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Thread: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

  1. #1
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    A small snippet of what I might try with these Warhammer AArs. Not perfect. Not great. But an experiment.

    Teclis observed the great volcano that stretched to his home island. A bridge connected them and yet he had never felt so lonely in his life. While a loremaster of the magic arts, his reputation was renowned and wide-spread. The only problem was that Mazdamundi did not often see eye to eye. Moving back into the crackling of fire that spread warmth in his cabin atop the high castle, he decided to wait and inspect a letter by sitting down on his imported Tilean . The letter was dark, almost made out of paper. From Nekharia. Teclis had known a man named Settra once. They had been the best of friends before he had to leave him to the other world. The realms of Chaos were building their power and the Dwarves and the Empire were being foolish not to unite with them. Teclis would make sure that Malakith and his kin would not take over Ulthan and the nine realms. But the letter contained a code, a code which he once would have been able to read. But now age was taking a curse on him and his memory. The curse of immortality so to say.

    But the marks of the Old ones. That settlement had to be taken before the Lizardmen could take it. There were untold tales, perhaps there was a tale suggested to him that had intrigued him. The slann priest had informed him that there was a hidden manual, a manual that could defeat the hordes of chaos. Sending a letter to Franz for an expeditionary force could potentially be beneficial for him. That is, of course, being the most intelligent elven in the world made him quite a force to be reckoned with. The Vampire Counts would have to be eliminated. Teclis had no grand ambitions of ruling the world unlike his brother, Tyrion. But if there was a way to make Malakith come back to the light, and remove Morathi from the picture, then the world would be a better place.

    The most disturbing thing he had read was when he scouted the ruins with that slaan priest. It said that for the High Elves to defeat Chaos, Malakith would become King of all Elves. For his father would re-emerge and restore the great period of peace in the Old World once again. Telling this to the other High Elves and his brother would be an impossible feat. But during his time he had visited Ind and Cathay. Their holy saints had given him powers and knowledge that would help him achieve such a feat.

    Princess Velona arrived, throwing her armor to the floor. She slammed the door loudly. 'What do you think you're doing Teclis? I've scouted for three weeks and have found the Skaven lying on our door-step. It's been months since your exile. Months since you defeated the Malakith and the Chaos hordes at the battle of the Vortex. And now we've got nothing to do. Nothing!'

    Teclis smiled. 'Do not worry my love. You are the most beautiful creation on this planet.'

    That didn't simmer her mood down. She softened a little bit. 'You must go and defeat the Skaven. She replied back. 'I may be beautiful, but that doesn't mean you should relax forever. The fuming serpent must be reclaimed for the High Elves. Your grandfather once ruled there!

    Teclis arose from his chair. 'Indeed I must act and take it back...but time has taken too long for me. I will rally the troops...but you are...smelling nice, and I don't want to leave before going to bed without you.'

    He moved towards her softly and smelled her hair, taking her in her warm embrace. Velona blushed before pushing him back. 'Defeat the Skaven, and you'll get a lot more in bed. You are too seductive.'

    Teclis grinned. 'Very well then. I'll go ahead.'

    She smiled before kissing him. 'Come back alive.'

    Teclis held her tightly. 'I wouldn't want to come back not without you seeing me ever again. You're impossible to live with anyway.

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    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    The Battle of the Fuming Serpent...a little teaser:

  3. #3
    Mercenary2479's Avatar Foederatus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Beautiful use of imagery, and narration that keeps you intrigued. I have to admit I like this "experiment" of yours so far. Also have to applaud the multiple angles of storytelling you're presenting here. Yes battles and the rich lore of Warhammer naturally leads itself to great stories, but the fact that you delve into the personal life of Teclis as well is a path less traveled, and it's well executed here. Keep up the good work, and look forward to your next posting.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Great experiment .I would really like you to develop a full scale working model man !!!
    Your writing shows great promise .(Not that i am qualified !!!)
    Great job man .I like the way you use second person .
    100% mobile poster so pls forgive grammer

  5. #5
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Quote Originally Posted by mad orc View Post
    Great experiment .I would really like you to develop a full scale working model man !!!
    Your writing shows great promise .(Not that i am qualified !!!)
    Great job man .I like the way you use second person .
    Thank you Mad Orc, Lot's of screenshots and upcoming stuff!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mercenary2479 View Post
    Beautiful use of imagery, and narration that keeps you intrigued. I have to admit I like this "experiment" of yours so far. Also have to applaud the multiple angles of storytelling you're presenting here. Yes battles and the rich lore of Warhammer naturally leads itself to great stories, but the fact that you delve into the personal life of Teclis as well is a path less traveled, and it's well executed here. Keep up the good work, and look forward to your next posting.
    Thanks, Warhammer Total War needs far more narrative in my opinion. Far more. These campaigns are meant to try to expand the late-game aspect when things get boring.

  6. #6
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Chapter 2:

    This takes the viewpoint of the Skaven side. I'm using Lorehammer mod, so the mod user made Clan Eshin I believe on the fuming serpent.

    Squeel Head Taker shivered in the cold winds of the Fuming Serpent's mines. The bastard Elves of Teclis and his elf kin had desecrated the sacred sign of the Horned God. Already a force was being summoned to counter the Elvens. They would be fine bones to eat and knaw at. The Horned Clan Master, Norkia arrived holding a katana as the best of his ronin, skaven folk that had been trained in the ways of Nipponese Samurai yelled to the skies. The great mining colony glowed with warpstone, green and bright.

    Norkia bowed. ''

    Squeel Head-Taker scowled. 'It's those bloody Elves, Chief! They desecrated the great the Gods, yes-yes!'

    Norkia scowled, unraveling a golden katana. 'This sword was taken from the last human who dared to oppose me. The Horned Rat blessed me with the sacred power to defeat humankind...' he said before a vision appeared in front of the Skaven.

    The horn blew in the distance. The Norscan Ships clambered back and forth upon the high seas. The drummers drummed harder and harder, beating the drums louder and louder. Axemen and beserkers yelled to the skies, crying out victory for the favor of the Chaos Gods. Norkia and his Skaven ships sailed with the largest fleet ever known to the accursed land of Nippon. There in front of them, the great sky had turned black. A horde of lanterns released into the sky meant one thing. The rain poured mighty waves down onto their ships.

    Norkia roared. 'COVER!' He said as he jumped from one end of his ship. Flaming rocks burst into the fleet, breaking down Norscan and skaven ships. The common-skaven folk, that could only dare to hold a spear and sword fled. Arising, the great Castle of the Samurai of Nippon stood in front of him. Norkia turned towards the Norscan Commander which relied on one thing. Victory. Norkia arose and thrust the dead's body drummer out of the sea.



    The ships advanced faster, picking up wind and speed. Flaming missiles continued to pepper the invading force. Broken wood and timber was more of a common sight than anything else. Finally, the ships managed to land on the beach. The entrance to the castle lay open and damaged. A horde of Samurai rushed out of the gates. The Norscan tribes charged with such a fury that they attacked the Samurai with unrelentless force.

    Norkia jumped from the ships as did his skaven-folk, following him. Archers from the top of the castle fired arrows, whittling down his hordes. Norkia raised his shield, a storm of arrows filling his battle-hardened shield. 'TO ME! TO ME MAGGOTS! YOU SKAVEN-FOLK WILL OBEY ON MY COMMANNDDD!! STAY AWAY FROM THE SAMURAI! THEY'RE DANGEROUS! I'LL CONFRONT THEM!'

    Norkia raised his huge sword and charged at the incoming Samurai. Their helmets resembled those of the chaos warriors he had seen. Demons. Even worse. Norkia slammed into a Samurai. The Samurai fell down before quickly arising and cutting of Norkia's fingers. Norkia grunted and cursed, slashing at the Samurai before he was given a counter-attack of slashes and crashes at his feet and legs.The two clashed at each other, before Norkia grabbed the helmet and ripped it apart. He grinned, before the Nipponese roared with fury and held his nose, crushing it deeply. Norkia screamed before kicking the Samurai back. The Samurai found the katana, and grinned. Norkia tried to prevent the Samurai from trying to crush his armor before his head was ripped off. The Skaven-Orge roared with all his might. Suddenly balls of flaming fire turned the Skaven horde into a bunch of retreating cowards. Oil was spilled onto the beach, and fire erupted. Norkia found the Skaven-Orge now assembling into a huge horde ready to confront the new reinforcements.

    Then they came. Samurai. Higher and bigger than their counterparts. Like Elves. Each of them armed with swords and differintaing between so many callers that he could swear he was going color blind. Norkia arose and went in front of the line. 'FOR THE HORNED RAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' He shouted.

    The Samurai and Skaven-Orges charged at each other, masses of a hundred thousand clashing and eating at each other. Claws slashed into the air, men went flying, and skaven-orges died by the minute. Archers from the top of the castle continued to pepper fire arrows, bringing them down minute by minute. Norkia clambered up from the mess of the conflict, climbing up to the walls before finishing down a horde of Samurai Archers. Walking down into the steps of the castle, he ran fast before he arrived at the garden of the Governor.

    The Governor raised his sword, leveling it at him. '
    Kakushitsu no ratto! Anata wawatashi no ue ni iru to omoimasu ka? Nihon no chikara no ue ni? Watashi o okubyōmono ni mukerujunbi o suru! Anata watesukurisuno te de shinudeshou. Shinu! Horned Rat! You think you're above me? Above the might of Nippon? Prepare to face me coward! You will die at the hands of Teclis. DIE!'


    The two charged at each other, clashing and attacking each back and forth. Norkia struck first, clashing at his legs. The Governor replied back, elbowing straight into the chest of Norkia as the rat landed down. The Governor raised his sword and plunged down deep into his belly. Norkia kicked him back before the Governor tumbled down. He was about to raise his sword before the Norscan arrived and plunged his axe deep into the head of the Governor.

    Norkia yelled back. 'OI! BLOODY NORSCAN SCUM! THAT WAS MY PRIZE!'

    The Norscan's eyes glowed. The rain howled behind him. The storm erupted in rage. 'That is no longer your prize. Our agreement is over Skaven.' He said before leaving. 'The Golden sword is yours.'

    Norkia sniffled, taking the katana from the Governor's hands, before looking at his troops carrying the corpses of the dead Samurai. He raised his sword and roared. They roared back.

    Squeel Head Taker and the other skaven bowed in front of him. Norkia grunted. 'Cowards. The lot...of you. The High Elve Teclis will soon learn what it means when he messes with Clan Eshin! We will become the favoured of the Horned Rat! Together, we will strike Lustria and take the entire land for SKAVEN!' He roared. The Skaven-folk around began to roar louder and louder.

    Norkia began to smile. 'And it begins...with this.' He said as they brought out a living Elf. 'He will be the first sacrifice!' The Skaven pounced on the living Elf, screaming. The echoes of the Skaven's laugther did not disapper into the night.

  7. #7
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Great start! It's helpful to see how Teclis perceives the other factions. (That's a nice line about 'the curse of immortality'). The chapter with the Skaven perspective is well done, with an unsettling ending. I'm looking forward to more.

  8. #8
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Great start! It's helpful to see how Teclis perceives the other factions. (That's a nice line about 'the curse of immortality'). The chapter with the Skaven perspective is well done, with an unsettling ending. I'm looking forward to more.
    Thank you Alwyn!

    More to come!

  9. #9
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Chapter 4:

    Teclis looked at the brimming mass of his troops from the top of his high tower, standing with his beloved Princess. The Elven army arranged into blocked formations gave the personality of a lion preparing its claws for its ultimate prey. Velona stood with him before Teclis hugged her deeply. He was not happy that Velona had decided to hunt down Squeel Taker that had kidnapped one of their kind. Teclis would have seen to his demise. Not Velona. Not the most precious woman he loved. She was everything to him.

    More importantly, she was the rock of his life.

    Teclis sighed. 'Do you have to go my love?'

    He said, holding her hands deeply.

    Velona smiled before kissing her. 'Ever the hopeless romantic aren't you husband? I must go. Squeel Taker has to be finished before he finishes anymore of our Asur.'

    Teclis hugged her deeply, taking her back with surprise on her face. 'Make sure you come back safe, wife. In one piece.'

    Velona held his hand even tighter. Teclis summoned his voice. 'Asur of the Loremasters! Of the Phoniex King! Hear my words!'

    The army stood, silenced and ready to await their commander's words.

    'The Asur have been defiled today! The Asur are born from the wombs of heroines! Squeel Taker took one of our elven folk and desecrated his body! WILL WE ACCEPT THIS?'

    The clanging of a thousand shields drummed into Teclis's ears. The sounds of angry cries and huge roars erupted, causing the city to shake.




    Teclis nodded. 'Then hear my words! The Fuming Serpent is only three days of march here. Bring me the bodies of each and every Skaven! We will feed them to the monsters of the sea. You and I have fought many battles together. Lived together. Eaten together. We Asur do not forget our favors, our loyalty, and our kind! I was summoned by the Old Ones to prevent the Hordes of Chaos from ever embarking on their conquest of the world. Clan Eshin will no longer exist by the time I'm done with them. By the time, we have claimed a magnificent victory for the PHOENIX KING!'

    The roars erupted, wild hoops and cheering passing into the air. Teclis observed the volcano bustling with energy and fire. Now was the time.
    Last edited by The Wandering Storyteller; February 10, 2018 at 02:23 PM.

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    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Chapter 5: The March to the Fuming Serpent

    (I've used liberty with spells, there's too many!)

    Teclis observed the huge mining colony in front of him. Empty. Desecrated. And most of all, a whisper of life that had been extinguished by the infernal Skaven. Warpstone stood in front of him, dotted around the colony. The whispers and tusks of the Skaven could be heard from his ears a mile away. Ordinary humans would never be able to guess it. Turning to the huge army that stood behind him, he summoned the lore of Presence. Three great bolts of lightning surged through the bodies of his men. Their armor began to glow, and their bodies expanded a little taller. His men cheered him on. Teclis saw the body of Skaven emerging. Like rats they were. Like rats, they were forever destined to be. The Asur would defeat them today.

    'Children of the Asur! Listen well!' He said as Warpstone cannon fire began to descend upon his army. Groups of Elven Asur began to fall down like tiny toys being wrestled by a toddler. 'Hold your courage! Asur do not die by the cowardly hands of a Skaven! Asur hold! Asur holds back the tide, and we do not SURRENDER!'

    NO SURRENDER!!!!!!!!!!!

    Teclis turned back to the horde of Skaven that had emerged, and there seemed to be no end to their numbers. 'READY ARCHERS!' He roared.

    The order rippled quickly through the ranks. Archers shuffled back and forth. The Eagle Bolt Scorpion's crew dismantled their weapon before preparing to fire.

    Teclis turned to his spearmen. 'Ready your shields Asur! Hold them back!' He said. The Spearmen began to form a spear wall, pointing their spears to face the Skaven. The hordes of Skaven roared, advancing fast like Dark Elven cavalry.

    30 paces.

    20 paces.

    10 paces.

    5 paces.

    'BRACE!!!!!!!!!' Teclis roared at the top of his voice.

    The Skaven crashed into the formations of the spearmen. The spearmen struggled to hold them back. One spearman swung his spear and thrust it into the brain of a Skaven solider. Two Skaven collapsed on an Asur before hacking his face. Another spearman was crushed by the weight of the legendary Squeel Taker, who wearing such heavy machinery laughed and cackled to the skies. Another spearman thrust his spear into a Skaven's eye before launching more attacks on his face.

    Teclis summoned a spell of protection, pointing his staff in the direction of the charging Skaven. More Skaven bumped into the magic wall before flying into the air. Teclis looked around to see the White Lions of Chrace holding back the Skaven horde. A horde of arrows whittled down an incoming charge of Skaven. More storms of arrows pierced into the thick hides of the Skaven beasts. Skaven ogres attempted to charge and attack before Teclis summoned a lore of gold. Their bodies turned to gold. But it was not long before the Skaven attacked back, pushing his lines back as much as they could. Teclis swiped his staff, causing many Skaven to fly in the air and retreat.

    And it was there, he saw the White Lions of Chrace having broken the Skaven line and charging straight towards their artierlly. Teclis roared with all his might. 'See men of the Asur! The Asur of Chrace are charging through the enemy lines! FORWARD!' He shouted. His men, inspired counter-attacked and began to hack away at the Skaven. Now Squeel Taker and Chief Norkia arrived, snarling at Teclis.

    Teclis raised his staff at them. The two Skaven thrust out their weapons and charged...

    Last edited by The Wandering Storyteller; February 10, 2018 at 02:27 PM.

  11. #11
    Axis Sunsoar's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    I'm really glad to see a Warhammer AAR, and I love that you've taken full advantage of the game's graphics power with your screenshots. Just like the screens in your Rome II battle AAR, they are expertly set up and selected! They continue to be well placed and really add a lot to your story. Similarly, your ability to describe battles continues to shine through, and I love the way you capture the chaos of battle with overall descriptions of the action mixed in with more individual level descriptions of specific encounters. I particularly liked this part of the last chapter:

    The Skaven crashed into the formations of the spearmen. The spearmen struggled to hold them back. One spearman swung his spear and thrust it into the brain of a Skaven solider. Two Skaven collapsed on an Asur before hacking his face. Another spearman was crushed by the weight of the legendary Squeel Taker, who wearing such heavy machinery laughed and cackled to the skies. Another spearman thrust his spear into a Skaven's eye before launching more attacks on his face.
    It gives an overall explanation of the situation (the skaven charged the formation who fought to hold them back) and then zooms in on some parts to illustrate this. Very well done!

    Overall, an excellent piece so far, I've enjoyed both the narrative elements and the battle descriptions, keep up the good work!

  12. #12
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axis Sunsoar View Post
    I'm really glad to see a Warhammer AAR, and I love that you've taken full advantage of the game's graphics power with your screenshots. Just like the screens in your Rome II battle AAR, they are expertly set up and selected! They continue to be well placed and really add a lot to your story. Similarly, your ability to describe battles continues to shine through, and I love the way you capture the chaos of battle with overall descriptions of the action mixed in with more individual level descriptions of specific encounters. I particularly liked this part of the last chapter:

    It gives an overall explanation of the situation (the skaven charged the formation who fought to hold them back) and then zooms in on some parts to illustrate this. Very well done!

    Overall, an excellent piece so far, I've enjoyed both the narrative elements and the battle descriptions, keep up the good work!
    Thanks! I'm using cold reshade and couple of ligthing mods here.

    Glad you liked the action!

    More to come!

  13. #13
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Great action and images, I'm enjoying this! The hordes of Skaven sound like frightening foes.

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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alwyn View Post
    Great action and images, I'm enjoying this! The hordes of Skaven sound like frightening foes.

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    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    I think it is time to update!

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    So, finally read through this so far! Great narrative, and stunning pictures, enjoy it! Might be a close call with the Skaven...,

  17. #17
    The Wandering Storyteller's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Quote Originally Posted by theSilentKiller View Post
    So, finally read through this so far! Great narrative, and stunning pictures, enjoy it! Might be a close call with the Skaven...,
    Thanks, I think you'll find so much has progressed through this time I don't know where to start!

  18. #18
    McScottish's Avatar The Scribbling Scotsman
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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Gods I hate the Skaven! But I do like the Asur, and Teclis in particular; a fine experiment thus far, and I look forward to more.

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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Thank you for your fine words Mc Scottish!

    Here's a new update.

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    Default Re: The Loremaster of Teclis: The Narrative Adventures.

    Chapter 3: Paradox

    *A minor note. Since Warhammer has been flooded with new updates/dlcs, I've reflected this a bit in the new chapter. I'm including Doctor who as well as a little bit of a crossover.*

    Teclis watched from the balcony he stood upon viewing the new world that would have to be purged. Clan Eshin had been defeated, and its filth eradicated from the world. He knew very well that the world that would be saved would require more than just cunning, more than bravery. It would need intelligence. Wit. And compassion. Saving the world was no mere task when it was already written in the sacred books. What, Teclis thought, did an animal process his feelings when everything was taken from him? The Asur were the guardians of the world. Yes. But they were becoming arrogant like their accursed brethren. Now Lokir Felhart, the great slaver of the world had reached his shores. And Luthor, the mad Vampiric Duke. The man had been a standing of great nobility before being corrupted by the taint of those horrendous Vampires. They were threats that would be wiped off the face of this world.

    Chaos and its hordes had corrupted every inch. Even if the world was unaware of it. He could feel its temptations far away from Ulthuan. The desire of power was too tempting. Teclis reigned himself in. There would be help needed from the far corridors of the world. The fabled Kingdoms of Ind, renowned for their famous saints and scholars. They held the key. He knew that. The armies of Cathay, unknown to humankind, were well known to him. If the Cathay Empire could be brought to bring justice to the world, it would help the world renew.

    Yet, even he knew the task itself was daunting. It was impossible to even for an elven man like him. But he knew Settra, who could be brought to persuasion. Persuading him, however, was a different front. He had seen the forbidden texts which wrote that Malakith would unite the Elves together. God forbid if that were ever to pass. A thinking of such magnitude would bring no unity. He was well aware that their Dark Elves Brethren had left a band of high elves to be eaten alive by Slannesh and the Skaven horde. He had witnessed the horrors of that alien orgy. The curling laughs, the blobs of flesh being torn apart. His mind went alit with rage. Did those Elves deserve to be slaughtered like that? In what universe, in what world, in what way did they deserve it? Yet he had wondered at the cruelness of his own brethren. Truly, your worst enemy was yourself. In what ways, did Elves subject their fellow kind to such torture?


    Lokir Felhert observed from his giant black ark, the ruins of Mangrove Coast. Now held in rule by a bunch of undead skeletons under Queen Khalida's role. If it was one thing Lokir wanted, it was removing these undead Nehekarans from the face of the new world. He did not want those unruly human beings ruling. They were humans. No matter whether their lords called themselves, they had reversed the laws of nature and thus would suffer for their own consequences.

    The target was to remove them. A General walked from the corridor of the great ship to meet him. 'Lord Felhert, my greetings to you on this fine day. It is a ripe time for conquest.'

    Lokir nodded. 'And so it is. We must find human slaves where we can find them General. The Vampire Pirates are an annoying horde of idiots. It was only last month that we had narrowly escaped their attack.'

    The General recoiled at the thought of those ghastly abominations. 'Yes....'

    'Shruddering in horror are we? Those Vampires were humans once! Even Manfred was! Now humans in beastly form presume to rule this world when it will never happen! Even the Hordes of Chaos will wipe them out for they are humans too. It is interesting isn't it General?'

    'What is?'

    'That humans, or mankind are the enemies of themselves. Humans created the first beasts. The undead were a natural experimentation for a pack of so-called savages that now called themselves educated. A human becoming a vampire, ha! That Vampire still possess the body of a human! The eyes, everything. Monsters that have human you know why?'

    'Why my lord?'

    'Because we are the superior beings. We enslave, because humans are useless. I do not want the Hordes of Chaos anymore near my doorstep, then I want Teclis and his band of fancy fluttering angles anywhere near my study. But the Chaos....they corrupt and will destroy our world. They will not let us rule in peace. They will corrupt us even further until nothing of our soul is left. It will be chaos for chaos. Taint upon taint. Corruption upon Corruption. Do not presume that I am no fan. I was born into this race. I will fufill my duties to the King. We too were once the same brethen. I am evil that is true, but I am not foolish neither naive.'

    'Of course General.'

    Lokir stopped. 'You're a man of few words General.'

    'I only serve Malakith's cause.'

    'Men of few words are humble and renowned. That trait is not welcomed in our race. That represents Goodness, and ultimately will form our decline. Why do you think we have raided the Imperial shores of Cathay? I fought their...monkey King once. He defeated me. And I come from a long line of admirals, General. We shall raid once more on Ind and Cathay. But if so, we must first raid here.'

    The General hesitated before asking. 'General....I must ask. What did you mean by our decline?'

    'I will not hesitate to enslave Chaos even if it is the end of the world. I have heard tales of the invincible undead Pharoah called Settra. He would not stand and cower like humans do. He would face it with his full might. But I fear...that one day we will unite with our Elven Brethen. And for that, we cannot be forgiven but surrender ourselves to the Dark Gods.'

    'Uniting with them....?'

    'Yes. Chaos will conquer this world, and we must rise up.'

    'Then....with all due respect admiral. Why not Teclis?'

    Lokir stopped. 'Teclis? Every dark elve knows, even Malakith himself, the whole world has heard of him. He is the saviour of our world. Yet we treat him like a insect. Before I surrender, I will fight him. And I will become the saviour of the world.'

    'Land ahoy!' A lookout shouted.

    'Good. We've made inland into Mangrove Coast.'

    'Skaven!' The same lookout shouted.

    Lokir scowled. 'What do those insufferable bastards want? Take me down! I will talk with their-so called leader of whatever stupid clan they came from!'


    Hours later, and Lokir stood in the jungles of Lustria, reveling its in ghastly beauty. A flank of elven guards and his general stood with him, shoulder to shoulder.Too much green was ugly. But the jungles howled with the sounds of monkeys and crickets. The swamps were ugly too. Everything in this world was ugly. Even the Emperor Karl Franz. The blind rat, came forward.

    The Blind Rat rasped. 'I am....the leader of Clan Pestiliance.'

    Clan Pestiliance. Like a pest. Lokir thought. They too would be eradicated when the time was right.

    'Well then, Chief. What have you done here?' He said, pointing to the bones of the undead army that the Skaven had just finished off.

    ' no meat-meat! No flesh-flesh! Skaven hate-hate this. We need flesh-flesh!'

    'I have no desire for your concerns of eating flesh thank you very much. Mangrove Coast is mine!'

    'And why...should I deal with you Dark elfy thingy? You know what-what will happen should you mess with me!'

    'Then I make a proposal.'

    'What-what proposal is that?' The Blind rat snorted.

    'You have done the job of eliminating the undead army. Let me take Mangrove Coast. I will then raid into the lands of Lizardmen with your help. Gold and lizardmen flesh...fully cooked. As a gift, I will give you 25,000 human slaves. Fresh. Oh and Elves.'

    The Blind Rat whopped into the air, cheering and celebrating. A horde of skaven appeared from the forests, cheering in an ugly roar that even Lokir could not take in.

    'Enough! Do we have a deal?'

    The Blind Rat nodded approvingly. 'We have a deal dark elf! I likes you! We will help you...when-when you-you need-need it!'

    'Then raid into the lands of the Lizardmen. Let me deal with Teclis.'

    'Teclis bad! Teclis, bad-bad-bad-bad! I will send-send-send an army to help you defeat him.'

    'Not defeat. Raid.'



    Teclis revolted and vomited after seeing the whole event from a crystall ball. To imagine the forces of evil allying together to defeat evil was idiotic enough. But to imagine that they too would trade human life, even elven life was a crime. He resolved to himself. Come what may. The world would be saved. And he would have to go through impossible lengths to achieve it.t us.'
    Last edited by The Wandering Storyteller; December 27, 2018 at 08:27 AM.

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