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Thread: Unit Cap?

  1. #1
    ThomasHerennius's Avatar Foederatus
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Chicago, Illinois, USA

    Default Unit Cap?

    I've been fiddling around with various custom units from random mods, and so far I've been successful in adding 2 more units to the VI campaign. However, each time I try and make a third, I get a "unknown unit" error, with the error being prescribed at the support cost section. So far, the text files check out in terms of alignment- they're even loading properly on GnomeEditor. Have I just hit a cap in terms of how many units can be processed or what? I can post my CRUSADERS_UNIT_PROD11 file if ya'll want.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Ratae Corieltauvorum

    Default Re: Unit Cap?

    I believe the max unit_prod size is 256 entries (maybe more if you put ships and agents after the battlefield units, but I could be misremembering that bit....)

    As to your problem, maybe you should check that all your full stops are not commas (or vice versa...) and all your brackets have the right degree of curliness or not as the case may be. Gnome will load files that the game can't parse, so it's not a guarantee that there's no error there, but it does at least allow you to keep editing ....

    Have you also checked for Gnome 'droppings' at the end of the file? Open it up in notepad and see if there is a partial line of data hanging off the bottom, if so clip it back to the previous good line ending and resave.

    If you're still stuck, post it up and we can all have a go at dissecting the beastie

  3. #3
    ThomasHerennius's Avatar Foederatus
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Chicago, Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Unit Cap?

    Thanks for the advice! I'll take a whack at it again and I'll see what happens. If it ends in failure, I'll post it up like you suggested

  4. #4
    Axalon's Avatar She-Hulk wills it!
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Unit Cap?

    I can confirm that 256 is the max amount entries that "CRUSADERS_UNIT_PROD11"-file can take. This before it breaks down and will not function. And this regardless of agents, ships, mounts, artillery and/or regular units - I have yet to see a file that had more entries then that, and still somehow worked (as supposed too) in da game...

    - A

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