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Thread: Turtle War: Warhammer 2?

  1. #1

    Default Turtle War: Warhammer 2?

    Don't get me wrong, the game is quite good. New races, new mechanics, new features, and nice story, all are very welcomed. But the vortex mechanic is kind of BS in my opinion. Chaos randomly spawn in the heart of my empire and ruining everything while my armies are all on the front line is not fun, and it is not logically in terms of story telling too. This "random" spawn mechanic seems to target undefended area and it is very annoying. Moreover, it kind of encourage players rather to conqueror more land, they will just hold a few provinces where their army can effectively defend and be a turtle and do the rituals. The ritual mechanic is cool new concept, but in my opinion, poorly design and do nothing good to the game play experience.

    Before the game launches, I thought the vortex campaign will require the players to send expeditionary forces to far away land to different ritual sites and do the rituals there. I thought this way because in the trailer, I saw a HE army discovering an ancient ruin in the Jungle of Lustria, trying to do a ritual but instantly got attacked by DE and Lizardmen. Of course, it turnout I was wrong. However, now I think of it, I think it will be a much interesting mechanic for the vortex campaign. It will actually encourage the player to expand the empire and discover far away land, rather than just holding on a few provinces at home turtling and have no need to sail across the ocean. What do you guys think about the ritual mechanic? Loving it? Hating it? I would like to see how different players think.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Turtle War: Warhammer 2?

    It'd be fine if it was easier to field multiple armies.

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