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Thread: Why do gunpower units suck in this mod?

  1. #1

    Default Why do gunpower units suck in this mod?

    Arquebusiers and Musketeers no longer fire by rank or have the range that they did. Arquebusiers literally have the range of Peasant Archers and Musketeers still get out ranged by decent archer units, what gives?

    I can maybe get fire by rank removed so they all fire like Hand Gunners by way was the range neutered so badly?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Why do gunpower units suck in this mod?

    but why** not by way.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Why do gunpower units suck in this mod?

    Realism I suppose. Early gunpowder weapons had effective range of ~50 meters. It didn't improve much until rifling became commonly used.

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