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Thread: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

  1. #21
    artist82's Avatar Libertus
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    Marcus Orentius,
    Great tutorial! I could not figure out how to get anything to pose in milkshape until I read this. Apparently that pesky little "animate" button was the key. Attached is a screenshot of a custom unit I made (from four other units) before I removed the blue background. I call the armor "Gothic Mail". If anyone is interested in in it let me know and I will attach a zipped file with the mesh and custom textures. I have another version with a open faced helmet set up as a spearman, I just did not take a screenshot. Also you can edit the image in gimp easier, you do not have to mess with the color filters, just magic wand all the blue out!

  2. #22
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    How can I turn anti aliasing off in cs4?

    edit: Already found it out

    It's a great tutorial
    Last edited by Araval; March 02, 2012 at 04:30 PM.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    i cant find refresh textures.

    What gives?

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus Orentius View Post
    TUTORIAL: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    This tutorial will teach you how to make units cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop. Unit cards are the icons you see when you have units on the battlefield, the cards you click on to select your unit. They also appear when you’re reading a unit info screen.

    Note: this requires you to have used the unpacker to access the files.

    I’m assuming you are equipped with Milkshape 3D 1.8.1b and Adobe Photoshop CS2, as that’s what I’m equipped with. You’ll also need grumpyoldman’s mesh 2 ms3d converter and alpaca’s texture 2 dds converter. You’ll also need the NVIDIA DSS plugin, so Photoshop can read the dds files. Oh, and as the texture 2 dds converter uses a python script, you’ll need Python 2.5.

    Equipment needed and where to find it:
    Photoshop CS2
    NVIDIA DDS Plugin - download here. (also gives you a few other tools, such as the normalmap filter, which will be handy if you ever decide to start texturing.)
    Milkshape 3D 1.8.1b - Download trial version here.
    Grumpyoldman’s Mesh 2 MS3D converter - download here.
    Alpaca’s Texture 2 DDS converter - download here.
    Python 2.5 - download here.(link assumes you are running windows)

    Ok, so after downloading and installing that huge amount of gear, you’re now ready to start making unit cards.

    Step 1: Rinding the resources

    We’re going to be making a new unit card for Armoured Swordsmen. Go to data/unit_models/_units/en_pplate_plate/ and find the model named armoured_swordsmen_lod0.mesh. This is the highest quality model and the best for unit cards. Then go to the textures folder and find m2tw_en_pplate_england.texture. Finally, go to unit_models/attachment sets and find Final Heater_england_diff.texture. Copy all three files to your working folder, i.e. my_ui.

    Step 2: Setting the textures up

    Now, extract and convert_all_textures.bat from your RAR archive. Extract them to the same folder your texture is in. Now, run convert_all_textures.bat and you should see a DOS window pop up. When it says done, close it and there will be a dds copy of the textures in your folder. Open them in Photoshop and then save them as png‘s, otherwise when you try to import the textures into Milkshape later, it has some annoying effects that are detrimental to the look of your unit card.

    Step 3: Setting the model up

    Start up the mesh 2 ms3d converter and select file/convert/.mesh to .ms3d.

    Navigate to my_ui which should be in your m2tw main folder, and select the .mesh file.

    Here you get a view of the model before you convert it, and you can use the arrow keys to zoom in and out and to get a full 360 degree view of the model. Then press Proceed, and save into my_ui.

    Now both elements are converted and ready to work with. Onto step 4.

    Step 4: Skinning the unit.

    Open Milkshape, then select file/open and open your ms3d file. You should have something that looks like this:

    A few things, all the lines all over the place are the joints of the unit. To make them manageable later when you have to move them, go to file/preferences and select the misc tab. Change the joint size from 1.000000 to 0.025000. The changes should be obvious. You’ll notice the unit is very dark, to change this, go to edit, then select Refresh Texture. The whole model will look pretty much like it did in the mesh to ms3d converter. Now, to import the textures, click on the materials tab and select figure from the list and select the first button that says <none>. Navigate to your my_ui folder and select the m2tw_en_pplate_england.png file. Do the same for the attachment, selecting the final heater_england_diff.png file. Right lick on the 3d view of your unit and select textured. You should then end up with something that looks like this.

    Now, the shield looks a bit weird, this is because the shields are different sizes. Go to the groups tab, and from the list, delete the first three ‘heater’ entries by selecting them and clicking the delete button below the list. You should now have a white shield with a red cross on it. If you don’t, Ctrl+Z and try again.

    So now we’re ready to make the pose, and screenshot the unit to make the unit card. Onto Step 5.

    Step 5: Making the pose

    This part is more of a trial and error than monkey-say-monkey-do bit of the tutorial, so I can’t really tell you a lot. I’ll get you started on the essentials though.

    In the bottom right hand corner of Milkshape, click the Anim button. Now the model will move with the skeleton.

    To select a joint, go to the model tab and select ‘Select’. You can now select any of the joints. To move them, select ‘Rotate’. Clicking down and dragging will move it. You cannot move any of the joints in the 3d window, so you have to do it with the other three. The first window does up and down, the second window does in and out and the third window does side to side.

    Top tip: If you have an idea for the pose you want your soldier to take, it’s a good idea to get up and mime the pose yourself, then look down at your body and make note of where your legs, arms etc. are. This makes it a lot easier and more realistic when it comes to the pose your soldier will take.

    Step 6: Screenshot and making the unit cards.

    Ok, you’ve now made your pose, go to the joints tab, and uncheck ‘show skeleton’. Click on the 3d window and press spacebar, this put it into full view. Right click on the window and uncheck ‘show axis’ and ‘show grid’, you should now have you soldier in his pose and a plain blue background. Drag the mouse cursor around until you have an angle that you’re happy with and press alt+print screen. Then close Milkshape and open Photoshop.

    Make a new image, the dimensions should already be set up for you, and press Ctrl+V. Your screenshot should appear there. Select the cropping tool and crop the image down to just the unit with some space around it.

    Top tip: At the top of your screen in Photoshop, there should be two boxes labelled width and height. Fill these with 191 px and 280 px respectively, and Photoshop will resize the image to those dimensions automatically when you crop. You’ll also notice your crop box has been locked to those proportions.

    Once you’ve done that, you should have something like this:

    Next, if you want to add a border onto your unit card like in the vanilla m2tw ones, download the border from here. The rest of the tutorial will make the assumption that you are using this border.

    Before we do anything else, select the blue bits with the magic want tool and delete them. Makes it neater to work with. Now, open the border image.

    With the marquee tool, select the whole image, and then using the move tool, move the whole border over on top of your unit. Using the marquee tool again, select the white space and delete it. Close the border image and you should have something like this:

    Now go to Windows/channels. In that list make a new channel and you should see a new channel and your image should go black.

    Click the RGB channel and it should look like this:

    At this point, if you save the file as a tga, 32 bit, then re open it, it seems to sort out a lot of possible problems.

    Top tip: When selecting with the magic wand, turn anti aliasing off at the top, this stops it over selecting and producing a white ‘glow’ when you see the card in game.

    Back on the channels, unselect the alpha channel, and with a tolerance of 190, select your unit, with any luck the unit and the border will be selected at the same time. You may have to click around to eliminate gaps. Then select your alpha channel again and using the paint brush tool on white, paint in the selected area. You’ll notice the red tinge disappears, and the unit you paint becomes normal colour. Save your tga as armoured_swordsmen_info.tga.

    Now, while it’s still open, select the crop tool again and set the dimensions to 48 px by 64 px. That’s the size of the small unit cards in M2TW. You don’t want to select the whole unit, so only select the torso or something like that. Make sure the border isn’t included.

    So there you go, save the small unit card as #armoured_swordsmen.tga and save it as 32-bit/pixel, so the alpha channel is saved. So now we put them in game.

    Step 7: Implement then admire

    Take armoured_swordsmen_info.tga and put it in data/ui/unit_info/England and select yes when it asks you if you want to replace it. Take #armoured_swordsmen.tga and put it in data/ui/units/England.


    I have version 1.8.4 MilkShape.

    I do not find in the lower right button "Anim" to move the skeleton of the model.

    Can you tell me how to do?

    I have to use another version of MilkShape?

  5. #25

    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    thanks for the tutorial, i'm trying to do that & it works

  6. #26

    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    The background remains white when I put it in game.

  7. #27
    DeathtoEgo's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    I wonder if anyone can tell me if there is a way to, save poses like one for archer, one for sword, spear etc, or do you just have to pose each unit? Thank you

  8. #28
    Alondite's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by DeathtoEgo View Post
    I wonder if anyone can tell me if there is a way to, save poses like one for archer, one for sword, spear etc, or do you just have to pose each unit? Thank you
    Has exactly the same problem.

    I know this post is old but, does anyone know how?
    Thanks a lot.

  9. #29
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    There should be a way because Taro_M has made some but I don't know how. You can try to use his poses, though:

  10. #30
    Alondite's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Araval View Post
    There should be a way because Taro_M has made some but I don't know how. You can try to use his poses, though:
    Thank you Araval.
    The .cas file from Taro_M does help a lot.

    However when I tried to make some changes to Taro_M's pose, I couldn't find where to save it. And when I go to the next frame (pose) and come back, I lose the changes done before.
    There may be a way to save it but it seems that both you and me don't know how...

  11. #31
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    Thank you for this tutorial, but I can't move my character after choosing to activate the "Anim" function of Milkshap3D.

    I select for example "lupperarm" but I can't move my arm.
    In short, nothing happens when I drag my mouse in one of the 3 windows while I still selected in the "model" tab the rotation function.
    I forget a step?

  12. #32
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Nobody can help me ?

  13. #33
    paleologos's Avatar You need burrito love!!
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    I think you need to merge the model with the animation, open it in milkshape and then run the animation in milkshape and pause it on the desired still.

  14. #34
    Araval's Avatar Protector Domesticus
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by kostic View Post
    Nobody can help me ?
    I see that you have Show skeleton unchecked. Try to check it and then in the selection tool settings, make sure you use the select joint setting. If you see a skeleton with only one joint, then convert the model with a different converter (GOM or GOAT) to ms3d.

  15. #35
    kostic's Avatar Domesticus
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    @paleologos, @Araval : Thank you for these food for thought. I will try again.

  16. #36
    Hugues098's Avatar Laetus
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    Default Re: Making unit cards for M2TW using Milkshape and Photoshop

    For some reason, my unit card appears more wider than the one I wanted it to be. Any help?

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