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Thread: [AAR - SSHIP 0.9.2] Norman Conquest (England)

  1. #1

    Icon1 [AAR - SSHIP 0.9.2] Norman Conquest (England)

    Hi all,

    I wanted to report on my first campaign in SSHIP, having been away from Stainless Steel for about 4 years. I haven't got masses of time to play, let alone write about playing, and if other people are anything like me, I'm sure you're not interested in reading walls of text. So, having learnt from trying to undertake ambitious AARs in the past, this one should be fairly brief - in bullet-point format, with occasional screenshots.


    1. Stainless Steel 6.4
    2. Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project 0.9.2
      1. Faction names back to normal English form
      2. Savage AI
      3. Permanent Arrows


    The Kingdom of England
    Very Hard
    HOUSE RULES: Attempt to be chivalrous & diplomatic - especially towards fellow Christians. Focus on lineage & Kingdom building, not blind expansionism. No cheats. No reloading.



    • I have England and Normandy. I want Wales and Ireland. Ideally Scotland as well so the entire island is secure, but I'll not be the aggressor and instigate an inter-Catholic war. I accept I'll need to maintain a suitable garrison in York in an effort to keep the peace. Consequently, I'll focus on local rebel settlements first.

    TURN 1:


    • Spy Richard moved from Lincoln to rebel General Owain ap Gruffydd on the Welsh border to assess the strength of his forces, before moving onto the unknown settlement further to the west.
    • Spy Humphrey moved from Rouen to assess the strength of the rebel garrison at Roazhon, Brittany. It's big.
    • Cardinal Anselm and Diplomat Cranmer sail across the English Channel. Cardinal will gain more piety by converting distant heathens. Diplomat can begin securing trade rights on the continent. Scotland can approach me if they wish - I'm not going to do anything that makes them initiating war against me less likely, because if they do attack I have justification to secure the whole island.
    • Merchant Black to find more profitable trade further afield (much further). Another Merchant recruited in London and will do the same.


    • Upgrading the walls at York, my frontier town, is my immediate priority, leaving only enough florins to build a logging camp at Fort Angers for future investment.


    • As the cheapest units to upkeep, I'll secure garrisons where I can/must with a single unit of Levy Archers who can at least shoot invaders in vain from the walls, unlike Peasant Infantry.
    • London will be my trade hub, so I'm moving my best governor, Reginald of Cornwall from Bristol to London, so that Prince Stephen de Blois, my Faction Heir, can get his hands dirty against the Welsh, leaving my best general, Robert of Gloucester, to command the garrison at York in case the Scots invade.
    • Robert of Normandy moves from Norwich Castle to Bristol Castle to see out his old age (78) as it is both my most profitable and populated castle which I therefor wish to see grow.
    • Prince Stephen mobilises an honourable army of 5 Fyrd Spearmen, 2 Miles Pedites and 1 Miles to fight the Welsh rebels.
    • Various troop movements to provide minimum garrisons in secure regions, and bolster the garrison at York where surplus troops exist.

    TURN 2:


    • French armies man the border between Paris and Rouen.
    • Rebel General Owain ap Gruffydd on the Welsh border builds a watchtower which will no doubt come in handy later.
    • The thirdborn son of my faction heir, Prince Stephen, is born and helps to secure the future of my lineage - George de Blois!


    • Battle of Prince Stephen vs. General Owain ap Gruffydd for control of the Welsh border. Clear victory. 1303 Normans vs. 596 Welsh = 1114 Normans Remaining vs. 0 Welsh Remaining. Onward to besiege Kaerenarvon.


    • Miles Pedites recruited at Bristol Castle to sail and bolster Prince Stephen's army.

    TURN 3


    • Fortunately, a mission to establish diplomatic relations with France for 500 florins appears. My diplomat is outside Paris. They accept Trade Rights in exchange for their map information. I may ally with them later so as to secure my European borders - after all, they gave us Normandy in the first place and we were their subjects only 100 years ago. But I'll wait and see how the conquest of the British Isles goes first. I'll ally if it goes bad, and potentially attack them if it goes well and I need to expand elsewhere.


    • Garrison Quarters building commences in Bristol Castle.
    • Watchtower built in Normandy by King Henry, overlooking Paris and Orléans.


    • Archers recruited at Bristol Castle to sail with the Miles Pedites to bolster Prince Stephen's army.


    • Siege of Kaerenarvon begins (6 turns). Spy Robert redeployed to Scottish border as his services are no longer required in Wales.

    TURN 4:


    • The Kingdom of Portugal has potentially become a vassal state of The Moors, and the Holy Roman Empire has allied itself with the Kingdom of Hungary.
    • Pope wishes a Priest to be recruited in Rouen for 500 florins. I want York to be my Priest recruitment settlement, but for a 300 florin profit and relationship improvement, I'll do it.
    • Robert of Normandy, Govoner of Bristol Castle dies of old age.
    • Waleron of Normandy is the firstborn son of the union between King Henry, now 65, and his wife Adelicia, age 30, surpassing Prince Stephen in the royal line of succession! (Except I didn't have the 'Select the heir' sub-mod installed, annoyingly - and it's not save game compatible)


    • Robert of Gloucester builds a watchtower on the Scottish border, allowing Spy Robert to go behind enemy lines.
    • Construction of Leather Tanner at Fort Angers ordered.


    • Norman Serjeants recruited at Norwich Castle to assist in future sieges of French rebel castles.


    • The Siege of Kaerenarvon continues.

    TURN 5:


    • A decent-sized Scottish army crosses the border and hides in a forest in the North Cumberland area. Spy Robert discovers it to be an 11-unit strong army comprised of Spear Militia, Clansmen and Peasants curiously lead by Comgell mac Donnchada and Uilleam mac Donnchada. Spy Robert decides to keep an eye on them and watch where they go and what they do.
    • The prospect of civil war looms over the Holy Roman Empire.
    • The council wishes me to capture the Irish town of Duibhlinn within 7 years (15 turns) in return for more men.
    • King Henry becomes a grandfather to Bartholomew Plantagenet, the firstborn child of the union between King Henry's daughter Princess Matilda and his son-in-law Geoffrey Plantagenet!
    • Diplomatic relations are established with the Holy Roman Empire, and trade rights are agreed.


    • Logging Camp & Leather Tanner at Lincoln Castle & Fort Angers construction completed, respectively.
    • Land Clearance ordered at Fort Angers.


    • Miles Pedites recruited at Norwich Castle to assist in future sieges of French rebel castles.


    • Robert of Gloucester returns to York


    • The Siege of Kaerenarvon continues.

    TURN 6:


    • The Scottish army returns across the border and moves to the east coast, on their side of the border.
    • A rebellion is crushed outside Paris by French forces, and a watchtower is erected on the border overlooking Rouen. Perhaps they think we incited the rebellion?
    • The Roman civil war was short-lived and has now ended.
    • A fourth son is born to Prince Stephen, James de Blois - youngest brother to Waleron, Eustace and Baldwin. Huzzah!
    • The Kingdom of Hungary is excommunicated.
    • Diplomatic relations are established with The Kingdom of Aragon, and trade rights are agreed.


    • Construction of Merchant Port in London is complete.
    • Construction of Site Hut ordered at Norwich Castle.


    • Miles Pedites recruited at Lincoln Castle to assist in future sieges of French rebel castles.


    • Miles Pedites & Archers from Bristol Castle set sail and join Prince Stephen's army at the Siege of Kaerenarvon.


    • The Battle of Kaerenarvon begins!
      1. Miles Pedites and Fyrd Spearmen do battle on the walls whilst the main gates are secured after a group of Peasant Infantry sally forth, allowing Miles & Prince Stephen to gallop into the fort.
      2. A desperate push-back from reserve rebel forces holding the centre takes place in the street as Norman cavalry tries to flank from the rear as quickly as possible before the Fyrd Spearmen holding the street are routed.
      3. Mass cavalry charge into Commander Gruffudd ap Cynan's rear, but Prince Stephen is killed by spear infantry in the melee.
      4. Norman forces take their revenge on Commander Gruffudd, and cut down all who remain.
      5. Clear victory. 1364 Normans vs. 1301 Welsh = 909 Normans Remaining vs. 2 Welsh Remaining.
      6. Ancestral Viking ideals overcome the leaderless army and Kaerenarvon is razed to the ground in retaliation and construction begins to rebuild it as a city so that Welshmen may never bear arms against their occupiers again. The population massacred indiscriminately as revenge for the death of Prince Stephen.

    • King Henry's son-in-law, Prince Geoffrey is crowned the new heir.


    Hope you enjoyed this first installment!

    PS. If anyone knows how to make the above hyperlinks into clickable thumbnails that enlarge into the photo, without the surrounding bumf of imgur, I'd appreciate the advice.
    PPS. Ignore the Attached Thumbnails below - I couldn't see how to delete them.
    PPPS. Sorry about the terrible formatting. It won't stay as I intend after editing it. In the edit pane it looks correct, but once saved it's too spaced out!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.11 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.11 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.11 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.11 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.11 -  

    Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.10 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.10 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.10 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.10 -   Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.10 -  

    Last edited by Heskey; May 10, 2018 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #2
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Near Lyon in France

    Default Re: [AAR - SSHIP 0.9.2] Norman Conquest (England)

    You can use "Direct links" with spoiler... Like me :

  3. #3

    Icon1 Re: [AAR - SSHIP 0.9.2] Norman Conquest (England)

    TURN 7:


    • London is struck by plague, killing 14% of the population within the first six months. A further 11% are estimated to die before winter.
    • A small rebel army emerges on the outskirts of Norwich Castle.
    • A diplomat seeks out the Kingdom of León & Castille, establishing Trade Rights between our two Kingdoms.


    • In response to the plague, a Medical Care centre begins construction in London.


    • Archers are recruited at Norwich to boost the Norman Army.


    • Prince Geoffrey departs the shores of Normandy and sails to Kaerenarvon to assume command of the Norman Army.
    • Robert of Gloucester sails down the east coast with York's garrison of Fyrd Spearmen to confront the rebels of Norwich.


    • The skirmish at Norwich is fought on a steep hillside with fatigued Norman troops by the time they meet their enemy. Cavalry charges from Robert of Gloucester are pivotal in securing a Clear Victory. 626 Normans fought 486 rebels. 416 Normans left the field. No rebels did.

    TURN 8:


    • Plague continues to sweep through the streets of London. A further 4635 are dead.
    • Edward of Normandy becomes the secondborn son of King Henry, now 67, and Queen Adelicia, 32.
    • In Denmark, a passing Norwegian diplomat is engaged in talks, and Trade Rights are agreed between our two Kingdoms.


    • Garrison Quarters finishes construction in Bristol Castle.
    • Merchants Wharf begins construction in Rouen, Normandy.


    • Prince Geoffrey rendezvous with the army at Kaerenarvon and sets sail across the Irish Sea to Duibhlinn.
    • Victorious, Robert of Gloucester returns to York with his wounded garrison.

    TURN 9:


    • The Scottish army returns to hiding across the border into England.
    • Plague continues to sweep through the streets of London. A further 4102 are dead.
    • A Danish town is approached, and Trade Rights are agreed between our two Kingdoms.


    • Wooden Walls at York are complete, and a network of roads is ordered to be built throughout the region to assist with trade and troop movements.


    • The Norman Army makes landfall in Ireland, and catches a patrol on the outskirts of Duibhlinn by surprise, causing the entire garrison to sally forth. If the battle is won, Duibhlinn will be wide open for the taking! A battle is fought on a mountainous cliff-face with numerous winding paths to the cornered patrol who are slaughtered by cavalry before the supporting garrison can even enter the field of battle. A Clear Victory. 940 Normans vs. 788 Irish Rebels resulting in no casualties for the Normans, but all of the Irish patrol is put to the sword, and the reinforcing garrison seem to lose their way off the mountain, leaving Duibhlinn open for occupation without contest. The reward for crossing the sea and conquering the Irish? 3 units of Spear Militia arrive in London, who are immediately disbanded. The Norman Army can't leave Duibhlinn yet due to high unrest in the region as the remaining populace conspire against their occupiers.

    TURN 10:


    • Trade Rights are offered by the Moors in exchange for 170 florins. They have enslave another Catholic kingdom (Portugal), and are at war with 2 others (Aragon, León & Castille), who are also our trade partners. We shall have no business with them. The diplomat is turned away at the gates of Fort Angers.
    • The Pope wishes for a Priest to be ordained in Lincoln Castle. York does not yet have a Church and so I will see it done. This Bishop will tend to the spiritual needs of England & Wales in an effort to lower religious unrest.
    • A small rebel army appears outside Lincoln Castle.
    • Leonard Plantagenet becomes the secondborn son of Prince Geoffrey. The future of the Norman peoples is now in the hands of no less than eight royal males who are all yet to come of age.
    • Bishop Aubrey of Dunwich denounces his faith in the presence of Cardinal Anselm in Western Andulasia after years of travelling, and successfully defends himself against the accusation from the Cardinal.
    • It's been 6-months since the last death by plague in London, after one-third of its population was killed. Those spared believe God has shown mercy. In thanks-be to him, marriages and news of pregnancies rise exponentially (+8% population growth).


    • Construction of Site Hut finishes in Norwich Castle.
    • In response to the plague, a range of building reforms are carried out throughout the Kingdom, demolishing buildings that stifle population growth.
    • Bristol Castle will specialise in Infantry. A Drill Square is ordered in Bristol Castle.
    • Norwich Castle will specialise in Cavalry. A Knight's Stable is ordered in Norwich Castle.
    • Lincoln Castle will specialise in Ranged Infantry. There are not enough florins to build a Practice Range in Lincoln this season.


    • The composition of the scattered Norman forces are assessed, and it is decided that a professional Norman Army shall be mustered and turn upon the rebel settlements on the continent. Recruitment will begin where funds are available whilst unrest in Duibhlinn continues to be quelled. The Norman Army shall consist of:
      • Prince Geoffrey, to lead the army.
      • 4x Miles Cavalry, to capitalise on Norman Knights.
      • 5x Norman Serjeants, to pin French cavalry.
      • 6x Miles Pedites, to form the combative back-bone of the army and hold the enemy in place, allowing for hammer & anvil tactics.
      • 4x Archers, to harass the enemy from afar.


    • Robert of Gloucester once again marches south to face the rebels at Lincoln. Although few in number, they fight well and decimate the Fyrd Spearmen - only defeated due to enveloping maneuvers, shattering their morale. Despite a Clear Victory, Northern England is now wide open to attack without an effective garrison at York. This will need to be rectified immediately with use of discarded Norman forces across the realm that will not be featuring in the aforementioned Great Norman Army, until a more professional standing army can be afforded.
    • Despite the heavy losses, Robert proves himself as a battlefield commander, gaining +3 Command, +2 movement range, and +2 sight range - all perfect for moving rapidly across England to defend against the Scots and rebel uprisings.

    Readers, can you tell me if this is a style you're interested in reading? I feel that I could make it briefer still, and potentially do without the recruitment and construction updates... But I also sort of feel like they help paint a picture of what forces I have available, and you won't be reading in 10 turns how I'm suddenly pushing on 2 completely separate fronts without knowing how I got them.

  4. #4

    Default Re: [AAR - SSHIP 0.9.2] Norman Conquest (England)

    well it would be much more interesting if you added some pictures

  5. #5

    Default Re: [AAR - SSHIP 0.9.2] Norman Conquest (England)

    Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to tell more of a story through use of pictures when I next get round to playing.

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