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  1. #1
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    I. General information

    This thread is meant to gather all information about the faction and to conduct discussions on the faction related issues.
    The entries should be developed by both the SSHIP team and the interested players.

    It continues the discussion conducted in this thread.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; July 04, 2020 at 07:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default [F] - Holy Roman Empire

    II. Strategy & gameplay

    To be developed in due course. If you've played the game with this faction and have insights how to help fellow players, please write a proposal for this section.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmalk View Post
    I have also observed that the AI does not like to gang up on AI HRE, even when the HRE is excommunicated. My guess is this is due to the HRE being so powerful none of their neighbors are willing to attack them, and this allows the HRE to happily eat away at their neighbors without trouble, especially France who as AI I have noticed consistently fares very poorly against the HRE and England. The same seems to be true for the Byzantines, but at least they have the mongols to worry about eventually.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sannitico View Post
    Hi, turn 330 is a quite advanced point of your campaign. According to my experience, you should be able in this phase to substain at least three stable and almost full composed elite armies in the most critical points of your kingdom. You should use at this point militias and levies just to patrol settlements. Maybe something gone wrong in the early game. At H/H difficulty you should prepare yourself for mid and late game carefully since the beginning.

    In this case, my tips are:

    1) plan carefully money use.

    For example, some settlements are more lucrative than others. Focus commercial and financial building in this points (generally are cities but even castles can be very lucrative sometimes).

    2) plan carefully your expansion, you can't fight back all enemies!

    HRE is sourraunded by potential enemies and you should focus your expansion only on one front (west, east, south or north). Choose a front and make sure to keep alliances on the other ones. How? A certain ammount of politic skill can be useful. For example, arranging marriages, granting military access to the most trusted neighbours, convince your allies to attack your enemies paying them well. This last point is very important because relationships with your neighbour will improve and he will engaged with another faction, lowering possibility of betraying.

    3) "human supply chain"

    What said for 1) is quite true for military buildings too. You should diversify the functions of your settlements, locating some sites. For example, a city or a castle should be focused on recruting infantry, ranged units or mounted ones. Bulding everything everywhere is useless and just drains your money. If you do it in the early game, in mid game you will be able to send against enemies fresh armies constantly, and you will be albe to retrain, merge or replace damaged units quite costantly.

    4) agents are usefull

    Use your agents. Merchants can bring a lot of moneys and assassins can rid off for you enemy generals, making a lot easier the battles.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; August 20, 2023 at 11:59 AM.

  3. #3
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default [F] - Holy Roman Empire

    III. Provinces

    The provinces that have historically been assigned to this faction are listed here - it's usually defined by the "faction_creator" in the "descr_strat.txt" file.

    Provincial titles:

    General explanations to be found in the relevant thread on the PTs.
    Catholic: Graf/Markgraf/Herzog - depending on the historical observations, discussion done in this thread.
    Orthodox: generic English: “Knyaz” + name + "skyi"
    Muslim: generic "Emir".

    Names of provinces: thoroughly discussed in the same thread (link). The results are as follows.

    Note that a few provinces (Praha, Olomoc, Brandenburg, Liubice) are in the Poland's thread so that this entry is not cluttered so much.

    Magdeburg (Sachsen)
    PT: Herzog von Sachsen
    Settlement name: Magdeburg. Previously it was Hamburg but to the gameplay purposes it was replaced with an equally important city but located in the empty (from the gameplay perspective) space.
    Province name:

    From the gameplay perspective, the problem is that three cities (Bremen, Hamburg, Liubice) are too close to one another. The result is a huge empty land south up to Nuremberg and west up to Coellen. Due to my knowledge, Hamburg hasn't been for a long time a big city given the Abodriten raids lasting till 12c. For some time it must have been still smaller than Magdeburg. Both for gameplay and for historicity, the capital of province was moved from Hamburg to Magdeburg in version 098.

    Concerning the number of citizens of Hamburg, Wikipedia says: In 1350 the Black Death, one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, struck in Hamburg killing more than 6,000, half of the city's population... 1377 At this time Hamburg's population was 14,000. Hamburg was the third–largest city in the Hanseatic League (after Lübeck and Cologne).

    Bremen (Westfalen)
    PT: Herzog von Westfalen
    Settlement name:
    Bremen (or Slavic: Brema)
    Province name:
    Westfalen (as we stick to the names of the provinces with the German-speaking population to be in German).

    Coellen (Niderlothringen)
    Herzog von Lothringen (you cannot give a title "Erzbischof" which would actually fit here).
    Settlement name: Coellen
    Province name:
    Niderlothringen (as we stick to the names of the provinces with the German-speaking population to be in German).

    PT: Herzog von Luxemburg (to give some flavor to the title, and taking into account that you cannot give a title "Erzbischof" which would fit here. If we'd stick to the contemporary name, then it'd be Lucilinburhuc).
    Settlement name: Trier (obviously)
    Province name:
    Oberlothringen (as we stick to the names of the provinces with the German-speaking population to be in German).

    Frankfurt (Franconia)
    PT: Herzog von Franken? Landgraf von Hessen?
    Settlement name: Frankfurt.
    Province name:
    Franken (Hessen seems to be too small part of the province even though it'd sound good and was an ancient name coming from the Chatti tribe)

    Speyer (Rheinfranken)
    Pfalzgraf bei Rhein (seems historical)
    Settlement name: Speyer
    Province name:
    Rheinfranken (the name Rhein sounds very ahistorical indeed, and Franken was along the Main)

    I have serious doubts whether Speyer should the be capital of the region. It must have been a small city, bolstered up only with its political role just at the beginning of the 12c.
    Am 7. August 1111, dem Tag des Begräbnisses Heinrichs IV. im Speyerer Dom, und am 14. August 1111 verlieh Heinrich V. den Bürgern der Stadt Speyer zwei Privilegien, die als Urkundeninschriften über dem Westportal des Doms angebracht wurden.
    Speyer zählte damals nur rund 500 Bürger. Es hatte wohl machtpolitische Gründe, dass Kaiser Heinrich IV. einen derart großen Bau in dem – nach heutigen Maßstäben – winzigen Städtchen bauen ließ. Die römischen Kaiser hatten nicht nur weltliche, sondern auch kirchliche Macht. Der daraus resultierende Konflikt mit dem damals gerade erstarkten Papsttum kulminierte sodann im Investiturstreit zwischen Heinrich IV. und Papst Gregor VII. Die Größe und Pracht des Speyerer Doms unterstrich neben dem politischen insbesondere auch den religiösen Machtanspruch des Kaisers.
    Basel (Helvetia)
    PT: Herzog von Habsburg or something else.
    Settlement name: Basel.
    Province name:
    Helvetia (It seems it's not possible to find a proper medieval name for the whole province, it's in Latin as it's on the linguistic border. However, is it not historical to have both Alamannia and Schwaben, while Helvetia is a Renaissance concept, and most of the territory is outside the medieval Swabia. Hochburgund was also somewhat south of the present territory.

    Tom Scott, The City State in Europe 1000-1600, OUP, 2012: Basel had 10k inhabitants, twice as many as the other cities in the region.

    Ulm (Schwaben)
    PT: Herzog von Schwaben or Herzog von Staufen
    Settlement name: Ulm (it seems that for he most of Middle Ages it was more important city than Augsburg).
    Province name:

    Markgraf von Nordgau
    Settlement name: Nuoremberc (perhaps for High and Late eras it should be changed to Nürnberg)
    Province name:
    Nordgau (seems to be a good choice, especially for the beginning of the game. The alternative would be to call Franken - Westfranken and Nordgau - Ostfranken. However, I haven't got a thinnest idea if Nordgau was used in the MA, or not...).

    PT: Herzog von Bayern (Pfalzgraf was phased out in 13c by the domination of Herzog von Bayern)
    Settlement name: Regensburg (this was the most important and populous city in the region throughout the MA, surpassing Salzburg and other)
    Province name:
    Bayern (as we stick to the names of the provinces with the German-speaking population to be in German).


    Markgraf von Österreich (Grossherzog is an own 14c creation, legalized also on its own in 15c)
    Settlement name:
    Province name:
    Österreich (as we stick to the names of the provinces with the German-speaking population to be in German).

    Friesach (Kärnten)
    Herzog von Kärnten
    Settlement name: Friesach / Klagenfurt. Friesach was briefly the most important city in 13th century, but then it collapsed. For the late era Klagenfurt of Villach should be chosen.
    Province name:
    Carinthia (the province was still inhabited in large part by the Slavs, so I think the Latin name - ie and not German Kärnten - is a compromise for this border province.

    Utrecht (Friesland)
    Herzog von Utrecht (or somehow different?)
    Settlement name: Utrecht (perfect)
    Province name:
    Friesland (this is a compromise for most of the Middle Ages, especially the early one. Holland, Utrecht were distinct entities, while term Friesland encompassed the whole region only in 7-8th century)

    Loven (Brabant)
    PT: Herzog von Brabant
    Settlement name: Loven. Loven was the capital of the Duchy and perhaps most important city 11-14 centuries, only then overshadowed by Antwerp( , and also by Brussels. Liege was an important ecclesiastic center, but economically played a lower role.
    Province name:
    Brabant (perfect)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifthrasir View Post
    Loven ... appears that way in 891 as a reference to the victory of Arnulf of Carinthia against the vikings (Wikipedia). It seems that its original name was Luvanium in Latin and/or Lovon in local venicular (in 884)
    An article about Louvain is here.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; December 07, 2021 at 03:18 AM.

  4. #4
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default [F] - Holy Roman Empire

    IV. Faction specific features (Crown, Offices, Bloodline, Traits, Buildings)

    The Crown of the HRE is discussed in this entry. Actually, it is the crown of the Römisch-deutcher König as the number of provinces will be lower than the tradition of the Das Heilige Römische Reich. The place of coronation is Aachen, what translates in the SSHIP map to Coellen.

    Im Jahre 936 wurde in der Aachener Pfalz Otto der Große gekrönt, der damit die Grundlage für die Tradition der Krönung der römisch - deutschen Könige in Aachen begründete.

    The Offices are described in this thread.

    HRE has access to a few buildings that are not available to every faction:
    - Castle Library - a building (currently) only for the catholic factions.
    - University (highest level) - not available to the pagan factions.
    - Tourney Fields - a building only for the catholic factions.
    - South Italian building (Norman Strongholds) - it's restricted to only a few factions; for the HRE it's buildable only in South Italy.

    HRE Blood: not checked.

    Specific traits: not checked.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; June 14, 2021 at 12:23 AM.

  5. #5
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default [F] - Holy Roman Empire

    V. Starting position in 1132 (incl. settlements, armies, generals, traits, political situation)

    After discussion in this thread, the Brandenburg province has been made independent (as Holstein is).

    No new ideas. It is as it was in 092.

    Characters & politics
    There should be a set of traits developed making the management of the internal stability the most important part of the early game for the HRR player. MWY had other ideas as well (see here).

    Assistance to the AI
    There are not scripted sieges - the faction is too powerful.
    Additional nobles - not checked yet in the script.
    Last edited by Jurand of Cracow; April 07, 2021 at 03:20 AM.

  6. #6
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default [F] - Holy Roman Empire

    VI. Units

    to be developed in due course

  7. #7
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default [F] - Holy Roman Empire

    VIII. Reserve

    to be used if needed

  8. #8
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Default Re: [F] - HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE

    Interesting data about Brabant and Friesland from Bas van Bavel, Manors and Markets, OUP, 2010:
    population of the Low Countries increased from 200,000 in 700 AD to 2,500,000 in 1500 AD. This is 12x increase, even with the Black Death.

  9. #9
    Elendil 03's Avatar Semisalis
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    A landlocked, neutral country somewhere in Western Europe

    Default Re: SSHIP - General Discussion

    During my Hungarian campaign, I noticed the Province name used for most of modern-day Switzerland and Alsace is "Helvetia". I know this topic has been discussed already, but I've recently read that the Knights Hospitaller had named the priory that corresponds to the Southern part of the German Langue "Alemannia". While this was a synonym for "Swabia" until the end of the 12th century, the Order had it further divided into eight bailiwicks. The largest of those was known as the "Obere Lande" (Upper Lands), its area closely corresponding to the province in SSHIP. For this reason, I would like to suggest that the name "Helvetia" for the province of Basel, which I'm almost certain is not historical, be replaced by "Upper Alemannia".
    Curiously enough, the city of Basel has an entire quarter named "St. Johann" after the Knights of St John, even though their commandery building went into private hands in 1806 and was demolished in the 1930s.

    The second remark I want to get rid off is the Ancillary name. There was never a title like "Count of Basel" because the landlord of the city was the local bishop; before the citizens bought themselves off him, that is. Rather, the corresponding title could be that of a "Rector of Burgundy", a title the Zähringen dynasty held until their extinction in 1218, which was practically an informal Ducal or Margravial title for Upper Burgundy/Transjurana respectively (the tenants styled themselves "Dux et Rector Burgundiae", but there was no official Duchy). That region that covered all of Western Switzerland and parts of France, and was not absorbed by the kingdom of Arles that replaced the Burgundian kingdom in the South. It doesn't match perfectly, but it's not too far-fetched.

    The problem is that the administrative division didn't correspond to the cultural boundaries. This is made even more complicated by the fact that Basel itself was nominally lying within to the Kingdom of Burgundy, and so didn't belong to the Duchies or Counties of Germany, despite being seen as part of Swabia (it was just on the border between the two).
    Concerning historical names: In German, the name seems to have always bee Basel, the only alternative being the Latin "Basilia".

  10. #10


    Repository idea: faction intro movies

    The idea

    Period compositions I would use (both 12th century), either

    An absolute hit, Under der linden
    Meie din liechter schin

  11. #11
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    German names in the Middle Ages: we've got Rainald for HRE, and Reinald for France/Jerusalem. I wonder if it's right.
    Besides: placement of resources will be improved in the version 097.

  12. #12


    Do you have any tips to stabilize the HRE? Because with each change of emperor I have the impression that we cannot avoid civil war.

  13. #13
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthalion View Post
    Do you have any tips to stabilize the HRE? Because with each change of emperor I have the impression that we cannot avoid civil war.
    Perhaps not, I don't know. The HRE is one of the biggest and richest factions so it has different challenges from, say, Portugal or Zenghids. For the Byzantines these are also civil wars (plus risks of a jihad against Constantinople). For the HRE are the civil wars and the potentially aggressive pope (plus risks of excommunication).

  14. #14
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthalion View Post
    Do you have any tips to stabilize the HRE? Because with each change of emperor I have the impression that we cannot avoid civil war.
    In my experience , i suppose carefully adopt (or not addopting or marriaging) non family members , and get lucky with SONS instead of DAUGHTERS so they get the Claimant trait. YOu are going to have to let an Usuruper take the throne and establish his own bloodline most likely , this is why the first turns are a pain , since you cant defend your kingdom which is largely spread out.

    But this is historical. The HRE was literally plagued by power hungry nobles and civil wars , almost everytime , someone wanted a shot at the crown , and created massive pain in the rear of the empire.

  15. #15
    Nemesis2345's Avatar Semisalis
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    Default Re: [F] - Holy Roman Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurand of Cracow View Post
    VI. Units

    to be developed in due course
    I might have an idea i kept thinking a long time ago regarding the HRE .

    They shouldnt be able to recruit archers , or have VERY LOW archer replenishment (and no professional archers). From what i gathered , the HRE was dominated by Crossbows .

    There is the duplicate unit of Levy Crossbowmen - Crossbow Militia , maybe you can convert one of them to Western Crossbowmen or Sergeant Crossbowmen , and give ownership only to the HRE . And you can remove levy archers and semi professional archers (or make replenishment much much lower).

  16. #16


    Out of curiousity, what's the rationale for giving some provinces of the HRE to this faction and leaving others out? Is it gameplay? Is it some areas being more 'loyal' to the Imperial throne? Nominally speaking even Pisa was part of the Holy Roman Empire so I can see why it was omitted, but why Burgundy and not Bohemia?

  17. #17
    Jurand of Cracow's Avatar History and gameplay!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slaytaninc View Post
    Out of curiousity, what's the rationale for giving some provinces of the HRE to this faction and leaving others out? Is it gameplay? Is it some areas being more 'loyal' to the Imperial throne? Nominally speaking even Pisa was part of the Holy Roman Empire so I can see why it was omitted, but why Burgundy and not Bohemia?
    I don't know. It was done before my time in the SSHIP. Maybe something is described in this thread?

  18. #18


    Late pikemen incorrectly categorized as spearman rather than pikes

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