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Thread: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

  1. #1

    Default WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

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    This thread is meant to provide speculation exactly on what the future DLC factions of TW Warhammer II will be and what we might expect from TW Warhammer III. There are many threads on whether or not particular races will appear as factions in the future, this thread is meant to discuss not just one race, but rather all of them.
    We know that the first game featured the Old World and the second game featured the New World, the Southlands, Ulthuan and Albion. We can assume that the third game will be set in the areas not covered in the previous two games, which roughly equals to the same size as the map of Warhammer II. Looking at the world map we can deduce what factions can still be added as DLC in Warhammer II and what factions may be present in the future TW Warhammer III title.

    1. Official armies:

    The Creative Assembly at one point said that they would like to include all of the official Warhammer armies in their three Warhammer games. The current official armies, separated below on which part of the map/game they are located, are as follows:

    TW Warhammer I:

    The Empire
    Vampire Counts
    Warriors of Chaos
    Wood Elves

    TW Warhammer II:

    Dark Elves
    High Elves
    Tomb Kings

    TW Warhammer III:

    Ogre Kingdoms
    Chaos Dwarfs
    Daemons of Chaos

    There are several other official armies which are merely the armies of other factions combined as well, but these will most likely not be featured in any of the games so I won’t include them in this thread.

    2. Discontinued official armies:

    There are also several official armies that have now become discontinued, excluding the armies that are now obsolete (i.e. the Slann as they’ve become part of the Lizardmen) or simply combination of other ones, they are as follows:

    TW Warhammer I:

    Dogs of War

    TW Warhammer II:


    3. Unofficial armies

    On top of that there are the unofficial armies, who originally were not always official releases but over the years have had armies, miniatures, rules and/or lore designed for them, these are as follows:

    TW Warhammer I:


    TW Warhammer II:

    Vampire Coast

    TW Warhammer III:


    4. Remaining factions

    We have seen that Norsca/Fimir have been added as a playable faction in TW Warhammer I, so the Creative Assembly adding more unofficial factions to the games is not out of the question. However, with the release of Warhammer II I don’t really see Warhammer I getting more DLC factions added to it. That means that the aforementioned factions plus any other likes Kislev and Estalia/Border princes are unlikely to get released in the future. That leaves us with several factions that could still be added to TW Warhammer II and TW Warhammer III:

    TW Warhammer II:

    Tomb Kings, Araby, Albion, Amazons, Pygmies and Vampire Coast

    TW Warhammer III:

    Ogre Kingdoms, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Hobgoblins, Ind, Cathay and Nippon

    On top of this there are two other factions in the lore that could make an appearance in TW Warhammer III, these are the snake men of Khuresh and the High Elves of Elithis. This gives the game at least 9 possible factions and thus enough to go on. Little is known about the armies or lore of these factions meaning they’re not very fleshed out and thus less likely to be featured in any Warhammer game. However, I don’t really see what other direction the Creative Assembly can go. The part of the Warhammer world where these factions are located will be the only area that hasn’t been included in any of the games yet and thus is the most likely candidate for the third game. As I can’t say anything else to confirm the potential setting and factions of the third TW Warhammer III game, I’m just going to examine what DLC can be added to TW Warhammer II.

    i) Tomb Kings:

    As this is an official army, which the CA said they wanted to include in the games, it’s pretty much certain that they will make an appearance in TW WHII. Like what was the case with many factions in the previous few Total War games, their units are currently just generic Vampire Counts unit placeholders who will get updated and replaced when they get released as a playable faction.

    ii) Araby

    It’s quite possible that when the Tomb Kings get released as DLC they will be joined by Araby. This faction used to be an official army and is therefore fully fleshed out with fairly unique units and lore, making them a likely candidate. Furthermore, they are next to the Tomb Kings and so probably could be released alongside them much like the Wood Elves and Beastmen were. The only reasons I don’t see Araby getting included is they were not in the main game at release and their land has been given to other factions, but again Wood Elves and Beastmen were not on the map either at the launch of TW Warhammer I so who knows. Another reason Araby might not be included is because of political correctness, as they’re quite literally based on Arab people and their mythology. However, pretty much every faction in Warhammer is based on some real life culture, so it probably won’t be the deciding factor on whether they get in or not.

    iii) Albion

    I’m not sure if we’ll see Albion as a playable faction, but it’s definitely possible. We know that the CA as a British company is a sucker for British history, and Albion is based on British history and folklore. Furthermore, we know about what units they would have but they’re currently not even included in the game as a NPC faction and their land has been given to a Norsca faction. This may be a good sign as it could indicate that the CA wants to include them as a faction only after they’ve fleshed them out with their own unique units and style of gameplay.

    iv) Amazons

    We will probably not see this faction in the game, it was not included as an NPC faction and would need a complete and unique overhaul. Furthermore it was never an official faction and has very few units and lore, meaning there’s not much to go with making them an unlikely candidate.

    v) Pygmies

    This faction is very unlikely, little is known about their units and lore, and they were discontinued decades ago because they were so politically incorrect. If these stereotypical pygmies were considered politically incorrect then, it’s pretty much safe to say that there’s no way in hell they would be included in a game in the 21st century.

    vi) Vampire Coast

    This is a likely candidate, actually. The Vampire Coast not only has lore but a fleshed out army, as well as units and features that would make for a completely unique playing style. Not only are they a fan favorite but employees of the Creative Assembly have said in the past that they like undead factions, meaning they’re more likely to be chosen to be included as a DLC faction. Plus, they seem to do well in pretty much every game I’ve played in TW Warhammer II. Their dominance means they might not be intended to be a minor faction forever. More importantly, Luthor Harkon is not included in the game currently, which means he will most likely get released at some point when the faction’s units have been overhauled, and is currently still being worked on. This is reminiscent of the Bretonnia and Norsca factions which were released with placeholders for a long time in the previous game. Zombie pirates with a focus on gunpowder weapons is a pretty cool sounding idea, but some players have said that they’re not sure on how these could be implemented effectively. I think it could work rather well actually, as it stands their units are as follows:

    Legendary Lord: Luthor Harkon (great at raising undead but bad at magic)
    Heroes: Fleet captains, sirens
    Infantry: Zombie pirate deckhands mob, zombie pirates gunnery mob, bloated corpses, scurvy dogs, deck gunners
    Special units: Deck droppers, razortooth rats
    Artillery: carronade, Queen Bess (hell-hammer canon)
    Monster units: animated hulks, rotting leviathan (sea dragon or giant crab or kraken)

    Maybe adding zombie spearmen, some more zombie infantry with varying ranks and weapons, i.e. undead corsairs, undead reavers, undead buccaneers, etc. Maybe some more special units like an ethereal siren unit, a vampire pirate unit as well as more canons and some giant monster units like giant crustaceans and undead sea dragons would complete it. Perhaps even some revived undead lizardmen? In short, there is a lot of potential here.

    vii) Skeggi

    Lastly, I think there’s a possibility we’ll see Skeggi implemented as a playable faction. The fact that the Creative Assembly decided to include Norsca as a last-ditch addition to TW Warhammer I as a pre-order bonus for TW Warhammer II means that they were probably thinking of including a playable Norsca faction for Warhammer II at some point. Furthermore in the lore their armies are supposed to be a mix of Norsca and Empire units I think, which might explain why they haven’t been giving generic Norsca units right now. Taking this into account, they currently don’t even have standard Norsca units but just generic chaos placeholders which means they’re getting their units revamped at some point. This is a good indication they might become playable or at the very least get updated. Their proximity to Hexotl could be seen as interesting but this might get in the way of making them a playable faction as one of these two factions will always eliminate the other.

    So in conclusion, my verdict based on all the evidence is:

    Tomb Kings – certain
    Araby – most likely
    Vampire coast – likely
    Albion - possibly
    Skeggi – possibly
    Amazons – probably not
    Pygmy – definitely not

    In short this means we’ll probably get the Tomb Kings and Araby as our first DLC, and maybe the Vampire Coast and Skeggi added later as a kind of corsair or raider faction DLC.
    Anyway sorry for the long ass post guys, if there’s something I haven’t taken into account or any information or ideas anyone has on the factions or future DLC, please share it with the rest of us.
    Last edited by LemonySniffit; October 08, 2017 at 02:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    I will try little different approach. WH1 has 9 factions/races (4 core + 1 free, 2 DLC, WH1 preorder and "WH2 preorder" ) so we can expect similar content here.

    From old datamined leak we have info that two bigger DLCs will feature Tomb Kings (first one, looks like match so far ) and Skaven. Now TK make sense especially if CA is saying that first DLC race won´t feature minicampaign but instead 4 LL. Skavens are in fact also nice possibility for second DLC as the no minicampaign feature was meant to be only for first DLC....Skavens definitely offer a lot of content and due to the fact that for any good depiction of Under-Empire and Skaven inner/outer conflict we need either Old World or Mortal Empires campaign minicampaign will offer such content for owners of only WH2 while expanding Skavens in Mortal Empires for owners of both games.

    After that we can look what races are left in Vortex campaign map area.

    Araby is nice hit. Then I can imagine expanding mercenary armies, rogue armies and this concept could be tied with Dogs of War and Tilea/Estalia. We will get New world Colonies and Mercenary armies in Vortex campaign while expanding these two in Mortal Empire campaign... After that I can see a collection of LL / factions for original WH1 races - Like Vampire Coast, Karak Zorn, Oreon, Suddenburg/New World Colonies...
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  3. #3
    LestaT's Avatar Artifex
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    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    Warhammer 2 already have 8 factions at the start. Since they're not much races left, we'll probably with get at least 1 more lord each for current races with 4 new start positions.

    If that's the case, what will be the 3rd legendary lord and their start position for HE, DE, LM and Skaven?

  4. #4
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    Well I would say we have 8 LL from 4 races / factions. (Like we can debate over WH1 Durthu vs Orion, Wulfrik vs Throgg, Belegar vs other Dwarf lords....what is faction,subfaction,race...). From CA post we already know each race is getting new LL as FLC (technically except Dark Elves ) But these are just FLCs.....we can probably expect two DLCs like Grim and Grave , Kings and Warlords...with more units, lords and probably also two LL? This way each race would be boost to 4 (3 in case of Druchii )
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

  5. #5
    craziii's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    that map is huge. how will ca fit all the factions onto it? scale it down and less cities per continent?
    fear is helluva drug
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    “The only rule that ever made sense to me I learned from a history, not an economics, professor at Wharton. "Fear," he used to say, "fear is the most valuable commodity in the universe." That blew me away. "Turn on the TV," he'd say. "What are you seeing? People selling their products? No. People selling the fear of you having to live without their products." freakin' A, was he right. Fear of aging, fear of loneliness, fear of poverty, fear of failure. Fear is the most basic emotion we have. Fear is primal. Fear sells.” WWZ

    Have you had your daily dose of fear yet? craziii
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  6. #6
    Påsan's Avatar Hva i helvete?

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    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    From the datamine, we can see that Skaven was planned as DLC but moved into the main races at some point during production. So the only major faction left to add in the new world is Tomb Kings. Also game 3 does not feature "deamons of chaos" but Khorne, Theezch, Slannesh and Nurgle. Which is contrary to the 8th edition army books but more in line with the actual lore of Warhammer.

    My educated guess would be the road ahead, not including minor FLC, goes like this:

    Dlc1: Tomb Kings. 4LL Setra, Nerferata, Arkhan, Nagash.
    Dlc2: Grim and Grave style pack 1.
    Dlc3: Grim and Grave style pack 2.
    Dlc4: 6th faction. (Vampire Coast/Araby/Dogs of War)

    Game 3: Gods of Chaos factions.
    Preorder bonus: Kislev.
    Dlc?: Chaos Dwarfs
    Dlc?: Ogres.

  7. #7

    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    Quote Originally Posted by Påsan View Post
    From the datamine, we can see that Skaven was planned as DLC but moved into the main races at some point during production. So the only major faction left to add in the new world is Tomb Kings. Also game 3 does not feature "deamons of chaos" but Khorne, Theezch, Slannesh and Nurgle. Which is contrary to the 8th edition army books but more in line with the actual lore of Warhammer.

    My educated guess would be the road ahead, not including minor FLC, goes like this:

    Dlc1: Tomb Kings. 4LL Setra, Nerferata, Arkhan, Nagash.
    Dlc2: Grim and Grave style pack 1.
    Dlc3: Grim and Grave style pack 2.
    Dlc4: 6th faction. (Vampire Coast/Araby/Dogs of War)

    Game 3: Gods of Chaos factions.
    Preorder bonus: Kislev.
    Dlc?: Chaos Dwarfs
    Dlc?: Ogres.
    I read that a while ago and I guess I was secretly hoping it wouldn't be true haha. The far east of the Warhammer Old War seems cool to me since we haven't really had any Asian Total War games with the obvious exceptions of Shogun. If the third game is indeed 4 staring Chaos factions with Chaos dwarfs, Ogres and Kislev added as the faction DLC, wouldn't that mean the map will roughly be based around picture related?

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  8. #8

    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    I would very much like to have sea battles added to the 3rd or 4th. I wonder if the engine would handle so many different kinds of ships? Probably not. I saw in the action game Man o War Corsair, and although the game is only about sea battles it looks ugly, boring and clunky.

  9. #9
    Daruwind's Avatar Citizen
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    Default Re: WHII DLC and WHIII Faction Speculation

    Quote Originally Posted by musketer View Post
    I would very much like to have sea battles added to the 3rd or 4th. I wonder if the engine would handle so many different kinds of ships? Probably not. I saw in the action game Man o War Corsair, and although the game is only about sea battles it looks ugly, boring and clunky.
    Engine would handle it but question is ballance and how to play. Basically we already had a lot different ships in TWs and WH would contain them all and lot more....imagine naval combat of viking ships, ships of the line, ironclads, ramming ships, magic ships, skavens using corpses of sea mosters, actual sea monsters, flying units...... just simple boarding actions between different ship models would be hell..
    DMR: (R2) (Attila) (ToB) (Wh1/2) (3K) (Troy)

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