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Thread: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

  1. #281
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    That will be interesting actually
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  2. #282

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    The Seljuks seem to love having armies which have more than half of the units as Fari (foot) Archers. It's understandable (they're a nice unit) but still...

    Oh wow, they have an armor piercing melee weapon, that's pretty deadly.

    Last edited by Alavaria; May 25, 2017 at 10:38 PM.

  3. #283
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Alavaria View Post
    The Seljuks seem to love having armies which have more than half of the units as Fari (foot) Archers. It's understandable (they're a nice unit) but still...
    Oh wow, they have an armor piercing melee weapon, that's pretty deadly.
    From my point of view: if it's 13th century then the transformation of the Turkoman army into a regular, feudal one was probably completed. They were not a tribal cavalry forces, but ghulam, mercenary and conscript ones. So half of the army on foot seems ok to my.

    What kind of ap weapon do they have?

  4. #284
    jackw93's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Question for all of you with LARGE empires - how are you managing to keep populations happy when so far from your capital?

    As the Normans (england) I can BARELY keep Paris from revolting every 3-5 turns on low taxes and a full stack of norman knights as a garrison with a decent governor.... and that is after spending as much money as I can on buildings that should make populations happy....

    And more of the same but anytime I try and expand into a religiously diverse region ie. Iberia... and convert most to christianity I find it is still very difficult to keep populations happy - I will exterminate a populace and put a full stack army in but will revolt when the populations climb back to stable levels...

    Any tips???

    I am playing on VH/VH

    Debating altering the buildings bonuses but I don't want to cheat the mod

    P.S. - On another thought - could it be I am expanding too quickly - As the game progresses does Squalor/Unrest go down at all so that certain factions can't become overpowered?



  5. #285

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    When you exterminate or sack you are destroying building levels, removing the bonuses they give you, making things worse off as populations recover much much faster than you can rebuild.

    For the other, larger empires can benefit from the perfectly scaling effects of having multiple Master/HQ Thieves guilds (or assassin, but the AI seems to never build these).

    Quote Originally Posted by jackw93 View Post
    As the game progresses does Squalor/Unrest go down at all so that certain factions can't become overpowered?
    If you've already held it for some time then it won't get any better.
    Last edited by Alavaria; May 31, 2017 at 10:59 PM.

  6. #286
    SirPeacemaker's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Interesting indeed. I've experienced cancelling orders by the engine concerning Food Administration. I've never managed to finish it :-(
    If you've made such an epic campaign (700!), perhaps you can share some experience in the relevant thread?

    I'm especially interested in the evolution fo the situation of the biggest factions. Do they desintegrate due to the civil wars or they cope somehow?
    Ok I will answer you this question in this thread. Yes there is a lot of civil wars within most of the factions. But they cope somehow eventually. But I noticed another thing. This is my second very long campaign (I am reaching almost 800 turn now same like my previous campaign) and in both of my campaigns The papal states became very strong. The pope obviously abuses The crusades and he gets more and more lands. And he becoms very very strong later.
    Very good rocking song. The message of the song: WHEN PEOPLE LEARN TRUTH ABOUT UKRAINIAN WAR, THEY WILL GO INSANE!! (I suggest to turn the english subtitles on. Its over 18only because of violent pictures)

  7. #287

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Gotta prepare for the mongols, if we're to face them head on. Empire Map:

    Quote Originally Posted by SirPeacemaker View Post
    Ok I will answer you this question in this thread. Yes there is a lot of civil wars within most of the factions. But they cope somehow eventually.
    Yeah, it's impressive. A bit troublesome if you invade, fight one army (with their faction leader) and then whoops suddenly they have a civil war and you rip them up

  8. #288
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by SirPeacemaker View Post
    there is a lot of civil wars within most of the factions. But they cope somehow eventually.
    I think it's very historical. It was the main problem for any faction: if it was getting bigger, the centrifugal forces would rip it apart. There were some ways to mitigate this effect: through lifting up legitimacy (having long-standing history of rule, like Byzantium; or claiming descent from great heroes, or claiming divine blessing) and through decentralisation (HRE). But it would only help only little.
    The possibility of builiding big empires by the player (with Alavaria's Pisa at the extreme) is the biggest unhistorical feature of the whole mod.

    Quote Originally Posted by SirPeacemaker View Post
    ... in both of my campaigns The papal states became very strong. The pope obviously abuses The crusades and he gets more and more lands. And he becoms very very strong later.
    It was pointed at several times in the past. I also find it ahistorical.

  9. #289

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    The possibility of builiding big empires by the player (with Alavaria's Pisa at the extreme) is the biggest unhistorical feature of the whole mod.
    building big empires is historical, direct conquest/control of all provinces is unhistorical, often times big empires curbed the military power of smaller states then made them vassals since occupying and direct control required a lot of manpower and resources

    this is why i think there should be a treshhold beyond which territories become almost impossible to control, generals that are very far away from the capital/seat of power should get lots of rebelious traits and stuff or simply distance from capital penalty should be very high, this way you can still build very large empires but can only control far away provinces only through vassals

  10. #290
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Civil wars don't represent only a consequence of a military conquest but also any unrest due to high tax rate, religion, corruption, wish of more autonomy, etc... And that is historical
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  11. #291

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dekhatres View Post
    or simply distance from capital penalty should be very high
    Doable. Alternatively just adjust the maximum to be higher (it maxes at 10*5% = 50% Public Order I think?)
    		<factor name="SOF_DISTANCE_TO_CAPITAL">
    			<pip_modifier value="0.5"/>
    			<castle_modifier value="0.9"/>
    			<city_modifier value="1.0"/>
    			<pip_min value="0"/>
    			<pip_max value="10"/>

  12. #292
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dekhatres View Post
    building big empires is historical, direct conquest/control of all provinces is unhistorical, often times big empires curbed the military power of smaller states then made them vassals since occupying and direct control required a lot of manpower and resources

    this is why i think there should be a treshhold beyond which territories become almost impossible to control, generals that are very far away from the capital/seat of power should get lots of rebelious traits and stuff or simply distance from capital penalty should be very high, this way you can still build very large empires but can only control far away provinces only through vassals
    I fully subscribe to this view. I think the SSHIP is, at the moment, the best M2TW mod reflecting this, even though it's still possible to create very large empires.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alavaria View Post
    Doable. Alternatively just adjust the maximum to be higher (it maxes at 10*5% = 50% Public Order I think?)
    Personally, I'd support raising the cap.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Civil wars don't represent only a consequence of a military conquest but also any unrest due to high tax rate, religion, corruption, wish of more autonomy, etc... And that is historical
    And the most important of all (at that time): men's ambitions.

  13. #293

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    i've experimented with distance from capital and the problem as always it's the goddamn AI, it just keeps putting taxes on very high and keeps losing settlements and there's never faction big enouth to threaten the player

    i tried increasing greatly corruption, the result was that far away settlements not only did not produce any income, it drained it, playing as turks with capital at Antioch, Basra was giving me -2000 florins or something like that, but again the AI is dumb and doesnt know when to stop expanding

    now i changed some traits to make "offensive to nobles" happen much more often, it's tied to the amount of settlements, the more you have the higher the chance you get a civil war, will see how this works out

    dunno, i guess there's no single perfect solution and it must be a combination of all these things

    EDIT:regarding my previous post, i must correct the part "distance from capital penalty should be very high", at the time i was writing that i forgot i already tested it
    Last edited by Dekhatres; September 14, 2017 at 04:03 AM.

  14. #294
    tmodelsk's Avatar Tiro
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dekhatres View Post
    building big empires is historical, direct conquest/control of all provinces is unhistorical, often times big empires curbed the military power of smaller states then made them vassals since occupying and direct control required a lot of manpower and resources

    this is why i think there should be a treshhold beyond which territories become almost impossible to control, generals that are very far away from the capital/seat of power should get lots of rebelious traits and stuff or simply distance from capital penalty should be very high, this way you can still build very large empires but can only control far away provinces only through vassals
    In Rome:TW Europa Barbaroum - if I remember correctly - was implemented a system of two kinds of province governments (at least for some eastern factions).
    It was represented as two 'opposing' buildings trees (you can only build one or another).

    I don't remember the names (historical ones, satrapia (?) and ... ? ) but it worked like this :
    - (A) low unrest but also low income
    - (B) high unrest with high income.

    So controlling far away provinces was possible with (A) option, which represented a lot of authority/freedom/independence given to province ruler but at cost of high corruption (low income).
    And your core homeland provinces was controlled with government type (B).
    Last edited by tmodelsk; September 17, 2017 at 01:55 PM.
    SSHIP mini-mods :

  15. #295

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    The best way to assimilate the massive culture penalties is to replace buildings in stages. Don't delete a bunch of public order buildings unless you're uninterested in holding that province anyway. Remove one that you can get away with and replace it. Upgrade cities if somehow they reach that point, that will also lop off a bit.

    You don't want to keep massive garrisons longer than you need to, any troops sitting behind in cities better be worth the money you're spending to upkeep them.

    On another note I was originally upset about free upkeep being removed but I've come to the conclusion that troops sitting around that are fine with being unpaid/supported are well represented by the unit pools, so if you need more units to defend a city that might come under attack, you "call up" those spare troops and while they conduct their duties you have to pay for them.

  16. #296

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    M2TW doesn't have culture penalties in the way RTW does, though. So no need to upgrade or remove just for that.

    Conversely the SSHIP special unrest feature does not go down with buildings or time.

  17. #297
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Alavaria View Post
    Conversely the SSHIP special unrest feature does not go down with buildings or time.
    That's true.
    If someone wants to get the feeling of it, in this table some values are to be seen for my Poland's campaing. Column "Unrst natur capit" - first number for the "special unrest", the second for the distance from capital. (actually, I might have made some mistakes, I haven't taken the numbers from the file, just from observation)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; September 18, 2017 at 03:18 PM.
    Mod leader of the SSHIP: traits, ancillaries, scripts, buildings, geography, economy.
    If you want to play a historical mod in the medieval setting the best are:
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project and Broken Crescent.
    Recently, Tsardoms and TGC look also very good. Read my opinions on the other mods here.
    Reviews of the mods (all made in 2018): SSHIP, Wrath of the Norsemen, Broken Crescent.
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    Thrones of Britannia: review, opinion on the battles, ideas for modding. Shieldwall is promising!
    Dominant strategy in Rome2, Attila, ToB and Troy: “Sniping groups of armies”. Still there, alas!

  18. #298

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    If someone wants to get the feeling of it, in this table some values are to be seen for my Poland's campaing. Column "Unrst natur capit" - first number for the "special unrest", the second for the distance from capital. (actually, I might have made some mistakes, I haven't taken the numbers from the file, just from observation)
    Check the descr_regions, for each region observe the rebel type (eg: Scots_Core_Rebels), then go to descr_rebel_factions and see the number listed next to "chance". (Unrest = "chance * 5%, up to the allowed max unrest of I think 125%)

  19. #299
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    Guys, remember that this thread is for screenshots. Other topics have to be discussed in their respective threads
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  20. #300

    Default Re: Screenshots / Empires' Maps Thread

    The situation is bad for the Seljuks. Since their foolish attack, Our Lady declared that they "must go". It is unfortunate that the Mongols will find themselves basically unopposed on their initial attacks...

    After losing their main forces at the opening of our campaign, the Seljuks have found themselves unable to recruit much beyond a few mercenaries, due to a widespread destabilization campaign (all their recruiting buildings sabotaged).

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