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Thread: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

  1. #41
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    Remnant of the Duklja Empire

    Big remnant of the once great empire of Duklja, which existed at least 15,000 years BC, is presented in the form of several separate states. These states include the Republic of Protego, the Serenissima Republica Belgiamonte, the Riothamus-Dominion (Warlordship) of Cavinto, the Kingdom of Tramontina, the Duchy of Ribalti and the Signoria of Legnano. All these powers own several star systems. The populations of countries are usually large.
    The largest association is Cavinto. All states, except Ribalti, are members of the Galaxy Coalition. At the time of the Acheronian War of 2596, the Seniors of Ribalti went over to the side of the League. Later, this resulted in the capture of the duchy by the army of Belgiamonte. Legnano, however, completely obeyed the High Doge Guidobaldo Agustino Rossi of Belgiamonte, recognizing his dominion.
    Many of the interstellar countries mentioned have their own armies. Protego, however, remains a peaceful power and does not contain professional troops. Only the special forces and the gendarmerie are fighting on the side of the republic. At one time, the Cavintian warlord-autocrat Asparo Conte even tried to occupy Protego, taking advantage of the absence of an army from the republic, but the case ended in failure. Almost all states, except Ribalti, cooperate with Elfurr. It is known that the Doge Belgiamonte Guidobaldo Rossi and the Cavinto warlord-autokrator Svyatopolk Fortunato declared the high elfurr ruler their main ally.
    The most powerful rulers of the Duklja remnant are also recognized as Fortunato and Rossi. Their connection with Elfurr gives them almost unlimited power. For example, the Doge Guidobaldo was supposed to rule for only 10 years according to the laws of Beljamonte, but thanks to cooperation with Elfurr, he lasted 35 years, handing over the rule to his brother Enrico (although in the republican system this is basically impossible).
    The Republic of Protego, which has long ago got rid of the superiority of the aristocrats, is recognized as more or less democratic. But still, it also has disadvantages - a strong unwillingness of the locals to fight and fight, even if their homeland is in danger. The cult of Pacifico is popular on Protego, which preaches non-resistance to evil by violence and the ideology of pacifism.
    As for religions, in the states of the Duklja Remnant, the main religion is the Cult of the Goddess (according to some data, Lucretia), as well as the teachings of all kinds of saints (both women and men). On Cavinto, the activity of the Cult of the Sun was noted (he is also the god of the sun and starlight Khaton). Despite all the contradictions and some problems, these states (the Duklja remnant) are considered the best for living. There is absolutely no poverty there.

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    Carrier "Imichet", Elfurr battleship near the Earth.

    The Elf'urr empire and its best artisans Shekelesh are famous not only for their pyramidal space ships and cities in the ancient Egyptian style, but also for their unique drone carriers, operated by only a few operators. These ships have been around since ancient times, and were known about 20,000 years before the events of the Achaeronian War. The 'Imichet' drone carrier is considered one of the oldest carrier ships of the Elf'urr empire. Legend has it that it was created even before the War with Marfur-Nirari in the Hyperborean era of the galaxy. The ship's designer is considered to be the no less legendary elf'urr scientist-technologist Karima'Rael Tikhutmetkhari. At the moment (in the 26th century AD), the Empire uses this drone carrier only in the defense of the central worlds and the most important key points of the galaxy.

    After the armada of Achaeron was destroyed near the Orion system, Pharaoh Senuhsert gave the order to send the drone-carrier 'Imichet' into the possession of the Earth Alliance. The ship has arrived in the solar system and is now guarding the lunar zone of Earth, the main capital of the Alliance. The head of the team of operators is the "chariot" Yakhmos User'Kaf, one of the brothers of the admiral Ahmanet User`kaf. After the destruction of the "Silabirdin" Fleet, a group of League terrorists who secretly settled at the Lunar Base tried to fire anti-space weapons at the ship, but all the shells fired simply did not reach the target. The terrorists were then captured by elf'urr special forces and turned over to the Earth Alliance for punishment. "Imichet" still stands guard over the Earth, and is not only a reliable drone carrier, but also a symbol of friendship between Elf'urr and humanity.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; June 24, 2021 at 09:07 AM.

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  3. #43
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    Conflict at Rapopulus, 2592.

    Meingard Republic sometimes can be a problem for the whole galaxy. Till the 2568 it was a part of the Coalition, but after the Domna`s War, it was expelled. Meingard continued to be isolated galactic state. After the death of dictator Antonius Domna, power came to the archon Agesilaus. But problems continued for the Meingard state. The population of the planet Rapopulus in that time has long consisted mainly of St'Fing (ape-like six-eyed creatures). Planet Rapopulus, along with two other planets of the Rap system, were given to the Meingard Republic from the St`Fing empire in 2372. Many of native inhabitans were not-humans. In the time of supreme elder of Meingard, Archon Agesilaus, who had just come to power in the republic, racists problems are started to be the most discussing issue in galaxy lawyers companies.

    Agesilaus came into conflict with the Draconian Empire in 2592 over the Amelia-4 sector, as a result of which all trade relations and pacts between the two powers were severed. Taking advantage of the conflicts of Agesilai, the St'fing insurgents, who advocated the independence of their race, raised an uprising against Meingard. The riot began on the planet Rapopulus. Agesilaus, quickly resolving issues with other civilizations, urgently sent the army of General Franjo Kovacs to suppress the rebellion. The suppression of the rebellion resulted in a massive plunder of the cities of Rapopolus. As a result, Meingard's special forces accidentally burned down the residence of the elf'urr ambassador Nintharel, destroying 20 grav-mobiles. The Elf'urr Empire demanded answers from Agesilaus and his commanders.
    Agesilaus was forced to enter into urgent negotiations with Elf'urr and the rest of the powers of the galaxy. The army of General Kovacs, meanwhile, defeated the rebels and completely returned Rapopulus under the control of the republic. Elf'urr did not forgive the burning of the residence and brought a huge fleet into the Rap system. Admiral Ahmanet User'Kaf was appointed commander of the fleet. However, Agesilai has already managed to agree with Elf'urr on the payment of huge compensation for the burned down residence of the ambassador. Ahmanet was forced to leave the system along with the armada. A full-scale conflict between Elf'urr and Meingard never happened.
    After the suppression of the rebellion, Agesilaus summoned General Kovacs and removed him from all posts for plundering Rapopulus. Kovacs was sent into exile on the planet Vasily.

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    Corinth Siege

    The planet Corinth has long belonged to the Artandir Republic, which is part of the Coalition. It is also one of the largest ecumenopolis in the galaxy. However, during the Acheronian War, Corinth was attacked by General Sai-Tarariano K-Tarita and his huge fleet of Unn Chor. As a result of the attack, most of the space stations guarding Corinth were disabled. Several debris fell into the giant skyscrapers of the ecumenopolis. Deciding that the defense had been broken, the general began the landing. Several landing barges successfully landed on the city streets.
    But soon the large fleet of Admiral Alexio, a veteran of the war with Meingard in 2568, arrived to help the planet. Alexio defeated the K-Tarith armada and scattered the ships through the system. The Unn Chorr marines were utterly defeated in the city streets of Corinth City. There were no more attempts by the League to take possession of Corinth. Planetary Governor Fiakl Teest awarded the Medal of Smaragd to the Admiral Alexio.

    For now the day of Acheron fleet destruction (14 may 2595) is a national holiday in the whole Corinth.

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    Age of Antonin Domna

    The era of Domna is far from calling as 'century', its only a period of several decades. This period is considered one of the darkest in the history of Meingard Republic. Meingard was officially part of the Galaxy Coalition until 2568. But due to the Artandir war, it was expelled from the Coalition. The reason for everything is the dictator Antonin Domna. This man was the favourite of the Republic Council of Elders. As an experiment, they wanted to put him at the head of the country. But having come to power, Antonin quickly dealt with all the elders and single-handedly headed the state. He did not take the title of emperor, but remained the Supreme Elder, although at the time of absolute power he was no more than 40 years old. (many other elders were 70-80 years old)
    During Domna's reign, a war almost broke out with the St-Fing and Aranguto race. Antonin pursued a racist policy of "human-superiority" and equated people with the Supreme Creatures. He considered all representatives of other races to be "unworthy". In 2568, Domna suppressed peasant uprisings on several planets. As a result, the administration of the Embassy of Artandir Galactic Republic burned down. Some analysts thought, it was a provocation. This action led to a massive confrontation with Artandir. President Fernand declared a war to the Antonin Domna. The Artandir armada, led by Admiral Alexio, struck several blows at Meingard. Later, peace was concluded between the two galactic powers. Meingard was expelled from the Coalition and turned to the "isolated state" status. Tyrant remained in power for another 5 years after 2568, after which he died of poison. Who exactly poisoned him - no one knows. But the period of the Era of Domna was remembered for a long time for all countries of the Coalition of the Galaxy, and in particular for Artandir.

    For now Meingard is not part of the Coalition, but its new leader heront Agesilao is ally of Coalition against the Achaeron League. Agesilao also restored the trade relations with Elf`Urr Empire, and declared himself as ally of the Senuhsert III Scorpio (elf`urr pharaoh (great ruler)).

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    Kidarit Race

    Kidarites are on the list of hostile alien races for the Coalition. Outwardly, they look like sullen gray-skinned creatures with toothy jaws and scarlet eyes. Their other names are Soul Eaters or Life Eaters. They feed on the energy component of other organisms and even feed their ships with it. The Kidarite race is considered hostile not only to the Coalition, but also to the races that make up the Acheronian League. Although at the same time, the fact of cooperation of the League with the Kidarites is known.
    Kidarites inhabit the far-off worlds of the Ha-Urr galaxy. They prefer to enslave local "wild" civilizations and use their peoples as slaves and fuel. Kidarite technology is perfect, as it is based on the knowledge and science of the extinct Sovilar race. They possess versatile fleets capable of teleporting from one system to another in a matter of seconds. They also have more modernized camouflage systems.
    The origin of the Kidarites is still unknown. According to some sources, they are descendants of Sovilar, according to others, this is a mutated human form. Researchers who studied their DNA structure came to the conclusion that they are related to humans.
    At the moment, the Kidarites are headed by the great emperor-exarch Yabgu-Roila.

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    Sinopa-3 Battle

    The Battle of Sinopa-3 took place in mid-August 2595. The fleet of Admiral Katharina Valarty (Kingdom of Tramontine Royal Forces) managed to inflict a brutal defeat on the armada of the Acheronian League.
    It all started with a massive anti-elfurr uprising in the Sinopa star system (Far Worlds galaxy sector), which belonged to the Coalition. The local governor Isaurius Sebastian suppressed the rebellion by ordering the arrest of all the ringleaders. Nevertheless, the League fleet, led by Admiral Minka-Rabashanin (of the Sozidaus race), managed to respond to the call of the rebels. An armada of 50,000 ships has arrived in the system. Isaurius Sebastian requested urgent support from the command. The nearest flotilla, stationed in the Tramontine sectors, belonged to Admiral Katharina Valarty. Her fleet entered the Sinopa system already when the League forces appeared there.
    In a heavy battle, up to 30,000 enemy ships were destroyed. Admiral Katharina Valarty used the "Nuclear Ambush" tactic. She sent several drones loaded with nuclear warheads. They dashed straight into the center of the enemy fleet. After large-scale explosions, the main Valarti armada destroyed the Minka-Rabashanin flagship. The battle for Sinopa-3 ended there.
    From Queen Georgette I of Tramontina, Valarti received the title of Countess as a reward for winning the battle.

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    Armaric-3 siege and the deep secret of this planet

    The planet Armaric-3 in the star system Armaric-Evropiana is considered a mystery to many scientists. At the moment it belongs to the Artandir Republic. But in ancient times, in the imperial period, various legends circulated here. One of the ancient artists named Tsintius Dolabella claimed that mysterious Debris was hidden deep under the main city of Armaric-3. In his opinion, these were the oldest stones in which the commanders of the disappeared (mythical) empire of Tiamat, destroyed 300-400,000 years BC, rested. However, Dolabella said that these stones were activated at one time, and this happened 20,000 years before our era. One of the Debris belonged to Shalaz-Alair, the Dark Dervish. Dolabella tried to find these stones and even organized an expedition to the underground levels of Armaric City. But the imperial police found the artist in time and detained him for breaking the rules. Dolabella was later burned at the stake. According to another version, he died in prison. It is noteworthy that the artist said that the creatures hidden in these stones tried to contact him through dreams. According to police, Dolabella was declared insane.
    In modern times, in the era of 2596 (the Acheronian War), the planet Armaric-3 is very interested in occult experts from the Acheronian League. Of particular interest were representatives of the N-Sai race, who swore allegiance to the League in 2594. The N-Sai special forces managed to capture half of Armarik-3, but thanks to the efforts of the general-governor (high domestik) Foka Anastasius Epsilante , the entire planetac never fell under the rule of the enemy. Today, fierce battles with superior enemy forces are being waged throughout Armarik-3. Planet is in the 'siege' status. According to intelligence of Epsilante, the League is very interested in the underground levels of the main city, and therefore has organized excavations in several places. Perhaps they are just trying to find the very ancient stones that Dolabella mentioned so much. Whether this is true or not is still unknown.

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    Reconciliation between Meingard and Artandir because of Acheronian War.

    The Acheronian War, which broke out across the galaxy, reconciled for some time the two previously warring countries. We are talking about the Artandir Republic and the Meingard Union (Meingard Republic). In 2568, Meingard declared war on Artandir over the rebellion on the planet Trinacrin. The confrontation lasted six months, and as a result, Artandir utterly defeated the Mayngard fleets and ground armies. The Union was later expelled from the Coalition of Galactic States. However, with the outbreak of the Acheronian War, Arthandir`s president Cedric decided to resume cooperation with the once hostile state. Meingard refused to submit to the Acheronian League and rejected the delegation of its ambassadors led by the cossatian messenger Ser`Kiraani. The Union government accepted Artandir's proposal for a temporary reconciliation. Since then, the admirals of Meingard and the Artandir Republic have fought side by side. In the last months of 2596, more than 30 operations were carried out against the League. These operations were won jointly by Meingard and Artandir forces.

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  10. #50
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    It sounds like the late 26th century is a period of intense warfare in your universe. I wonder if that's normal for all centuries, or if something caused an increase in conflict. Good updates!

  11. #51
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    Yeah, thank you! The warfare in my universe exists in many periods. To say more, the main enemy is the same as in Hyperborean period. I said some allusions about it in the topic of Hyperborean line (in last post). War is everywhere. )))) And according to the prophecy of the ancient Witches, it is in the year 2596 that all wars must end, since the universal evil will be defeated.



    Alur-Mulkarr is a mysterious race of parasites. There is no mention of this civilization in the official reports of the Coalition bestiary. Little is known about this life form. Only Elfurr knows about her. The secret of the existence of Alur-Mulkarr has not been disclosed. Alur-Mulkarr appears to be a substance that changes absolutely all life forms on the different planets. Moreover, according to some reports, it can even change the planet itself and transform it beyond recognition. Elfurr officially deny the existence of such a race. According to them, Alur-Mulkarr was destroyed 20,000 BC. However, for some unknown reasons, the Elfurr left their colony in the Sekhenhra-Taa star system, located in the Andromeda Prima galaxy. The portal network with the main planet was destroyed. Rumor has it that mysterious parasites are to blame. Could it be Alur-Mulkarr? Nobody knows.

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    Kurolisk (Cocatrix, Cocatrisk)

    Kurolisk (Cocatrix) was the terrible and furious creature from the far ancient times. Kurolisk was known as one of the eternal companions of the ancient god Marfur-Nirari, who is considered a legendary character in many mythological sources. According to ancient legends, Marfur-Nirari sent him to destroy the rebellious planets. Kurolisk was a terrifying creature, a hybrid of a cock, a snake, a bird, and partly a dragon. Its overall height and length could change depending on the desire of the creature. In some myths, its length reaches several kilometers (approximately). Other legends describing it like the creature with planet size. It is also known that he could move through space. Whether this creature really was or was it a fairy tale is still unknown. But many civilizations in the galaxy choose not to speak the word of Kurolisk. For example, in the Draconian Empire or the Kinos Dominion, this word means a demonic creature. For naming this word every person can take a punishment from authorities.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 02, 2021 at 08:43 AM.

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    Pirates Alliance problems

    Pirates are one of the biggest problems for the entire Coalition of the Galaxy. Long before the Acheronian War, space filibusters created many problems for merchant fleets. It is because of the pirate raids that merchants are forced to either call for mercenaries or turn to the state fleet for help. Usually, every merchant ship has a gun bays. The defense system usually works at the highest level.
    At the moment, the pirate threat has increased significantly. The problem of piracy not only did not disappear during the confrontation between the League and the Coalition, but even worsened. Some of the representatives of the Pirate Alliance went over to the side of the League. The Acheron government uses them to raid hostile worlds. In addition, it gives out certain bonuses for looted Coalition trade caravans that constantly follow the cosmic routes.
    The Coalition avoids cooperation with pirates, but some powers use their services. It is known that the current Doge of the Beljamonte Republic (Signor Rossi) is having friendship with several pirate clans. He uses them as support against League, although he does not officially disclose that he is collaborating with criminals.
    Elfurr believe that cooperating with pirates is a shame and dishonor for everyone.

    Official home of all pirate clans is the system Tortuga-Neosis. Also they have representatives in Bradatus star sector (planets Neo-Homorra, Prince and asteroid ring Jacks Graveyard). Sometimes Galaxy Coalition even plans to make a full invasion to these sectors. But every time, these plans are changing. Some experts saying, that pirates have friends in Coalition council, but nobody knows, who is it.
    Last edited by BagaturSasha; August 12, 2021 at 03:16 PM.

    Leader of the "Creative flame" studio.
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  14. #54
    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    It sounds like the relationship which each faction has with the pirates - using them openly or secretly or refusing to work with them - tells us something about each faction. Good updates!

  15. #55
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    Thank you!
    Yeah, Pirates sometimes can serve both alliances. There is a special clan with name "Heads Collectioners". Warlord of this cruel clan serves Achaeron League and also riothamus Fortunato, war-leader of Cavinto Signoria (Cavinto is old part of Coalition). Sometimes he can change his master, and serves the League member, Ser`Chaumurunkhi. This man have many masters... and a lot of billions in his treasury. His name is Pritanus Dark-Heart.

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    Nicomedian Radical Group

    The Nicomedian Commonwealth is a state of thousands of opportunities and thousands of problems. Controlled by the Nicomedian race (yellow-skinned tall humanoid creatures with a slight forehead protrusion). The fact is that since 30 900 (according to the Earth's chronology - 100 BC), the Nicomedian race has no army and navy. It is all the fault of the dictatorial rule of the Vithin`exotrorch Kachaporit (Ankru`Rattana`Taranaka`Kachaporit) in the period 30850-30900 according to Nikomedian calculus. Kachaporit was the one who spearheaded the full-scale expansion of Nicomedia. He planned to take over the entire Milky Way galaxy and then crash into all other galaxies. But thanks to the intervention of Elfurr, the Nikomedians lost up to 20 major battles, and Kachaporit was defeated and deposed. The army and navy of Nicomedia ceased to exist. Instead, the Defense and Law Enforcement Forces were created, overseen by Elfurr.
    In earthly 2596, Nicomedia has no navy or army. This happened as a result of the Pact concluded with Elfurr and the countries of the galaxy after the fall of Kachaporit. But there are those Nikomedians who still do not understand why they were deprived of the army and navy for the campaign of conquest of their leader. They are called the Radical Group. These are mainly representatives of the old elite. The current vithin`exotrorch Ankrutana`Rakatanasin categorically does not support radicalism and leans towards Elfurr and the Coalition of Galactic States. He believes that the army and navy will be redundant for Nicomedia, as they are reminiscent of dark times. In addition, there are still many pacifists among the Nicomedians. However, the Radicals believe that Elfurr actually enslaved the Nicomedians and deprived them of their freedom. Many of them hope that someday the Pact will be canceled and Nicomedia will "show itself to the galaxy again."
    The danger is that Nicomedia was not deprived of the army and navy for no reason. There are many galactic empires that have attempted large-scale conquests at the time. But they were not deprived of either the army or the navy. In the case of Nicomedia, everything is very serious. First, the Nikomedians possessed one of the most powerful fleets in the galaxy (the Karakk super-ships, the most armored of all in the universe). Secondly, the Nikomedians, during the heyday of their power, often tried to destroy other races. Third, the Nicomedians never tolerated the rivals they saw in Elfurr. Therefore, analysts believe that if you give Nicomedia a fleet and an army, it will lead to a powerful escalation of violence, and in the end - to a war with the entire Coalition.

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    Because the Nikomedians tried to destroy other races during their heydey, I wonder if those other races decided to attack them, after they no longer had an army or navy. I wonder how the Nikomedians survived - perhaps because of the Pact with the Elfurr?
    Last edited by Alwyn; October 02, 2021 at 01:28 AM.

  18. #58
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    Yeah, Pact with Elfurr is making Nicomedians almost invinsible. Its because of the Allied Fleet protocole. Allied fleet is armada under Elfurr command. But some hundred years ago commanders of this fleet became representatives of other races too. Allied Fleet is 10k ships army, which is going to protect Nicomedian systems against all enemies. In 2595 there was a useless trying to attack Nicomedia from League. Fleet of the admiral Zergiu`Afraam (kinos species female officer) successfully destroyed Achaeron fleet near the Kacharunka asteroid ring.
    High officer of this fleet can be representative of every race. But the main command is under control of Elfurr. Elfurr king Senuhsert is having rank of the Allied Fleet`s High Lord-Commander.
    But its good to know also about the "secret opinion". Some analysts thinks, that Nicomedian radicals created secret alliance with League, and maybe even have plans to make a coup against the vithin`exotrorch Ankrutana`Rakatanasin, who is Elfurr ally. The most famous radical leader is the Chaura`Karamana`Tiritaranaka (Chaura). He was author of the book with name "Elfurrs - who are they? War criminals or our protectors?". This book was immediately forbidden in Nicomedia by the law of high government. Chaura was taken to far provincial planet to his own residence. (He called it as "home arrest") He haven`t got abilities to leave it.

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    Kastrina Siege

    At the very end of 2595, there was a major breakthrough of the Acheronian League to the planet Castrina, belonging to the Byzantian Empire (not connected with real Byzantium), a member of the Coalition and ally of Elfurr. The planet's defense was commanded by the duka-general Lazar Urosh Estokratis. During the bombardment of the main city, Castrinopolis, the planetary komit Theodosius Dextro was killed. Estokratis had to almost single-handedly lead the entire planetary army. Most of the commanders died as a result of the shelling of Kastrinopolis. The Kho`Nari drones serving the League destroyed much of the city. But thanks to the efforts of Estokratis, the defense held its own. The League's fleet managed to land the troops. The Acherons tried to blockade Castrinopolis, but were rebuffed. The Manavlatoi Guard went into battle (created in times of the emperor Patroclus III Bearded (2390-2402)), which was considered ceremonial and, as a rule, participated in parades. But in battle, they showed themselves as true heroes. The Manavlatoi crushed the Acheronian regiments and threw them away from Kastrinopolis. Estokratis held out until the arrival of reinforcements from Arthandir republic led by Admiral Orsino Asanapul. The League was expelled from Castrin. The Byzantians received over 40,000 prisoners. Soon, by order of the emperor Honorius, they were released. General Estokratis did not see victory. He died in hand-to-hand combat along with the manavlatoi literally 10 minutes before the arrival of reinforcements.

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    Alwyn's Avatar Frothy Goodness
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    Default Re: Sci-fi world "New Universe". Development.

    Estokratis sounds like a tough leader, to endure so much and achieve a victory. I imagine his tenacity could have inspired others.

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