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Thread: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A R3.5 released!

  1. #1

    Default Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A R3.5 released!

    Greetings fans of Europa Barbarorum!

    It's been over two years since our last release, a lot of things happened which conspired to stop the patch releasing within just a few months of 2.35, as we had originally hoped. The team's roster has gone up and down, people have been pulled away to deal with things in their personal lives, and much else besides. Contrary to rumours this would never appear, we have actually been very rigorously playtesting this patch for about the last two months.

    Sure we could have released one of those earlier versions, but if you could see the number of bugs, omissions, gaps and silly errors, you wouldn't have been impressed with the final product. We didn't want to be in the position of releasing a Day One patch, like a lot of AAA games do. We also had some fun and games working out how to apply this patch to Mac and Linux, without having to release a "fat patch" that was three times the size of this one. Fortunately, some clever people found a way, and so everyone can download the same file.

    As a result of all that playtesting, we are pretty confident that this is a very stable release, and as long as you follow the instructions and do your own research, you will be able to complete any campaign you begin. As ever, we still expect people to find things that have been overlooked; while we have new tools and more internal playtesters, there are things we may have missed, or which need a longer play-through to appreciate the impact. Use this thread to report your feedback, if you have any bugs, use the appropriate subforum. If you feel inspired enough to do a Let's Play or the like, let us know so we can promote it.

    There is a lot of new content here, not just the new units you've seen previewed on the feeds. We might add a changelog at some point to give more detail, but many factions will have changes specific to them, and overall gameplay has had some updates which will apply to everyone. Including faction re-emergence that now works properly (thanks Erken)! What isn't here, I'm afraid, are the new settlement models, because they're just too big to include. You will get them in 2.4, which will be a full installer.

    Whether you are new to EBII or have played before, we'd still recommend you browse the updated Player's Guide.

    As always it's necessary to be absolutely explicit about this point:


    Installation instructions

    These instructions are not optional, we've learned through bitter experience what is necessary to make the game work on the various platforms out there.

    We would recommend that you uninstall and make a fresh installation of EBII v2.35 before you attempt to patch, following the instructions in the thread for 2.35. As always, make sure your M2TW installation is outside of Program Files/Program Files x86. If your game is installed there, the patch will not work.

    Let me repeat that, if your game is installed in Program Files or Program Files x86, the patch will not work. The files will be selectively applied, if at all, and the patch won't run.

    We suggest using QBittorrent to download torrent links over the alternatives due to a lack of advertising and the open source nature of that project.

    1) Download the patch: EBMultiplayer Torrent link | Direct Download 1 | Direct Download 2

    If you have the means to host the files, please do so and share the link - I'll update this post with it.

    1a) Download this post-release fix. Check it says "v2.35A R3.5" on your main menu to confirm successful patching.

    2a - Windows) Open the zip and copy and paste the "data" folder over that same folder in your EBII folder. Say "yes" to overwrite all files.

    2b - Mac) Use ditto to copy the files and directories intelligently. Say "yes" to overwrite all files.

    2c - Linux) Use the rsync command to copy the files and structure. Say "yes" to overwrite all files.

    3) Start a EB2 campaign. WAIT for the game to generate the world, the game has not frozen, it takes time to do this on your very first campaign. It's generating the map.rwm file.

    4) There may be a “Fatal Graphics Error” and crash to the desktop when you start the campaign only on the very first time. This is normal (though is less common than it was), just start the game again.

    Change List

    See this thread.

    And finally...

    In closing - EBII is still not complete. We are not finished - there will be future releases. We are at around 85% complete now - what we still need, what we always need, are more willing volunteers. If you are a 3D artist able to work with 3DS Max or Milkshape, or a 2D artist skilled with Photoshop who can work to instructions, we want you. If you have a knowledge in ancient history and a desire to contribute, we want you. If you are a scripter or coder, and have some familiarity with the files used here (compiled with C++ I believe), we want you. If you can proofread and edit XML files accurately, we want you. If you can playtest the ever-living crap out of a game, then do it all over again after a minor change, we want you. If you like the mod, and are eager to learn how to do something that can help to contribute, we want you. Apply here.

    As ever, thank you for your support and remember to read more history.

    - The Europa Barbarorum II Team
    Last edited by Abdülmecid I; November 22, 2023 at 06:22 AM. Reason: Updated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Came home to this. Thank you guys.

    When it downloads, I can host it on Google Drive and maybe MS OneDrive for a few months if you want. But it's up to you, their ToS regarding ownership of data are kinda shady these days...

  3. #3
    The excited one's Avatar Senator
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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    war is peace, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery......
    (george orwell 1984)

  4. #4
    Raiuga's Avatar Civis
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Congrats to the team for all the work put onto this.

    Eager to play the new patch.

    Thank you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Hooray! I haven't been playing recently as I wanted to start a new campaign with 2.35A. This is going to be fun.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Hope you guys enjoy the new traits and all the new stuff!

    I'm really excited to know what's your opinions on the new maritime scripts as well as the wife traits

  7. #7

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Just curious while we wait for download to complete...EBII doesn't have Discord channel, does it?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Congratulations on the release!

    Mundus Bellicus - TWC - ModDB - Discord - Steam
    ~ Patronized by Gaius Baltar, son of the Great Family of imb39, of the House of Garbarsardar, of the Noble House of Wilpuri.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sar1n View Post
    Just curious while we wait for download to complete...EBII doesn't have Discord channel, does it?
    I think we do, though I don't recall the details.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sar1n View Post
    Just curious while we wait for download to complete...EBII doesn't have Discord channel, does it?
    There's at least a discord for Europa Barbarorum on the RTW discord that at the moment works for both EBI and EBII.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Congratulations on the release. I am sure this is a good release with great details. Thank you very much.


  12. #12
    Marvzilla's Avatar Senator
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    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Grand ! Thanks and congratulations on the new release, I will check it out as soon as a direct download hits, can barely wait.

  13. #13
    Morrowgan's Avatar Centenarius
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    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    My day is made
    Member of the Beyond Skyrim Project

  14. #14

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Great to see 2.35A released can't wait to play.

    Thanks to the modders for your patience and hard work.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Well, this was a surprise! Glad I kept Medieval II installed all these years in hopes of an update. I'll probably wait for a download mirror before proceeding, but I'm looking forward to it!

    Thanks for the team as always for their hard work and dedication.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Damn... Congratulations, EBII team!

    Thank you so much for the endurance and passion of further enhancing this splendid work

    EDIT: I could upload EBII 2.35A patch to GoFile and share the link, if it's helpful; it seems a suitable host:
    Last edited by jdofo; April 06, 2021 at 09:41 AM.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Download complete. Say the word and I'll put it up on Google Drive, I just want to know it's okay with creators due to Google's ToS.

    Edit: also, would you mind if I repacked it as .zip in 7zip? The current archive was packed as .rar using WinRAR, which makes it incompatible with 7zip.
    Last edited by Sar1n; April 06, 2021 at 10:06 AM.

  18. #18
    Khevsur's Avatar Senator
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    Kingdom of Georgia

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!


    If you have a knowledge in ancient history and a desire to contribute, we want you.

    I studied ancient Georgian archeology for 3 years, showed you archeological materials, drew warriors, uploaded files. I told you that the name "Kartvelni Mehomni" is incorrect and "Meomarni Kartlisani" is correct. in Kingdom of Kartli was no horned helmet and chalcidian helmets .
    You do not appreciate my work, You are not interested in historical accuracy.I think you are specifically reducing old Georgian warriors.

    This unit is absurd and Anachronism.Who created this ugliness?

    Last edited by Khevsur; April 06, 2021 at 10:13 AM.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Quote Originally Posted by Khevsur View Post

    I studied ancient Georgian archeology for 3 years, showed you archeological materials, drew warriors, uploaded files. I told you that the name "Kartvelni Mehomni" is incorrect and "Meomarni Kartlisani" is correct. in Kingdom of Kartli was no horned helmet and chalcidian helmets .
    You do not appreciate my work, You are not interested in historical accuracy.I think you are specifically reducing old Georgian warriors.

    This unit is absurd and Anachronism.Who created this ugliness?

    Yes, the entire total war modding community is against Georgian units. You want changes in literally every mod on twcenter, and are angry when people don't do it. And shame on you for calling units people worked hard on as ugly. I hope there are never any georgian units made just because of the way you act.

    Back on topic, congrats guys! Great to see EBII still alive an kicking. Although after such a long time without a release you could at least call it 2.36 It's not like you will run out of numbers

  20. #20

    Default Re: Announcement: Europa Barbarorum II 2.35A released!

    Ouch, I see you've been rebalancing javelins and slings. Slingers only summarily lost one attack, but javelins...I'm afraid there'll be little need for skirmishers, both foot and mounted.

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