knights are useful vs Bretonnia and Norscans... not alot else. They are cheaper and beat yeomen and can scatter archers and rear charge non-polearm infantry of Bretonnia and can win most fights vs Norscans with some tech/skills/xp.

    They die too fast vs Dwarfs and Greenskins and while not quite as bad vs Vampires I think they have less impact or mass and their charges just seem less damaging compared to Reiksguard. I haven't tested much vs Beastmen but I'd imagine they might do ok but depends alot on how many bigger monsters are in the Beastmen army.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Are 'Empire Knights' useless?

    After having some experience, i agree that empire knights are bad. Reikguards although slightly more expensive is a much better unit. Reikguard has much better staying power, and the charge is ridiculous.

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