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Thread: There are a few more of them then there are of us...

  1. #1

    Default There are a few more of them then there are of us...

    So for some reason, the Greek Cities AI decided to mass "all the people" at Nicopolis.

    But it sent one stack down (which I defeated) and that left a gap in its formation...

    There are a few more of them than there are of us, but so what?

    They have been brought to the battlefield by mewling infants instead of leaders.

    We have a slight advantage in numbers, but no lives can be thrown away today. We cannot afford such profligacy.

    They have been lead here by strutting fools and blustering morons. Now they will pay the price.

    Gods above! Is that all the enemy dare send against us? This is insulting!

    I do not fight with a cool head today, I confess it! My eyes see only a red mist! I do not want them to run from the battle! I want their heads on our pikes by evening!

    When I set my heart on an attack, I do so knowing that I will win, that my men will win, that victory is within reach. All we need do is stretch out, and grasp the foe firmly by the throat.

    Those stacks should now be attempting to run north, as they are no longer in a region owned by their faction or adjacent to their faction.

    It is time to try and kill as many as possible. (And yes, those XP 9 Triarii and Cohorts are very effective and fun to use, effective even when the enemy has Very Hard battle bonuses)

    A lot of factions got killed off without me even touching them... Armenia, Galleci, Scythia and maybe others. I was using Rome to block Carthage, but the latter killed them "for" me.

    My own tally is Averni, Cimbri, Belgae, Boii, Sparta.

    Last edited by Alavaria; March 09, 2019 at 12:00 AM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: There are a few more of them then there are of us...

    There are 8 armies around Nicopolis, defeating a specific two of them will allow the Second Army to come in and provide reinforcements by trading units from the tile south-east of the city. This is since the enemy Zone of Control doesn't quite apply in the usual manner if you are in a city walking out, or walking into one, provided the outside tile is not in their ZoC.

    This maneuver will allow the crazy 10-star First Army general to fight every single battle (because they're all right next to him) in a single turn with his Command, and with a full army of full-strength units. All of those stacks date back to when the Greek City States faction had their cities in Greece (which are now mine) so it would be good to clear the board, as it were, of potential problems, as the Dacians/Maccedonians don't have anything like a massive collection of multiple stacks in one place that would be as dangerous.

    • Army 1 (south) down
      First Army: 3434 to 3177 strong. Scored 3274 kills.
    • Army 2 (east) down
      First Army: 3177 to 2776 strong. Scored 3826 kills.
      The Second Army has arrived, six fresh units have been rotated in, bringing us to full strength!
    • Army 3 (north) down
      First Army: 3544 to 3354 strong. Scored 2871 kills.
      Two more units rotated in.
    • Army 4 (north-east) down
      First Army: 3505 to 3422 strong. Scored 3162 kills.
      Minor rotation.
    • Army 5 (west) down
      First Army: 3485 to 3415 strong. Scored 1556 kills.
      Minor rotation.
    • Army 6 (south-west supporting) down
      Second Army: 2486 to 2225 strong. Scored 1583 kills and 4-of-6 enemy generals killed.
    • Army 7 (south-west) retreated
      I couldn't move the Second Army, so when this target saw it was about to be attacked by both First and Second, it retreated on the campaign map.
      Since they won't be able to move on the Greek Cities' turn, and I lack movement range, they get a pass for now.
    • Army 8 (north-west)down
      First Army: 3472 to 3298 strong. Scored 3687 kills.

    And we're done! Seven of eight target stacks removed, and there's enough men to keep the First Army at full strength for further action.

    Final Tally:
    Capuans: 1436 lost. That's about half a stack, but really means about 2 turns of retraining depleted units (more than 9, less than 19)
    Nicopolians: 19959*. And 4 generals.
    *Not counting the extras who disbanded when their stack was defeated. And there's one stack left for easy pickings that was completely untouched.

    Last edited by Alavaria; March 11, 2019 at 02:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Açores, Portugal.

    Default Re: There are a few more of them then there are of us...

    I see that you're still around playing

    I will forgive your choice of faction though. Not entirely romans, but still too close for comfort

  4. #4

    Default Re: There are a few more of them then there are of us...

    Started off killing all the Romans though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Açores, Portugal.

    Default Re: There are a few more of them then there are of us...

    Quote Originally Posted by Alavaria View Post
    Started off killing all the Romans though.
    I recall giving Capua a try back when those factions were added. I remember the start being quite hard, with all the armies you have and the damage they incur on your economy. Think I managed to unite Italy and move into southern gaul

  6. #6

    Default Re: There are a few more of them then there are of us...

    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold View Post
    I recall giving Capua a try back when those factions were added. I remember the start being quite hard, with all the armies you have and the damage they incur on your economy. Think I managed to unite Italy and move into southern gaul
    It's not that bad really, take those starting armies and just smash them into the Romans directly. This faction definitely has the "easiest" time getting to sack Roma, which I did on turn 4 (siege engines). You only get the Killer of Rome ("demerit") trait if you "depopulate" it as Rome faction though...

    What was really funny was that, as he was AI, Hannibal immediately started running back to Carthage's land in Iberia, but ran into Romans on the way, such that I used him to basically take out 1 stack on the field and a 1/2 stack garrison.
    Last edited by Alavaria; March 14, 2019 at 09:35 PM.

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