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Thread: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

  1. #41
    Indefinitely Banned
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    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    are you going to make compatible version with EB 2.3 ?

  2. #42
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Quote Originally Posted by enggraphice View Post
    are you going to make compatible version with EB 2.3 ?
    Most likely not. I already stated this on the previous page.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    any possibility you would update this for 2.3 ?

  4. #44

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    This is amazing, are these principate era units for EBII ?

    I see someone asking if these are compatible with EBII 2.3; what's the difference between 2.1 and 2.3 ?

    Thanks, I appreciate your work ! This was the one thing that stopped me playing EBII after my first Roman campaign and I realised that there were no Principate era units !

  5. #45

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    The difference is that there are new units on each version which require changing some files on the game. That's why this submod won't be compatible with the current version unless you edit the files.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Understood. I've played EBII before a few years ago, and quit once I realised there were no principate units.

    I had forgotten how many turns it takes to get to what would be ~ 50BC. Apparently 800 ?

    If I install your submod, does it simply keep the normal EBII experience and "unlock" the principate units with a barracks event or something after x turns ?

  7. #47

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    I'm not the creator of this submod, it's Roma Victrix.

    In any case, this mod is not compatible with the current EBII version, your game will crash if you try to install it.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b


  9. #49
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Quote Originally Posted by sharkeyyyy View Post
    Understood. I've played EBII before a few years ago, and quit once I realised there were no principate units.

    I had forgotten how many turns it takes to get to what would be ~ 50BC. Apparently 800 ?

    If I install your submod, does it simply keep the normal EBII experience and "unlock" the principate units with a barracks event or something after x turns ?
    I have no plans on redoing this submod for 2.3 and it is not compatible, meaning it would crash if you tried to install it.

    Otherwise yes, they were Principate era Roman legionary units from De Bello Mundi. Quite frankly, EBII already has great Marian era units that look fantastic and are basically indistinguishable from legionaries as they would have appeared during the reign of Augustus at the beginning of the Principate. There just aren't any lorica segmentata legions in EBII. The cavalry auxiliaries also look fantastic. You should give it a try. Also, the Marian reforms can be reached after about 500 turns in the middle of the 2nd century BC.

  10. #50
    Metaluis90's Avatar Ordinarius
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    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Altough you said you won't be updating your mod anymore, to be frank I'm more interested in your polybian looking equites consulares mod part, is there any way to have them on the current EB II build?
    "Rules without exceptions last eternally; Roman Law is the only law"
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  11. #51
    Domaje's Avatar Civis
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    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    The Romans already have polybian equites as BG when the polybian reform comes in EBII.

  12. #52
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    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Hopefully on topic enough, but anyone know any good Roman general models to match up with later reforms? It should be save compatible to switch out mid-game and would be a nice touch as the campaign progresses

  13. #53

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Would it be possible to simply use the new units as an upgade for the marian legion via the giving them better armour? As the bodyguard unit get's an upgrade by giving them new armour.
    I might give it a go and see if it works gameplay wise.

    What other files do I need to bring over to make it work?
    Unit_models & sprite files

    Also Roma_Victrix if you reads this what Legion unit looks the most "generic" that I can use as the upgrade?
    Last edited by welshy91; November 04, 2021 at 07:39 PM.

  14. #54

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Quote Originally Posted by welshy91 View Post
    Would it be possible to simply use the new units as an upgade for the marian legion via the giving them better armour? As the bodyguard unit get's an upgrade by giving them new armour.
    I might give it a go and see if it works gameplay wise. I want the delay obviously so I can play around with the marian legion for awhile.
    Yes, that would be possible to do.
    Last edited by Lusitanio; November 04, 2021 at 07:34 PM. Reason: spelling

  15. #55

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    So I managed to get the unit (Legionary_Italica) into the game as a upgraded version for the marian legion. Only problem is, as Roma_Victrix explained the legion holds the shield like a spaz. Also their stature is a little shorter than EB units.
    What would be the issue in holding the shield wrong? and I noticed they're throwing the pilum the opposite side as well

  16. #56

    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Quote Originally Posted by welshy91 View Post
    So I managed to get the unit (Legionary_Italica) into the game as a upgraded version for the marian legion. Only problem is, as Roma_Victrix explained the legion holds the shield like a spaz. Also their stature is a little shorter than EB units.
    What would be the issue in holding the shield wrong? and I noticed they're throwing the pilum the opposite side as well
    Nice work!
    That's an issue with their model/skeleton which is different from EBII. I've had the same issues when exporting units from other mods. Sadly there isn't much you can do unless you know how to work on the models itself but you can always ask someone if they can help.

  17. #57
    Roma_Victrix's Avatar Call me Ishmael
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    Default Re: Late Roman Legionaries (lorica segmentata) submod for EB II v. 2.1b

    Quote Originally Posted by Lusitanio View Post
    Nice work!
    That's an issue with their model/skeleton which is different from EBII. I've had the same issues when exporting units from other mods. Sadly there isn't much you can do unless you know how to work on the models itself but you can always ask someone if they can help.
    I'm always pleasantly surprised to see continued interest in this old sub-mod of mine. Good luck and power to anyone who is capable of fixing these underlying issues! I was never really able to get them to work in a manner that was completely satisfactory. A shame, but then again lorica segmentata armor, while dating as far back as the late 1st century BC during the reign of Augustus and hence the last phase of the EBII timeline, doesn't became prevalent in the archaeological record until the mid-1st century AD, and not even prominent in Roman artwork until the reign of Trajan in the early 2nd century AD. It would be cool if someone made a unique custom sub-mod with EBII style legions that had a mixture of late Marian legionaries wearing the three main types of armor: lorica segmentata, lorica hamata, and lorica squamata.

    Only centurions and other ranking officers continued to wear traditional muscled cuirass breastplates by the reign of Augustus, right?

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