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Thread: Has anyone ever read Pilgrim's Progress?

  1. #1
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Has anyone ever read Pilgrim's Progress?

    I have heard and seen comments about the story but never thought to read it until this Christmas one of my sons gave me the Attic Book version which runs to over nine hundred pages. The first fifty three are about John Bunyan and the rest his story called Pilgrim's Progress. So far I've reached into the twentynineth page of the story plus the fiftythree about him meaning I have a long long way to go as I got two other Christian books from my other son which I started reading as well. Over and above I was rereading Metcalfe's Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ as well as my Bible sojourns. Therefore I'd like to hear from anyone who has read Pilgrim's Progress and how long it took them to read it and how much did it affect you? It is claimed to be the second most published book of all time next to the Bible.

  2. #2
    Akar's Avatar Faustian Bargain Maker
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    Default Re: Has anyone ever read Pilgrim's Progress?

    Yep, one of my favorite books as a kid. Definitely a pretty interesting read, whether you're Christian or not. If you find early christian demonology and mysticism interesting (as I do) it's pretty much a must read book - right alongside Paradise Lost.

    Does your version include the second half of Pilgrims Progress, or is it just the first half? I personally found the first half to be more interesting than the latter, but both were still fairly enjoyable reads.

    My mental image of Beelzebub is still the same as the description by Bunyan that I first read 15 or so years ago.

    It is claimed to be the second most published book of all time next to the Bible.
    I take all these sorts of claims with a grain of salt. It's easy to print 1000s of copies of a book and claim it's been published X times, but whether or not all of those were sold/read is another topic.

    As for how long it took me, definitely at least a week of hardcore reading. I was a voracious reader as a kid with pretty much nothing else to do, so I was able to get through it pretty quickly. I doubt I'd be able to make anywhere near as much headway if I was to try to read it again today. I'm pretty sure it's the second or third longest book I've ever read, behind The Count of Monte Cristo and the bible (if that counts as a book).

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  3. #3
    mishkin's Avatar Dux Limitis
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    Default Re: Has anyone ever read Pilgrim's Progress?

    It's funny that I've never heard of that book. Globalization, where were you?

  4. #4
    conon394's Avatar hoi polloi
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    Default Re: Has anyone ever read Pilgrim's Progress?

    Sorry akar I found it rather dull, and dislike the inherent sexism of the second journey story.

    how much did it affect you?
    With a great sense of boredom.

    It is claimed to be the second most published book of all time next to the Bible.
    Very doubtful. The market for it is not profoundly huge. There was a time I suppose in 17th and 18th century Anglo/America/British Empire it might have been widely published but now I suspect it spends a lot of time filling up library space. I would put money on Don Quote for example to easily best it also of course the Quran is well likely in front on the religiosity side.


    It's funny that I've never heard of that book. Globalization, where were you?
    If you are not a christian out of the Calvinist tradition, nor a student of ether Colonial America or Religion in 17th century England not much reason too reallly
    Last edited by conon394; January 19, 2021 at 07:10 AM.
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  5. #5
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Has anyone ever read Pilgrim's Progress?

    Sorry I haven't replied as duty to my wife called me away for most of yesterday meaning I haven't got any further into PP. By that I meant shopping just in case anyone jumps to the wrong conclusions. So today I'm devoting my time to reading as much as I can of it. It appears that Bunyan had a good grasp of Scripture in the Reformed tradition so it'll be an interesting read.

  6. #6
    basics's Avatar Vicarius Provinciae
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    Default Re: Has anyone ever read Pilgrim's Progress?

    Today is now Saturday and I have to admit that PP is a little hard going, why? Because Christian's journey so far has not been any different from my own experiences so seeing it from a fictional characterization has added nothing to what I already knew. So again, it will be head down to read some more.

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