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Thread: The CROWNS system

  1. #101
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: CF: Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    if you've got some insights on the names, maps etc., check this thred and add your knowledge.

    I'm working on various issues. Recently, I've included the costs for the crown - according to the plans
     ;======================================================== Inspiring Teacher;--------- Inspiring Teacher  ---------------------------
    ;--- if he's got a great person accompanying him or the staff of the royal court (for 5 years)
    ;--- for both Military and Administratively inclined but giving only Governor education
    ;--- besides this trait there're also ancillaries Mentor and Tutor
    ;--- but they're different: impact during schooling, not in childhood
    ;--- after modding all ancillaries check if the type is ok or maybe include others
    ;-------------------------------------------- Getting Inspiring Teacher
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_Crown
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition Trait Crownholder > 3
           and Trait AncillaryTeacher < 1 
     Affects AncillaryTeacher 1 Chance 100
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_GreatAcademic
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition HasAncType GreatAcademic
           and Trait AncillaryTeacher < 1 
     Affects AncillaryTeacher 1 Chance 100
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_EducationAnc
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition HasAncType Education
           and Trait Wantschool < 1 
           and Trait AncillaryTeacher < 1 
     Affects AncillaryTeacher 1 Chance 100
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_ExtreemPiety
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition Attribute Piety > 9 
           and Trait AncillaryTeacher < 1 
     Affects AncillaryTeacher 1 Chance 100
    ;-------------------------------------------- Inspiring Teacher Impact at CoA
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_western
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
     Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterReligion catholic
           and FatherTrait AncillaryTeacher > 0 
     Affects Western_Edu 1 Chance 80
     Affects Upright 1 Chance 10
     Affects WellGroomed 1 Chance 10
     Affects Cultured 1 Chance 10
     Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 10
     Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 10 
     Affects Trusting 1 Chance 10
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_eastern
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
     Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterReligion islam
           and FatherTrait AncillaryTeacher > 0  
     Affects Eastern_Edu 1 Chance 80
     Affects Upright 1 Chance 10
     Affects WellGroomed 1 Chance 10
     Affects Cultured 1 Chance 10
     Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 10
     Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 10 
     Affects Trusting 1 Chance 10
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_greek
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
     Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterReligion orthodox
           and FatherTrait AncillaryTeacher > 0  
     Affects Greek_Edu 1 Chance 80
     Affects Upright 1 Chance 10
     Affects WellGroomed 1 Chance 10
     Affects Cultured 1 Chance 10
     Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 10
     Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 10 
     Affects Trusting 1 Chance 10
    Trigger Inspiring_teacher_pagan
     WhenToTest CharacterComesOfAge
     Condition IsGeneral
           and CharacterReligion pagan
           and FatherTrait AncillaryTeacher > 0  
     Affects Pagan_Edu 1 Chance 80
     Affects Upright 1 Chance 10
     Affects WellGroomed 1 Chance 10
     Affects Cultured 1 Chance 10
     Affects ExpensiveTastes 1 Chance 10
     Affects Aesthetic 1 Chance 10 
     Affects Trusting 1 Chance 10
        ;================== CROWN UPKEEP ======================================
        monitor_event CharacterTurnStart CharacterIsLocal
            and Trait Crownholder > 3
            console_command add_money -5000
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 02, 2020 at 04:20 AM.

  2. #102
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    May be a silly question, but why adding such a cost for a crown?
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  3. #103
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Well, it was announced at the beginning of the Crowns fix, and the descriptions are alredy in the game.

    The Crown signifies having a big empire, is not just few-province kingdom.

    Historically: it reflects costs of the splendid court, ceremonies and wages of special officials. It also reflect the costs of managing the whole empire, communication, people checking loyalty of the governors, people checking loyalty of the people checking loyalty of the governors etc. Huge costs - it was one of the reasons why the countries in MA were so small: they didn't have fiscal apparatus to make enough income.

    Gameplay: to limit the snowball effect a bit. The very number may be adjusted in the future based on experience from playing (and I'd rather expect upwards adjustment).

    The Crown will have many benefits, enabling further expansion:
    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    1) The major determinant of the Loyalty of the generals being away from the capital. Having a crown by the ruler is a condition in some triggers concerning loyalty of the generals. As a result, having a crowned ruler is indispensable for building-up a large kingdom: without them, the generals will lose Loyalty quickly as they’re away from the capital. By the same token, they’re also a major requirement to keep big kingdoms together. A great king may conquer and have 20+provinces-kingdom. But when he dies a weak FH may accede to the throne, prompting the generals to lose loyalty quickly. It’ll be therefore essential for the new FL to assert his authority and to get crowned quickly. If the player is prepared for this (he keeps all essential provinces, the FH would have relevant features, be in the vicinity of the capital etc.), then acceding to the throne should take place immediately after the FL death, securing loyalty of the generals.
    2) Direct benefits are also non-negligible. A generic set of the benefits is [Authority 2, Law 1, LocalPopularity 1, LineOfSight 2], then perhaps one other crown-specific benefit will be added for each. For a ruler ascending the throne that +2 Authority may be the decisive factor whether the nobles start plotting and potential usurpers appear (Civil war) and also if they’re happy with the king (Civil strife).
    3) The crowns are also de facto an intermediate goal of the game. The players will be likely to steer their expansion to get a crown so that they’re able to expand further. Therefore the historical expansion in the SSHIP will be beneficial for the player.
    4) They’ll be another “chrome” of the game as they’re now.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 02, 2020 at 04:32 AM.

  4. #104
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    5,000 seems a bit high to me, especially if we limit merchants or their incomes but we'll see.
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  5. #105
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    The games reported by the players were talking rather of excess of money.
    The Crown comes into play once a faction gets to 13-18 settlements, it's a lot, and most players stop before it (or any - I'm still waiting for a player who'd report he got a crown ;-).
    5000 is not so much at late stage of the game, but even earlier - just run a game and check the budget of Sicily with only 3 settlements. Not to mention the Moors, HRE or other rich nations.
    We've got comprehensive data from one late campaign (mine with Poland) and you may compare it to the budget there. And Poland provinces are poor - you cannot compare it to the Mediterranean.
    What should be taken into account is the poor Northern Europe and the steppes. Perhaps lower costs should be applied to SC, NO, DK and LT and CU. The other factions will be ok, and for HRE, ERE, the Moors, Egypt or the Seljucs it will be peanuts.
    Anyway, we need to balance it after other changes are made.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 02, 2020 at 07:22 AM.

  6. #106
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    I slightly disagree here JoC. Players reported a flow of cash but mostly due to the use of merchants who, actually, create more incomes than the biggest settlements themselves. But that's another topic.
    As said, it can be adjusted/reviewed later if necessary and we have to set a number to start anyway
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  7. #107
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Indeed. Just for the record: the information message about the crowns (a native speaker proof-reding would be welcome) (I remind you, Lifth, that England lost Dunkirk some 600 years ago (or was it France who lost England?) and you don't qualify for a native speaker):

    {INFO_CROWNS_BODY} In the Middle Ages a major reason for rulers failing to create big empires were their disloyal nobles. When the rich and powerful found themselves far away from the eye of their souverain, they would very often try to establish their own rule in the provinces. Proximity to their liege lord would generally prove sufficient to suppress these ambitions. In turn, the rulers needed legitimacy, preferably with some God's blessing. One method of acquiring this legitimacy was a formal coronation.\n This phenomenon is reflected in the SSHIP gameplay. A faction leader may acquire a crown and enjoy increased Authority. This crown gives both direct benefits for the king and boosts generals’ loyalty in an indirect way, as the distance to capital penalties are reduced for generals serving a crowned faction leader. Plotters and usurpers also less likely to appear in the kingdom with the crowned king. As a result, a good mid-game goal for the player may be to attain the crown of his faction.\n The map with the required provinces is shown in faction’s panel, while the other requirements are described in the Ruler's relevant trait (you’ll get notifications). There's also an easier way to get the crown for the ruler: having Strong Legacy from his father. In this case to get a crown the son doesn't need to have personal qualities or rule over all provinces. He just gets it after his after – provides he’s enough money for ceremonies costs and to cover the running costs of the court and his kingdom.

    {INFO_CROWNS_TITLE}The crowns
    {INFO_CROWNS_BENEFITS_BODY}\n Having a crown brings five kinds of benefits for the ruler:\n\n(1) The direct effects are: +2 Authority, +1 Law, +1 popularity and +2 sight range\n(2) The increased Authority translates into higher Loyalty of his generals and provides other advantes.\n(3) The drop of generals’ Loyalty due to the distance from capital is reduced, enabling them to fight wars far away from the center of power without risk of rebelling.\n(4) The Authority of his sons increases (+3) due to the Strong Leagacy they get from their father. This makes them more likely to become legitimate heirs.\n(5) As a result, the Usurpers are less likely to appear, so the civil wars are rarer.\n(6) Many other advantages, eg. possibility of gaining an Inspiring Teacher for his sons or more changes to heal from the wounds.\n However, bear in mind that there’re significant costs of having splendid court, financing ceremonies and wages of special officials, and also of the management the whole empire: communication, people checking loyalty of the governors, people checking loyalty of the people checking loyalty of the governors etc. For the most of the factions it’s 5000 fl. per turn (for the Northern factions and the pagans it’s 2000 fl.)\n Anyway, a good mid-game goal for the player is to acquire the crown of his faction. To achieve this goal he must embark on conquest of other territories not forgetting the build-up of the economy.
    {INFO_CROWNS_BENEFITS_TITLE}Why it's good to be a crowned king

    {INFO_CROWNS_CORONATION_ BODY }The faction leader has been coronated in a splendid ceremony and he rules now with higher legitimacy. The ceremony was a splendind one, with nobility, ambassadors, priests and the simple folk coming from every corner of your kingdom. They were impressed with the exquisite feasts and the gifts they’d received. After all, the treasury spent 20,000 florins on organizing the even!\n\n From now on, the generals will better keep their Loyalty when they’re on far away expeditions and the King will get also other advantes. However, the having splendid court, ceremonies, special officials, and also of the management the whole empire: clerks, spies, communication systems, upkeep of the royal residences come at the cost. For the most of the factions it’s 5,000 fl. per turn while for those less-acquainted with the high culture (the pagan factions) it’s 2,000 fl.

    {Crowned_king_desc} Coronated with all the splendour of a true monarch, this ruler can rest easy knowing that their rule is an unquestioned matter of fact.
    {Crowned_king_effects_desc} \nThe realm's generals lose Loyalty when away from the capital much slower. Plotters and usurpers appear less frequently. This comes at a price for the treasury (5,000/2,000 fl. every turn) though.
    {Crowned_king_gain_desc} Having been coronated in the eyes of their God and their people, this character's rule is all but assured.
    {Crowned_king} Crowned

    {Without_Crown_desc}\n This man's rule is far from a sure thing. To become the true king he must get crowned. To achieve it, he needs to conquer all the lands his ancestors claimed to rule over (see the map). He should have Authority and Piety at least 6, he shouldn't be either a regent or viewed as a usurper, he should be physically and mentally fit.
    {Without_Crown_effects_desc}\nCurrently, the stability of the realm is in danger: generals lose loyalty quickly when they are further away from the capital, and usurpers are likely to appear.
    {Without_Crown_gain_desc} This leader's rule is not fully legitimate in the eyes of his subjects because he doesn't own all lands that his ancestors possesed.
    {Without_Crown} Uncrowned

    {Fit_for_Crown_desc}\n This man is fit to be crowned as a true King - if he'd rule over all the lands his ancestors claimed to rule (see the map in the faction panel for list of provinces).
    {Fit_for_Crown_effects_desc}\n If he rules over all the lands, he needs to go to his faction's traditional capital where a great temple (cathedral or similar) is built. He cannot have more than 7 ancillaries at the moment of crowning, he needs to gather 20.000 florins to cover the costs of the ceremony. Until then the realm's generals lose loyalty quickly when they are away from the capital, and usurpers may appear at times of upheaval.
    {Fit_for_Crown_gain_desc} This leader is not fully legitimate in the eyes of his subjects, and the stability of the realm is in danger. He needs to get crowned.
    {Fit_for_Crown} Fit for the Crown

    {Fit_for_Crown_FatherLegacy_desc}\n His father's magnificent legacy make him fit be crowned as a King!
    {Fit_for_Crown_FatherLegacy_effects_desc}\n Now he needs to go to his faction's traditional capital where a great temple (cathedral or similar) is built. He cannot have more than 7 ancillaries at the moment of crowning, he needs to gather 20.000 florins to cover the costs of the ceremony. Until this happens the realm's generals lose loyalty quickly when they are away from the capital. Plotters and usurpers are likely to appear.
    {Fit_for_Crown_FatherLegacy_gain_desc} This leader can be crowned now so that his subjects consider him a legitimate king.
    {Fit_for_Crown_FatherLegacy} Ready for the Crowning Ceremony
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 02, 2020 at 08:37 AM.

  8. #108
    Lifthrasir's Avatar "Capre" Dunkerquois
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    I'm not sure how I have to interprete this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    Indeed. Just for the record: the information message about the crowns (a native speaker proof-reding would be welcome) (I remind you, Lifth, that England lost Dunkirk some 600 years ago (or was it France who lost England?) and you don't qualify for a native speaker)
    Am I not allowed to intervene in any thread of the mod I'm leading?

    On a side note, Dunkirk became officially French in October, 27 1662
    Under the patronage of Flinn, proud patron of Jadli, from the Heresy Vault of the Imperial House of Hader

  9. #109
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Ok, if it's less than 500 years, you qualify.

  10. #110

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    In-game description says that getting a crown is a good "midgame" goal. When it comes to Russia, winning the whole campaign seems to be easier than getting that crown.

    Provinces: Pskov, Polock, Novgorod, Turov, Goroden, Volodymyr, Halych, Kiev, Tschernigov, Pereyaslav, Smolensk, Suzdal, Rostov, Ryazan. One may also consider Turku (area of Novogrodian expansion) and Tmutarakan (literary historical place of a Rus settlement 10-14c.), but I don’t think it’s indispensable. Given the size of the Rus lands I’d be inclined to lower the number as much as possible.
    Is this supposed to be in the game? Because the code is VASTLY different.

    Number of provinces: 14
    It's 15 in the code.

    This map is nowhere near accurate. Here is what's actually required by your code:

    This shape is just weird. And also wrong on so many levels.

  11. #111
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    You're perfectly right. It's because this crown has not been yet updated, it's like it was in the SS6.4.

    (note in the entry in this thread says: New code:
    To be developed after discussion in this thread.
    while in the re-made crowns is: Status: implemented as shown on the pics and described above.

  12. #112

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    It's because this crown has not been yet updated, it's like it was in the SS6.4
    So does it even exist? I've tweaked the code a bit (excluded Cuman provinces from the requirements), but my FL still doesn't receive it. I have 25 provinces, including those from your list:

    Pskov, Polock, Novgorod, Turov, Goroden, Volodymyr, Halych, Kiev, Tschernigov, Pereyaslav, Smolensk, Suzdal, Rostov, Ryazan
    My FL has "Fit for the crown" trait, he is currently in Novgorod (capital), orthodox cathedral is long built, and every single requirement from the tweaked code is met.

    ;------------------------------------------ Trigger crown_russia
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition IsFactionLeader
    and EndedInSettlement
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 3
    and SettlementName Novgorod
    and SettlementBuildingExists = cathedral_o
    and FactionType russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Novgorod = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Pskov = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Riga = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Smolensk = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Kernave = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Ryazan = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Chernigov = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Kiev = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Polotsk = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Rustov = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Bulgar = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Murom = russia
    and not I_WorldwideAncillaryExists crown_russia

    AcquireAncillary crown_russia chance 100
    But he doesn't get the crown. I have a sneaking suspicion the reason is he already has 8 ancillaries. If this is the case, I don't think it's possible to get a crown at all, unless you start playing insane meta-gaming, e.g. "suicide faction leaders until someone with less than 8 ancillaries claims the throne".

    Is there a way to make a certain ancillary ignore the maximum limit?

  13. #113
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by Lurker from Codex View Post
    But he doesn't get the crown. I have a sneaking suspicion the reason is he already has 8 ancillaries. If this is the case, I don't think it's possible to get a crown at all, unless you start playing insane meta-gaming, e.g. "suicide faction leaders until someone with less than 8 ancillaries claims the throne".

    Is there a way to make a certain ancillary ignore the maximum limit?
    What does the description on your Faction Leader say?

    It should be like this:
    {Fit_for_Crown_desc}\n This man is fit to be crowned as a true King - if he'd rule over all the lands his ancestors claimed to rule (see the map in the faction panel for list of provinces).
    {Fit_for_Crown_effects_desc}\n If he rules over all the lands, he needs to go to his faction's traditional capital where a great temple (cathedral or similar) is built. He cannot have more than 7 ancillaries at the moment of crowning, he needs to gather 20.000 florins to cover the costs of the ceremony. Until then the realm's generals lose loyalty quickly when they are away from the capital, and usurpers may appear at times of upheaval.
    {Fit_for_Crown_gain_desc} This leader is not fully legitimate in the eyes of his subjects, and the stability of the realm is in danger. He needs to get crowned.
    {Fit_for_Crown} Fit for the Crown

    No, there's no possibility to ignore the limit but you may swap a transferable ancillary to another general. It's unlikely (although possible) that all 8 ancillaries are non-transferable. But if it's the case then yes, you need another general to become an FL.

    BTW - these 20.000 will be only in the next patch (I've recently put it into the script)
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 07, 2020 at 10:42 AM.

  14. #114

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Okay, I backed up my save to do some experimenting. Made FL's ancillaries transferable, and gave them all away - still no crown.

    It should be like this:
    Yes, it's exactly like this. He is unfit for office, but fit for the crown. In any case, I don't think "fit for office" is a requirement for getting the crown, at least I don't see it in the code. Pretty sure I saw someone (maybe Gigantus) suggesting there might be hard-coded limit for number of conditions, and if there is more than 12(?) - the trigger won't work at all. I'll test it out, will update this post in a bit.

    Edit: Gigantus was right. After reducing province requirements further (although I owned all the provinces from initial list) my FL received the crown. Therefore, if you create long list of requirements (13-14 provinces or such), the trigger won't work.
    Last edited by Lurker from Codex; March 07, 2020 at 10:55 AM.

  15. #115
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by Lurker from Codex View Post
    Yes, it's exactly like this. He is unfit for office, but fit for the crown. In any case, I don't think "fit for office" is a requirement for getting the crown, at least I don't see it in the code. Pretty sure I saw someone (maybe Gigantus) suggesting there might be hard-coded limit for number of conditions, and if there is more than 12(?) - the trigger won't work at all. I'll test it out, will update this post in a bit.

    Edit: Gigantus was right. After reducing province requirements further (although I owned all the provinces from initial list) my FL received the crown. Therefore, if you create long list of requirements (13-14 provinces or such), the trigger won't work.
    Two interesting insights here:
    - this limit of requirements (I'll have to make a special traits...)
    - the lack of need of FitForOffice for FitForCrown. It shouldn't be like this:

    ;------------------------------------------- 1->2
    Trigger Fit_for_crown
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition IsFactionLeader
    and FactionIsLocal
    and Trait Crownholder > 0
    and Trait Crownholder < 2
    and Trait FitForOffice > 1
    and Trait Usurper < 1
    and Trait FactionRegent < 1
    and Attribute Piety > 5
    and Attribute Authority > 5
    and not FactionExcommunicated

    Affects Crownholder 1 Chance 100

    Perhaps you've first had FFO, you've got FFC then lost FFO, but FFC stuck

  16. #116

    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Did some further testing of Gig's theory. This code doesn't work:

    ;------------------------------------------ Trigger crown_russia
    WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd

    Condition IsFactionLeader
    and EndedInSettlement
    and Trait Crownholder > 1
    and Trait Crownholder < 3
    and SettlementName Novgorod
    and SettlementBuildingExists = cathedral_o
    and FactionType russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Novgorod = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Pskov = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Riga = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Smolensk = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Kernave = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Ryazan = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Chernigov = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Kiev = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Polotsk = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Rustov = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Bulgar = russia
    and I_SettlementOwner Murom = russia
    and not I_WorldwideAncillaryExists crown_russia

    AcquireAncillary crown_russia chance 100
    It has 12 province requirements and 20 trigger conditions in total.

    However, if I remove one province (leaving 11 province requirements, and 19 trigger conditions in total) - it works. It doesn't matter which province I remove, as long as I remove at least one.

    Perhaps you've first had FFO, you've got FFC then lost FFO, but FFC stuck

  17. #117
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Thanks, Lurker. I'll add a trigger to lose FFC if FFO lost.
    I'll also simpify the triggers to limit them to 19 conditions. Actually a few conditions are easily gotten rid of (CharacterTurnEndInSettlement, FL is not needed as nobody else can have Crownholder, perhaps I'd use one Crownholder in border cases, and the last condition is not really needed), but I've already included one more: and Treasury > 20000

    and I've found another detail:
    and SettlementBuildingExists = cathedral
    shoud be
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral

    The code now:
    ;------------------------------------------- 2->1Trigger UnFit_for_crown_notFFO
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and Trait Crownholder > 1
        and Trait Crownholder < 3
        and Trait FitForOffice < 2
     Affects Crownholder -1 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 2->1
    Trigger UnFit_for_crown_Excommunicated
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and Trait Crownholder > 1
        and Trait Crownholder < 3
        and FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder -1 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 3->1
    Trigger UnFit_great_father_Excommunicated
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
    	and Trait Crownholder > 2
    	and Trait Crownholder < 4
        and FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder -2 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 0->1
     Trigger No_crown_upgrade
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
     Condition IsFactionLeader
    	and Trait Crownholder < 1
    	and FactionIsLocal
     Affects Crownholder 1 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 1->2
    Trigger Fit_for_crown
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and FactionIsLocal
        and Trait Crownholder > 0
        and Trait Crownholder < 2
        and Trait FitForOffice > 1
        and Trait Usurper < 1
        and Trait FactionRegent < 1
        and Attribute Piety > 5
        and Attribute Authority > 5
        and not FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder 1 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 1->3
    Trigger No_crown_but_great_father
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
     Condition IsFactionLeader
        and FactionIsLocal
    	and Trait Crownholder > 0
    	and Trait Crownholder < 2
    	and Trait FathersLegacy > 1
        and Trait Usurper < 1
        and Trait FactionRegent < 1
        and not FactionExcommunicated 
     Affects Crownholder 2 Chance 100
    ;- used in script to incur one-time payment for crown
    ;------------------------------------------- 5->4
    Trigger Crown_Payment_For_Ceremony
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
     Condition HasAncType crown
    	and Trait Crownholder > 4
     Affects Crownholder -1 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 3->5
    Trigger Crown_acquired_Legacy
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
     Condition HasAncType crown
    	and Trait Crownholder > 2
    	and Trait Crownholder < 4
     Affects Crownholder 2 Chance 100
    ;------------------------------------------- 2->5
    Trigger Crown_acquired_Achiever
     WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
     Condition HasAncType crown
    	and Trait Crownholder > 1
    	and Trait Crownholder < 3
     Affects Crownholder 3 Chance 100
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; March 07, 2020 at 11:49 AM.
    Mod leader of the SSHIP: traits, ancillaries, scripts, buildings, geography, economy.
    If you want to play a historical mod in the medieval setting the best are:
    Stainless Steel Historical Improvement Project and Broken Crescent.
    Recently, Tsardoms and TGC look also very good. Read my opinions on the other mods here.
    Reviews of the mods (all made in 2018): SSHIP, Wrath of the Norsemen, Broken Crescent.
    Follow home rules for playing a game without exploiting the M2TW engine deficiencies.
    Hints for Medieval 2 moders: forts, merchants, AT-NGB bug, trade fleets.
    Thrones of Britannia: review, opinion on the battles, ideas for modding. Shieldwall is promising!
    Dominant strategy in Rome2, Attila, ToB and Troy: “Sniping groups of armies”. Still there, alas!

  18. #118
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
    Patrician took an arrow to the knee spy of the council

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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    and I've found another detail:
    and SettlementBuildingExists = cathedral
    shoud be
    and SettlementBuildingExists >= cathedral
    Yeah, it would be a shame for the whole thing not to work just because a vainglorious fool decided to build a huge cathedral

  19. #119
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigantus View Post
    Yeah, it would be a shame for the whole thing not to work just because a vainglorious fool decided to build a huge cathedral

    btw, Gigantus, have you seen in any mod a movie (.bik) with a grandiose coronation scene so I can use it in this mod?

  20. #120
    Gigantus's Avatar I am not special - I am a limited edition.
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    Default Re: [I] - Crowns' fix: modification of the Crowns in the SSHIP

    Not that I can remember. But it shouldn't be too difficult to edit any existing movie clip and then convert it.

    Heck, I used Windows Movie Maker (not included since win10, needs downloading) and Rad Video Tools to do it for my 'signature' intro (ever used Bare Geomod?)

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