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Thread: Gameplay and Faction guide!

  1. #1

    Default Gameplay and Faction guide!

    This mod has some mechanics not present in the original game, it’s important to know them before starting your conquest of the world!

    Since it's a mod about the Age of Discoveries, colonization plays an important role.
    American, African, Indian and Southern Asian coasts will be randomly attacked by European colonial powers. It can happen almost at any time, so get ready to protect your land!

    Eventually, colonization might result in wars between European factions fighting on other continents!

    Trade nodes & Straits (further developed on 1.0b version)
    Colonization is usually tied to trade routes and trade nodes. Controlling key settlements such as Havana or the Cape gives extra income.
    Become the master of specific straits by being the owner of specific settlements and you will get a special income!

    Here is the list of straits you can control. The tier determines the income:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Tier 1
    Mexico Gulf (Florida + Havana)
    Mediterranea Sea (Sevilla + Ceuta)
    Persian Gulf (Hormoz + Masqat)

    Malacca Strait (Melaka + Banda Aceh)
    Aden Gulf (Aden + Mogadishu)
    Mozambic Canal (Sofala + Madagascar)
    Carabean Sea (Havana + Colombia)

    Palk Strait (Gampala + Vijayanagara)
    Taiwan Strait (Nanchang + Taiwan)

    Here is the list of trade centers. By being the owner of these settlements, you will get extra income from trade! The tier determines the income.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Tier 1

    Tier 2

    Tier 3

    Importance of capitals
    Capitals play a major role; they are the center of the economy and administration after all.
    If a faction loses its capital, it will deeply hurt its economy and therefor its ability to fight back!

    Take care of your capital and try to take enemies’ capital to hurt them badly!

    Military matters
    As the time goes on, factions will gain/lose access to units. This will considerably change the balance of powers!
    For example, Ottomans have very strong units early game, but then they will fall behind European technology at some point. A contrario, factions such as Persia and Russia have poor units early game, but will get better ones later!

    Colonial powers have a special recruiting system. They can recruit units outside Europe by simply building a port. As the port becomes bigger, they will have access to more and better units. These ports might even provide exclusive native units! For example, Portuguese can recruit Tupi warriors and Spanish can recruit Caribe warriors.

    Some units can be only recruited if a particular resource is available. For example, Elephants units can only be recruited in places that traditionally have… Elephants… That means Vijayanagar or Mughals won’t be able to train Elephants in Germany, they will have to bring them by boat or by land!

    The technology gap between Europeans and New World factions is huge and it’s very difficult to counter them with traditional American units. Hopefully, they can reform their army by winning battles against foreign powers with horses and guns units. As soon New World factions’ get access to the more advanced technology, the gap will be highly reduced.
    The process isn’t easy, but you will have your chance at changing the course of history!

    New features in 1.0b version

    Sengoku era
    The Sengoku era was a major civil war in Japan. Daimyos fought each other for more than one century (I guess you are all familiar with Shogun Total War series)! Since Japan is a single faction, I needed to represent this period in terms of gameplay.

    If you play with Japan, rebels with strong armies of Samurais might spawn randomly and try to capture settlements in Japan. Thus, you won’t be able to focus solely on conquests outside Japan, you will need to be careful with Japanese territories until the Sengoku era is over.
    I chose 1590 as a date for gameplay purpose (it’s when Toyotomi unified Japan actually).

    Sengoku era impacts non-Japanese players as well. During this period Japan was a highly militaristic country, it would have been very difficult for any country to invade it. As a result, if you invade Japan before the Sengoku era is over, you will get a fierce resistance of Samurais!

    Mandate of Heaven
    The Mandate of Heaven is a religious doctrine that was used to justify Emperors’ rule over China, as if he was chosen by the universe. Common people believed that if bad things happened such as natural disasters, famines, it would be because the Emperor lost the favors of the heaven and he could potentially be overthrown.

    This made China a country always difficult to rule and peasants’ revolts often led to the end of dynasties. Therefore, although China was a powerful country, they couldn’t concentrate easily on military conquest of foreign lands.

    To illustrate this instability in China, peasants’ revolts will be very frequent until you get the Mandate of Heaven event.

    Wakô piracy
    Wakô piracy will affect both China and Korea. During this period Wakô used to raid coastal settlements and it caused lots of trouble.

    This will happen randomly in the campaign as well if you play Ming or Joseon.
    Eventually, the event Portuguese in Macau will remove Wakô piracy.
    Wakô attacks in Korea will only end after the invasion by Japan by the end of XVI century.

    Steppe hordes harassment
    Mongols and Mandchus aren’t present in this mod, but they players their part during this period. China and Korea will suffer frequently attacks from steppe hordes, this constant threat will force both factions to be careful.
    At some point these threats will calm down slowly and disappear.

    The Holy League
    It was inspired by the Holy League that repelled the siege of Vienna.
    If a non-Christian faction captures an important Western-European settlement, Europeans might form a coalition and try to fight back the invader!

    Different factions, different ways to enjoy the mod in 1.0b version

    New World factions
    The four New World factions share similarities in terms of gameplay, although each faction is different. They will be constantly under colonial pressure and have significantly weaker units than Europeans.

    In a campaign with one these factions, you will try first to survive and then reform your army as soon as possible and take your revenge!

    Sub-Saharan factions
    The three Sub-Saharan factions are very different from religious and military points of view.
    However, they share a similar fate, more powerful factions will try to colonize their lands!
    Build strong armies of thousands of warriors and repel them!

    Indian factions
    India is full of huge and wealthy cities and three giants will try to dominate the subcontinent! Mughals have slightly more modern soldiers, but Vijayanagar has a powerful ally: Portugal.

    Who will dominate India?

    South-East Asian factions
    South-East Asians have access to firearms and are surrounded by important centers of trade. However, they live in the shadow of Portugal (and China) that have the intention to dominate the region.

    Although not as extreme as Americas and Africa, South-East Asia will be under colonial pressure as well.

    East-Asian factions
    Japan, Korea and China will all suffer greatly from their own instability at the beginning of the game, which will slow down conquests aboard.
    Japan and Ming China can easily compete with other western powers. China has a great economy, the technology and the manpower, Japan has high quality soldiers and firearms.

    This faction has a wealthy empire controlling key settlements since the beginning.
    The main challenge will be to keep your Empire fighting several enemies, on several continents at the same time… Although Portugal is very strong, that won’t be easy.

    With a settlement in Cuba, Spain is the best positioned faction for the conquest of the wealthy lands of Mexico!
    However, the situation in Europe will be more difficult with Italian Wars against France and the rivalry with Ottomans for the control of the Mediterranean Sea.

    The main challenge during a campaign with France will be the rivalry with the Habsburgs, Spain and HRE, two powerful factions.

    Since England is slightly isolated from the rest of Europe, they are less exposed to European conflicts and can concentrate into colonizing Northern Americas.
    The country has a long history of rivalry with France, Spain and Netherlands though.

    The Germanic Empire has the strongest presence in Europe.
    Religious unrest in the country might cause eventually issues and even lead to foreign interventions.
    There is also the Ottoman threat getting closer and closer to Vienna.

    Hungary & Poland-Lithuania
    Although two different factions, they share the fact being threatened by Ottoman’s desire to conquer Europe!

    Sweden & Denmark
    The Kalmar Union breaks at the beginning of the campaign; it might result in a war between the two countries seeking Scandinavia’s domination.
    Denmark has de particularity to be the closest European faction to Northern American settlements!

    This faction has lots of land to conquer at its east border. This will likely lead to a conflict with Bukhara that seeks Siberian domination as well.

    With such huge and massive Empire and great units, the Ottoman Empire is probably the strongest faction. They don’t have many friends though; Christians might form a coalition against and they are not in good terms with other Muslim factions.

    Your main challenge will be to continue expanding this vast Empire despite having lots of enemies.

    Although they rule over a big and wealthy empire, Persia isn’t a safe haven. They will face competition with two of the strongest factions: Ottomans and Portugal.

    This faction is one of the last Khanates and will try to dominate the steppes of Siberia. Not sure Russia will appreciate that, the conflict if almost inevitable.
    Last edited by falcom4ever; June 18, 2017 at 09:31 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Gameplay and Faction guide!

    nice that may make me give asian faction try right now it not like europe or america where there constant action africa is not that bad either

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